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Burgers what the fuck, is this true? What do you do with them all?!
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>making one of the other most armed countries in the world seethe
Look at the OP pic again, anon. You're wasting your time. We too many of our own guns to play with to care about yours
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I am a eurofag who moved to the states almost five years ago.
Started collecting firearms maybe two years ago and it is a lot easier than most people outside of the US think it is.
Not as lack of hoops to jump through but how you end up seeing it as any other trinket you buy like a dank bike or decent backpack over in yorup.

Went to an antique store and bought a shitty shotgun that needed a lot of work for 75 bucks, ordered a lower on PSA cause the price was right and I wanted to built the classic gulf war M4A1 I saw in media.
Had I still lived in europe it might have been a fucking gay coat or something stupid.

Now I may or may not far exceed the American average and you don't need to know either, stay in your nogun state/country.
>you end up seeing it as any other trinket you buy like a dank bike or decent backpack over in yorup
Yeah, same in leafland. Once you jump through the initial hoop of your gun safety class and background check, there's nothing stopping you from buying whatever you want on a whim after that. It's easy to end up with a big collection when you don't have to license, register and justify every individual weapon with the bobbies. I've got lots of guns, mostly milsurps, that I just decided I wanted then and there when I saw them on the rack at my lgs
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It happens to so many dogs that it might as well be. It’s the biggest difference between them and wolves.
Dogs, at least while raised by humans act gay as fuck. Idk if wolves are different.
>getting cancer and losing your balls as a result grim
How are they abominations where they’re just as natural as your pet dogs?
dead internet

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Monday Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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good luck anon, you can find this one fairly easily but the shield version is tough

alternately you can buy the vaporwave version here https://www.koznstahl.co/products/aesthetic-k-orps
would buy
What's the point of fetishizing being a larping, resentful cuckold? Why would you even be so keen on signaling that to other people?
>What's the point of fetishizing being a larping, resentful cuckold?

lol. the cuckolds are the ones who go off to the frontlines while their wives and gfs stay home and get plao’ed by Tyrone and Ngobo.

the system is already trying to replace white guys and so there is zero benefits for whites to go fight for ZOG. what do whites get out of it? Gay marriage, infinite third worlders, and their local businesses replaced with US conglomerates at lower wages. fuck that shit. you go and get your own legs blown iff to build a future that doesn’t belong to you, you larping dork.
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Again, what do you think you gain by projecting all these weird cuckold fantasies wrapped in as many terminally online buzzwords as possible? Do you just enjoy humiliating yourself?

You couldn't even make the argument there's no point in going to kill masses of browns overseas and steamroll third world countries in a matter of days, you're so paralyzed by the fear of dying despite being part of inarguably the best and most advanced army in the world with a known record of negligeable losses, all things considered. How do you expect to rule, gain combat experience and develop technical superiority over your (current and future) enemies if not by actually fighting? Would reading substacks and listening to podcasts make up for it? When push comes to shove, do you think a couple of Junger/some White Russian general quotes (published by yet another obscure indie publishing house) will suddenly put you in the mood, discipline you and fill you with the knowledge necessary after years of schizophrenic pacifistic lamentation?

AK General /akg/
Have A Drink Edition
>Thread #2025

Old thread here >>61561948
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Who cares. Krinks were designed for pilots and drivers, but they stayed for the drip. The Mini Beryl is the only NATO krink there is and it will never stop being cool for that. It beats that the shit out of blowback pcc's and that's good enough for what it is.
Хopoший кoт
Bulgaria is in nato
SAM5's are export models.
Just remove the tang. If you're thinking about a tactical folding stock of some sort that rifle is no longer meant for a classic fixed stock.

ITT: Weapons to surpass Metal Gear
boing boing boing boing

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For all my DIYers out there.

This thread is for the sharing of
>load data
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Have you considered just running a faster powder than trying to download 4198?
have you considered the fact you were wrong about crimps influencing ignition?
Crimping doesn't make a meaningful difference, I can't disprove your anecdotal experience. Not my fault you're shit at reloading, which is tough to do really.
geez, get a room.
yeah what you said

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Going full optical is retarded and doesn't allow for true fire and forget capability
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They could probably even hit a global hawk
That was more like their copy of a BUK missile if I remember correctly.
Why not everything all at once. Visual, IR, UV, active radar and passive radar.
Sayyad-2C is a copy of the US Navy standard missile.

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is the turtle tank just a more elaborate version of slat armor?
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Sheet metal and welded wire mesh?
Does this really works against drones?
What's next? Plaster and glass wool?
Works against the light AT drones yes. But against the more serious AT threats it's completely useless. It mostly means you need two good hits to tank out a tank instead of one.
Can't believe Russia is taking towns and territory daily with this thing. Lol
"Slat armor" isn't real armor but a "fuze and liner disruptor". Not different from torpedo nets, just another form of passive defense.

And no, against FPVs isn't better than a oversized cardboard box because the fuze and shaped charge of FPVs still works.
>Works against the light AT drones
so the main most common threat

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So when are we getting hologram weapon sights? None of that glass stuff, but make it pop up like princess Leia in Star Wars
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What's the advantage over a 2d HUD, exactly?
Do you know what a hologram even is?
You bounce light off of a couple prisms and a bifocal lens, such that the 2D image you're projecting appears 3D.
The "glass" you're talking about is the bifocal lens. You aren't going to be able to bounce light off air in a predictable fashion.

TL;DR did you even finish your high school mathematics?
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Pic unrelated.
2 more weeks.
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Never because that's retarded.
Hologram isn't the right word, but you can absolutely use high energy lasers to produce 3D images in mid-air. This started getting experimented on almost 20 years ago anon, ie:

But the whole thing about a glowing volumetric thing in mid air is that... everyone can see it. Like, that's the point. Your enemies will see your glowing mid-air box over your gun the same as you, it doesn't project light in one direction not even in Star Wars. So putting aside practical challenges and energy wastage (because you're projecting light all over the place not just to your eye) it's a fundamentally dumb concept and OP is a faggot yet again.

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Truth is the bid was rigged from the start.

Teledyne FLIR’s "new" Rogue 1 loitering munition has actually been under SOCOM contract for two years as Ground Organic Precision Strike System Echelon 0-Air (0A). GOPSS 0A is sub-divided into three categories including ‘nano-’, ‘micro-’ and ‘mega-’ sized platforms. Weighing approximately 10lbs, Rogue 1 satisfies the micro category; the other systems are undisclosed. There's also an undisclosed GOPSS Echelon 0-Ground (0G) program.
Cool, cool... how much money does it cost?

Fought so.

Once again the West fails to learn a lesson.
>low cognitive demand
interesting way to say "marines can use it"
Very trve brother! Real Reformers know we need masses of cheap equipment like the T72 and M113!
Why not both?

Thoughts on the gun used? What's your opinion on the damage regarding ballistics?
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This shows that so much of the alt-right is just a russian communist thirdworldist psyop. America doesent know it but its fighting a 6 front war on communism against a new communist bloc. Dugin also promotes and thinks homosexuality is good.
don't count it out just yet, according to Orcban Fico is still on the edge of life and death even after 2 surgeries
That shot placement is important, last I heard the dude only got shot in the belly.
unironically duginists should be ruthlessly slaughtered in case of an international war
Oh that guy is shitting into bags for the rest of his life, isn't he

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>the only grinding i care about
The sharpest general on /k/
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A: >>61647491
>Stop being a nigger

B: Why would you order any ER other than some of their ridiculous fixed blades?
The general opinion seems to be "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it". The other people in the class are richfags though so that definitely colors their opinions, I'm just wondering if any old titanium diving knife with a line cutter will do, or if this is the wunderwaffe of knives/tools
I don't know shit about diving but if accidental 02 hose cutting is really a thing I wouldn't want a knife at all. If I would want a knife I'd want a real one and not that silly trinket.
I know nothing about knives. Wouldn’t a von karman cross section be optimal for the cutting edge? Like to present the least amount of resistance in moving through shit. Basically a VLD bullet ogive?
Google suggests that's a shape that minimizes drag? If so then, well, that kind of drag is one factor if you want to quickly cleave through things (ie too fast for it to just fall apart and open up a path on its own). But that's only one factor involved here. To pass through the knife must also split the material it goes through, since we don't give a fuck about how well it cuts through gas and liquid. Second actual friction between the sides of the blade and the cut sides of the target can play a massive role as well, so sometime sit's better to go the "aerospike" route and spend a bit more effort pushing the target medium aside so contact surface is reduced. And for some kinds of cutting drag simply isn't a major factor. Of course cutting performance alone isn't all that matters either, we want the edge geometry to be both strong and easy to maintain as well.
With the importance of all of these factors varying depending on what exactly you're doing with your knife, and even personal preferences, no single geometry will ever rule supreme.

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>installing a muzzle device on my ar that requires a crush washer and about 75% of a full turn to index
>don’t have an upper receiver block, just a vice
>thinking I just layer some rags around the receiver or barrel and torque it down

How screwed am I? I don’t necessarily want to spend money on stuff I don’t need.
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I did it, quarter turns until it indexed correctly. Took the bolt carrier and charging handle out first. Electrical tape on the wrench helped not to mess up the finish. Barrel and handguard are still straight so it looks like my 200lb ass sitting on it didn’t hurt it.
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Magpul bev block is 40 something bucks and probably cheaper than your muzzle device. Holds the rifle in place by the locking lugs to prevent your index pin from shearing/crumpling up the threaded aluminum area/twisting you upper. It also holds your lower in place. You may not need it but it and a good vise are the difference between working on shit like a crumpled monkey trying to hold onto shit with your elbows and back of the knee or standing/sitting upright like a normal human.
Seconding the magpul block. I used towels in a vise until I eventually bent an upper. I won't tell you not to do that because I did it for a while and got away with it and it's probably the best poverty option. But you will eventually break something, you are doing it the wrong way. I think a 3/4 turn on a crush washer shouldn't be a problem though.
You don't need a tool at all.
I had never fucked with a muzzle brake before until a friend of mine gave me his upper that needed work.
Just doing the back and forth thing allowed it to eventually get further and further until it lined up.
No tools, just a wrench and me holding/putting my weight on the rifle.

If you plan on doing it every day buy shit for it but I doubt it will be worth it.
>a2 birdcage
You underestimate my cheap ass

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New Chadley kino
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This is why giving these gay coconut high cut helmets with integral rails and mounts to anyone is stupid. They don't fucking use them for anything except as a basic ballistic helmet because they don't have comms or thermals or night vision. It's done entirely because its cheaper than a full sized helmet.

They don't get those issued and its too expensive to buy them.
Wow really anon?
Go attach a dildo to your mount then you'll become the gay unicorn you've always wanted to be.
Episode #9000 of ziggers being fags
Give ukraine at least 500 more of these things.
Ukraine can't stop losing towns and territory in kharkiv and literally all the front. You asked.

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Here's your submarine, bro.
I wonder if the designers were haunted by their victims.
Or maybe the 'tarded admirals who approved them for service were.

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rate my photoshopped ak design.
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Brown recluse
Fish crawls up penis syndrome
cute famas
looks fucking dumb
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You've made an AN-94, good job!

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