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Does it make sense to get out of your parents house if you don't have any problems living with them in general? My parents have a really big house and I have my own private room with my own bathroom and stuff. My gut feeling tells me to just keep saving money until I can get my own place, would like to hear your opinions
Yes it makes more sense to leave with a financially sound and emotionally reasonable plan rather than choosing to pay a landlord. I'm saying this as a general truth and not a hard and fast rule.
I'm 26 btw. I help with groceries and also pay someone to clean the house weekly.
i don't think there's anything necessarily wrong about it so long as you accept everything that comes with living with your parents.
Varies a lot on culture, and from what you expect to have with a new apartment.
If you're an introverted autist that doesn't talk to girls then stay home. If you ever have the chance to take a girl home, then maybe having an own place can help you a bit with that.
I understand that many parts of american society are judgemental about it, and it's something to keep in mind.

>I, personally think people should be more chilled about it, but turns out they're not.
I'm not american, but even here in my country (Brazil) I know that living on your own helps with girls. It's actually the only reason I see to leave and to get my own place. But at the same time, doing that for better odds for that just seems so wasteful.

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How do I make loudest farts as humanly possible? Is there some sort of specific diet required? I tried eating beans and onions a lot for past 2 weeks I do fart more often but it is nothing, barely audible most of the time. Do you need good genetics for your guts and ass to make loudest farts or something? Or do you need to stress your ass muscles in some specific way? Also can you fart at any time at will like with burps?
i don't know but i've been trying to perfect the formula for the perfect diarrhea for years
just cut ur ass open and let the shit whiffs follow
Loudness of your fat has more to do with your asshole than your gas.
Kingassripper was accused of doing air enemas so try that

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/bkoclee1
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)
"The Pussy": https://z-lib.is/book/the-pussy-

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Some do. Not every woman is the same person. I also don't think depression is the same as self pity. People with depression are hard on themselves.
I want women to feel sorry for me and give me hope.
Anon, if someone gives you a rope and you start getting out of that hole, if they leave early you fall back into the hole, sometimes deeper.
Work on yourself first, male self-confidence is directly tied to goal completion. Find something you want to be good at, that includes exercise, set small goals and start going.
Emotionally relying on people, even family members, imo is a very bad idea in this day and age. But this is coming form someone who basically was ignored by everyone, including my family until I became depressed. Then all of a sudden it was my fault for being depressed because it made my parents "look bad". It's a sour and bitter lesson to learn, but if you can't take care of yourself, if you can't function when sad. You are useless and the world will eat you whole.
What are some shy girl texting patterns?
I'm texting this girl that takes ages to respond, normally it's pretty obvious that she isn't interested but she surprisingly agreed to a date (after leaving the message on read for 2 days kek).
So now I'm completely at a loss at how to judge the situation.

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how true is it that you need to focus on ONE thing to truly make it? what interests me are, in order of interest: anything to do with computers, music, specifically piano, and video games, writing/reading philosophy. if a cut of 40/20/20/10/10 over a period of 10 years was employed, how far would i get in these? should i just cut the bullshit and go all in on computers? or can i move these along in a way that isnt mediocre? and if it was guaranteed, id know my way around any computer, would know how to read and write/not be illiterate and be somewhat informed on life, and play some piano on the side. is it possible, or would that just make me a mediocre dabbler, forgotten, and too spread thin to truly realize my full potential? i know im no michaelangelo, but these things really do interest me. what do i do?
I think you first need to understand what you mean with "to make it".

There's lots of different approaches to what people consider success, and without understanding what you aim to reach you can't figure out what to do.
to me, "making it" would mean the following: own house, car, business/source of income that pays enough for a comfortable life and allows taking significant risks in investing and whatnot, free up time to do whatever i want. being a wagie in my 30s/40s god forbid 50s is unacceptable to me. i just need enough to buy and free up time.
Alright, so it's mostly monetary motivation. The critical path is the following:
>being a wagie in my 30s/40s god forbid 50s is unacceptable to me
So you're one of those people that needs to max out their salary until that point and invest everything you have in property or stocks.
There's more people like this, so maybe you can find likeminded people to get more detailed advice from. Beware off grifters and "get rich quick" scams. There's no shortcut to making money.
Anyways:I think that puts higher education off the table, but maybe medium education. Do the math how many years you're gonna "lose" by being in training, and how much each variation improves your wage.
Find the optimum trade off between risk and return, and calculate how much money you can put to the side until you retire.
And then figure out what that may mean in passive income. Spread your assets! Ideally some is in real estate ("rent shit out to people") and some in a stock portfolio. If you can't be bothered to deal with stocks, then get ETFs. Avoid crypto, unless *maybe* the big players.
And then you've got a passive income. Is it enough for you? Maybe. For you and a partner and maybe kids? Extremely unlikely.

There's lots of things to consider but this journey starts with an excel sheet and a lot of research on wages and costs of living.

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It seems today like every normalfag is circlejerking over le heckin AI and how its going to "revolutionize" everything.

Every space on the internet is full of retards spamming their AI art and their AI generated songs, or talking about their "AI girlfriends" and "AI therapists" as if that shit is somehow normal.

I refuse to accept any of this shit. I have never willingly spoken to a chatbot, nor have I ever used any generative AI software. And that's never going to change for me.

Where do I find people who share my views on this stuff? I sometimes feel like I'm the only person left in this world who stands against this inhuman garbage. Where are all the people who still value real human expression and emotional connection between humans? Do they even exist anymore?
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>Because it's clearly intended to completely replace human skills/talents/jobs, and perhaps even relationships, and obviously as a sane human being I am completely against all of that.
And those sound like valid concerns, so I assume your best bet is political organizations against the spread of AI, but I'm gonna warn you as well: You're not gonna get rid of it, but you may find likeminded people.
People protested against the first trains driving through the country because they feared that "humans aren't made to travel that quickly" and that "the soul may not keep up" and that "people become insane from seeing too many things" and that "all horse carriage riders were gonna lose their jobs".
As it turns out that humans do just fine on trains, and even faster things, and that people who operated horse carriages eventually found other jobs.

New things can be scary, and not all of it is positive, but it'll come, and the only thing you can do something about is how you act with it. If you choose to avoid it and teach your children that they should too then good for you.
>As it turns out that humans do just fine on trains, and even faster things, and that people who operated horse carriages eventually found other jobs.
AI isn't just "another new technology", it's meant to be the endgame, the final innovation that allows the automation of everything humans could possibly do at a rate 1000x faster, easier and cheaper than humans could do it.

There aren't any "new jobs" for people to find in such a future, humans will just be purposeless and have nothing to do all day other than consoom AI-generated slop.
You've already used computer learning and generative software as part of a stack for something else you were using like YouTube. Computers are already better than workers and teachers in several areas. In terms of the visual stuff you were talking about, it's already getting to the point where it can produce videos that look real.
>There aren't any "new jobs" for people to find in such a future, humans will just be purposeless and have nothing to do all day other than consoom AI-generated slop.
This part of your analysis is dumb. Are you a STEM person by chance?
>You've already used computer learning and generative software as part of a stack for something else you were using like YouTube.
Not comparable to what's been going on post-2022, at all.

>it's already getting to the point where it can produce videos that look real.
I legitimately do not care. In fact, that makes it worse for me. I have zero interest in consuming "media" or "art" that was not created by a human, no matter how "good" it allegedly is.

Normies can't live alone but they will give "advice" to lonely autists and incels like "just focus on yourself" "being on your own is better" etc.
Pure cope. But how do they actually manage to be ALWAYS in a relationship. If one ends, they start another one in less than 5 months.
Their marriage is sexless? Well, on the weekend they send kids to grandparents, the wife fucks her boyfriends, husband fucks his girlfriends.
Then there are of course ONS week after week for some on them if they prefer that, FWBs, swinger nights and some other degen shit.

This reality of theirs is like a fantasy or sci fi to me, I can't comprehend this shit at all, like how does this happen to them.
It seems like they are handed everything on a platter, just for existing, everything comes so naturally to them, they don't even try.
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Nah, I have success with women. They go absolutely FERAL over my chiseled jaw and rippling muscles. My only problem in life is thst I'm sometimes annoyed women approach me when I'm out with my girl. #strugglebus
>white nerd incels like you
Did you get me mixed up with you or something?
This is legit advice, and I can tell that you are not an autistic nerd. Their cope has this special unappealing stench to it
Bro just go sign up for a salsa club and take a shower and hold your head up think positive and you will get over 9000 pussy
Normies can live alone. Not all their relationships are fulfilling or even honest. Most people don't regularly do one night stands. People who can't maintain a long term relationship tend to have less sex with more partners, not more sex.

>Their reality is like a fantasy sci fi to me
Specifically bar sluts or do you actually think all normies are living the exact same life?

I think I raped 2 women in my life, I feel guilty about it, but can't do anything about it.

In the first case, it was more than 10 years ago, we were both drunk, and we started to make out. At some point it came to penetration, in the middle of it she said that it hurt too much and asked me to stop. I didn't stop immediately, and continued for like 3 or 4 minutes, hurting hurt. She never reproached it to me, even though I told her about me feeling guilty.

The other time was last year. I was very close with a Muslim girl, and we were constantly making out, doing light stuff. She would also frequently let me rub myself naked against her vagina or asshole, humping and pretending I would penetrate her, but not doing it, as she maintained she wanted to stay virgin. One day I got a bit too excited, and I introduced like 2cm of my glans inside her anus, but then felt guilty and stopped. She did reproach me later that she felt raped, although we kept seeing each other. She won't ever be able to make any charges against me because of her very strict family and environment, but I can't denounce myself either for the same reason.

So I just live with this stupid guilt of not being capable of controlling myself these 2 times. And I don't know what to do.
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I just feel guilty about it, honestly. I don't like causing something bad to someone else. For the second case I think it's even more obvious, as she reproached it to me. Even though we stayed friends in the end, and continued to fool around.
Hello. The first instance was uncool but I'm not sure it constitutes rape. Maybe on some technicality.

The second instance is really comical. Religion is insane. Having a guy rub his penis on the outside of your anus and then saying rape when he penetrates you a little bit? People are absurd. I guess this was also uncool of you because you know she didn't want you to do it but I'm more curious why you would allow yourself to be teased like that and not just find another way to pass the time than being with said woman.

You know, there really is something to just being married. With a stranger you never know what you're going to get or quite how to process their personality and vice versa.
>Religion is insane
No, people who treat religion like this are insane
>there really is something to just being married
This is exactly what religion promotes. Marriage is good because it makes sex safer and gives more potential for actual fun and bonding vs just the lust of hookups.
Well, despite these two experiences, I'm your average basement dweller 4chan user. So I was more than content to do this with a femoid.
I'm not muslim, so marriage would entail conversion and I'm also bisexual leaning on more homosexual, which she knew, and it would cause problems.
We did joke around a lot about marriage, but yeah, no.

To be honest, on a very strict legal fashion, I feel like I did commit rape these two times.

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to start hating life and the world:

1) dont sleep properly, stay up late and mess up your hours. add in masturbation if you want to increase your irritability.

2) do things that make you ashamed. this can be as simple as procrastinating, or maybe misleading clients or superiors about issues/delays at your job. also more complex things like shying away from challenges or confrontation in general, and not speaking your mind. abandon your aspirations without making a sincere effort. rot online.

3) abandon faith in cosmic justice. turn your back on allah, jesus, karma, virtue, honor, whatever. use nihilism to rationalize your vices, shortcomings and failures. convince yourself that your efforts are fruitless since the world crushes us all in the end. watch ukraine war drone grenade videos.

4) isolate yourself. cultivate judgmebtal and fatalistic attitudes about others. avoid communication and read their minds instead. never praise others or make them feel valuable and competent.

5) think of all the ways you appear ugly and weird to others. fixate on your flaws and use them as a tool to dampen your mood and demeanor around others. project your self hatred onto others (similar to #4). simultaneously, dismiss any efforts to practically address these flaws as vanity.

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Some months ago during a discussion with I friend via Linkedin chat, I used the words tactics and strategy as synonymous. He told me they are REALLY different words, I answered for me no and in some context they can be treated as synonymous. Also, I humbly asked him to explain to me the difference, by the way without getting an immediate and clear reply (in my opinion).

After that moment he told to a common friend and his girlfriend this fact and they start joking on me.

The joke is really repetitive and forced into our conversations: they say the words strategy - tactics - apple cake as synonymous.

Even if this is not a big deal, this situation hurts me because as I already said, is repetitive and forced on a very little thing.

I said that I don't like this situation, but they keep going.

We are adults, 35 - 55.

Am I too sensitive or I am a big ignorant? We talk in italian.
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Si non c'è problema... solitamente ci troviamo per fare giochi da tavolo. Perché non hai niente da fare? Che lavoro fai?
"If your strategy is to ridicule me, your tactics are boringly repetitive."
Do this if you want them to laugh harder.
It sounds like a cultural thing to not let you slide on anything and they are repeating it because you don't like it nor do you exhibit the strength to stand up for yourself. Say something good back or tell them to lick your ass and balls. I personally would make fun of them for being so into corporate speak they think any of it means anything.

I have had brain fog for ~4 years and tried to fix it, but so far no success. Typical shit: exhaustion, lack of concentration, zoning out, hard to process information, awful short-term memory, etc.

I am looking for advice on not how to fix the brain fog, but how to deal with zoning out.
I can't say my activities get interrupted by it, but when I zone out, I do things on autopilot. No active thinking. I'm doing my thing but I'm not here, I'm far away somewhere in my thoughts, flying here and there, kind of feels like saliva drooling retard mode. Then I snap back to reality, I return to my body, and I start focusing on what's in front of me. 10 seconds pass and I already zone out. Because of it, my short-term memory is really bad, if I raise something to remember, I will instantly forget it the moment I zone out. 2 times I have forgotten to turn off the stove because I was preoccupied with my thoughts. The next step is to get hit by a car while busy wandering thoughts.

Any advice on how to deal with it? Meditation? have not practiced it a lot though.
Make sure you don’t have heavy metal toxicity

I'm also dealing with this and recently took a blood test to see if anything is wrong. You may have ADHD or some shit also (I worry this could apply to me as well)
Are you just zoning out or do you have actual lethargy? If it’s the former, it’s probably late ADHD.
Quit being a fag and log off king

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Got a message from an older cosplay chick that I've been planning a date with after she ghosted me for half a week. She apparently usually spends time on her other account and apologized for not answering due to that.

I personally just hate being left on read for any amount of time because it makes me feel like a second choice.

I'm not sure how to properly respond because I feel like I should point out that what she did wasn't okay but I also feel like going overboard would seem insecure. Any advice on how to phrase the first message?
If it's before the date
>No problem, see you on Saturday
and no more unnecessary texting before you meet IRL. If it's after the date, cut her off. If the date is not set, set a plan right now. No back and forth, just say what you want to do.
You're right that pointing it out shows insecurity. You have to enforce it through actions and asserting boundaries. That includes walking away with self-respect.
It's before we planned the proper date but it's complicated. I caught some weird sickness and lost 20kg aka 45lbs of weight due to it and feel shit. I don't wanna meet her like this, so I want a few weeks of time I can spend with different docs to get back to somewhat normal.
You are going to fumble it at this rate, she's already losing interest.

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I have developed a fetish for women with dicks. Not trans women, mind you, this is purely fantasy of natal women with penises in addition to vaginas. But now I can hardly get off to anything else. This is a dead end for anything I could do IRL.
So how do I dispose of this? Will detoxing from porn achieve this? I don't know, the fantasy of having a gf with a dick seems too great to ever be matched by actual sexuality...
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does it really matter?
Yes I need to stop watching porn. I'm not really bisexual though
>I'm not really bisexual
>I have to stop watching porn
You will always be attracted to whatever you're attracted even after you quit porn
Yeah I'm just saying I wouldn't consider myself bisexual though, I suppose it's a grey area
I don't feel like I'm avoiding any problem

(sorry i suck at greentext and english :(. )
>be 14, male
>meets 8/10 14 year old female on roblox
>asks her about her discord
>she gives me her username
>adds her and chatting with her all day
>became best friends in 2 weeks
>she confesses love
> wtf.png
>doesn't want her to be sad so i tell her i love her too
>she lives near me, but she dont know that i know about it
>blocked her because too scared of real love
>after 2 months realising that i fucked up and i actually love her
>too scared to unblock her

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>sorry I suck at greentext
go back to r3ddit
>be 14
go back to r/teenagers
You fucked up and you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. Also, you need to be 18 to post here.
do your homework
Next time make sure you're 18
Now go suck on your mommies tiddies

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How do I learn how to paint?
do it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. consume what you create as well, so throw out anything that isnt what youre trying to make. you can consume anything youd like. but you live for such a small amount of time. allocate a certain amount of time every single day to whatever you want to do, and consume media surrounding it, learn how to optimize it through real hard core deep books on it. or just watch bob ross, because he is the best. RIP BOB ROSS profit :)
It's not that simple. What kind of paint do you want?

Also, every Boss Ross episode is legally on youtube, yes.
Learn fundamentals then start painting.
Painting is something you get better as you do it.
>Learn fundamentals
wtf are fundamentals

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I'm 25, and I find myself more attracted to 30-35 y/o women. Is this a weird age gap? I want someone who is ready to have kids but also is financial stable. I don't want her to be completely reliant on me (or vice versa).
It's not a weird age gap but 30-35 is getting up there for having kids considering you want to get to know her first. Women your own age are literally prime material for starting a relationship with a view towards financial stability and having kids.
>Women your own age are literally prime material for starting a relationship
Other than the fact they want nothing to do with me till they're 35

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