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If I'm white, but appear racially ambiguous/pass for other races, is it unethical of me to use it as an advantage and lie/say I'm a different race when it's useful?
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>NEWSFLASH: nobody cares about morality, they care about getting ahead.
newsflash, that's not true.
Yes it is.
If people cared more about helping others than themselves, capitalism would be unnecessary and communism would have worked fine. People are much, much, much, much, much more selfish than they are moral
Spoiler: You aren't white
I love how no one even questions the premise. Its literally true that whites are at a disadvantage but if you bring this up to normies they just seek to ruin your life cause youre he king racist

Brown people unironically have no idea how hard life can be compared to contemporary white guys

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My hair is blackish - brown and it's turning grey...if anyone can provide some advice on how to properly care and treat the situation..

I don't want any hair products, only homemade or easy solution and advice.

Also i have patchy beard can someone tell me how to grow full beard without any products.
The proper solution for greying is dyeing.
there is nothing in the market that is proven to reverse greys

>Also i have patchy beard
minoxidil might help

So, I most likely have DID. I don't think I need to explain why I don't want to tell anyone that. We all know what the perception is, especially in a post-TikTok world. But it would be nice to be able to talk to my family about my problems, and how experiences like having alters and switching affect my life... just like, without calling it alters and switching.
Anybody got any good ideas for more coded language I could use around it, to open up to people without giving away the secret?

Married my wife a few months ago. Early in our relationship she found I was a huge porn addict, still using OnlyFans etc., being a real pig. It led to many fights but we ultimately still got married. Impregnated her on honeymoon, about 2 months pregnant now.
We had an agreement for me not to have any social media, or any accounts with forums etc. I still had a LinkedIn for work and she knew that. So, I also made some accounts on job board websites to find another job. Some of these job listing sites however had discussion sections.
Well, she flipped her shit, and is now saying she wants a divorce and is going to abort the baby.
I told her I'm sorry and I didn't think about it being an issue since it was job related, and she already knew I had LinkedIn, for example. I understand why I fucked up but I feel she is way overreacting here. I don't know what to do.
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>has a wife
>still can't stop stroking it to porn

lol faggot. you deserved to lose her.

She sounds like a whore anyways.
I'm not stroking it to porn, did you even read the post?
Probably fake story, who on 4chan (besides me) is actually married. But seriously she sounds awful. I masturbate to porn and have sex with my wife. You can do both and there's nothing wrong with that.
She is a idiot for marrying a low life. This is how a single mother is created.

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I have an optometrist appointment today but it's too late to cancel. I literally don't remember why I'm even going anymore. I think I remember wanting to get an updated prescription on my glasses but I basically never use my glasses anymore because my vision improved a lot from CXL surgery and my vision is still not set in, 6 months later. It would feel like a waste of money.

But I'm also pretty sure not going will incur a fee charge. But then going and telling them I have nothing I need from them might also do that and give me a pointlessly awkward moment.
>hundreds of thousands of years of bloodshed, famine and disease to produce this retard who's afraid of cancelling an eye appointment
dear god, please nuke this gay earth. thanks. sincerely, me.
the girl on the phone last time had a bitchy exasperated tone to her, I don't wanna face her again :(
get your estrogen levels checked
you're a jerk

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So me and my girlfriend have been trying to find a job, move out of our state, and get a house in a decent area. Obviously it is very difficult to do so with this shit market. Her mom owns a house that is paid off for that 4k square feet, 5 rooms, pool, 3 bathrooms, HOA(I hate these but choice do I have), etc. She says we are free to move there and get our own family started. Cool. We pay no rent or anything just help with bills and groceries. However, her mom never really liked me. Some weird reason she feels I am keeping her daughter away from her by not moving in. On top of that she says I'm poor and will never amount to high paying positions in life(boomer mentality I make like 52k). I've never met her mom in person or my gf's judgmental uncles before, so I feel like if I commit to this move to some Arizona suburb community, I'll feel trapped and constantly judged. My girl will already inherit the house as per the will so again there is no worry about mortgages or anything. Do I risk being the victim of her mom's whining and pray she eventually cools off, or do I just cope and suffer in my shithole state hoping things will get slightly better in the next year or two?
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Maybe she secretly wants to fuck you
>She says we are free to move there and get our own family started.
>However, her mom never really liked me. Some weird reason she feels I am keeping her daughter away from her by not moving in.
I don't think she hates you I think she just doesn't understand men. She thinks "why won't he just let my poor little girl be happy here with me!?" She probably doesn't understand this would be humiliating for a man to endure.

Try to calmly explain your reasons for not wanting to move in and your worries about judgemental inlaws to her. Then see where that takes you. Maybe you two can find a compromise, but regardless if she understands your pov then she might be less angry with you.
God I wish.
Make being nice to her mom like a game.
Enjoy doing it.
Make her mom like you.
If after some months you fail, just move out.
you can act all sad and shit when she still treats you poorly, so you can manipulate your girlfriend into hating her for treating you like shit.

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Alright, if there are any health anons here that would be great

I suffered from an umbilical hernia several months ago. It was very small, surgery was a success --no mesh. Recovery went well, took it easy. After a couple months, slowly started to reintroduce my previous activity. Mostly walking and other forms of cardio.

Out of nowhere --another umbilical hernia has appeared. This time it seems a bit worse/more painful. I'm very preemptive, getting it seen asap and such.

Anyway, now that this is a recurrent thing, I've looked up what I can do to prevent them, and I'm getting conflicting messages.

On one hand I see that I can introduce core exercises to help strengthen my abdominal wall and reduce pressure. On the other hand I see that it's entirely dependent on my abdominal fascia, and no amount of exercise will actually prevent anything.

This isn't just a Google search either, my primary care doc said perhaps physical therapy would help. And my surgeon said nah it's kind of a waste of time.

I'm 5'9" 135lbs, and I do more cardio rather than strength training. I'd rate my overall athleticism as a C+

Would love to hear any advice, specifically on whether or not strength training for your core will actually help you or not.

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I should have posted something like this last weekend but I'm a dumbass so here we are.

The context:
>23 Years old (Jesus it feels like it's over already)
>Started volunteering at a relative's workplace, sort of like an intern who helps with anything
>Not too much to do but it's keeping awake and organized
>Graduated with my degree a few weeks ago
>Started getting my resume together, very little prospects though beside two references
>Went for a job interview yesterday, doesn't seem promising but it was my first ever interview so whatever
>Physically handed out my resume to some 4 other places as well
>Keep looking for jobs online
>Not feeling great about life really, my degree and life isn't really going the way I was hoping it would
>I just wanna make money and move out now

My degree is in software development and I have an IT background.

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>Many places. Develop an app, free lance, fiverr, and so on. Just look up how a lot of people started on their own and go off how they did it. Network too, sure.
How do I network from here if I don't have a big social circle?

>They don't know shit.
They know its difficult and requires constant effort. I feel like it's too late to regret college though, nothing I can do about it.

>Anywhere in the USA except California, Oregon, DC, actually New England as a whole. Go find small town USA.
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep this in mind. I don't really need fancy, just stable.

>Starting your own business and being successful is not necessarily about money. The money is just a bonus, the best part is the victory of landing clients etc. I net about 140k/yr after I started my own business and I live in a camper on a $25k plot of land.
Congratulations, man.
Is there a specific brand of camper that is solid to look at?
Sorry for the late replies, I had to take care of stuff.
You go to bars, Kiwanis Club, volunteer at places, etc. Still, people hardly know life out of being a servant to someone else, even if they are paid well. This is not the way. Regarding a camper, literally anything. Just need a good truck to haul it.
Just respond, you don't need to announce anything. And don't apologize for anything unless it's meaningful.
Eckhart Tolle is a well known writer so nothing against him but the other guy Julien something is a terrible example to follow, I remember that years ago he was yet another one of those fraud pick up artists, so don't waste your time with him.

>consider myself to be pretty outspoken don't care much for what others think of me.
>crumble the SECOND my dad says anything negative about me.

i love my dad and i know he loves me, he's worked very hard for my family, he's never hit me, never any true emotional abuse but he's just such a fucking negative cunt all the time. I cant have a conversation with him, he never has anything good to say about what I'm doing in life and he just makes me feel like a faliure. I'm doing better than he was at my age, I'm getting paid more im looking at buying a house next year and he's just never had anything good to say about any of it and as soon as i try to push back my brain just short-circuits and i feel like I'm defending myself when i dont get this with anybody else.

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dont live in the shadow of your father. he is meant to be sized up and toppled down, not have loom over you forever. if thats your case, you arent mature and need to grow up. step outside your father and your fathers looming shadow, become your own father, and siphon your self worth from yourself. if you cant do that, if you dont do that, youll never be a mature, capable, truly independent man. fathers are meant to be overcome in every single realm, figuratively, spiritually, physically, mentally, financially. in every realm. this thought that daddy is there for you and is your world, is one you need to slay, lest you let it slay you. you will all die. your life is utterly insignificant in the grand scheme. im not saying dont respect your father, or dont seek his affection. im just saying, your life is so short, so miniscule, so one note, you live for such a small amount of time, if you let yourself fall victim to the many pitfalls of the soul and mind, like seeking the mothers womb and wanting your fathers attention/respect, it will hurt or kill your potential evolve and keep moving. dont stay put. read law #41 in the 48 laws of power if you need more info. robert green goes deeper into this subject than i do. but i feel for you. seek God instead of your father, siphon your power from Him. make something greater than yourself, evolve. become your own father, baka :3
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Get out of there.
You don't choose your parents.
Choose your friends.
this is way too relatable, i'm always 'igaf what anyone thinks' and then my dad says some random thing that makes me have a total fucking ugly crying hyperventilating panic attack meltdown
I'm proud of you, anon. Keep it up. "Money answers all things" as they say so you've got the answers. Not every guy has answers like that. Bad things don't have to be bad, especially peculiar situations.

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I have been in a slump for months, I hate it. I feel less than optimistic when I wake up, I imagine it's related to a tragedy close to me (family related), also, I just don't believe in myself, have zero confidence and I wish I was someone else because I do not like myself.

I defended someone who wasn't around to hear what someone was saying about them today and got my head bitten off. I sulked away, nothing more was said, how embarassing. Defending my own mother against someone being angry with her when they are meant to defend them, good thing she was at work.

Anyway, I know I am a gamma male, a pussy and weakling.

I want to ask out my neighbour, but I think she is a lesbian, the last girl I liked, I thought was a lesbian too, no hard proof on either really.

I just don't feel positive about the future, I am not naturally a downer, or a pessimist, but I do feel like I am not strong enough to make a good life for myself, I don't keep up with my uni work, passing with bursts of work, I feel like I am scared of it, til it's almost too late.

I don't want to die, but if I could wake tomorrow, and not have to leave the house for a while, I'd be pleased.

Been on a pretty extreme calorie deficit for a while now and while im happy with the amount of weight im losing, im starting to look a bit skinnyfat, Should I finish cutting or should I start lifting again? I'm worried about losing muscle tissue at this point, but above all I really just want to lose the rest of my stomach and chest flab.

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Someone suggested I make my thread on here instead of /pol/ so I'll give this board a go.
I want to break out of the realms of midwittery. (I have 119IQ) I'm smarter than your average leftist but I'm also never contempt with who I am now. I don't care the trade that has to be made whether it's a drug, diet or anything. Any suggestions?
Just read a lot and engage with people knowledgable on the subjects you want to be more knowledgable in. You can't increase intelligence but you can practice the IQ test questions and game it for a higher score, if you want something to show off.
No I don't want to show off I genuienly want to increase my intelligence as I'm depressed by the thought I can never be better than I am now which is holding me down.;
We just don't know how to reliably and permanently increase IQ.
We do know diet matters and deficiencies lower IQ. The brain is mostly made of fat, you have to eat animal fats.
You may not be able to increase your raw IQ, but what you can do though is increase your wisdom through reading, education.
Regular mathematics has been shown to increase grey matter density in the brain, which literally makes you "smarter"
Take the math and philosophy pill, and study hard

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I’m just here to share my life story because I’ve accumulated this and now I just want to die. I am an older brother and I have a younger brother. We have always been inseparable, especially after we lost our mother 5 years ago. Our father, struggling with his grief, drowned himself in bottles and gambling. The only thing I could do was start working at the age of 16 and start providing us with food and buying the most necessary things for home. We were left with ourselves, trying to survive this pain and cope with the new reality. I just didn’t understand how to help my father, and I felt sorry for him because he is my father, he constantly insulted us and beat us to a terrible state. Every day became harder because we knew that no one else would take care of us.

Later, my brother fell ill and was diagnosed with cancer, and treatment required huge amounts of money, which we did not have. I promised myself that I would find a way to save my brother, even if it meant selling everything. I understood that only I could take care of my brother and started selling whatever I could and worked 3 jobs and I saved up around $11,000 in 1.5 years. I literally had $4,000 left for my brother to have the operation, and I could pay the rest later myself. And my father began to drink more and gamble, I began to hate him because even when my little brother needed help the most. Later I found out that this idiot lost his car and was also stuck for $9,000, he ransacked the whole house when we were not there and found where I kept the money. He spent all the money to pay off debts and continue drinking, which I saved for treatment, and this bastard didn’t even tell me about it until I found out myself. I just beat him to death for this and almost killed him, and I just cried after all this on the street and now I don’t even know how to look my brother in the face. I collected my last $200, which this asshole didn’t have time to spend, and left home.

My telegram: Tsundur
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If you need to make money fast for your brother's operation, one way is to do something illegal. Do you know of anyone in the black market you can sell to? Would you be willing to risk shoplifting in your area?
You can engage in prostitution as well if there is a place nearby people like you do that to make quick money.
My advice.
Run from that bastard, run as far as you can.

Take your brother with you.
There are charity organizations that can help with your brother surgery. But you need to take your brother with you because he will 100% die if he stays with that bastard.

Plan a escape too.
Yeah. If he starts to do the money lending thing it will be a huge red flag. Even if it's true his stupid father will burn all of it.
Yes, of course I can do that, but where should I send the photo then?
I think I might sell some of my organs, for now I’m looking for who and what I can sell

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but they never act this way around other women? Is the bear thing true and they are scared of me?
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Read the conversation again you illiterate nigger.
We're talking about getting women and you come along with "hurr durr but sometimes they want to be my friend though".
Yeah great, but the only one moving goalposts here is you.
You said one needs to become the man they want to talk to. Great. Sometimes (many times) that man is only a friend. You have no argument.
White people tend to be pretty snide and insulting for no reason. I think we're burnt out on dealing with other white people.
>I've arbitrarily decided you meant something completely different, and I'm holding you to it!
>therefore, I win
You are too retarded to be worth trying to help.
>n-no! I didn't mean to say what I posted!
>you're retarded if you think I meant what I said!

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>be me male 25
>been working construction since 16 but officially got a paying job at 18
>have back problems at only 25 and random pain in my legs
>simply can’t afford to move out and be independent from parents
>one day after a 10 hour day my dad asked my what my plans for the future are and I need to find a girlfriend (he discouraged me from dating so I’d have more time to work “there will be time for stupid shit like that that later” same with friends while everyone was enjoying life at 16 I was pouring concrete for 10 hours a day for little to no pay because “that’s what being a man is all about) and sent me to a bar and a church which was full of whores and old woman or old whores obviously.
>look up former classmates facebook and most are married with kids by my age
>come to the realization my dad fucked me out of my childhood and young adulthood and there ain’t dick I can do about it now
>quit going to work which is frankly all I did all day and sleep
>dad is made demanding I work and that I’m not going to be one of those “lazy fucks” like the rest of my generation
>I tell him I’ll work when I get friends, girlfriend, and a apartment and a life
>he tells me that I have to work for it
>I tell him why I’m still living with him and have nothing but a useless used car about to break down
>he tells me it’s because I’m lazy and don’t work enough
>he kicked me out of the house and he let me come back in a few months after I was arrested for vagrency
>he tells me that I’m going to go back to my old work place and “beg” for my old job back

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