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He looks scared.
Damn, where did you find this picture of me?
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average 2nd edition enjoyer
Let people enjoy things
Pic always relevant, I see.
Tell that to the 40kids. They've been shitting on every other wargame for decades. Now that they are kinda down right now, it's time to kick them in the ribs.
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Average Kill Team enjoyer.
What happened?
The hobby has been infiltrated and lost, like every other hobby before it, to DEI.
The general state of the game has them feeling pretty bad and disillusioned right now. Not only that, but they are trying to flee to other wargames and being soundly rejected by all of their respective communities.
Let’s migrate to Battletech!


Trench crusade


You 40kucks have no where to turn
I know. There's no hope or salvation left. The future is grim and I hate what I see more and more every day.
Are you referring to the crowd that twitter and reddit stereotypes would call “chuds” from the 40k community?
At least his models are painted. I take way more issue with the greytiders than someone with a dorky shirt and glasses. Sadly the greytiders infest the local 40K scene and I have to stick to Infinity and Battletech if I want to see two fully painted armies in a game.
These guys have never even heard of Conquest, Bushido, Kings of War etc. as they don't actually enjoy the hobby, just 'pwning teh libz' on Twitter or wherever. It's for the best that they stay in their containment game.
Both these dudes look like they're putting money on their dice rolls.

"5$ I roll sixes"

Have you ever gambled money on your match?
Grey tide is part and parcel of playing 10th edition. Literally never played a game against a fully painted army in 10th. Always something new “they wanna try out” that’s grey.

Noone ever gave me a hard time for having an unpainted Battletech model, or even no model at all. Part of the problem is that you 40k people don't even play your game, you just paint models and make spreadsheets, and it is because 40k is not a very fun game to play and it takes too long. People don't need nice looking models to enjoy Battletech, although it certainly adds to the experience.
Don't hate the player, hate the game
Hilarious that 10th is shat on so hard but is unironically the best edition in years because its very easy to learn. It also got rid of tonnes of shit players moaned about like cutting strategems down a tonne.
The no flavour complaint is ignorant because its an edition with indexes. Meaning every faction is designed for the edition and is fairly competitive. In most editions you have the last editions codex which is half compatible and usually weak as shit. But it has flavour as its a full codex.

By the time most factions have codices the flavor will be mostly back minus retarded shit like a billion strategems and secondaries. Im not for the way army comp and points is done in 10th but atleast you can pick up and play.
In 9th the game was an impenetrable mess with the base rules and insane constant changes.
Sure I miss flavour but 10th is clearly a soft reboot of the rules and plays nice and fast.
Why don't you faggots just play historicals? You have the cognizance to recognize what slop GW games are, yet you only ever try to replace it with different brands of slop.
Because then they would have to paint models and learn to play a wargame. The freed up income would probably also cause heroin addiction in some
Uh maybe because I like shotguns space armour and aliens?
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>Uh maybe because I like shotguns space armour and aliens?
Is this satire or did you spit out the most low T redditor response naturally?
The thing is that players can 3d print all the models they could ever want for less than GW sells them, there are many many different rulebooks and codexes to buy from old editions that GW will never see a penny from, not to mention any custom rules to supplement any 40k edition that they want to play. GW is alienating a lot of its fanbase at a time when they are more replaceable than ever. They have video games to thank for their success as much as anything, and they manage to mess those up real good too
>t. tard who was never a part of any hobby other than dick eating
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Nigga is doin tricks on it
>tiny cuck board
>le gaming mat
>L shaped ruins everywhere
>giant, obnoxious pie plate objectives
>playing in an official GW
Ah, nu-40K
Watch them do a crossover with Black Rifle Coffee
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>Let’s migrate to Battletech!
wait, they really didn't try and migrate to 40k?
no downsides
no problems
no worries
40k remains the gatekeeping game
the fuck does it have to do with the fucking brainrotted american bay area semen chuggers?
40kiddies are the retards who stuck with a game as it became more popular and stripped away everything that made it 40k bit by bloody bit.
they are faggots who need to furiously cope
I thought that was Anthony Fantano at first.
So play Xenos Rampant or something. Anything is better than 40k.
You are so annoyed just stop it
Ain’t no way in hell am I joining a 4Chan Discord.
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>I’m tired of these bait threads does anyone actually want to talk about Warhammer normally?
>link to a discord
The real issue is that 40k players aren't actually wargamers in the same way 5e only fags are not RPG players
they actually have to learn new rules, acclimate with the community, and learn the real spirit of the wargaming hobby to get into other games (gentlemen's codes, no competitive bullshit, not comparing the game to 40k constantly, etc.), but they don't care to actually do that, they just want to play 40k still but reskinned with different models
this is why they always fail to join these other game communities, 40kfags are secondaries to the wider wargaming hobby in the same way liking one mainstream band and claiming you're a fan of the whole genre will get you laughed at by actual enjoyers of that music
>Uh maybe because I like shotguns space armour and aliens?
the mods on that server are angling for teenagers
It is no surprise to me that they prefer them as young as they can get them

10th is unequivocally worse than 9th.

There's no customization, listbuilding is so open there's no opportunity cost to running anything.
Agreed. I have a buddy who got into 9th Ed and when 10th rolled around he got on it obviously but I went to Heresy and his attitude is so far gone from any mentally stable person.
>you’re too dumb for 40K
>you’re a causal player
>you’re a grognard
>dude you just don’t read the rules
>yeah okay I know vehicle rules are gay but like if the vehicle can shoot from its antennae you can target the whole tank from it antennae too so it’s fine

Meanwhile he’s been sitting on an unpainted 2k point army for over a year and will try his hardest to table you in any game. I did a 2v2 with him and he actually got mad at me because I didn’t go full sweat and bring angron in a 1k list.
Stuff that never happened
What I like in 10'th
- internal unit diversity, each with a special ability
- weapon keywords and USR's are super-useful
- better balance of Strength and Toughness than 9'th, not as lethal, way fewer mortal wounds
- plays faster (but at what cost!)

What I really dislike about 10'th
- zero army customization, pick out of 4-5 detachments and 4 relics. That's it, end of options.
- free wargear (horrible idea - leads to "single correct way" of equiping your models)
- no more psychic powers (cornerstone of the 40k universe, reduced to "I cast Gun")
- ppm gone, can't take as many units as you have/want
- each army got the same unit abilities (redeploy, free strat, +1 CP cost for opponent, etc, all faction identity is lost from ability point of view)
- zero complexity - since there's no more customization, each game feels identical, especially for armies with very few datasheets (Votann, WE, TS, Knights, Custards)
- zero flavor - remember when Eldars got -1 Ld when near Slaanesh daemons? or when the Avatar was immune to flamers and meltas? Good times
- my special rule symbolizing my faction identity? Sustained Hits 1 (conditional)

I've gone back to 9'th last month with my friends, and it honestly feels way better and more fun. 10'th is like the "training wheels" edition. like a mobile port of what used to be PC-exclusive. it's literally only made for retards who just want to throw dice at each other, and can't be bothered to read rules
They look depressed.
Everyone was depressed in the 90s, son.
>10th is good because it got rid of all the stuff that made armies interesting

How far we've fallen
Not the guy standing up!
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why do none of these boards lay the ruins out in a way that looks llike a real city street, with scatter in between. they're always too crooked. Older editions prioritized the board looking like a believable location.
Because these people are no longer 'wargaming' - they give no thought to the underlying narrative behind the battle they're fighting, or the environment in which the conflict would play out, they are simply 'playing warhammer' like you would Monopoly or Magic the Gathering
B-b-but anon, that's not optimal! One side has much more cover! This isn't tournament legal!
Imagine how much hairy 80s pussy Andy Chambers crushed back in the day with that Lemmy Kilminster haircut/muttonchops combo
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>Painted models
I have yet to meet a 40k player with painted miniatures.
It’s the same reason you don’t have things like d66 charts for various effects / vehicle damage tables. They’d call it “unfair” and “swingy”.
I saw a votann player with just empty bases trying to play a game. Insane.
Because of balancefaggotry.

Every day, I am proven right on my conclusion that balance is in direct opposition to good design.
Why do they always make this face?
Yeah because it relies on the player base to inform any changes in the interest of “balance” and as we know the players are retards.
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GW has been alienating their long-time players for years now in the hopes of courting people who unironically use the term "child" on Twitter, despite the fact these people would be happier playing Malifaux. Female and wheelchair bound space marines on the horizon, it's so fucking over.
don't mention wheelchairs, those idiots are going to start bringing up dreadnoughts
>once they remove the genocidal and misogynistic language from the game completely i might consider starting to play it myself
Why don't they just say they want to play something else?
Exactly. Malifaux exists. Infinity exists. Battletech exists.
Oh I know this one. It's not that they want a specific thing, it's about noone else being allowed to like things they don't approve of.
>Have you ever gambled money on your match?
A few times. Mostly small bets. Like loser has to buy the pizza or whatever.
>why do retards that aren't in the hobby already want to play the retard game instead of the games you actually need to look to find?
It is a mystery.
>Infinity exists
An average female infinity mini would put this dude in coma
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>GW invalidated my headcanon
>billions must die
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Words cannot express how much I hate tourists, normies and gen-pop trash. Everything they touch turns to shit, like some sort of reverse Midas touch
Then stop touching stuff faggot
Go back to 4th using the 3rd ed codexes. You'll be amazed at how quicker you can play games, how it encourages customisation of your units & characters, how generally simple the rules are (though I'd house rule away templates).
Note: DO NOT succumb to the moronic idea to house rule adding split fire. Not being able to split fire is a vital part of what made the early editions great tactically.
let me guess, you're a long term veteran from 2017!
lmao, even
>he thinks im just talking about warhammer
I said "everything"
But no Im 35 and started a couple of years into 3rd
I always wanted to be that mad looking bastard when I grew up.
It didn't work out, ended up more like Adrian Wood from White Dwarf.
This isn't real. Haven't checked out 10th edition yet, but there's no way this is real.
What the fuck do you mean by this? Do you imply that long-term veterans want to make 40k more sterile? I'm so tired of this gaslighting shit.
Abstract objectives for holding different board edges or arbitrary spots on the battlefield has been a staple of 40k for longer than you've been alive.
>set up on the retarded marsh board
>roll off for 1st turn
>the person who wins the roll off shoots the other army off the board in that single turn
>one player didn't get to play but at least you get to feel superior to "balancefags" who expect a game to be fun
But he's a POTENTIAL buyer, gotta appease to him.
>set up on fun marsh board
>be using night fighting rules to represent marsh fog so cannot see any enemy units yet, shooting ranges greatly reduced
I fail to see the problem
>come on bro play against my world eaters on empty board where you're not allowed to shoot it'll be fun bro
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>empty board
It clearly says there "the swampy areas have been directlly modelled onto the board itself"
those swampy areas in brown would be difficult terrain for movement, potentially slowing anyone down who doesn't take the longer route around the grassy sections. it also has a few copses of dense trees that would prevent movement through them as well as a bunker.
I'm beginning to think you've never tried to play a good edition or apply any thought to how to make a fun scenario and are either a modern compfag or a nogames.
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>night fighting rules
>blacksun filters
Only hurting yourself.
This is what I hate the most. This is the attitude many of these corporations have.
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Rivers and swamps, trees, hills and god forbid, dangerous terrain, are all unfathomable and esoteric concepts to the post-7th dataslate-shitter.
They know only the L-shaped mdf and the neoprene objective marker
You can draw random secondaries or choose fixed but it’s the norm to run random secondaries. Burn one each turn and draw I think it is.
based and upgradepilled
I put searchlights on all my ork vehicles just in case night fight comes up, but in a campaign when the casualties start to ramp up and points need to start being shaved off to keep the army supplied with fresh bodies, the sometimes upgrades like those are probably the first to go

very sad
there's nothing inherently wrong with an L-ruin, I have a few in my cityfighting setup, but they're not the only kind in there and they look much better organized into streets with a lot of scatter and rubble between them.
Long term veterans aren't racist tourist chuds wanting to spread culture war bullshit in the hobby we've been involved with for 30+ years.
Games Workshop was made what it is by vehemently anti-Thatcher members of the British working class, it was woke before you were even born.
I’d be fine with the abstract objectives if they weren’t so generic. I am now curious; did older editions have faction / army specific secondaries?
>he thinks we're going to let tau be a playable faction in our retro club
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>having to shoot within 24” is now “not being able to shoot”
>there's nothing inherently wrong with an L-ruin
In theory they are fine, in practice I hate them because 1 half of the building just vanished and every structure on the table is conveniently half-bombed. No intact buildings, nothing thats actually been blasting to rubble and is just 4 short walls surrounded by debris, just 4 buildings that have been neatly bombed in half.
>I'm beginning to think you've never tried to play a good edition or apply any thought to how to make a fun scenario and are either a modern compfag or a nogames.
Or that when you're playing an earlier edition, games are much quicker, so it's possible to play more than one game in a relatively short timeframe like an afternoon so you can play a more competitive game and a less balanced one for fun.
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Yeah, they had political views, but they created Warhammer to get away from the world.
>did older editions have faction / army specific secondaries?
Not faction specific no, but certain scenarios did have secondary objectives like killing their warlord or breaking through and ending up in their deployment zone.
Okay that’s a lot like HH, which is my frame of reference because everyone local is against playing anything that isn’t the newest edition / game. Somehow that irks me less than what they have now, probably because they can cater the secondary to the mission rather than being random.
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I have low crumbled walls on all sides of mine, on retangular or square bases, so that I can push together any 2+ ruins to make up a larger ruined structure with some busted internal walls and rubble
it's much nicer than freestanding corners
they're not particularly special looking, just foamboard covered in texture paste and painted a blue-grey, but they're fun to play on
Yeah see those are proper buildings laid along in road in a layout that would make sense in a functional settlement.
Good terrain would play a game of cityfight on
>Long term veterans aren't racist tourist chuds wanting to spread culture war bullshit in the hobby we've been involved with for 30+ years.
What culture war shit? I literally want this hobby to stay the way it is, I don't give a fuck about american identity politics garbage and I don't want to see it anymore.
The only meaningful difference I see here is that it looks like the 2nd edition players actually put in the time in to build there terrain. No love put into the 10th edition table
>Complains about 40k being a long game.
>Plays battletech
He's right though and HH sucks ass.
It’s pretty bland in terms of just being space marines but I’m enjoying it more than 40K atm
>Being an elitist over mats
Oh, really? That's a thing now?
kinda telling on yourself if the only way you can imagine playing scenario specific narrative rules is if you're being taken advantage of by a tryhard retard that can't win any other way
you must be a real pathetic spineless bitch, I can't even imagine being bullied by WAAC autists
>checkers is better than chess
>it was woke before you were even born.
>we had always been at war with Eastasia
He immediately assumed that an uneven board is with the intent of being abused. Really gives you an insight into the state of 40K and how it’s engaged by players.
I never said anything about Gaz's name.
Read the last line of Mr. Chambers post. They were trying to forget about the world.
Is this a copy pasta? I saw the exact same post in one of the trench whatever threads yesterday
That's going in the spank bank
Sorry anon, broke brained culture warriors can’t deal with things existing that aren’t solely dedicated to their political takes.
Terrain was always the main reason to be in this hobby for me. With todays shitty mats I just can't get the energy to even care anymore.
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Some battlemat are textured, but they tend to cost an arm and a leg. Personnaly, as with my gaming comrades we don't have enough space at our places to set up a proper table, it's simpler to just rent spaces for a few hours and bring our scenery and battlemat.

Picrel a Bolt Action game we had a few weeks ago.
who has a good recast site that isn't wartable
essentially >>92820410 this. its a form of social bullying and psychological attack
i ended up with the paul sawyer look
could be worse, gav thorpe looks like somebody drew a face on a balloon
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Seeing some of the defences of 10th in this thread, how the posters' brains work, wew.

Let people enjoy different things and all (kind of conveniently for them they magically enjoy the largest miniature wargaming company's largest product) but sheesh. Live a bit. Engage in whimsy.
You don’t understand how thoroughly groomed these consumers have been, anon. To them, models are a GW product, rules are only useable if currently sanctioned (you can’t just play an older edition!), only citadel paints can be used, warhammer tv has the only tutorials, noone makes scenery anymore

Talking to the average Warhammer shop customer is INSANE
>Malifaux exists.
RIP (pre-bloat) the best game going.
Both of those are rotted as hell by wokes though?
Trench Crusade is literally wokeist vaporware
I fear the day my hair goes on permanent vacation. : (
I feel like narrative gameplay is a completely alien concept to them too. Why do they always insist on everything being so fine tuned in balance terms?
>it was woke before you were even born.
Please anon, don't tell me you just tried to conflate current era identity politics with 80's anti-establishment discontent.
If that's what makes the hobby happen for your group then I'm all for it. The thing is that access to a sculpted table with features modeled into the play surface was once understood to be highly desirable, but the modern waacfag is confused and frightened by uneven ground and so he pushes for Warmahordes-style football pitch boards with clearly marked scoring areas and terrain so generic it can be replaced with a paper footprint. This was never a concern for 40K players until GW started listening to waacfags.
Not for a while, they’ve been getting progressively more woke and have dropped the anime inspired style in favour of woke cadslop, essentially all their new releases have been expensive trash.
I hate these people so fucking much.
No they don't, stop lying
They've switched to CAD 10 years ago
Complaining about mats is such a bizarre thing to do. They're great for gameplay, convenient to store and look good with proper terrain on them too. A detailed table top can look amazing but it doesn't take much for that detail to start negatively impacting playability. They're more difficult to store, more prone to damage and the more detail you add to them, the less variation you're able to have.
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I understand your point, I also take a table that is a bit impractical to play with over "random battle mat with one objective in the center and one in each corner, plus L-Shaped carboard ruins".

However, I still think than battlemat with the proper amount of scenery will produce some gorgeous results, with the added option of modularity.

terrain features such as hills are a bit of a pain tho
Current era identity politics is just a continuation of tory/republican politics of the 80's. Anti-migrant, pro-white nationalist, pro-evangelical, anti-gay, anti-working class & anti-union, and that was just a continuation of the same politics from the 60's & 70's hating on hippies, italians, and calling anyone you disagreed with a dirty communist.
Ah yes, I remember seeing everyone waving pride flags at the miners strikes and protests.
retard take
Anon, no, you don't understand, people who fought for workers' rights in the 20th century and current-gen american ID-pol fetishists are totally the same!
Fighting for more queer sex in boardgames is just a continuation of a centuries-long strife for better working conditions for millions of people!
Hello and welcome back to Auspex Tactics where today it's another 4chan thread of chuds complaining and for the points it's really quite gud
>anti-working class & anti-union
That's mutually exclusive
Unions are scam, see UAW as example
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The real reason all these ”people” only ever use L ruins is because GW decided to start discouraging people from making their own terrain, and instead use the official GW terrain kits, lack of dangerous terrain is also largely because of this since that’s something you have to make yourself most of the time, and these goyslop gulpers can’t fathom the concept of using or making something that isn’t ”Le heckin official product!(!)”.
That is part of the problem, yes, but also, "muh balance" require the restriction of terms and potential outcomes in order to even begin comparing what goes into something. It is inherently restrictive and works against immersive gameplay.
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>Games Workshop was made what it is by vehemently anti-Thatcher members of the British working class, it was woke before you were even born
Also, british working class doesn't exists
Why do you dishonest faggots *always* lie and gaslight? It's always the same retarded, deceitful pattern of behavior.
>Lesbians Against Pit Closures (LAPC)
Catchy, lol
>LGBT group shoves their politics into completely unrelated cause
Many such cases.
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>Faggots try to subvert a grassroots movement to push their freakshit politics.
Like clockwork.
Given enough time it seems every left-leaning movement eventually contorts into wanting to cum in another mans asshole
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>be American
>be retarded
>as if lgbt community showed up to support miners strikes
>is shown lgbt community showing up to support miners strikers
>that doesn't count you're just subverting the miners strike
a real strike doesn't include any other supportive elements also being oppressed by capitalism
>you should reject LGBT, ethnic and other minority communities to keep your movement small and white so you can't build broadbased solidarity
like clockwork
I've come to realise what a fucking dick i must have sounded to the older fellas at various games clubs talking about stuff that happened in the 60s and 70s when I was a gobshite teenager. Sorry, gents.
>being oppressed by capitalism
Your whole identitiy was created in a corporate boardroom
I’ve seen this tau oc here multiple times is she a reference to a canon character? Or just a coomer oc that gets a lot of fanart?
>Long term veterans aren't racist tourist chuds
>Long term veterans
>Uses neologisms like "chud"
Nice try
lol do people really believe this shit when it was the tories who forced through the highest immigration rates in history, it's illegal to be a white nationalist, its illegal to be anti-gay, religion is irrelevant in this country
anti-working class yes, but so is everyone else
>lol do people really believe this shit
They don't, it's pure gaslighting
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Does 10th edition even support mission types other than 'stand on the circles'? I've never seen a picture of a 10th board that didn't have circles on it and some units even have the idea that they're going to be standing on a circle baked into their special rules.
Difficult terrain that doesnt block line of sight doesn't matter when your tank flies and throws around 5 inch pie plates of "delete space marine squad" anywhere it can see on the table.
I’ve played maybe 8 games of 10th and it’s always objective based missions I’ve played. The players are incapable of playing anything that isn’t in the newest mission pack so it’s almost always those circles and muh symmetrical terrain and shit.
>anywhere it ccan see on the table
forgetting the fog again?
>tank that flies
Is this the new Primaris rhino alternatives or how blood angels vehicles worked in the day?
blood angels could deep strike some tanks in 5th, but not in 4th which is where those pics are from
Sounds like this anon has been having "fun" with the Taros Campaign aircraft rules.
Every Primary Mission in Leviathan involves objective markers, but some of them encourage you to do more than just stand on them. For instance, The Ritual lets you place down new objective markers during the game, Deploy Servos Skulls lets you move the objective markers you control and encourages you to move them into your opponents deployment zone, and Scorched Earth let's you destroy the objective markers you control for some victory points at the end of the game.
I'm talking about the Tau Hammerhead.

Black Sun Filters, night becomes day.
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that doesn't magically remove night fighting it just increases your odds of seeing through it, and the hammerhead large blast does not have enough AP to 'delete space marine squad', they still get a 3+
>none of them are natives.
Well, I noticeeeeeeed.
Wasn't the ion cannon on that thing S7 AP3 or was it AP4?
As armies, they're literally older than AdMech, Knights, and Custodes combined.
Some of the models in ad mech like kastelans, priests, and even skitarii had old representations. I think there's even a skitarii model from 2nd but only just the one.
Saw a guy the other day playing Old World with pieces of paper with stats and dice on them.

Lol yeah, I've talked to people who won't play onepagerules because they think you need to buy new models or it "doesn't feel right to play a non GW game with GW models."

Absolute consoomer brain. Half the reason I stopped playing GW games.
Tbf it’s probably because he literally couldn’t buy the models he wanted Kek but yeah idk I’m of two opinions on that. If you can’t afford or access the minis it makes sense but that guy literally bought the big starter box and couldn’t be arsed to paint or even build it.
Yes, given enough time right wingers think about cuming in men's assholes
the ion cannon in 4th ed is ap3 but it's not a blast, it's heavy 3
you can fire it at marine infantry but it'd be a bit of a waste, it's better fired at monsters and light vehicles or walkers. You could potentially kill 3 marines with it, if you hit and wound.
Aha, I thought that was the one with the large blast, it's been a long time.
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that'd be railgun submunitions
4th has much less AP across the board, and with the way it's AP system works that means marines are able to save against all but the beefiest of guns, which to me makes them feel a lot tankier than a subtractive AP system with more wounds to track like current 40k has.
>muh symmetrical terrain
Boooring. Why does everything have to be so fucking perfectly balanced in 10th Edition? Bores the absolute tits off me.
DESU whats worse then the player, is the table.
Ever since late 7th ed, every fucking table is the same shit,
>Corners of buildings
Thats fucking it ever.
The players have deluded themselves into thinking this could be a competitive / tournament game exclusively.
Yeah and its fucking awful i hate it, when my group played 7th ed we always made like full city scapes or military bases or had feral worlds set up.
We even did one game with hostile native plants/animals and randomly out of a terrain feature something might pop out you had to fightg.
This guy is like 5’5” and his “team” is all his teenage sons and they’ve gone from wearing purple tshirts as their jersey to slacks and purple vests. Very m’lady jester look.
What an absolutely disgusting board, zero out of ten
>This guy is against trans rights!
>Must be some sort of fag!
Why are leftoids like this
It's not the ones on the left who started talking about cuming in men's assholes.
Absolutely pathetic cope, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about you lunatic troon
There is no more Thatcherite organisation than Games Workshop you fucking idiot, the creation and growth of the company perfectly coincides with every single policy and couldn't have existed without it. None of the founders or OGs were working class either. That you are able to spout off such fucking idiocy indicates that you are a zoomer or God forbid an american
>>Abstract objectives for holding different board edges or arbitrary spots on the battlefield has been a staple of 40k for longer than you've been alive
Wrong again Jyssika, as always
fear grimace
>make claim about knowing what the hobby was like a long time ago
>loudly proclaim that someone is getting shot off the board in a game of 4th
>This guy is like 5'5" and winning at life in spite of it
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What happened to 40K? It's barely recognizable at this point?
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>the mortar aiming away from the entire battlefield can target any enemy model on the field even the ones behind it
>no scatter or templates
>stalwart and tough death guard crammed behind shitty L shaped slop just to avoid getting tabled in case they connected
Go second not connected*
>Gay people
>Oppressed by capitalism
Because the soviets were so much better towards the gays. Oh wait, no they weren't. In fact, Cuba, China, and North Korea are more repressive than the US.
>Like clockwork
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It gets worse
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The greatest love story ever told, Slaanesh and the Aeldari race. Its like Slaanesh is Pepe LePew and the aeldari are that sexy cat playing hard to get
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This is the guy that leaked Cursed City onto 4chan. They called GW for days demanding he be fired.
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BitsHammer then went on to claim none of this happened. He's basically one of the lead FSM weirdos.
And that's your nightly allotment of black pills. Would dispense more, but I don't want you to OD.
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Wrong file, sorry.
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Wrong file, again.
>keeping a folder of tweets that made you mad
>Nazis are people who like their lore to stay consistent.
>But somehow, me, a anti- free speech, anti-freedom, boot licking, goose stepping, authoritarian faggot, am not a Nazi.
>maintaining an archive of evidence is LE BAD. IT JUST IS OK
I would dispassionately murder you and go about my day as if nothing eventful happened.
>Doxxing and harassment is just tweets that made you mad
Seriously, go back to Sigmarxism.
>I compulsively archive the deranged ravings of trannies on twitter but I'm totally dispassionate guys
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I value this anon's sacrifice. He's a hero for bringing us this from the sewers
He's spreading the sewers here. He is jamming the airwaves with tranny ravings.
>j-just let us be shitty people, stop keeping receipts bigot
Tumblr has thoroughly colonized your brain
never been there. neologisms tend to spread around the internet. says more about you if that's where you know the phrase from.
I learned that term from Kat Williams
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Anon, the biggest promoters of idpol have hammer&sickles in their bios. They love black/arab/latinx/native/whatever ethnocentrism and promote it constantly and complain about there being "too many" white characters in fiction media.

The normie right (neocons) are more anti-idpol in practice and are more likely to be pro-jew than pro-white by any means. Actual white nationalists are a literal minority and don't hold institutional power.

I doubt that a bunch of white men in the 1980s in the UK were as cucked as modern leftoids like you. They loved heavy metal and Dune (Frank Herbert was right-wing) and cheesy action movies and they slopped them all together into 40k. All the artwork was male-focused and white-focussed and they didn't give a shit about "diversity" because they were selling it to other white male nerds. They weren't a bunch of troons crying about "black oppression" or whatever. Wokeness is a modern disease that crept into some of the GW team, spurred-on the the UK's absurd speech laws and leftoid-controlled media. Wokeness isn't even grassroots, since you had UK leftoids crying about George Floyd and police supposedly oppressing African Americans when it had nothing to do with you. Wokeness is ironically a very corporate American thing (BlackRock, etc.) that gets forced on other countries akin to imperialism.
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I'm so bored of incel accusations.

It's seemingly the only way people know how to tilt at a guy these days.

I'm also not sure what your ability to get sex has to do with any of your other virtues. I mean FFS like a third of the kids are being fathered by sociopaths with no parental instincts at this point.
Archivists are known for their autism, not rage you humbling spook
>we have to remove genocide from 40k
I've been saying that the woketards are gonna turn 40k into some MLP-tier kidified safe-edgy bullshit. It's ironic some people on /tg/ seethe about Arch when all he's really said is "don't change the lore or the tone". They hated Jesus because he told the truth.
Ok, one last demented rambling. Then it's off to bed. You guys have been the white pill I needed.
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lel, everybody now dwarfs are the jews of fantasy/sci-fi settings.
I know it's 3am and I'm half asleep, but I can't follow this.
What the fuck is he trying to imply?
Nids = jews
Exterminating nids = holocaust
what it says on the box, he reckons nids are sekrit jew symbolism by and for antisemites
honestly mate seems like a false flag
>Things that nogames losers make up to try and fit in
As someone who actually goes. outside and is involved with my local wargamming community no one is souring on 10th. What all these threads are really about is grogs having a shitfit no one wants to play 4th/6th with them.
>They hated him because he spoke the truth.

Unironically, this. Retards who don't play the game whine about such gems as
Currently, 10th is unironically some of the best balance (certainly the best consistant updating) we've had in a long time. It had a rough launch with a couple things (Knights and Eldar come to mind), but as it stands, no factions are shitting out 70% winrates and "new codex" no longer means "absolutely busted and overpowered" until the next codex release. My gripes with 10th are minor, and I honestly have no problem at all with how they've simplified list building. I also have no problem with what they've done via multiple data sheets (Gladiator variants, the "new" Tau Crisis Suits sheets); it allows for very clear reading of units, allows for points be individually adjusted, and allows for additional unit abilities to be given to units that would otherwise be the same but just with different wargear.
The only thing that I mildly dislike (though understand why it was done) is fixed unit sizes.
I will agree that 10th is lacking in flavour, but that's what happens when you strive for balanced game play. A strictly balanced game gives every player the exact same toolset to work with; as you add variation between the things that players have access to, you begin to lose the ability to achieve balance because you simply begin juggling too many balls. This is why you see a lot of ability "copy and paste" between factions: GW wanted to allow for easier inter-faction balance. If everybody gets access to a Vect, it's far less of a balance issue. If you want someone to blame for this, blame competitive players.
I've a question for everybody complaining about competitive 40k forcing "balance" via homogenized rules/L-shaped ruins/boring everything on to the playerbase: Why don't you play Crusade? Maps and missions can be wildly unbalanced in order to be thematic, they allow for a variety of customization, and they solve quite a few of the problems that have been brought up. Hell, even points changes can be flat-out ignored if they change during your campaign. Crusade is the GW-approved antidote to competitive balance changes. Also, please don't conflate WAACfaggotry with competitive play, they're legitimately two different things. WAACfags would actually prefer some level of imbalance so that they can exploit it (eg. playing a broken +70% winrate army) rather than levelling the playing field so hard that all flavour is removed from the game. Competitive players (that aren't also WAACfags) generally want a balanced game so that they're not winning on gay shit like paint points, time outs, or imbalanced rules/abilities and actually have to play the game with some level of skill to achieve success.

>unionized big 3 employee
>make $42/hr to move boxes

As corrupt as the UAW was/is, wages and benefits are significantly better than any comparable jobs.
Why is it always about sex with you people?
>wages and benefits are significantly better than any comparable jobs.
Yeah it surely helped Detroit
Wow that's stupid.
>Why don't you play Crusade?
I'll answer, since I fit your target audience. Crusade feels like an afterthought, an alternative game mode. It doesn't get as much advertising or attention as "main" 40k. Actually, a containment area for the non-tourney crowd now I think about it. "You've got crusade bro just play that."
Plus, mention of "crusade" invariably goes along with mention of "campaign" (like in your post), which implies a bigger time investment than just getting together with your mates for an afternoon here and there, where you want to play a matched play game with points so that there's a reasonable expectation of balance for your afternoon's gaming.
And thirdly you just never hear of anybody playing it either, both IRL and on youtube battle reports.

So, if I want to be ushered off to a containment game to play a version of 40k that nobody is playing so that GW can keep pandering to the tourney/MtG crowd, I'll just play 3rd/4th (which is what I have been doing since 2022 when I came back to the game after putting it down mid-8th edition). That, and occasionally checking in to see if the mainline 40k game has gotten any more accommodating for my tastes.
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Sewer-anon here! Turns out, these people are just, actually evil.
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I don't play Crusade because I genuinely hate the lore, but if anyone else wants to play it- I genuinely won't fault them.
>Pic unrelated- most vocal FSM supporter not knowing stuff that was common knowledge editions ago.
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Btw, these people think that if they don't ruin Warhammer, the Fourth Reich will happen. I would show more receipts, but it's genuinely shit for my mental health.
He at least has games, Anon.
>he doesn’t know how much of black lingo white fags steal
Episode 2861 of Jews saying the quiet part out loud.
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>ummmmm no customization or wargear is actually good because I’m a retard
>ummmm dem evil grognards wouldn’t let me proxy a empty 100mm base for the new meta centrepiece I HECKIN HATE WYSIWYG
>ummmm it’s fine if all the special rules and abilities across all armies are nothing more than rerolls and more rerolls because it makes it easier to le balance
>flavor? Fluff? Bro this detachment gives this one specific type of unit free rerolls bro :O isn’t that le fluffy and epic?!
Crusade is just a containment zone for narrative players. I’m not sure if you’ve actually looked at the rules for it (don’t blame you if you haven’t) but it’s a mess.
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Oh, and the "welcoming" crowd wants to kick people out of the hobby.
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"people who don't like the way I want to change 40k are incels" is such a strange thing for a progressive inclusive type to say. "The worst insult I can call you inherently implies that the only value and reason to interact with women is their vagina" doesn't seem to fit with their projected morals.

Isn't that the guy who got his bear pride and MAP pride marines featured in white dwarf?
White Dwarf? Not sure but he / she / it has been making the rounds all over any warhammer group posting their pride flag themed models. I genuinely believe these groups just use this person’s posts to filter out “chuds” or whatever. I just do not engage this retard or xis dogshit paint schemes. Worst part is this person is the one posting their own shit in the groups specifically to stir shit and bring le chuds out
>People who don't play the game voice the reasons why they stopped playing the game
Funny how that works, isn't it?
I don't have the receipts (because, gross!), but he posts in French when talking about diddler shit
Okay i didn’t even notice the MAP thing. So he just sort of hides it by posting it in French? Not that I don’t believe you but sauce? It’s just such a heavy accusation it warrants proof. Unsurprising though.
Check out Thor_Odinson on Twitter, I think. It might have been someone else, I might just be misremembering.
>Why don't you play Crusade?
Why bother? Crusade is just poor excuse for a crappy game-design and poor as main game-mode.
You saying he’s got the receipts? Thanks.
The main difference I feel is the increase in the types of nerds. It used to be really weird and strange to meet the actual adults that were into 40k. They were always akward, strange men in at least one way. Interesting people, but deficient in something hard to place. I remember as an 12 year old entering a game store and the men were smoking stogies and joking about the absurdities of life and telling me to not end up like them, like how their interests actually caused them social shunning. They were certainly more interesting than the soys of today, but still quite sad. This was a time of feeling bad for the average adult nerd. This was the end of third edition.

Now the current nerd is a wide grey ocean of diverse personalities who range from actual artists, to smelly gamers, to the normo dad. However, it is the normal young adult onions man with a well paying job who dedicates his whale money to this hobby and who's lack of creativity and time management eats away at his life. This is the true problem man ruining it all. A kid who grew up around 40k, and has fond memories of it, but who didn't grow into an adult who should be enjoying 40k. They should have a different hobby, but don't. The sadness of the adult nerd from 30 years ago is essentially replaced by the sad stagnation of the average adult man. They have no attention for it besides the game. They consider themselves nerds because they play videogames or watch nerd movies. The classic shunned nerd who hobbies in his basement at the cost of his mental, physical, and social health to make cool stuff is largely gone replaced by the average yuppie who doesn't have the chops to enjoy the hobby on any level.
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It's kinda wild how the onions thing has infected/replaced all the different types of nerds. I'd legit love to talk to a awkward 90's/00's IT guy instead of submitting my ticket to yet another capeshit/polyamory/beard guy at work. It would be thrilling to go into a game store and see a guy in a trenchcoat who thinks he's Silent Bob dicing off against an overdressed Catholic dude who calls himself a gentleman while a metalhead and a 50-ish year old engineer with Asperger's watch.

Kind of a similar thing going on with nerdettes too. Like you have the e-girls and they sometimes emulate subcultures like goth etc but it's always surface level aesthetics. And "enbies" have replaced archetypes like the tomboy and quirky theatre hoe. And when's the last time you've seen one of those elf-y looking geek girls who carried a book everywhere they went?
>BitsHammer sporting the incel flag

They call people incel as an insult, but then they basedface over the asexual flag.
It doesn't, there are just too many dinguses that refuse to play for fun, and only play when everything's a sterile, "balanced" environment. It's actually the same reason so many people cry about Legends rules restrictions, which literally only apply to GW-run tournaments.
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I miss playing 40K in the early/mid 00's.

People actually tried new gameplay modes. We did the Armaggedon campaign and gave Cities of Death a fair shake. We used scenarios out of White Dwarf.
I must have missed the briefing. Onions?
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It's a wordfilter for picrel.
Crazy how mad this reality makes faggots. Their delusions are a cancerous blight (much like their lives). They’ll destroy everything to protect them too, you lose no matter what by engaging with them other than telling them to hurry up and successfully kill themselves already,
Golems resemble their makers.
Everyone and their mothers were spamming plasma guns and shit in 4th. Batlle cannon was s8, ap3 fucking all over your toy soldiers. 3+ armor was a joke. 2+ armor barely cut it and better had come with 4++ to be worth it.
Just say the n-word, coward.
Understood. Thanks, anon
I knew it was all ogre when i saw a tranny was writing for space marine 2
God this is depressing- and this is coming from someone who used to play Malifaux with cardboard boxes.
>free wargear (horrible idea - leads to "single correct way" of equiping your models)
This was always true. Adding wargear cost didn't change shit.
>Games are much quicker
>So you can have more games where you get alpha striked off the board earlier.
There's nothing wrong with symmetrical pitched battles just like there's nothing wrong asymmetrical ones. The only problem is spergs.
Wow that picture is truly depressing, I really cant understand the appeal of tournaments.
maybe in your dogshit play group people spammed plasma but the trick is to simply not play with anyone who does that.
also tau don't have battle cannons and that whole conversation thread was clearly involving tau vs marines.
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London GT has a running theme of shit terrain.
Do tanks not at least have fire arcs these days or some shit? Why are they hugging each other behind a wall?
Fighting on daemon worlds is always a wild ride.
The real issue is that centralized organizations can be easily subverted but that won't stop GW from charging too much.
>not taking the Nightbringer in your 1000 point 'crons list
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Go play an old Edition of the game for a bit and see if you still hold these idiotic views. The game is pure shite these days, distilled down the sheer mediocrity in preference of pandering to tournament players.
Give me 5th Ed and earlier again any day, failing that 7th or earlier. 8th, 9th and 10th have just be steps in the completely wrong direction in my opinion.
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I have literally used the spike on my rhino peaking from the corner of a ruin to draw LoS and fire my havoc missiles / other ranged weapon (it’s a generic combi weapon or combi bolter now) around said corner into a group of troops. If I had sponson weapons like on a land raider I could have fired both las cannons into that squad using an exhaust port to draw LoS.
Fire arcs no longer exist, any weapon can fire as long as the enemy is visible from any part of the hull.

also 10th like 9th is all about hugging terrian as weapons reduce saves instead of either pen or dont
This is what the lack of an attentive father figure does to someone.

Only idiots like (You) would need 20 hours to kit a list in older 40k editions.
I know the store hes playing in and I assure you its not a gw store
It's because the line of sight and terrain rules for modern editions are specifically written so that any terrain that doesn't completely block line of sight to an entire unit is useless.
This is the future League of Legends players chose
The reality is Kill Team is a shit game and he's still a manlet who can't raise his kids right.
>Dumbing down the game system must be tolerated
>If you are not okay with the game system fading away from what you enjoy your the problem
Fuck off
Lol, terrain getting nerfed like that was one of the reasons DoW3 was so shit.
>3 twitter post with 3 likes between them
Get better ragebait
>all the soys at my onions shop don’t mind consuming Onions
>Onions must be good
>unironically the best edition in years because its very easy to learn.
so 10e is literally "Smoothbrain Edition"?
>and is involved with my local wargamming community no one is souring on 10th
I'm sorry your community is all zoomers anon.
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It’s the “I have to forget I’m wargaming and remember I’m playing League of Legends 40K (tm)” edition. You have to suspend disbelief so much like when a vehicle gets destroyed it’s removed from the table rather than left as terrain. Or when your enemy can “fall back” TOWARDS YOUR OTHER UNITS (because le epic fall back n charge stratagem). Just doesn’t feel right.
>like when a vehicle gets destroyed it’s removed from the table rather than left as terrain.
Does it even explode anymore when you take it out, or is it literally just lifted of the table with no further harm to anyone clustered round it?
For me it's that a bunch of armies' playstyle is "hopefully score enough standing in circles points so that after you're entirely wiped off the board in turn 3 you still somehow win despite having no physical presence in the battle anymore".
Explode on 6+
U mf fegit.
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Kek yeah that is the ultimate 10thoid cope. “Dude I know that this matchup is utterly one sided in the game in terms of combat and actual wargame mechanics but if you le score the random xD secondaries and sit on le circle you can win the abstract point game. It’s balanced grog”
This is just how tyranids see every planet.
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He said better ragebait. If this gets a rise out of you I think you might be so deep in the autism mines you'll never see the light of day.
>so deep in the autism mines you'll never see the light of day
Where do you think we are, anon?
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Got it.
Yeah there we go. Being mad about fallout lore is a lost cause since 3 and everyone knows it.
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So this guy is not only enjoying the superior tactical game in stylish attire but he's also doing it alongside his sons creating beautiful and fun memories with them? What's next he's actually a billionaire and his wife has huge tits?

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