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>the only grinding i care about
The sharpest general on /k/
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Scandi grind is the best grind
My Aurora Scandi in Magnacut is cuter than all your dumb knives.
Damn son, save all the unused, overpriced, cagey QC 'bushcraft' knives for the rest of us!
Scandi 100%, hollow is factory sharpest but not necessarily durable. Flat is way too much work. Convex is a scam. Scandi just works.
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>sacrificing toughness for stainlessness
more like Fagnacut amirite?
after 14 years I am upgrading from my RAT-1.
just jealous. TRC, and Bark river have never failed me. Also saying bushcraft in quotes just looks dumb. You can dislike something without trying to call its existence into question. But either way TRC, BK, and Falkniven are genuinely budget for the steels used. Nobody else is making a knife of their sizes in the quality of steels they use for less.
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>The sharpest general on /k/
Sabre grind is the superior grind for a knife.
Scandi is "ONLY" for a Ax or Hatchet.
And... If you don't use a Hollow Grind on your face... (picrel), Then Carry your asses back to /lgbt/ or reddit.
for me, it's magnacut of which I own TWO magnacut blades so far
>posts Bitchmade
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as a cooking enthusiast, flat grind.
got this thing recently, gonna give it a refurbish. Just SK3 tool steel but a very good edge, and cheap due to needing some rust removed from the tang and new scales.
Been wanting a 15 degree grind angle for fine slicing
>set out to grind everything as scandi
>end up with flatties
such is life
When you actually use those knives for "bushcraft" then I'll stop quotation marking the word. Not a single mark of wear on any of those blades.
Sigh... this retard again
Hey, pipsqueak, how about you post some of your own knives. Let us see what we are dealing with (i know very well that you won't do it)
i bushcraft the amazon all the time what do you mean?
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victorichads wya
victorinox fillet is my favorite fillet, the victorinox flexibility is perfect. Got a 12" chef's too for hacking through tough shit.
Prefer Zwillings for my primary chef's knife.
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Imagine needing a nice steambath, a collection of artisanal soaps, and a full hollow to cut your faggy little whiskers off.
Who is it? Not like these responses are anything unique.
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Can I get a recommendation? I need something like this svord skinner except with a much longer blade. Like closer to 8-10in. Literally this knife would be perfect if it was longer.
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Iunno, I like it so far. I’m up to four now. No Benchmade though.
I’m irresponsible with money but not “current Benchmade lineup pricing” irresponsible.
nta but if you already take care of your facial skin and learn how to use the razor properly, you don't need any of that
most le manly men who use razors don't. it's why they need all that shit.
you can also just use basic bitch shaving foam instead of the creams
hot wet towel on face helps a bit, but not much, and you can always just shave after taking a shower
source: tried razor shaving for a few years; result was smoother shaves that take way longer with no other up or downsides, maybe a good idea if going to fancy events or hunting puss
>I need something like this svord skinner except with a much longer blade
What for? Skinning knives usually aren't that long.
Straight razors have flat microbevel on the edge. This is why they can be sharpened so much. Because of the blade profile you grind that flat microbevel at consistent angle, not relying on the hand accuracy and consistence.
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>try sending the reciept to ups ahead of time
>gmail is being a nigger on my phone so i finish sending it by pc
>turns out the attached screenshot got lost and i just posted a static gif of a tiny delivery truck
This will probably result in a delay and additional charges
Wait, now i see what the gif is
I use the aurora, and a few other knives, 1 in the Pic is 2 days old another is a handmade SA skinning knife. But yes I haven't used the DBK knife yet. My A2 aurora didn't even pickup scratches batoning. The aurora magnacut takes even less scratches and I polish with a diamond compound.
You obsess over shaving accessories like some fucking numale, and talk like a woman emulating negro speech.
>take care of your facial skin
I sincerely hope you mean eat well, get some sun, and excercise. Please tell me you don't have a gay unilever scam skincare routine.
The answer is flat grind with micro-bevel. Laser-sharp and durable, and simple enough that you can teach your younger sister how to sharpen it for you as a bonus.
You must buy the proper knife from the beginning and not try to regrind whatever pry-bars they are trying to sell you.
What advantage does a tang-pommel-peened tang have over a pinned full tang design for swords? An example comparison would be a falchion design vs a lange messer design.
Hand shock
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Sanmai or 3V for a Tai Pan?
Prolly 3v if you're gonna stab shit
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I'd say San Mai since you're never going to use the knife for hard-use. It's more iconic and doesn't rust. Nothing you're going to stab with a 7" dagger is going to be particularly tough.

If you do buy any Cold Steel knife for the love on god go to a wholesaler like Chicago Knife Works. They're so much cheaper. You can get a Tai Pan for $130 after discount codes.
There's a minor increase in strength due to the pin holes in the tang no longer creating structural weakpoints but some increase in maintenance costs as it's easier to get the grip off a pinned in handle than a peened tang handle.
I doubt the thinner peened tang will be stronger than a wider full tang.
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Scandi-vex is king
I've got one waiting at home for me, but won't be back for another two weeks.
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I'm thinking about trying to etch a design on my knife with the battery and saltwater swab method. Dumb question, but is this process going to fuck up any functional aspects of the blade? Will the etched spot be more prone to rusting?
just messing around phiggot. i'm sure it's good. it's a lot like CruWear and that's also good. i actually got the Adamas for $240 new on eBay last year; no ragrets
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You gotta horsetrade for those BMs. They came back from the factory with new clips, verified legit. 940 I've had for over a decade.
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>when you bid on a really sketchy looking auction titled "bowie knife" with garbage pictures
I bought it because it looked very cool and stabby. Hopefully I'll never have to use it but, for self-defense, it seems very powerful
New to autism level of sharpening. Why do 800 dollar Uber clamp sharpening systems exist when a couple of leather strops and diamond grit juice can make any knife hair popping sharp?
not to any significant degree. It's going to look like shit the first 10 times you do it so budget some practice time in and consider spending the $20-40 for a etching/electroplating bath set up
Knif :3
Knoife 8-]
Knaaaaf :^)
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Since sponges in the kitchen hold a lot of bacteria, if you rub your knife with it and stab someone, will it do more damage?
That's not very aggressive bacteria. You need to coat your knife in poop for a viable EDC.
what if you stab someone with your poop knife?
I see. Now I'm wondering what kind of food I should eat to produce the most dangerous bacteria.
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So for anyone not aware, the SRK-C is a completely different knife than the SRK. Every dimension is smaller including blade and grip thickness. The C is comprable to a Sealpup. They need to make a reg SRK with an inch lopped off the blade.
any thin (~0.35" or less) locking knives anyone can recommend? I have a trm atom but got tired or how tall it is and started carrying a mercator because of how thin and short it is, but don't like that it's awkward to open and close one handed. i considered an urban trapper but every boker knife i've had has been shit. was looking at a lander but they're also thick, probably to fit in the axis lock components
Protip: freeze your poop and turn it into a knife for maximum damage
Most civivis and spydercos are thin
Hogue deka
>Scandi is "ONLY" for a Ax or Hatchet
If you're grinding scandi into an axe or hatchet, you have no idea what you're doing
I like scandi until I'm skinning or cutting meat and then it sucks and flat w/ bevel is best.
A guide gives you a straight/even bevel while freehand sharpening defaults to a convex edge.
Ya I like scandi for wood use. convex for everything else.
convex is usually best.
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The best knives/blades are stainless tupperware <$30. QSP Parrot, Moras, generic scalpel handles w/ #60a blades purchased in bulk, CS Commercial Series knives, Fiskars axes. I will probably never buy another expensive knife again. Tools for work.
Until you need to sharpen halfway through a moose and you use a pull through on it.
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genuinely disgusting
Why would you do that.
Stop saying such retarded things
Nah. That's anti-discussion nonsense and doesn't belong in a general that's dedicated to knives
Because it's 10:45pm and it's dark and you're only halfway through breaking down the moose that you don't want to leave in the muddy willows overnight in bear country, and your knife is dulling up and your buddy has a pull through sharpener.
>But muh snowflake mirror edge
You have work to do and everyone is getting tired. You'll be lucky to be back at camp by 3am as it is.
solution: I was never in this situation and simply strop the knife on my belt. Takes 10 seconds and the job gets done.
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Got my firesale CSRK in the mail. Perfect center console knife for when you need to mini-Bowie a nigga at the drivethru
>being retarded and unprepared so you strip the edge of your knife for no good reason
You shouldn't be allowed to handle knives if you use pullthrough sharpeners and if you think it's just about "muh mirror edge" then you are stupid as fuck
>SRK-C is a completely different knife than the SRK.
its the exact same knife
>Every dimension is smaller
that's the only difference
You can fix your man jewelry later, your job is in front of you.

In all seriousness this did happen to me and I got caught out with a convex DH Russel and no good way to sharpen it. I was sad.

When I get home from the bush I want to eat home cooked food and spend time with my wife, not preen over metal.
>You can fix your man jewelry later, your job is in front of you.
Duh, that's why you shouldn't have left home with a shitass knife that can't finish the job. But you fucked that up, and now need to fix it.
>not preen over metal.
oh boy it really is hard to wipe the knife off and uh...oh, right, that's all you have to do. No wonder you use a pull through sharpener, you're dumb as shit.
>and spend time with my wife
it is poorfag cope and/or boomer myths that fancy steel is fussy or high maintenence. My cruwear/m4 blades have high speed pvd coatings that prevent rust and show no signs of even basic patina on exposed metal. All I do is sharpen and oil with wd40. My m390 foreigner is basically rustproof. The only blade that shows any sign of rust is the 154cm benchmade that I have but it's damn near 30 years old and has no coat left.
spyderco lockbacks are, but lockbacks are usually awkward when the overall length is anything reasonable. i had a civivi exarch that I gave away, i'll have to see if they have similar models that maybe run even a bit thinner with better steel. compeltely forgot about the deka, thanks for bringing that up
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>Hogue deka
also hi
Imagine having so little outdoor experience that you can't find a story about forgetting a tool relatable. Imagine being so autistic, you can't see that the story is self deprecating in the first place. Don't worry bro, the convex edge on that high carbon blade was rescued the next day.
so if one was 1ft long and the other was 3" oal it's the same
>Imagine having so little outdoor experience that you can't find a story about forgetting a tool relatable
Guess I'm just not a fuckup.

You're the guy who always forgets his earpro and has to borrow foamies from me, aren't you?
>Guess I'm just not a fuckup
I think you're probably suburban and like hammers more than building houses. That's fine though, someone out there has to design the best hammer. You probably know a ton about knife geometry and steel and so on. More power to you.
>I think you're probably suburban and like hammers more than building houses.
Well I do it for a living
sure, I guess. I have like, one neighbor within a mile radius. Practically a gated community.
>You probably know a ton about knife geometry and steel and so on.
Of course. Scandi=best and 80crv2 and 1095 are all you need
look up the transitive property of congruence and get back to us
D2 chips like a bitch and I'd rather eat bees than spend a fucking hour sharpening S35VN ever again
>another faggot in a knife general who thinks he's superior because he doesn't give a shit about knives
More people just parroting whatever muh heckin bushcraft youtuber ecelebs say.
The only thing a scandi edge is legitimately superior for is batonning and maybe feathersticking. A knife with a standard saber/flat/hollow/convex grind is superior in everything else you actually use knives for.
What a fucking midwit response. Maybe I will make detailed diagram of all exact differences
stainless steels are the worst steels, they arent even the most corrosion resistant catagory anymore. High alloy steels are tougher than high carbon, and now have higher hardness and corrosion resistance than stainless steels with the new nitrogen ally steels.
so superior for opening boxes, and food packaging? working with wood is probably the only hard use any of our knives will ever see.
Anon, scandi is fantastic at any and every kind of wood carving. The only thing it's bad at is slicing vegetables.

Stop being a clown.
I got the 3V one for a hundred bucks. Had the SK5 one for years, always been a go to.

Looks like the Aitor Oso Negro or some clone of it.
i don't think that the terms people commonly use for describing knives are necessarily identical to actual industrial grades and classifications of steel. the industrial definition of stainless steel may solely include steels over 13% Cr and not all that much carbon, like V2A or 1.4034, but in regards to knives something that has only a tiny bit of chrome but a bunch of nitrogen to completely prevent rust is still a steel that doesn't stain, and thus just as much of a "stainless steel".
You have a very limited imagination
I have a problem, I need to stop buying knives.
To the RAT-1 D2
Only troons shave
>take care of skin
>get sun
That's not how it works
Convexed scandi is the GOAT.
All other answers are fucktarded.
I'd go 3v simply because they usually cost the same, San Mai has a higher cance of getting fucked during manufacture, and it's just vg10 with 400 series stainless clad to it.
nah, I'm trying something totally different, a Launch 15. might not like it, but we'll see.
+2 DPS
>Stop being a clown.
A narrower blade will inherently be better for actual cutting tasks.
>scandi is fantastic at any and every kind of wood carving
Maybe you should reread my post.
>so superior for opening boxes, and food packaging?
Yes, and all the other things that you might need to actually cut.
>working with wood is probably the only hard use any of our knives will ever see.
What does hard use have to do with it?
>they arent even the most corrosion resistant catagory anymore
lol wut
>High alloy steels are tougher than high carbon
No, they're usually the opposite because of high quantities of carbides.
Those steels with significant nitrogen additions are designed that way in large part to increase their corrosion resistance. They are stainless steels.
A tang extending through the hilt and peened holding the whole assembly together is a full tang.

Shock absorption and corrosion are practical concerns although style can't be overlooked. Way too many people underestimate how big a role fashion played in weapon design and popularity.
They kinda suck as hunting knives, it's hard to filet with them along bone and hide.
Nah some UV exposure is good for regulating your microbiome. Just don’t overdo it.
Yeah and a lot of the reviews are saying the kydex sheaths CS uses now can actually dull the edges of their sanmai knives over time.
1. It does nothing for your microbiome
2. Your microbiome does nothing for your skin
3. Sun exposure is one of the worst things you can do for skin
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They're not kydex, they're injection molded glass reinforced nylon. And they can dull any knives. The main problem is they're too tight and the edges drag on them.

Honestly if you wanna go peak Tai Pan get one of the San Mai ones made in the 1990s in Japan.
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Based straight edge appreciator
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Newest purchase
Why would you ever use a hollow grind?
looks like the worst of everything
it won't be sharper than a flat or scandi but be way less durable?

the only part of a cutting implement that actually cuts is the radius on the tip
scandi grinds are stupid, they are good for something like a chisel but shit for a knife
you can resharpen a flat ground/microbevel knife pretty easy
a scandi grind requires removing a fuck ton of material to resharpen
>Why would you ever use a hollow grind?
Cheap and slicey
Small wood processing is nice, they bite well, but so does scandi.
Chisles have a chisle grind knifelett
have you taken the Geometry pill? always was curious why my kitchen knives were dull as a table but worked perfect for cutting food

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i just got my father a casstrom knife with scandi grind for his birthday and he smiled and was happy so scandi must be superior, also all my other knives are scandi. wanna get a casstrom no 10 next, looks pretty good
I know nothing about industrial steel use. The sources I use for knife steels, would not consider the low chrome high nitro steels stainless but high alloy steels. Just a steel whore.
Magnacut has better corrosion resistance than almost all stainless steels and is a high alloy steel. And there is a whole line of high alloy nitrogen steels with very high corrosion resistance. Also there is No equilent of 3v, cruwear, much less magnacut in high carbon steels, that catagory is near its grave. Being limped along things like spray forming.
Nice, I got one a few weeks back.
is it a japanese suicide knife?
My quarterly performance was disonorabru
To the anon that got the HiFinder Microtech knockoff from AliExpress a couple of weeks ago, how's it holding up?
Sunburns are bad and even then it's nothing the power of being well can't immediately repair and prevent from ever hurting you.
Eat food, touch grass, and lift weights.
>No equilent of 3v, cruwear, much less magnacut in high carbon steels,
Well that is some dumbass shit to say out in public in front of God and everyone
>Why would you ever use a hollow grind
it's literally the best shape to make precise long cuts, nothing will cut better than a hollow grind
>it won't be sharper than a flat or scandi
there is much less contact between the material and the blade so it will be sharper all the way thrugh the cut or across a surface. Hollow grinds also allow for edge angles that flat inclines do not, which is why a Buck knife or a razor will be 14-17deg OOTB and most other knives are 25-45deg. Can you microbevel a scandi down to 17deg? yes, if you have terminal levels of autism, but inherently hollow grinds support much finer edge angles, meaning they are sharper by default
>the only part of a cutting implement that actually cuts is the radius on the tip
yes that's why axes are thin flat grind blades and kitchen knives are large triangular wedges
>yes that's why axes are thin flat grind blades and kitchen knives are large triangular wedges

the geometry behind the radius doesn't cut you retard
the geometry behind the radius is what supports the radius
hollow grind: super weak blade that is no sharper than anything else, but will present less friction passing through something that is already cut

axes are fat because they support lots of force/impact going into the edge
kitchen knifes can be hollow ground because they are light duty and will pass through a cut easier, but the hollow ground geometry is not the part that is cutting
scandi grinds are retarded for everything other than things like chisels
I got a refund for a knife order last week
Today the shipping info got updated and it has arrived in my country

I might actually get the knife for free
The diameter behind the edge matters and that's where hollow grinds shine
Magnacut IS a stainless steel, you dunce.
try cutting something that requires the blade to pass through it for a good while and you'll see the difference (like cardboard). it's about decreasing the drag on the cut.
Stop being a nigger
>the geometry behind the radius doesn't cut
no shit it doesn't, that's why it makes it a better knife
did you fall on your head or did mama feed you windowsill chips in your grits?
winner winner chicken dinner
I'm confused, in that chart up there it looks like it'd be overly thick, how is it less tough?
Hollow looks like a really dumb idea for anything but a razor blade substitute. Looks like it'd break if you caught a bad angle cutting paper.
does edge autism matter that much? for cooking it seems like the thickness of the blade behind the edge is more important than the edge, you can cook with dull knives if the blade is thin enough
Different knives have different purposes
Yeah that's why Buck has sold literally 100s of millions of hollow grind knives for 80 years it's a horrible idea amirite
Blade geometry (overall thickness, shape and grind) is the biggest factor by far in how well a knife will cut, and thin, full flat or hollow ground blades are the best, objectively speaking, and yes, that can matter more than a perfect edge apex, a dull kitchen knife will cut better than a razor sharp splitting maul.
HOWEVER, you are supposed to put the two together and combine proper sharpening with appropriate blade geometry, a dull tool is a poor tool
edge is important for pull cuts or draw cuts, not so important for push cuts
Look up some of Dexter Russell’s offerings. Never tried any of their shit but it all looks legit and they seem to have a ton of options and variations.
What's a good boot knife that doesn't have a polymer handle? I need one in case of african ninjas.
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>boot knife that doesn't have a polymer handle
you mean one of these meme knives without a handle? or a wood handle?
>not so important for push cuts
bwoi hwat you say now? do you have any clue how much sharpening autism exists in the wood carving community
>it's over 9000
i meant like this, but maybe im wrong, i guess that's a push cut too technically
Old Hickory butchering knives, cheap, but worthwhile. Victorinox also highly reccomended
Also good to go. search Dexter Russell Cimeter for straight tip or Butcher knives for broad tip
if you want some bougie shit Wusthof, but they won't perform any better than the other brands listed
You do realize the OP pic isn't an exact scale cross-section of all hollow grinds, right?
are hollow grinds doable with a stone? or you need a belt?
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You use the concave shape by grinding the blade with a wheel
Wood, obviously.
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I'm taking scuba classes and the idea of diving knives came up. Just about everyone is ranting and racing about how great the scubapro jawz ti is, but it's literally 300 dollars. Can anyone attest to how great it is? I understand that you get what you pay for, but there's got to be diminishing returns
>bitchmades new bushcrafter knife is $400 for s30v
It looks like more of a multitool rather than a knife. Consider what you actually need
>strategic thumb grip
damn, that's a powerful knife
A: >>61647491
>Stop being a nigger

B: Why would you order any ER other than some of their ridiculous fixed blades?
The general opinion seems to be "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it". The other people in the class are richfags though so that definitely colors their opinions, I'm just wondering if any old titanium diving knife with a line cutter will do, or if this is the wunderwaffe of knives/tools
I don't know shit about diving but if accidental 02 hose cutting is really a thing I wouldn't want a knife at all. If I would want a knife I'd want a real one and not that silly trinket.
I know nothing about knives. Wouldn’t a von karman cross section be optimal for the cutting edge? Like to present the least amount of resistance in moving through shit. Basically a VLD bullet ogive?
Google suggests that's a shape that minimizes drag? If so then, well, that kind of drag is one factor if you want to quickly cleave through things (ie too fast for it to just fall apart and open up a path on its own). But that's only one factor involved here. To pass through the knife must also split the material it goes through, since we don't give a fuck about how well it cuts through gas and liquid. Second actual friction between the sides of the blade and the cut sides of the target can play a massive role as well, so sometime sit's better to go the "aerospike" route and spend a bit more effort pushing the target medium aside so contact surface is reduced. And for some kinds of cutting drag simply isn't a major factor. Of course cutting performance alone isn't all that matters either, we want the edge geometry to be both strong and easy to maintain as well.
With the importance of all of these factors varying depending on what exactly you're doing with your knife, and even personal preferences, no single geometry will ever rule supreme.
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seems overpriced honestly. titanium isn't a great material for knife blades anyway.
if you can forego the o2 wrench (though maybe the blade hole even works for that anyway) and glass breaker functionality, the MAC Tekno Rescue might be of interest. it's not some random Chinese brand, they're made in Italy and have quite a number of dive knives.
is this a good deal or are these fake? $25 shipped for a cold steel voyager seems good

on a knife, convex is a failure state of flat.
just accept it.
They seem to have some peculiar ideas about where the spine of the blade is.
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Just got this bad boy for free on Amazon. I ordered the 110 with finger grooves which was $10 more and they sent this. After calling customer services and spazzing out when they wouldn’t mail me the correct one they refunded me and I can keep the knife.
It seems unusually cheap
it seems quite cheap, and I think fakes of this knife do exist, but why not order one anyway. it's only 25 bucks. and sometimes companies will (intentionally or not) sell stuff for unusually low prices. last year for a little while there were Victorinox Outriders on ebay for 25€ a piece. after a week or so they went back to 50 or 60.
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>bought a knife
>it didn't shave
>put it to the stone
>it shaves (takes a few passes though)
I'm a knife guy now.
>you get what you pay for
Untrue for knives, diminishing returns start at around 15 $ thanks to Mora.

Fuck those titanium gimmicks for 300 $. Just look into some stuff from MAC Coltellerie, they make some very affordable Scuba stuff with decently hardened (very) stainless 1.4060 steel that actually holds an edge. Their serrations are pretty good as well, not Spyderco great but decent and the handles on their Aquatys series is extremely ergonomic.

I got an Aquatys with a polished blade for 30 € and after a quick sharpening it cuts pretty much everything that I need it to and has an additional line cutter, a serrated section and a 'hammer'.

MAC have a lot of stuff that looks decent to me, they seem like SeaMora.
Just realized that another anon already recommended a decent option from MAC.
>diminishing returns start at around 15 $ thanks to Mora.
lmao no. try about $100-120 or better yet take a fucking mora along as a dive knife and see how that goes
scuba divers are arrogant pricks that think they know shit from shinola when they know fuck and all, but they do appreciate quality gear. If they like it, it is probably extremely well suited to the task, but you have to weigh that against dropping a $300 tool into the ocean so examine the options. AFAIK the main quality difference in dive knives is the steel, cheap ones use actuall bad (not knife-nerd bad, objectively bad) steel for the blade, decent ones use OK steel like 420 or 440 and excellent ones use LC200N or Ti.
as far as features go, I did EMT training and the built-in O2 wrench makes me and my gumball buddies very excited, I've got a cutter/breaker/wrench knife in my gear now and lots of EMTs and FRs are picking them up too.
that thing looks like you can easily use it as a wrench without accidentally slicing yourself up but IDK, I don't dive
Moras are good for green wood working, due to edge geometry, and not total trash heat treat, that's about it.
If you try doing wood processing, or field dressing/skinning a large animal you're in for a chore.
I was referring to knives from a very general POV. Also I'd bet that a Mora Companion Rescue F wit an added retention strap would make for a much better dive knife than most 'scuba knives' out there simply because it cuts, holds an edge and you don't need to worry about losing it.

Titanium is a shitty blade material, worse than most steels (except for the most basic unhardened stainless steels like 304) because it can't hold an edge at all. LC200N is excellent stuff but expensive af.
fuck it ill get one. i dont have any authentic cold steels to compare it to though but ill report back with my assessment when it arrives
>authentic cold steels
Cold Steel knockoffs are made by the exact same shops that make the official CS knives and I mean that quite literally, CS has always outsourced to the lowest bidder overseas, and they've been in China for at least 20 years now.
the part that's missing is QC and oversight, these factorys DGAF if they sell botched knives, but CS does, so they inspect the product regularly as it is shipped in
>Titanium is a shitty blade materia
it is ultralight, doesn't corrode and it is nonmagnetic and does not spark, hence is popularity with divers, espcially the working kind
that model he's talking about is made in Taiwan iirc. same as the espada and a bunch of other stuff.
>short as shit
>tacticool thumb slot (sounds gay)
>aggressive serrations (3 of them)

cant stab anything even if you want, cant serrate anything fast even if you want

I mean, might be cool if you're just cave diving and need to maintain the thing, but other than that, it wont really protect you or help you hunt for anything, perhaps even a basic Victorinox Swiss Army Knife like Skipper would do a much better job for a third of the price
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For me, its the Ritter Hogue in Magnacut.
> ultralight, doesn't corrode and is non(ferro)magnetic

Aluminum is much lighter and does the other two things just as well. Still doesn't make Ti a good blade material. At 37 HRC, it's just too soft for any serious cutting tasks.

>does not spark
How so? Titanium can spark almost similar to steel if abraded due to rapid particle oxidation.

I get that titanium is easier to deal with in terms of buoyancy and that might explain the popularity among divers (as well as the gimmick factor) but Ti is not suitable for any serious cutting tasks. I doubt that the 'working' kind of divers that frequently use (and loose) their knives would go for a 100 $ titanium gimmick knife that can't hold an edge and is extremely hard to resharpen.
I’m comparing Magnacut to CruWear. It’s basically the same steel but it trades a little toughness in order to become fully stainless (rather than semi stainless).
>At 37 HRC
Shitty grade Ti. Maybe if grade 1 Ti was used it wouldn't be as soft as butter.
Based and Higopilled
What's wrong with Mora?
Speaking of....
Bump for Chink Micropenis anon>>61644884
well that dude wants to use it like a diveknife which is a specialized task
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Any love for the Kukri?
>shitty grade Ti
That's the only actual number I could find for a 'premium' titanium knife from a German manufacturer. 37 HRC is a reasonable number, well within specs. None of the fancy dive knife manufacturers provide any hardness numbers for their Ti blades for a reason...

>wouldn't be as soft
Wrong, Grade 1 is on the soft but ductile end of the spectrum, Grade 5 is on the harder end (max. HRCs in lower 40s).

Titanium is great stuff but will never be a good material for cutting stuff, especially in an abrasive environment with sand and dirt sitting everywhere. Titanium knives are meme knives and nothing else.
3V is all by itself on that chart idiot. Please which one of the high carbon steels has close to the edge retention of 3v while still having that level of toughness.
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you couldn't tell a single one of these apart in the dark
you couldn't identify any steel on that chart without an XRF gun.
I'm not into knives but I genuinely though scandi was that the bezel is primarly on one side of the knife and the other side is just meant to finish the sharpening process. Shows what a newb I am.
>thins itself
>sets it own angle
>full bur removal with the ever so slightest imperceivable microbevelling
>can be further microbevelled to fit it to any given task
I don't see why I should use anything other than a scandi grind.
That's a chisel grind.
>thins itself
So does any edge.
>sets it own angle
Not an issue if you have any idea how to sharpen a knife.
>full bur removal with the ever so slightest imperceivable microbevelling
Same with any other edge.
>can be further microbevelled to fit it to any given task
Same with any other edge.
Scandi is good for splitting and feathersticking. That it's the best kind of knife for everything ever is a retarded meme.
Like the other anons said, good long clean slice with minimal drag.
Scythes use them for this reason.
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mine has a diff temper you just can it barely see on the belly. can definitely feel it on the stone tho
Suggestions on locking pocket knives with blades less that 6cm long? I need that European EDC swag
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It lives clipped in the mini pocket of my jeans and is still working flawlessly as a box/letter opener, or for quick one handed knife uses

Actually freed a eurasian tit (I think? Blue gray and yellow angry orb) from some twine (frayed end of a rope) two weeks ago, its paw was stuck and thanks to the one handed OTF I was able to keep the bird from moving too much with my left hand while I cut the thread with my right

I still recommend it, I'm having trouble seeing how it could be any better for my use and the price I paid

Not a fan of this blade shape though, it's nice to have two factory sharp edges since I'm lazy, but I'd buy a tanto or drop point shape next time, to better index the edge
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I have a retard question, I found two knives at work today at a pond in the middle of some BLM land. One is a Benchmade (I don't know what model) and the other is completely unknown. Any thoughts?
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That looks like it's been inside someone. In what manner, whoever, I leave it up to you.
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I found a knife that looks very similar to picrel. same 33011 but the markings are slightly different. it says 33011 above "limited edition" and what appears to be "fury" above it in some cursive font if I'm reading it right. wtf is it? that's the only post I could find online about it.
Idk if it's a piece of shit or not but it LOOKS nice.
>BLM land
?? is he being weirdly racist or does it stand for something else?
fyi: Spring Sale over at boker.de. take a look, they've got all sorts of brands and some stuff is reduced by over 50%.
speaking of, if you want small and locking the Boker Pocket is an option. doesn't have fancy steel but it sure looks good. 5.5cm blade. a Boker Boy Scout is similarly tiny, but looks a bit strange because it's just the regular Buck110-esque Scout scaled down way tiny.
what country is that you're talking about, by the way? i know that in the UK you can't carry locking knives, only non locking upto 3" (at least one handed is allowed, unlike in Denmark). And Germany there's no length limit on the locking knives you can carry, so long as they don't open one handed which is only allowed for non locking knives.
otherwise, check how long Swiza blades are, they're locking swiss army knives. Or Opinel.
i agree with the other anon, that looks a little bit like dried... something. as for the maker, could be hard to find out. from cheap chinky thing to shop made custom, there's so many of those small neck knife-ish paracord thingies. could you take a closer image of what I presume to be a logo there?
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Massive new addition to the collection.
>thick. solid. tight
>freakin' huge
Has a half stop position as well, which I appreciate
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Bureau of Land Management
It's an old novelty knife from Seki City, resellers used to sling these and lots of variations from the late 90s ownward, like Frost Cutlery had this exact model with rainbow woodgrain scales IIRC
Any experience with using Vanadis 4E to stab your knee, anon?
Probably in a fish given where I was at desu. It was in the mud, I was setting probes (work for government, doing surveying) and found it on the shoreline.
Bureau of Land Management, public land.
I'll take a pic later, I left it in my office. Its a little 'G' logo with two horizontal lines in the middle of the 'G'. Gotta do a lot of TLC to it.
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Knife truck just arrive

It was a month late but i got a refund from amazon. Man, i love the way it looks and it fits my hand better than i expected. I wonder if the glass breaker is any good, it sure is hard enough to scratch glass bottles with ease
Me or the cat?
theres nothing wrong with being racist
>One is a Benchmade (I don't know what model)
Benchmade Loco
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Bollock dagger anon from weeks ago, an update:

I ended up sanding the grip to try and even it out. Went OK. Wood was a grade 2 ebony, no worries. But I took it to 3000 grit sandpaper, then automotive polish, and since then, nothing but renaissance wax. I cleaned out between grits and polish, no filler at all. I cannot get it entirely mirror polished, but I did want to make the grip reflective, pun not intended, of the rest of it being equally high status. Will make a nicer fur lined scabbard as well and need to learn the latin approximation of BALLS DEEP to engrave on the ricasso because the interplay of sexual metaphors and violence is perfectly on point for a dagger shaped like a cock and balls. Here's what the grip originally looked like: https://todsworkshop.com/collections/in-stock-historical-swords-daggers-crossbows/products/copy-of-late-15thc-german-rothenburg-bollock-dagger-in-stock-1 . A lot thinner but doesnt really impair grip, and I think it looks a lot more elegant now.
only thing that's worse than the sun is breathing air
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a tiny knife is a death sentence. it is a knife and it is tiny.
Looks really nice. the brasswork is a bit crude but wouldn't be out of place in an 11th c reavers fort at all
notoriously difficult to get to a mirror finish be it has a long prominent grain structure, like oak. looks great as is, you can build up wax coats with car wax and buff them out until it glitters but its not permanent
>latin approximation of BALLS DEEP
Terminum ad testes penetrare
could also use: nuces, colei, ovae or saccus rugosa
>Terminum ad testes penetrare
sorry, testiculos
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Knife vs drone.
>he exploded the drone with nothing but a knife
Are chisel grinds better for self defense?
I got hit hard by all the war propaganda as a kid and I joined the Army at 18. If all these drone videos were floating around back then I would've said fuck that and went straight to the nearest machining/woodworking/whatever shop for an apprenticeship.
Correct, and pretty based choices.
Very pragmatic.
14C28N is the ultimate steel for a general purpose knife currently.
The only drawback is abrasion resistance, but that's not a problem assuming you have a field sharpener in your pack, or even just a strop.
3V and A8Mod are also really good choices, with a little more edge retention (abrasive) compared to 14C28N, but waaaay worse corrosion resistance.
I'll sacrifice a bit of CATRA performance for corrosion resistance 10/10 times.
14C28N also do really well with cryo treatment, which gives it even better hardness/toughness ratio.
>scandi grinds are retarded for everything other than things like chisels
Absolute fucking retard take.
Scandi is an S-tier grind for any woodworking knife.
You guys like Lappland knives? I just ordered one, mostly for chopping firewood for campfires
>Lappland knives
Do you mean puuko or leuku?
I think old school leukus are the best camp knives you can find.
No. Grind doesn't matter enough to make a difference in a self defense situation. If you hypothetically killed somebody with a flat grind knife, they'd be just as dead if you had used a chisel grind knife instead (and vice versa). However, if you're ONLY going to use it for self defense, there is a benefit. You only have to sharpen one side of the blade. Not that you'll need to sharpen it much if it's reserved for self defense, but it saves time nonetheless.
ye, Leuku
This is the one I ordered.
My friend has forged one, from a knifesmith and it's pretty handy for chopping smaller trees
>didnt payed attention during basic
If someone can whup your ass they can probably do it if you have a knife too. So it depends on which grind you'd prefer to have taken from you and stabbed into your stomach.
>>for everything other than like chisels
>a woodworking tool
>Scandi is an S-tier grind for any woodworking knife
Kek, good job anon.
Any sharpening fags around? I have Naniwa Chosera 400, 1k, 5k. They've been suiting my pocketknife and kitchen knife needs for years. I'm getting into woodworking now and I want something finer than the 5k, and also an intermediate step between the 1k and the 5k. Any suggestions? I've been thinking the Chosera 3k and then an 8k, either the Naniwa "snow white" or the Suehiro. Thoughts?
I grabbed one of those sharpal double sided diamond boys and a leather strop. seems to work well. I need to sit down and perfect my sharpening technique before I'll really know how good they are.
Yeah, that's a bunch of bullshit. I do a lot of wood woodwork and carving. I have a few knives with Scandi grinds but most of the time I prefer either a flat grind because of the larger bevel to register the knife against, or a convex grind which registers better against a curve.
That makes a lot of sense thanks
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>scandi grinds are retarded for everything other than things like chisels
Have I had too much to drink or does this post imply that you've been buying chisels that are not chisel ground?
A most smaller knives with flat grinds lack edge stability for whittling and splitting wood in the field.
I don't want to grind out a chipped or folded edge in the bush, scandi or "scandivex" makes that a non-issue.
S-tier grind for a woodsknife, pretty shit for meat and veggies.
I usually carry a larger knife with scandi and a small knife with flat or hollow grind for finer shit (cooking).
I like an opinel number 9 for meal prep, nice and thin.
Yeah, I need an Opinel in my collection, seems like a nice knife for trout fishing.
Thinking a No. 8.
>A most smaller knives with flat grinds lack edge stability for whittling and splitting wood in the field.
Yes, I was talking about woodwork, not bushcraft or splitting firewood. I'm thinkging building furniture, artistic wood carving, lutherie, etc. I totally agree the Scandi grind makes more sense for a bushcraft knife, but that's not what I think about when I read "woodwork"
What's a good utility folder? Tired of messing up my real knife at work.
I was gonna buy a Tai Pan and SRK, but Chicago Knife Works penalizes you if your package is over 2 lbs. Which one should I pick?
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I bought this initially for cutting wires and string but it seems pretty capable for defending myself in a fight too. People in prison die to toilet paper shanks, so I guess any sharp object can do honestly. It's a cheap 8 dollar knife from walmart.
Civivi utility
My real knife is a Spyderco Delica but I also keep one of those Milwaukee folders on me to use for nasty bullshit or hand to idiots. Those Milwaukee knives are surprisingly decent for like $15 at HD.
I’m thinking about getting a Delica with the wave. It looks like a pretty sweet knife
I have it. It's a good knife
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hello chooms, I am looking at buying a sword. do you think these are good


Reddit is the other direction kind stranger.

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