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ITT: Your childhood arms
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>I hit you
>You're dead
>Yeah you are
>No you don't have a power shield
My Dad used make me PVC guns when I was kid. Did your dad make something like that?
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That sounds so cool, my parents wouldn't let me have toy guns so all my weapons were OSP.
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>Leave one of these babies plugged in
>Strategically make my way towards it while friend is scrambling to reload nerf darts
>Grab it
>Squeeze out some hot glue and chase friend around
>He kicks you in the balls when you tag him with hit but it's worth it
He showed me his dick later
I used to build spud guns and air cannons with my dad. Spud guns were a piezo electric sparker from a lighter and PVC tubing, air cannons were mostly 2 litre pop bottles with a bike valve haphazardly glued in and a ball valve / solenoid in later designs. good times, but i got banned from making them once i got older and they became more powerful. thereafter me and friends had to set up makeshift workshops innawoods with 'borrowed' tools which seriously hindered R&D, and then we discovered girls and drinking anyway.
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back in the late 2000's when airshitting wasn't completely dead here
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It was my brother's originally. On trigger pull it played emergency car siren sounds at deafening levels. As a shitling I used fire it while driving on bicycle to troll old hags in the neighborhood that the ambulance, fire engine or police was coming for whatever reason. Goodtimes, anyway toy is ~30 years old now, and it still works.
Fuck yeah I had that one and the break action SxS
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Yup or moms old broken hairdryer
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Astronomically based. That gun was ahead of its time. I had that one and tbe break action shotgun with ejecting shells. But nothing can top the original Longshot.
Tell me I'm not the only one.
Anything with a 90 degree angle
Were you guys not just beating the trap out of each other with sticks for swords?
Fucking this! I used to own that same airsoft AK back in the 2000s. I remember COD:MW actually used this same AK as a 3d model reference.
had one of these as a teen until it literally broke in half
it didn't even actually fire anything, just made sound effects and shit, but the bolt was fully operational and it could be reloaded like a real rifle with an internal magazine
shit was so cash, my second gun ever ended up being a .22 bolt-action with a similar camo design
I'd like to beat a trap with my sword, if you know what I mean
All the time. I had a broomstick that I drew on so that it would look kinda like a musket. My mom took it away from me because I would just beat my older brother with it instead of using it like a gun. Later on I upgraded to plastic lightsabers. Nerf guns are cool and all, but I craved glorious melee combat.
We had a bunch of shitty spring operated single shot airshoft guns when i was a kid. We would go and have battles in a small woods near my house.
Oh the terror when the store near us got aa battery operated "machine guns" and me and one other friend bought ourselves one.
Fun times
I dont get the hype about the longshot, I had one and every other kid's I ever used never had enough power to get the shot to go even decently far, the nerf gun that had a tripod and looked kind of like an M16 was way better. If I recall you could hand cycle it or if you put batteries in it you could fire full auto. Had a belt and a box as well. Nerf guns were fun but we never had enough darts to play with them properly. And cleanup was a bitch. There was always that crazy scramble to leave cover to grab darts off the ground and scramble to reload before the bastards would rush your position. I still check behind the curtains for charlies to this day.
My mom was a hippie so no guns for me :(
For me it was embracing my inner childlike weeb and making various "swords" out of wood, usually katana shaped, and THEN beating the shit out of each other with them. Some of them were even kind of nicely made, even by adult me standards, but most were just sticks with a roll or two of electrical tape wasted on it.
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The spider killer
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Eh I was satisfied with the range and power. The sentry gun was weak though. And too heavy for most kids. I just remember seeing the first commercial for the long shot. The quick fire magazines and streamline darts were insane to me. I’d never seen it before, just the basic one shot suction cup ones. And yeah, leaning out of cover for darts and rushing your friends was peak childhood.
Also used pc related a lot indoors. They could be loaded fast and easy and gave your friends a satisfying snap. Pretty fast firing too. We also had one double barre pirate gun with clothes pins to hold the shot. That one could be loaded with like 5 bands per barrel and could be fired one at a time or both. That was the gun left out in the open, so you could make a dash for it. And man if you cornered someone and let out both barrels you could obliterate them. Might be why I like shotguns so much.
Cousin still has this in his closet. I go to his house and shoot him occasionally with it and he yells at me to stay out of his room. I am 28 and he is 30.
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>be me
>grow up on a few acres in Texas
>dad gives me slingshot on 5th birthday
>gather enough acorns to fill a 50 gallon drum
>free target practice every day for years
>fast forward to being 16, shooting with friends
>"anon how are you such a good shot?"

start em young bros
Fucking hell the flashback. My bro and I each got one of these. Holy shit we got wicked with them. Rocks, seed pods from trees, marbles, whatever we could find. In AZ the palm trees spit out these little dates the size of marbles. They’re hard as a rock but shatter when they hit a surface. They drop everywhere so we always had a bunch. Holy shit those were fun to shoot and pepper the yard with. Ironically at the same time my dad had re seeded the lawn so birds were flocking to our grass. Don’t see many birds anymore. Somehow that slaughter was passed through the survivors genetics into the next hundred flocks.
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I know what you mean, that belt fed was awesome. you must be smoking crack though if you think it resembled an M16
you aren't alone, I used to love building cool knex guns I found on instructables
Did you ever, you know, with it? With your penis?
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That's fuckin sick
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I built an 8 barreled minigun from Lego. Fires 130 or so rubberbands using a motor
Tell me more about this... "girls"
Shit that reminded me I made a katana from a piece of wood. And made a handguard by wrapping tape around the grip repeatedly. Went through several rolls which was a waste
Where I am from we treat firearms with respect
The couch fort never fell.
This and the Tommy 20 were my main weapons. I was a little autist obsessed with Prohibition so I pretended the levergat was a BAR due to the box mag
My Vulcan only fired a single belt in Christmas morning and then never worked again. Feelsbadman
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The long shot was also cool because I could take the barrel off the yellow rifle and fit it on the long shot, making it look way cooler. The yellow rifle itself was pretty cool, minus the giant laser sight.
It'll forever be sad to me what happened to airsoft in my region. Back in the early-mid '00s it was mostly 20-something guys, serious enough to use teamwork and tactics but not full LARP, usually playing on a field that was just a patch of undeveloped woods somebody owned, wearing whatever cool stuff you could find at the surplus store, and running stockish Tokyo Maruis so you could get away with just goggles and be fine. Nowadays you're forced to choose between cramped commercial CQB fields full of screaming 12 year olds in hoodies with cranked-up Polarstars and 1000rd mags or going to some autistic milsim LARP where you have to buy a whole new set of camo and sometimes a new gun to fit the required loadout for your team and then deal with a horde of obnoxious POGs who think they're the hottest most tactical shit on the field because they fixed humvees in Germany for 4 years.
i had the tommy 20, but it reminded me more of the half life 2 pulse rifle than it did an actual thompson
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Nerf wars were fair and balanced until that one white kid just HAD to stop the Asian kid once and for all. Now we all have to ask his permission to fight.
Good choice anon. I loved mowing down my friends with that thing.
My dad's friend gave me this when I was 12 and he taught me the basic principles of marksmanship which started my love for guns. The poor old fudd died of leukemia 2 years later :(
I preferred the opposite of putting the longshot barrel and scope on the recon instead. Then add the raider drum and stock.
Yeeeahhp a good pump is all you need
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You ever just take a sledgehammer or a cinder block to an entire box of caps?
keeeekkk I miss those days. I was the shield asshole a few times I admit.
*Slam fires 32 Nerf darts all over the living room*
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I loved the smell. I'm pretty sure huffing the fumes is what made me retarded.
I had one of the magazine binders. You would snap them together butt to butt so you could eject it and flip it around. Really gets you ready to hate the ATF early in life.
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I still got mine. I still have my entire arsenal infact if y’all wanna see it
Pose naked with them with timestamp
pic of me
nothing beats a good whacking stick
my nigga. i recall time when we would bring those shitty ass one shots to school we were in, to have battles innawoods during recess. teachers were cool with it as we weren't total fucking retards and had somekind of loose "honor code".
every now and then some random passerby's would stop and ask if the funs were real. no one really gave a shit. and now that i think about it, i'm pretty fucking surprised no one managed to shoot eachother in the eyes or scary shit like that.
pls like and subscribe
buzzbee fag's GET OUT
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My dad bought me a Daisy when I was a kid, when I was around 8 or so. I'd hunt field mice and black birds in the fields behind our house. It's what got me into guns, and taught me the fundamentals of marksmanship.
My double nigga. When we first started to get those guns all the kids around the neighbourhood used to carry them around like it was the fucking wild west. Luckily no one lost an eye even tough it came close a couple of times
u jelly?
I never understood the appeal of those distorted minis.
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Anybody else remember this piece? I wonder if it's still in a box somewhere in my parent's basement lol
Used to love having airsoft battles in the trailer park I grew up in. I had one of those cheap single action airsoft revolvers with the fake bullets, a cheap cowboy gun belt, and an electric P90. Kept the P90 in my left hand to pin people down and then would take accurate shots with the revolver in my right.
One time I quick drawed on a kid and shot him right in the balls with that revolver. Had to keep threatening to shoot him again when he wouldn't quit crying because I didn't want my mom to come out and start hollering.
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Six shots, more than enough to annoy any kid that moves.
[spoiler]To bad I broke mine from being clinically retarded and having access to screwdrivers as a kid.[/spoiler]
Buzzbee chads, STAY HERE
This was my go-to, but I’ve allways had two gripes with it: the short range and power of the darts it fires and the 72 hours that it takes to reload darts into the drum magazine.
Theres nothing quite like the feeling of slamming a long stiff Nerf Dart™ into a proprietary Nerf™ chamber
We had Sockemboppers
That's so different from simply changing a clip!
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You didn’t even have the good one
Based Maverick chad.
Sorry I meant M60 not M16. Its the one in this guy's pic. >>61651977 That thing was a beast and could lob some real foam down range, keep those fuckers pinned. Luckily the cooling was good so you never needed to swap the barrel.
I still am convinced these things were a government psyop to teach kids how to operate a light mortar and zero in on targets in case they had to send in the volkssturm.
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My dad was a police officer and firearms instructor.

We weren't allowed to have any kind of toy guns growing up because he knew a cop who killed a kid who had a realistic toy gun.

Instead, we spent almost every weekend at the range from the age of 3 or 4.
Based as fuck dad. Wish I could’ve had yours
Lost my Stampede to storage. Dad fell into drugs and we couldn't pay the bills. Also lost his BDU to that unit. I loved the gripod so much
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forgot image for the uninitiated lol
Happened to me too. What was up with that?
I had a child-sized fishing rod that I used as a sword
I'd whip it and slice the heads off of dandelions
Used to have airsoft fights in the alley with the kids from the other end of the block. We all wore tshirts and shorts and no safety gear and we'd go for headshots. People got pistolwhipped too.
I had so many. But this one stands out in being especially overpowered and based. Getting shot in the face with one of these was not fun.
Man, walking down the super soaker aisle with your mom, begging for all the new crazy shit they were coming out with in the early 00's you would see during commercials. Now I pass by the same aisles and it's just basic ass chinkshit squirt guns with no innovation at all. Late 90s/00s was really a prime time to be a kid, when toys weren't gutted to get the absolute maximum margins. Like Airhogs, you wouldn't see that innovative shit today, it's all copy pasted electric chinkshit from Alibaba. Maybe I'm just "back in my day" jaded...
I knew a kid in middle school with that same one. I had a m4 he had that one.
I feel weirdly fond towards the beta spetz
Bro, I was in the Lego aisle a few months ago and behind me were the nerf guns. Honestly I wish we had the crazy nerf shit they have now back then.
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got thrown out ages ago after the belt went to shit. before then it was perfect for nerf fights innawoods behind the house, and blasting my shithead preschooler cousin who woke me up too early the 5 days out of a week she stayed over
Holy fuck how has no one replied to this? That's sick anon.
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Did none of you niggers never play with this?
I got one from the 99 cent store as a kid and it was in a woodland pattern, wish I could find a better picture
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>I surrender bros!

Get fucked nerds
My slingshot and a big bag of these little bastards. All the neighborhood pets knew to fear me.
Now THIS had taste. Opening this bad boy up on Christmas was life changing. Rocket launcher, pistol, weird rifle combo was epic. I used to pretend the pistol was Starfoxes pistol that I had seen once in smash bros.
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Alright, here’s the rest. This took me a really long time to figure out and set up..you better appreciate it anon..
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Here’s the timestamp since my camera is shit
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Right in the nostalgia feelz Anon....

This is why a 1911 seems so familiar to me.
They need to make a real gun that works that way.
they're toys and when you're a 10 year old its the coolest shit ever

i set up these king of the hill/zombie horde game with a pair of these. Two kids in the playset tree house, everyone else on the ground. Once you were out of ammo, you had to leave the fort to collect darts off the ground. It was perfectly balanced until the asshole kid from around the corner decided to bring out his whole n-strike collection and it broke everything
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I used to hang around the neighbourhood of two friends which was divided in half by a creek. Our north side had the better shops, playground and lake. Crossing the creek was forbidden. Older kids from the south side would constantly cross to fish in the lake, buy sweets and harass our women. Originally, it was all very silly, but after another kid was tackled into the reeds, got wet and hit one of the Southies, it all turned violent. At 10 years old my friends and I had made crossbows and were systematically roaming the streets on our bikes, crossbows made from dowel, steel rulers and surgical tubing in our saddle-bags, steel cooking skewers filed to points on the concrete as our bolts. We wrapped cool looking tree-branches in electrical tape to use as cudgels and kept bags of lemons and river rocks as stand-off weapons. These skirmishes lasted for fucking weeks and we lived in periods of total paranoia. It all came to a head a few years later when they started ambushing us with rocks and stole a poor friend's bike, knowing he could never afford another one. I stole my dad's old bayonet, ambushed a few of them and threatened to gut them and leave them in the reeds for their friends to find, then stole two of their bikes and gave them to my friend and his sister. After that parents got involved and apparently my graphic description of decapitating one of them gave him PTSD. My friends all kept a wall of silence and protected my identity.

All this because we couldn't resolve our differences with a watergun fight. Why? My mum said I wasn't allowed toy guns because they glorified violence.
Lord of the Flies. I made three javelins with diagonally cut rebar and broken broomsticks and put them in a golf bag to carry on my back Roman-style at the age of 7-8, thankfully our neighborhood garrison never had to deal with interlopers.
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Couldn't that thing take normal clipozines too though, the same ones that the longshot and whatever else took? Just have a few of those on hand for when you empty your drum. No one really thought about form swords till much later on.

Yeah, the way I and everyone else in the neighborhood was fighting was particularly dumb and we ran out of darts often so we always kept a few sticks as melee's around. I had a particularly curved one I pretended was a sabre.

False surrender is a war crime dude.

Whew fucking lad actually delivered.
Were those the ones that made the KAKAKAKAKAKAKKAKA sound as you squeezed the trigger and made the thing unwind?
>Couldn't that thing take normal clipozines too though
Yeah I had one of those bandoleers that came with 2 magazines and I used that. The amount of bullets wasn’t problem with me, it was just reloading then back was a hassle because of how many I would shoot, it loads up like a regular magazine, though if you made a mistake you did have to empty 60 billon bullets to correct it. Still better than the Vulkan, I remember that loading the bullets into the belt of that was actually annoying in a combat situation.
/k/ is truly a magical place
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>runs into garage
>water gun fight
>runs into garage
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My friends dad lived on wooded property. After he taught us a little gun safety, he would wake up at noon, hand us his revolver, and then go back to bed. I'm kind of amazed we never tripped and shot ourselves while sprinting through the woods with a loaded revolver.
This was throughout middle school
Hell yeah dude! I always used them separately tho
>tfw I modded mine to turn it into a straight-pull action
>This was before I even knew straight pulls existed
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>"Today we're on a secret mission to get coffee and doughnuts,” he says. “Problem is, the Germans drank all the coffee and ate all the doughnuts. So now, we've gotta kick their asses.”
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Based and rural childhood-pilled
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Had one of those from the Dollar General and those fake toy muskets. Good choice anon :)
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sir that’s a grenade not a firearm
Imagine missing out on backyard nerf wars or airsoft wars because your dad was some schizo cop or drunken retard who gave you real guns.

That's actually worse than having a hippie mom who doesn't allow gun toys
This and sniping your friends in the face
They knew when they designed this
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>Your childhood arms


autistically based

>Small Soldiers
I remember when Kirsten Dunst was that girl next door, yes

I got a lovely MP5 version of that
my brother got the Longstrike
you can tell which one was born when the family was poor, and which one when we were upwardly mobile

based preteen proto-gangbanger with homemade hand crossbow
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assault blastamatic
Be me. See the first gen.
>holy shit, wish they made these when I was a kid
Proceed to get one for me kid
Few weeks later
>Have to take it away
His best buddy had a tandem bicycle.
Drivebys ensued.
What the fuck
I put several holes in the wall with knex bows and guns, fun fact you can sharpen them in a pencil sharpener.
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Neat thread
Such heroic nonsense.
Based. Man, just thinking about that scene still gives me goosebumps almost 40yrs later.
but if you are african then why didn't you have a real AK as a child??
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real slav nigga times

I bet you also had a cap gun but never any caps, and battery-powered toys but never any batteries.
Also had this.
In fact, it might still be in the attic
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>sliced the head off of dandelions

Damn anon, haven’t thought about doing that in well over a decade. What the hell did they do to us
Bruh air hogs were so based. Used to fly one up at my family cabin until it went MIA in the woods. Scoured the surrounding area and other cabin properties but the wreck was never recovered
These were the shit, even my dad was impressed they ejected casings
based anatomically correct hand-gun
that's fucking epic
While you were shooting your NERF guns and playing MTG, I studied the blade.
Oh shit I had that exact Air Hog, some time in the mid to late 90s. I completely forgot about those
Yep, that's the one that really started it. Toy guns and nerf stuff was cool before, but the longshot made me a gunfag. The feel of the controls, the modularity, they sold a recce rifle trainer kit to kids and it worked.
Holy shit air hogs. Things took out fingers like nobody’s business. Used these all the time. I swear the toys back then required way more know how and intuition, made kids think about the world and how things work. Those air hogs alone are probably responsible for thousands of pilots and engineers.
The military had to have a golden age of recruitment due to Halo, CoD, nerf guns, GI Joe.
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>pic still up
incredible. Never change, /k/
I had gotten good enough with those telescoping plastic lightsabers that I was able to block nerf darts, and had a collection that would make Grievous blush. Hell, I still have them in a box in my closet.
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rich kids detected
Oh fuck yeah, I had a Broomhandle Mauser and a 1892
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unfortunately my body is for the eyes of my loving gf only, but I can comply with the rest of this request
you were all abused as children and it shows.
You're damn right.
My parents never let me have a toy gun.
Holy shit dude you hit me right in the nostalgia sack. I had this exact one too and I fucking loved it. Damn that was a deep cut, this fucking thing hasn’t even crossed my mind in 25 years at least.
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idk if it was only available here in Italy but I absolutely adored this huge, heavy as fuck piece of metal
it looked so sick
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For me it was these things. I used to buy them after school with my leftover lunch money.

Also when I was 6 my mother took away my cap gun for a while because I pointed it at a pakistani corner shop worker in a stick up.
> kids faces when i teach them to fan the hammer of a nerf revolver cowboy movie-style
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I SBR’d my Crossman pistol in 5th grade, I’m not sure if the colored steel darts also made it an AOW.
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I had the original one
Not gonna lie, I was tempted to buy some of these last time I saw some in an old timey candy shop
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Kids these days don't know about the 50 baka
You know they actually re-released the Longshot? I think that might be what your pic is; the color scheme is slightly weird on that. Saw some in person and they look nearly identical to the originals; amazing how they did that considering the awful re-releases of everything you see anymore where it barely resembles the original.
Mine disappeared. I know it was outside, then the shed, then gone years later. The ball shooter stuck around oddly. Funny enough after I found the foam ball shooter and brought it in for safe keeping someone tossed out a bow in better condition than mine was probably ever in. No darts though...wish they'd re-release them considering they're re-releasing mid '00s classics. I only have one foam ball that's been used god only knows how many times (and as a way to play fetch with multiple dogs, so it has some teeth marks in it). New official ammo would be nice. I know my darts were losing fins as well.
Got one of these from walmart. Fuck it sends rocks so far.
My weapon during the bb gun wars.
I had the flammenwerfer.
What model is that? There were so many oddball models that seem to not be very common it's hard to remember as a Crosman semi-autist. Crosman has the same problem though. You see the 880s but never the 856. The 760, 2100, and 66 but never the 766. I'd list more obscure-ish models that are a couple digits off 880 or 760 but I'd have to dig lol.
>I know my darts were losing fins as well.
Just hot glue them back on. Also you could probably make new dart missiles from old pool noodles or recycle the foam off old broken air conditioners. Foam lasts a long fucking time before melting or biodegrading or whatever the fuck it does. Hardware stores exist to ya know.
Just ask /diy/ for advice on how to make new rocket dart thingy's.
What light is on the bottom left? Looks odd.

I had one of those. Not too long after I got it, it went missing. Then the rockets. I swear to god the box is on a shelf somewhere BUT EVERYTHING ELSE WENT MISSING. I'm still mad.

Holy fuck lol

WTF I've never seen that color. Looks way chunkier than the blue one as well. What does it shoot or is that bigger muzzle just to let the ball go in further or what?
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Didn't even work out of the box but I still ran around innawoods with it pretending to shoot up my brothers and cousins. I also had a deagle spring pistol. All bought from Dunham's with yard work money.
Funny; I wonder if that had an effect on me too. I really liked the longshot and most of my guns have scopes to this day minus vintage ones I haven't gotten around to or vintage ones that have no scope attachment options if I don't drill and tap (which I don't intend to).

My god it took me way too long to realize what was going on. Every reply I hovered over I looked at it more and more confused until I realized that isn't a Luger with a single handcuff attached when I finally got to your reply to open the pic.
Yeah I'm sure someone has a DIY solution. Those darts are long gone; dogs probably chewed them and they sat under shit getting creased. Also contact cement would probably be better, possibly what was originally used. They were bent and creased and UV exposed to death though. The Nerf community is great though; DIY darts aren't new but I'm not convinced there would be an easy solution for good stand-ins for the originals that look the part.
Holy shit
So that's why boys are so gay these days. Single moms don't let their boys beat the trap out of each other.
this shit was way too good. finding the shells all over the house. definitely fun.
Believe me, nothing got those little shits scrambling away like coming around the corner with this fucker braced to fire.
>t. Supplied majority of arsenal for Nerf Night at the Scout group I volunteered at
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Back before orange tips
I have one of those retarded looking things. Need some harmonica clip things for it though. Thinking about it I may have never shot it since I didn't have any of those harmonica clip things; loading manually is a bitch I'm sure. Surprised they only get 450fps; that's like 3.5 foot pounds. I guess it is a single stroke pump but even the 760 gets more AFAIK.
still remember the 'thunk' sound this thing made
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heh... nothin' personal, kid
>I had gotten good enough with those telescoping plastic lightsabers that I was able to block nerf darts
well done, my young Padawan!
this is practically my first toy
at 3 or 4 I asked my dad to buy me one thinking it would fly like a real airplane
we flew it off a hotel balcony
it didn't
my dad said "now let this be a lesson to you, advertisements lie"
The clips are just for pellets. It shoots bbs without them
This motherfucker left a bruise on my ass cheek the size of a grapefruit.
You could get some goddamn POWER out of that thing.
Based anon. My entire property is nerf chaos most weekends between my kids and their friends. Gets them outside, encourages physical activity, and "yeah we'll go shoot real ones when you're older".

My wife and her friends also think I'm a great dad but really holy shit current nerf is cool, but the feeling of executing POWs behind the barn never changes
>current nerf is cool
is it?
>the feeling of executing POWs behind the barn never changes
back in my day that shit led to real bad blood
hell yeah dude
Does it have a magnetic tip or something? I'm going to have to dig mine up and look at it.
I wanna know the internal mechanism of this. How does it reload? Do we have to manually place in the rubber bands into a slot?
Or can it function with just dumping the rubber bands in a pocket
I must know! This looks cool
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Never had one of those, I got stuck with this inaccurate limp shooting and slow as fuck to pump an reload piece of shit. Useless for semi auto, only good as a single shot shotgun paired with a backup pistol.
I miss this little blaster non the less.

I know what happened to my other Nerf guns, I gave them to my niece but don't remember WTF happened to it to muh hornet.
kids these days
back then we had the Maverick and were grateful for it
>"kids these days"
Anon that thing is from like 2004-2006. And what a retarded mechanism that thing has; I had to look up a video to figure out how to make it work after buying one for $5 used attayardsale like 2 years back.
why the hell weren't any of you playing with BB/pellet guns? bunch of plastic nonsense
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Great job anon you actually delivered
Hard to shoot siblings or other kids with those without getting in trouble.
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oh i had one of these when i was younger
me and my friend just stopped using that lil trippd thing to aim it at each other or other people
I love you guys, /k/
Never change
My friend and I managed to connect 4 belts together. Fucking was so awesome it just fired for like a minute straight
The Maverick came out 2 years after that AS-6, anon.
Broooo that was mine, except my ammo was green.
call of duty fucking ruined airsoft
shit was so fun until the larpers started really showing up
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ik, so tragic how ian shot CWC like that…
This and paintball were goated. There are still street paintball fights between the members of two rival paintball parks.
My preferred Nerf was a CS-35, which I still have, though it looks a little worse for wear.
Speaking of CS-35. Based. It was a birthday present my parents bought for me.
I also had a couple of Buzz Bees that were sidearms.
What was the rifle, anon?
Another favorite. They changed them, anon. Now they have a shiny coating on the foam. They are more durable now. They also had butterflies, which were less common (they were quite girly).

Might as well say, my favorite toys were model kits (favorite brand was Airfix because of the boxes), gliders, RC anything, train sets and guns. Actually going to get into model railway stuff again in a little bit.
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What you do with this, is you rip the barrel out of a longshot and rig it up to the air system of the launcher. Then, you take an elite dart (tip filled with hot glue of course) and ram it down the barrel. Pump that bitch up and let fly. You could make good hits from across the yard like that.

The IX-3 that came with it was also my favorite pistol.
It was a GLOCK brand light from the early 2000s.
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When I lived in Texas, I was killing snakes and squirrels with this bad boy and my dad would help me skin them and sometimes he would throw them on the grill.

I also shot a coyote and hit it in the eye, fuck coyotes
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my great gramps was a b-17 pilot in ww2 and he would always give me a stack of these whenever i came over
always got the good toys at christmas because he knew i liked planes and mom refused to let me have GI joes
nothin better than being the kid that gets the $400 1/36 toy f4u and your cousin gets a shitty $12 gi joe
Nice, my father worked in aircraft logistics for 50 years starting from loadmaster. Every Christmas and birthday he got me something, usually an aircraft he liked or worked with. The last Christmas I had where I got presents, he gave me a model of a Carvair. One year, it was a Dove, Dragon Rapide and Dakota Mk. IV. Everybody else got shitty stuff like Pokemon cards or Pogs and the like.
>What was the rifle, anon?
Marlin XT-22
still own it, it's a very nice rifle with very good accuracy despite being a $200 peashooter
Neat little gun, my first was a (Henry) AR-7.
Based friends
>got this for my 8th birthday in 1998
>used it for water fights with other kids on the block
>was "winning" and one of the kids (who had started to fight me once before) I played with ran into his garden and said I wasn't allowed to shoot water at him when he was there
>chose to spraye some water on his lawn (violating the NAP)
>he walked out and attacked me: hitting me, and teared my hair and clawed at my balls
>struck him in the head with my trusty speedloader
>he screamed and ran inside
>I started to walk back home crying because I was hurt
>some of his friends came after me and said he had a "huge hole" in his head, and followed then back to his house
>he had about a 1" bleeding gash at the back of his head, and went to the ER to get stiches
>was blamed for it and grounded for a while
>he never attacked me again

good water rifle. fast loading. reliable melee capability. 10/10
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We us to chase the fat kid with a shit on a stick, if , if he wasn't fast enough the shit would go down the back of shirt.
>Had to keep threatening to shoot him again when he wouldn't quit crying because I didn't want my mom to come out and start hollering
My parents did not allow toy guns because they said it promoted violence.
So my brothers and I used to sword fight with sticks and pieces of dowel.
Then we started making bows out of bamboo and duct tape and washing line string. Then the arrows were pieces of cane stolen from the local rejuvenation forest place for saplings. We would cut out duct tape to make little wings at the end of the arrow to improve accuracy, and added a sharpened nail to the tip to act as a spear point.
Those could shoot like 100 metres.
One day we shot at a car driving past, it hit the car and we had a caution from police.
So after my father destroyed the bows, we were permitted to buy nerf guns
after dad found one had a laser on it, nerf guns got banned
So we got k-nex for christmas.
We made guns out of them to shoot with rubber bands, they actually hurt when hit
We'd sit at one end of the corridor and shoot at the others at the other end, and make barricades.
To this day, the walls are dented with little pencil size indents
As we got older, and my brother left home to join the army, i and my other brother started playing shit like cod and age of empires and skyrim
i look back on those days with nostalgia
>100 metres.
I strongly doubt you were shooting all the way to the other end of a football field with that
came here to post this
This but with invisible guns that we were pretending to hold.
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Pic related. Seriously iykyk.
>you had to get the metal one because it was more durable
>remove the orange cap the instant you get it out of the plastic
>keep a handfull of caps in your pocket
>proceed to destroy your eardrums and scare the shit out of family members and pets
It was a different time back then. I can still remember the smell. They were loud af and actually looked/felt realistic. Probably one of the first things that triggered (kek) my love for firearms.

The only thing that sucked about them was the caps were expensive so you could never use them as much as you wanted. Also that kid waved one of these at cops in the 2000's and got blasted so they only sell them as like bright orange or lime green these days.
it was exactly 100 metrees
as we stood at one end of our yard and shot 2 yards across
each yard was 40 metres wide
so 2 yards and onto the roof of the 3rd yard is around 90-110 metres.
we also used to cut a 25mm diametere pvc pipe to a length of 40 cm, then cut off a rubber glove finger and attach it so it looked like a dildo or fleshlight lol
throw a little berry from the tree at the back in and shoot it. the berry would splatter on impact and bruise u
hang on
you had a yard half the length of a football field?
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>and shot 2 yards across
And your neighbours never complained about barrages of arrows flying over their yards? And what do you mean with "roof" (of the 3rd yard)?
Looks kinda like a penis, did you ever try buttfucking someone with it when playing interrogation?
yeah they fucking complained lol
any arrows shot got stuck on their roof
it got to the point the we had police complaints haha
and we hid the bows and my father just denied it to the police when they came over
all I'm saying is, I never had a yard 40 whole metres across, that's pretty nice
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We had a fun childhood, always getting into trouble
The bamboo bows were the best
we did berry guns. honestly there aren't many pics online but i found this to demonstrate
berries worked great, as they hurt when hit
chicken feed worked like shotgun buckshot
and fishing weight sinkers could break windows
Neat, TY anon.

>killing squirrels with a red ryder
Actually fucking impressive. Head or lung?
You too. Damn this thing was ever more reliable than the longshot I go much later.
Fuck that. The hasbero cheap shit lightsabers were goated back then. Beat the crap out of eachother with those things.
Can you unpost this please?
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I fucking love this place.
You know, I actually favor the old Moon Blaster
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i had the side by side
I had the helicopter that fired two darts
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One of my elementary age kids friends made this one when he was over here a couple days ago. His parents won't let have toy guns.
is that a detachable bayonet? cool.
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This thing kicked ass.
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And my cousin had this one.
I remember hanging out at a discovery zone or something and a Nerf representative came by with a prototyp3 of the bat shaped gun with laser pointer eyes. He let us all play with it to gauge reaction. I thought that was pretty cool, even at the time.
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Not the exact model, but I had a CO2 airsoft pistol when I was 6 (idk why my parents let me have one that young, but I wasn't complaining). I don't think they realized what "450 FPS" means. I got the 0.2g pellets as well, vandalized so much shit around my neighbor's house with it lol
Lung shots mostly, once in awhile I'd get a lucky headshot.

I would always practice shooting coke cans from 10-12 yards away
Sharpshootrer. I had the Fast Lane equivalent to this helicopter, which had a metal frame (which was surprisingly pretty decent in terms of quality). I used to fly it off of a toy aircraft carrier I had. Good times.
I had something that looked exactly like this but didn't shoot projectiles. you'd rack the lever to arm a spring, and pulling the trigger would release the spring into some steel, or something, making a loud 'clack' sound. Coolest fucking thing a 7 year old me could fathom.
That takes me back.
I used to make cardboard cut out guns based on stuff like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.
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This, until I got the 98.
Anon did not disappoint
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Holy shit. So many great memories with childhood friends and these toys. We used to play in the tiny wooded area in my parent's backyard. We would set up a machine gun / sniper's nest and would be in teams trying to rush the hill. The machine gun never failed to cut its foes down lmao. I had a great childhood. Thanks Mom and Dad.
There's my baby.
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They called me the rooster.
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Not saying I was the coolest kid in school for having this. But I was.
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Everyone at my school died of jealousy when I got this.
Had a bunch of waterguns, had one in the shape of a bright orange uzi that took watermags that got broken early on in my life, just stuck around as a toy gun.
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I once got grounded because i shot a kid in his groin with this and he cried
The sight is set for max power
Oh man. My friends and I used to headshot each other in class with these when the teachers back was turned. Huge fukn welts on cheeks hahaha
These were awesome. We had a few just out of high school, cost like $40 in parts at the time. I once wadded a sock into one and filled the barrel with old hot dogs which I proceeded to fire in the air over a garden party.

The best childhood weapon was picrel, available for free at the local quarry, and with which you could execute decapitation strikes on mailboxes if you dropped them out of the window at the right time, traveling at 140kmh. This was the top speed of buddy's K car...
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My problem solva
100% gangster right here
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>a few summers later
Forgot to add: for like $5 you could get a length of aluminum tube and a bag of dried peas. Those hurt like hell.
We soon figured out that you could make darts by taking the cotton off one end of a Qtip and replacing it with one of moms sewing pins, melted in place with a lighter...
Was it really more fun than a pillow fight like they advertised?
We had this too lol great times
The original deisgn, CPS MOTHERFUCKING 2000 shot so hard it had actual recoil. My most treasured toy
I was a threat to myself and others.
A view into life in black america
How Serbian are you anon?
I built so many knex guns from instructables, half of them wouldn't work and I would spend hours trying to fix them. The TR18 was goated
You know I just kinda assumed I was born with tinnitus but maybe not...
I remember getting hit in the knuckles with these.
>Huge fukn welts on cheeks
my best mate ended the war when he developed extra hard paper pellets made from art paper that could break skin and thin glass
Seeing a lot of my old childhood dart guns in this thread. But so far, none of you have posted the iconic Recon CS-6
My dad didn't believe in toy guns, I got my first 870 when I was 8 IIRC. That said, I did once knock someone's tooth out with a marshmallow gun that my uncle made when I was in 6th or 7th grade so that might count.
Used to have one similar, was great till the little pins in the cylinder got all mangled from the sheer number of caps I put through the thing.

Almost certain my tinnitus is because after it broke I used to set off all the caps in a ring off at once by hitting them with a hammer.
>the little pins in the cylinder got all mangled from the sheer number of caps I put through the thing
the barrels in mine broke from overuse
That thing was a piece of shit that mangled darts and I still loved it
Swear that sight never worked. But also
>be me
>visiting grandparents during summer time
>parents buy me yellow rifle above for being a good boy
>aw yiss
>pretend I’m and assassin
>hide somewhere
>take pieces of gun out of bag and assemble it like an assassin putting together a sniper rifle
>shoot down block towers or army men
>break rifle back down and slink away like nothing happened
I swear I’m not a fed….
I had the 12 dart mags for that true fg42 feel.
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Man actually did it, shiggy diggy
>The best childhood weapon was picrel, available for free at the local quarry, and with which you could execute decapitation strikes on mailboxes if you dropped them out of the window at the right time, traveling at 140kmh.
I hope you stopped being a nigger at some point.
just a heads up, your shit's all retarded
I used to hammer nails into sticks to make MG42s and I'd take up position in the driveway acting like I was defending the home from all sorts of threats. I'd use garden trowels to whack at old toys that I hung from the great tree limbs and pretend like I was training to fight. I'd fight with staves in case someone came into the house and decided to fuck with the family. I had a red ryder BB gun that I adored. So many fun memories.
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I cannot put into words how jealous I am of today's kids for modern nerf guns.
I'd kill a man to get my hands on one of those when I was 10.
Downside is all water guns are now complete pieces of shit, despite the patents expiring
As much as I would have enjoyed them, I’m glad I didn’t have them. Toys, iPads, and video games have gutted kids imaginations. Toys used to be more vague and open, allowing kids to fill in the gaps of reality with their imagination. Now every toy, game, and film is manufactured to do all the thinking for them. They just consume it now. Talking to younger family
members recently, it just seems like their stunted along the way, have no original thoughts anymore.
bro the ones that shoot the dimpled balls are genuinely a fun little toy for even an adult, it's accurate, they're well made (within reason obviously) and the plastic isn't creeky and shitty feeling

you can plap a ball into a basketball sized target 5 times in a row from like 30 feet away on purpose and the balls zoom, it flies flatter because the dimples actually give it a little lift like a golf ball

the ONLY downside is the balls richochet like crazy and they will roll all over the place

I think it would be fun to do nerf quickdraw fights at parties, with two identical guns and oversized holsters and belts for people to wear

>As much as I would have enjoyed them, I’m glad I didn’t have them.

You know you're about to read a giant fucking cope when the first sentence of the post is this lmao.
Fucking kek. Got me there. I will say however I grew up pretty well. Parents were probably upper middle class at the time. I just didnt ask for much as a kid. I spent most of my time outdoors. I’m sure if I had begged for an Xbox or the newest toys, I’d probably have gotten them. And like I said, I probably would have enjoyed them. But theres a clear difference between toys 20 years ago and toys today.
>getting beaten for holding your second stick wrong (making it an MP40 instead of a Sten) and being to stupid to quickly say it's a looted gun

Oh hey I remember those, specifically in quick-disassembly variants so when teachers showed up they could pose as innocent school supplies.
Tremble, mortals.
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Fuck Nerf, cap guns were the shit.
When I was young, I hunted house flies with 1911 suction dart gun.
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was never rich enough to afford the 2500. Me and crew were cps 1000 users
You could get some decent force behind them, especially if you and your brothers got a jumping start on a trampoline.
>Satan will never look back on the joys of dusting off an old Monster X because another camp counselor started shit with water balloons
the look on his face before I hit him with a quart of water from across the room was priceless
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Broke ass zoomer who grew up in a rural area. Dollar General guns were the shit.
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Me and my friends used to pretend we were in Left 4 Dead 2
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It's a shame because they don't sell these semi realistic toy guns anymore cause some black kid got shot or smth
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back in my day, the weapon toy shelves weren't worth looking at if it wasn't at least half filled with projectile throwers

the MP5K is kinda cool tho
eh, atleast you ameribros get to have great fun laws. gotta give some to receive some?>>61703264
this takes me back. and i will teach this tech to my sisters children when they visit next time.

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