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What kind of women are open to dating the mentally ill? Where are they found?
Most girls are into cluster b guys. Probably goth or emo for mood disorders. Cluster a? It's ogre
I'm pretty avoidant, paranoid, and have mood swings.
I feel like I'm a cool guy but not for everyone. I wish I could be more targeted with who I approach so I wouldn't have to go through the process of getting rejected over and over for not meeting their standards

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>sedentary lifestyle with lots of weed and bad food
>big moobs and wide hips
>peen doesn't work right
>estrogen was measured at 141 pg/ml when the male average is 10-50 pg/ml
>total testosterone on the other hand is 650 ng/dl (well within range)

Is this something that can only be fixed with medicine and supplements, or can simply changing my lifestyle fix these issues?
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Around 200
>Psyllium Husk powder has been the most reliable along with properly mineralized water (buy a trace mineral supplement and manually add to water) for helping me poop regularly.
poop more
>bro if i just obsess with this one idea it will surely solve all my problems
I wanna clarify I'm talking about Total Estrogen. Quest has it's range at <=400 pg/ml while LabCorps is 40-115 pg/ml. Is there a reason for that?

whole plant foods. beans, vegetables, fruit in very high amounts.


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Hi, I (male) am just that: obsessive, possessive, needy, jealous, the whole deal. Some of it probably stems from insecurity, some of it from bad upbringing. I think I should be able to get rid of it if I put my mind to it.
The question would be: should I? As far as I know, at least some part of the population kind of wants those traits in the partner, and it does add a lot of color and feeling where normalcy could turn boring. On the other hand, it means dependency on the other person, as I would make my happiness, and my internal state in general very dependent on the other, which is not perfect, and it would be hard to trust the other to understand.
What to do? I just want to be happy.
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just find someone that spends almost all their time with you and makes you happy
of course most people nowadays are cold and emotionless and don't enjoy human bonding so maybe you will never be happy
>have friend (male)
>talk with him basically every day, is a very good friend, very supportive
>text him some unimportant bullshit
>don't get a response for half a day
>feel like he fucking hates me now, I must have fucked up somehow
fear of abandonment, I guess? Where do I even start?
We talked later, so it was fine. I think I've even raised the issue and explained how I felt, it was nice to be understood.
>talk to a girl (female)
>text every now and then, I probably get a bit needy
>she has a life, is busy, has basically anything to do, so she's not responding for a while
>think the same thing, she's probably disgusted with me now, disengage and disappear
IRL it's easier to hold a connection because I can get all the little cues from the other person's voice that they in fact probably don't hate my guts just because.
>have a different friend

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that does not sound very good
which part of it?
Yeah its potentially some kind of abandonment issues from your childhood and some branch of autism. If someone worships the very ground you walk on it and obsessively tries to contact you, its deeply unpleasant. Try not to take it personally. Most of the time people just have lives and their own shit to deal with. No one has the right to have full access to someone at all times. Even if you're being positive and nice it comes across as false, and if you're being negative you just become a drag to be around. Get used to spending more time by yourself. Don't put others on a pedestal.

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One of the reasons I am always unlucky with women is because I am usually attracted to girls out of my league (and therefore is not attracted to me). This causes me to ignore women I am not typically attracted to. I'm not a "chad" or anything, I'm a 4/10 lookswise but me being 6 feet and not overweight probably makes me around a 5/10. I feel like such a jackass because of this. How do I lower my standards to accept other average looking people?
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you probably have low testosterone, higher testosterone basically causes your standards (for sex) to evaporate and ugly girls start to look better
you don't need to lower standards, just become a passport bro
Me too friend. But that is because a 6/10 from today is a 3/10 from the 90s and 2000s. And the main cause of this problem is obesity.
whose attracted to you and openly flirty or willing to talk to you? Then you know exactly where you land.

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no matter how much I work on my personality I'm still ugly
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consult the scripture:
You can become a full time drug user or you can be an incel fag and kill yourself and go to the next level early.
>Consult the bullshit
Try leg lengthening surgery

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Is the incel revolution the only solution?
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No it isn't and it's not gonna happen
it's just indulging in daydreaming and fantasies, it's stupid and leads to nothing

what you need is to examine why you're an incel (you didn't speak to women enough in school) and do actions to correct that mistake (quit your job and go to university 2nd time and this time do talk to them)

everything else is a waste of time, the only thing that matters is getting to be in frequent social contact with as many women as possible and that's only possible in school setting, there's only 1 solution and it's to quit your job and come back to school
but you'd rather just daydream about le revolution which will never come

the thing with revolutions is that you need majority of people to support it, women are the majority so it won't happen and a lot of men are not incels so they wont help out either
the only places where incels (or ones who have never been in relationships but still got to have sex by legal rape) are majority are middle eastern, africa and india where they already are free to rape whoever they want because it's legal over there so they don't need to do a revolution
>screencapping his own braindead shitty post
The audacity of not only saying the exact inverse of what is really going on here but reposting it as some sort of "gotcha".
>every incel with an iq of atleast 80
So none of you then?
some are dumb, some are smart

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How do you not waste your life?
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It's not about attacking your life
It's not about hard novel stuff
It's not about anything in this thread so far
Everything suggested is not the step you need to take, it's too far from your position.

It's about learning the foundations to the games you play. It's all a game, and yes I'm dead serious. It's about learning what games you are playing and how do those games work.

What people fail to realize is that people who are in your position need to develop a sensitivity towards self-initiation.

It's not motivation, it's not determination, it's not resilience. Motivation is an illusion, determination and resilience are resulting qualities, not initiating qualities.
You don't need to be motivated to play the game you choose to play, nor do you need to be determined, nor resilient.

All you have to do is choose the game you want to play. It's something you've been doing up to this point, but often what happens is that people don't realize they've been unknowingly choosing their games.

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>Find something you legitimately want to do
don't watch porn, don't browse the itnernet (try to limit web browser to 20 minutes or less per day), don't watch tv.

as long as you do all the above you'll have enough time to get shit done

videogames are fine in moderation, research shows that gamers are actually more successful and gaming is good for the brain
Things are 'hard' because we want the title of the subscription without playing the game.

If I don't brush my teeth, but want the "good oral hygiene" title, then hygiene will be "hard" --thus you won't be 'motivated' to do it.

What you will find that by playing and respecting the game you choose, you automatically have the title. And you have that title for as long as you play the game.

If "talking to people" is hard, it's because you're playing the "talk to zero people in a day" game.

Hopefully it's becoming clear that the only skills you need to develop is Self Initiation (I am capable of playing a different game), and Self Observation (here are the games I'm currently playing)
everyone in this thread is fucking braindead lmao (including me)

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I met this girl that works in a bakery, and since the beginning she always initiated the conversation with me, with things like "Oh I think we're the same age, I can be less formal then" (we're both 29) or giving me tips on how to eat the pastries I buy. We always do small talk like that, and whenever I ask her how she's doing, she always answer (in a joke way) that she's stressed. So one time I tried to throw a hint and said that even if she's stressed she looks cute the same. She laughed and looked away a bit shy. Tomorrow I think I'll see her again (I only see her in the weekends bc the rest of the days i'm at work) and I want to try to ask her for a contact to talk outside of work. But I'm super anxious about it. Am I doing the right thing? Maybe I'm misunderstanding and she's only kind with the customer? Or I should not giving a fuck and try anyway?
you have to try. better get rejected today than having regrets for not even trying forever.

the key to be confident/not being anxious about it is considering it a low stakes event. the easiest way to do this is pursuing several women at a time. if it fails with one, onto the next. (mentality of abundance)
when you have only 1 woman in your sights, the stakes of being accepted/rejected become very high. which leads to anxiety.
Thanks. As you said the anxiety is because right now she's the only i'm seriously interested, so the stakes are higher.
>when you have only 1 woman in your sights, the stakes of being accepted/rejected become very high. which leads to anxiety.

This applies to everything. I always felt less anxious about job interviews when I'm talking to multiple companies

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When it comes to dating I think I may have the absolute lowest self-esteem on planet earth. On Mars I fare a little better.

I can't help but feel like any possible chance is just a complete waste of time. So hence I create a self fulfilling prophesy. But I don't know how to (or even should at this point) break out of this cycle. I do meet girls. I go out and stuff.
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Nah. More pilling is good. Actually, I'm praying to Jesus it all comes out openly and it has been going so well. The righteous will not rush in and put the marriage above God. I'd be bored out of my mind too.
You may rest easy knowing I probably have even lower self esteem. My friends have told me as much while trying to encourage me. I do try to listen to positive affirmations on youtube, but I'm not sure it helps. Doing things to build my self esteem (exercise, hobbies, even cleaning my car) seems to help some, but it has done nothing for my confidence with women.
Damn, are you me?
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All I know is that all the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to

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Like the subject says I need advice on how to let go of horrifying moments so they don’t just randomly pop into my head. For context I’m legit autist but am good at verbal communication since language is one of my hobbies so I pass until someone talks to me for a while.

For example yesterday a dog pit and latched onto mine at a dog park. I had to put a knee on the dog like a cop and pinch it in the side of the face to get it to let go, and my head was reaching to my edc 4inch knife since I was going to have to gut it to save my dog. The little guy is my only real friend and I would have happily killed that dog right there. My guy got out basically unharmed since he has a lot of loose skin there luckily.

The issue is now I’m just randomly shaking and going hyper vigilant and it’s making me miserable. I can’t stop thinking about my best friend being torn apart, or the alternative where I end up covered in this other dogs guts.

I know this one is recent but I have this issue in general and it can take 2 months sometimes to not just randomly experience horrifying shit as if it just happened. Also, almost 40 so I’ve tried therapy and meds of all kinds and anymore working out and weed work better than any of that stuff ever did.
When you experience high stress situation, your brain floods itself with the fight-or-flight hormones adrenaline and cortisol. It makes sense you’re shaken. Try mindfulness meditation. I get worked up on stressful stuff and it helps to just focus on breathing and imagining emotions like clouds passing through the sky. They’re here now, they’re big and intimidating, but they’ll pass
I’ll give this a try. Never stuck with meditation but I can see that visualization being helpful. Not sure if there is much else to do really. Intrusive thoughts just seem to be an inescapable part of my reality.
Thanks anon. Going to review these.

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What is it like dating and losing your virginity at an advanced age (28+)?
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Straight bullshit.
I lost my virginity at 29. Honestly most women will never ask you about you sexual history and most don't care. They do care about if you've loved someone though. They act like a man would after hearing a girl got a train ran through her in college. Never tell them your ex was a good person in any way. They would rather you be a guy who's been with 1000 girls and never loved them than be a guy who's only been with one girl you loved.
Make friends irl and ask the guys with girlfriends, or fuckboys, basically the guys in relationships you want to emulate, how to get girls instead of people on 4chan.

Probably 60% of the advice you get irl will be contrary to what you hear here. For example, I hear more "dating only gets easier after uni" mindsets than "if you don't have a gf by the time you graduate uni it's literally over" mindsets.

Stop asking for advice from anonymous people online who don't actually know you or your pros and cons.
My experience as well. Although I was older than you and she is 2 years older than me. Both of us are introverted and neither of us has discussed our pasts. One of her friends did ask if I was ever married or had kids when we first met, but that was it. We both own homes, but usually spend the night at each others places 4-5 nights a week. She really helped me fix up my place and is a great cook. I pour the wine and clean the dishes.. We both have good jobs and our finances are completely separated. We've discussed either selling her house and getting a vacation home or condo or selling both our homes and getting a $1.5-2 million dollar house on the lake. We've discussed getting married mainly for the financial benefits, but no plans to combine our finances other than that or have kids. We have our "furbabies" as she calls them (I refuse to call them that and tell her as much). We are going to Spain in 2 months and staying a week with one of her friends and then another week doing some traveling she planned.

Put yourself out there, anon. You never know what might happen. It is not a fairy tale, but it is going on 4 years of fun.
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Lost my virginity at 24
The sad truth is:
1. You can get laid but it'll take a lot more work
2. Women don't like that you're trying to play catch up on experiences while they want to settle down
3. You literally never, ever feel satisfied, like you've had enough

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Even if I did looksmaxx, charismamaxx and careermaxx, where can I find my soulmate out of the billions of women in the world?
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based don'tsaymaxxmaxxer
Are they retarded? The reason we want girls like this in the first place is because we know that the can't exist in real life. Also, seeing hikkineet girls suddenly being the current thing on Twitter feels like being stabbed in the chest.
Because you don't have only one soulmate. There are probably literally millions of women with whom you are compatible and you only need to find one of them
No point. But this is a fringe case for people who are actually looking for loving long-term relationships. Most people blowing thru relationships aren't looking for a long-term relationship or aren't mature enough to maintain them

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When I was 18 I decided to stop caring about others and just focus on myself and making money. Now I’m 22 I rent a nice apartment, own a nice car have a body that I feel confident in and quite a bit of disposable income. The issue is I’m a khhv with no social life whatsoever. I’m starting to regret the past 4/5 years and wish I had gone to college and pursued relationships instead. Where I live the average woman loses her virginity at 17, I’ll soon be 23 and I have no experience with women at all, it’s not even just sex it’s everything kissing, flirting etc I don’t even have conversations with women other then when I have to like a cashier or something.
Is there anyone who has been in the same or similar situation to me and has somehow made it out without humiliating themselves? I’d love to hear your advice.
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When I was 22 I dated a 17 year old and took her virginity. We were together for nearly a decade, I probably would have married her if I didn't fuck it up by seeing hookers behind her back.
You'll be fine.
Go to SEA and flirt with girls. They all want you so you will gain the experience and confidence
I guess so. I dont think any older women would be interested, surely they are looking for a chad not a 22yo inexperienced virgin?
Does it not feel weird dating a 17 year old? My cousin is 17 and I look at her like a kid.
Could do. That could definitely boost my confidence but is it really “experience” if like you said they all want me anyway?
just wait one or two more years and I kid you not AI girlfriends will be a real thing, that will cure your loneliness and if you’re horny you can see a prostitute, you’ve got money. you’re welcome

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I knew from the way she was looking at me at the club that she wanted me so I made a move and we hooked up. She was gorgeous and she seemed really shy and sweet. I asked for her contacts and she gave it to me. I messaged her the next morning and we made plans to go out. Today she messaged me saying she’s doesn’t wanna go out. I asked her why and she says it’s nothing I did but that she’s just not feeling up to it. I told her I really liked her and asked her if she just needed time to which she said yes. I asked her if it was okay if I messaged her a couple of weeks later and she said no thank you. I’m honesty fucking crushed. She hasn’t blocked me on anything so I know there is at least a tiny chance. I’m drunk right now and I can’t get her off my mind. I’m gonna message her again but I don’t know if I should do it tonight or later. What the fuck do I do here?
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No no I messaged her the morning after I met her. I asked her if it was okay for me message her after a couple weeks after she canceled on me and she took a while to say no.
wow ur pathetic confessing your feelings to a stranger and then to an imageboard, be happy you got to fuck a club slut with bpd that doesn't ruin your life

trust me you are not the first guy nor the last
You opened yourself to her and got rejected you: twice. Move on. Try to pick up a up a social hobby. If she sees you stop pursuing her either she'll be relieved and move on too or she'll become more interested in you. Regardless no woman likes a simp so don't give her affection if she's not returning it.
I’m not simping

I live in the third world and everything about my life is dull.
My room also functions as a storage room for my mother's junk, and it's full of ugly, worn out brown lockers.
My father looks like an indian and he unironically cooks greasy food 24/7 in the kitchen and the kitchen is full of pests, small fine ants, and always smells like onions and garlic.
The water supply is so low I can't shower daily, so I shower twice a week and I got some kind of above average body odor.
My room is messy, the floor is full of dust, my desk is cluttered, and I am too depressed to sort all that junk.
I am a STEM uni student who has ADHD, crams for every exam 48 hours before its due, and is chronically stuck in a trying-to-catch-up with my exams vicious cycle.
I spent away all my money and I already have no money so I can't do anything or buy anything to improve my mood.
I am always one splurge away from running out of money.
Everyone in my city lives the same life as me and they are grumpy as well, sad faces, passive aggressive employees everywhere who talk aggressively to you and address you impolitely, etc.
There's no joy in my life, it's very dull and boring.
I don't know what to do about this. I want my life to be colorful, vibrant, happy, good, etc. but all I got is mediocrity and ugliness everywhere.
move to a place where the philosophy of people is at a higher level, there's no other choice
even if you become a genius it requires for your success that everyone around you also be a genius or society doesnt function.

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