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>Absolutely massive
>Cant see shit
>Can move turret (broken anyways)
>looks and moves like a WW1 tank
>looks and moves like a WW1 tank

I love these smekalka behemoths and I'm not afraid to say it anymore.
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> only way to protect Russian territory from Ukrainian attacks was to create a buffer zone that would put Russian regions beyond the range of Ukrainian fire
They’ve been saying that since February 2022
>but said such a zone might have to be big enough to stop foreign-made weapons striking Russian territory
Wouldn’t that require the entirety of Ukraine to be occupied?
Mobility military scooters smegmakaka'd into off-road capabilities including nets to protect from drones. Imagine it, and how the Vatniks would froth at the mouth trying to defend it.
NATO support’s lasts only so long as US support lasts, and no one is willing to spend more than a tiny fraction of GDP on the effort. Russia commitment is vastly larger so it seems very unlikely Ukraine will win. Unless the US gets much more serious about support it’ll be a Russian victory. The only other hope is that the loss of the European energy market is enough to force Russia to stop before Ukraine collapses.
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One comfy thing (from an outside perspective) about numbers in this war is that ALL numbers are verified/stepped on within a very narrow margin. None of the "body count" fantasies of previous conflicts.

That being said, the Russians lost the equivalent of a reinforced battalion combat team in one day's worth of combat. I don't get how they can keep sustaining this.

Most NATO armies would be completely dead doing it this way in a couple of weeks. Even the US military couldn't sacrifice its soldiers this way for more than a month.

The city is in chaos, gangs are roaming the streets. In this context, how would you fortify and defend this place /k/?
I would fortify and defend that place with muh dik.
Replace the inside of the pyramid with a big giga laser system that has an omni-directional lens placed at the tip of the pyramid
Would make a good post-apocalyptic video game city/base

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As we all know, India has been on the front lines of the global war on terror, as well as containing the CCP, for decades- longer than any western country. Why then, does USA and its allies exclude India from the F-35 program? Indian participation would be enormously beneficial for all involved: China and the Muslim sphere would be surrounded by air forces equipped with the F-35 on all sides, and India's aerospace industry would help USA perfect the design. Furthermore, the F-35 could be integrate into India's carrier battle group, improving security in the Indian Ocean and beyond. This seems like a win-win, no?
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blessed bait
I would be very surprised if UN troops acting under a UN resolution arent fucking up India within the next 200 years. Nobody is India's friend because India doesn't want any friends.
Their “non-alignment” foreign policy is absolutely retarded that serves only India, and no country is ever going to fully trust them because at it’s core, that policy isn’t beneficial for anyone other than India. It’s retarded and there’s a reason why none of the great powers follow suit.
>As we all know, India has been on the front lines of the global war on terror,
Yes as terrorists murdering sikhs and others in countries around the world and working with Putin to launder oil revenue. India is a terrorist state. Muslims are terrorists. Hindus are terrorists. communists are terrorists. Heathens tend to be terrorists it seems. Get your illegal immigrants and bogus students out of Europe right now. India deserves to be sent into economic collapse and starvation for supporting Russia.

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Commuters in Belgorod patiently waiting for a BM-21 to finish firing its missiles.
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>to bait civvie deaths from counter battery fire
but none gives a shit about Russian civilian deaths, they literally killed 11 Russians using their own S-300 week ago and everyone kind of forgot about it
>Why is Russia losing?
They keep losing in the wrong direction. /k/ keeps trying to tell them but the dumb fucks won’t listen.
Russia has been getting the meat for the meatgrinder from the lowerclass of russia, the middle class and uper class has been fine so far.
Fucking antifa
I want to rest my sleepy head on her chest.

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ITT: Your childhood arms
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Six shots, more than enough to annoy any kid that moves.
[spoiler]To bad I broke mine from being clinically retarded and having access to screwdrivers as a kid.[/spoiler]
Buzzbee chads, STAY HERE
This was my go-to, but I’ve allways had two gripes with it: the short range and power of the darts it fires and the 72 hours that it takes to reload darts into the drum magazine.
Theres nothing quite like the feeling of slamming a long stiff Nerf Dart™ into a proprietary Nerf™ chamber
We had Sockemboppers
That's so different from simply changing a clip!

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Even-More-Dead-Than-Before Edition.
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I don't know I stole it from here years ago. I used to watch mac every day as a kid and I don't remember it either.
Someone please sell me an A.R.M.S. #22 TRC &TRR
USP sold

If you were in Starfleet, what rank and area would closely resemble your current social status and occupation?

I would literally look like pic related, am actual research scientist employed as a postdoc in charge of students who work for me
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lmao what makes you think you got what takes to knock him down?
>lmao what makes you think you got what takes to knock him down?
Sgt. Zim the drill instructor has an unfair advantage here, I am not going to do the same thing in a training session as in a real fight
>in a REAL fight I’d do things you’re not allowed to do in a training fight

So would he. You’d lose faster and worse.
IIRC in the book he actually spanks a recruit whose like a world judo champ for this exact reason, but then he makes that boot the combatives instructor for the platoon

They did it at least twice, with the Indian planet being ceded to the Cardies, and Turkana IV the rape-gang planet.

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>For example, Egypt’s F-16 fleet is perhaps the most ineffective F-16 force worldwide. Despite upgrading the fleet to Block 40 and 52 standards, the United States has long denied Egypt air-to-air missiles with a range greater than 85 km, restricting Egypt’s arsenal to the AIM-7 Sparrow and 35 km shorter ranged AIM-9 Sidewinders.
>a major stumbling block. The Sparrow is a Cold War relic that requires the operator to remain locked-on to the target to score a hit. On the other hand, numerous other U.S. clients in the region—including Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Oman, and Turkey—operate the superior active radar AIM-120 AMRAAM. This system'sfire-and-forget capability allows the operator to maneuver freely after launch and possesses a publicized range that exceeds that of the AIM-7 Sparrow by an additional 20 km. The air-to-air missile restrictions have put Egypt’s entire F-16 fleet at an overwhelming disadvantage should it engage in aerial combat with any air force in the region armed with BVR missiles. This significant tactical disadvantage likewise reinforces Egypt’s principal weakness in past wars: its ineffective air power
>Furthermore, the United States has long denied Egypt advanced heavy air superiority fighters, which has restricted the range and capability of the Egyptian Air Force.
>by pushing for an F-15 fighter deal, but while the United States has approved sale of these systems to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, all of Egypt’s requests have been rejected. In 2018, Donald Trump made a verbal commitment to sell Egypt 20 F-35 fighter jets, but once again, a dealnever materialized due to the opposition of the Defense Department and rumored Israeli pressure
>Nor have these restrictions been limited to U.S.hardware. When Egypt requested the French Rafale, the United States and Israel applied pressure on France to downgrade the air-to-air missile available to Egypt to the 80 km MICA missile instead of the 100 km Meteor missile
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Fuck ya mudda
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I don't believe it's even this but US being too afraid Egypt has put itself into an economically unsustainable situation where a collapse would mean all these weapons suddenly appearing in the wrong hands.

Want better shit? Fix yourself up.

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How much uniforms did the military produce per year? By uniforms, i mean combat fatigues. From my understanding, they spent billions, but the amount of uniforms is pretty vague. However, there is always some kind of surplus that resulted in them getting stored or whatever.
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When he said tags, he meant clothes tags like you see on new clothes at the store, not the velcro nametapes and Army tape. Those are also very easy to remove, even if they're sewn on.
I was just talking to my grandpa about how many emesis bags get made a year.
Sometimes people are curious about production numbers.
By tags, I mean tags that you see on new clothings. Also, even if you wore full uniform with the ribbons and or ranks on it, its not illegal. It falls under the first amendment as long as you never lie about being a vereran for the sake of government benefits.
What the fuck was Congress thinking lol.
During the early days of the GWOT, there was a big problem if people defrauding the government and public by pretending to be veterans. This caused Congress a the time to introduce a bill that deals with them.

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Alright 3 times is silly, 4 is just being annoying
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This thread still up ?
Lmfao at these useless Arabs. Can’t wait for mods to delete these pro terror threads
But they're consistently hitting jets, they shot down F-15s, F-16s, a ton of Apaches, routinely shoot down US drones and basically starving the Kikes by closing down the seaways.

Houthis are spectaculatly succesful given their grassroot and humble origins. I'm rooting for them, clearly the good guys.
Sandnigguh thinking his opinions matter lmfao. Go back to drinking donkey piss
>we didn't NEED that drone
It's quite simple: drones don't have a pilot onboard, so America can use them for things it would be politically and militarily stupid to use a manned aircraft for (see the U-2 shootdown), and brownies get to cheer and clap when they manage to bring one down without triggering a punitive invasion, everyone wins.

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>turtle tanks are packing their own EW systems
>ukies us AI on drones (the little box on the middle left) to combat this

how does this work? i'm not sure what the box is doing
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>You know it doesn't have IR right
comparing two or more frames and following pixels that move relative to "backround" is easier in ir mode
but can be done in visible as well - a bit harder on performance and less stable but it was doable 30 yrs ago on baseline pc as a tech uni project
Its not a contrast lock for fucks sake. You would call a space heater an advanced firepit
Its because prior to what was popularized a couple years ago as AI ML was clunky. Its like saying we had excel before Microsoft because you could do spreadsheets by hand.
Hello anon,
I'm pretty sure you are unfamiliar and not trolling.
The video is fuzzing because altitude is dropping and the curvature of the Earth, the ground, and nearby obstructions are conducting EW on the drone
There's no clear sign that Russian forces are contributing and you would know very quickly if the drone was being hit by targeted EW because there would be gaps in the video, at a minimum.
Have a good day!
THATS NOT AI NIGGER , that type of targeting algorithm is being used at least since the 70s.

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Grandpa's War Trophies Edition

Post your Peepaw's trophy that was saved from the boomers.

Previous Thread: >>61591532
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It's not about being cheaper. Commercial 8mm is weak as fuck.
>surplus 8x57 is expensive, corrosive and causes more wear on the already old as fuck /msg/ guns

Wow, amazing, what are the upsides though?
>Haven't seen anything in years

Recently (and still up) ONE seller on GB listed over 7k rounds of various surplus 8mm. I'm guessing from a boomer estate. Surplus 8mm is EVERYWHERE online, for a decent price too. That is, unless, you're a leaf or Euro.
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>burgers hogging all the 8mm
It's not fair...
>he doesnt collect everything from World of Guns

What wrong with ramps on aircraft carriers?
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What an insanely ignorant post.

>Aviators with the US Marine Corps (USMC) flew the short take-off and vertical landing variant of the fifth-generation fighter from HMS Prince of Wales, completing a rolling vertical landing – a first aboard the ship – and ski-jump-assisted launch of an F-35B carrying an ultra-heavy payload.
>The F-35’s standard weapons load is 6,800kg (15,000lb), according to Lockheed’s website. However, under a configuration the RN colloquially calls “beast mode”, maxed-out F-35Bs can carry 9,980kg of payload – roughly three times more than the UK’s final Harrier GR9 variant, the service says.
>To accomplish the heavy take-off, test pilots executed a so-called “run-up” launch, starting from the aft end of the flight deck and rocketing toward the ship’s ski jump ramp. It was the first run-up launch conducted from either Prince of Wales or its sister ship Queen Elizabeth.
Its like manual action on a car, inferior to modern automatic technology but some fuddy duddy's who don't even drive professionally think they know better.
My name is Steve Lincoln from the province of California, and I have to say very impressed with the advances of Chinese military and technology over these last decades. I am deeply fearful of the enviable day that China closes the gap between USA. This is why I am contacting my regional committee leader right now, to tell him to stop these senseless trade wars which nothing more than an attack on innocent and peaceful country by the cowardly USA because they want to stop our rise, but they can not do such things only slow the enviable.
And I can't wait to go fishing with my American son this weekend.
It limits the types of aircraft you can fly but other than that there's nothing particularly wrong.
Lmao I thought the jannies were on your side warriortard?

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>video of part of a drone swarm hitting the oil refinery in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai on May 17th

where's the air defense?

has russia just given up on defending themselves from drones?
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can you show me the giant pipeline system allowing them to sell even 10% of the volume they sold to europe?

you really should think a little harder before coming up with cope like this. i'll restate it again for you.
they PHYSICALLY are not capable of selling as much to other countries as they were to the EU, they literally do not have the physical infrastructure to do so.
How big of a missile would you need to level that entire facility?
Anyone have a non-spyware link?
>my guess is they expect the US to tell Ukraine to stop
If you can't do anything else, praying for a deus ex machina is all there is left.
Or a dignified death but Russia can't in2 dignity
anon gave you one

Third times the charm edition

Previous Thread: >>61614350

Lying about criminal history = BAD
Lying about medical history = GOOD
Marine Corps = BASED
Intel/Cyber = POZZED

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Annoying but doable, if you're committed go to a civilian doctor and have them state in writing in the notes that you do not have whatever it is you were diagnosed with. Literally instruct them on what to write in the notes. If you have that prior to going to MEPS things will run more smoothly (although still annoying).
Completely random and not that much of a pain assuming your doctor still has the records, but can take annoyingly long.
I thought you were supposed to report for duty in a suit?
Will do. Thanks to you both. I'll talk to doctor ahead of time.
Ran into that when I was joining, was back in 2012. So, no MHS Genesis, but there was a drawdown.
Was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid because I'd go from withdrawn and uninterested in class to being energetic outside. Had to get a doctor's note for the diagnosis, and I hadn't been on Ritalin in awhile.
Still needed a waiver, which took months, but was able to join. Whole enlistment process took four months, was in the DEP for three.

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