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in times like this, i wish i were american
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Someone needs to bomb H&K's marketing office
the average American can barely afford rent, much less a 11k piece of plastic
It doesn't matter, the category of SMGs is militarily obsolete in the first place. For the vast majority of civilian applications it doesn't matter anyways.
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~$3,000 where I live. Gonna SBR it. Already own the MP5A3 F stock. Gonna buy it. You would never do the slightest thing to help me if I were in your position.
o i am laffin. you won't do the slightest thing for me. you're dead to me

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How much uniforms did the military produce per year? By uniforms, i mean combat fatigues. From my understanding, they spent billions, but the amount of uniforms is pretty vague. However, there is always some kind of surplus that resulted in them getting stored or whatever.
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Well, there you go. It's a supply and demand thing. How would you expect us to know something that Google doesn't?
>google doesn't
Google doesn't know everything and its algorithmic based. So the accuracy of the information can vary.
While that is true, the question you asked had a quantifiable answer which generally Google is pretty good at answering if the quantity is known.
I stopped using google a while ago. Kept giving results I wasn't looking for and it would auto-correct and remove key words.
Well yeah, if you suddenly draft bodies but have no uniforms, you're caught with your pants down. It is much better to have a material surplus and a manpower shortage in peacetime with potential for wartime than vice-versa.

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Now that the dust has cleared and we can look back, what the FUCK were the thinking with this pattern?
Almost feels like it was a joke from Congress or something, like a big shitpost
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Why did Russia copy it?
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It was an amazingly successful psyop to get all our enemies to wear absurd, easy to spot uniforms.
>It's also works shockingly well against NV.
North Virginia?
CADPAT was cool. The Marines decided to steal the pattern for MARPAT. The Army decided to go digital too, but picked a pattern that was only good in gravel pits and sage brush.
why it's used up and colored by dirt and sand it's peak kino

Yeah yeah war monitors brown etc etc
But it looks like the rumors that a samad drone crashed into the MQ were wrong
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There was wreckage but locals burned it
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Being racist doesn't change the loss
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And I wasn't joking
The locals burned it after it was shot down
I don't think it was over Houthi territory

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What does /k/ think of my setup
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Nice gun anon.
Get a Tisas.
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Hey Louis, you look like shit.
Grabbin Peels!
It's a 1991. Ain't no way any of them are minty fresh. That being said that shits pretty well kept for a RIA tier beater.

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Reverse-timetraveller americans are quaking in their boots rn. Evropa...
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Similar to Aarok
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Airbus Defense and Space has no idea how to properly manage a military drone program on its own.

They previously tried to frame their lateness on Dassault, pretending Dassault had not progressed on the flight control system.
Dassault then explained that Airbus had not transferred any preliminary data regarding what exactly they were supposed to design the controls for.
Like, imagine a vehicle designer tells your company that makes tires they need truck tires for a vehicle weighting 5000 pounds.
You ask what's the size of that thing, what's the wheelbase, what kind of speed you want to attain, what is the vehicle for, what's the rim size supposed to be, just so you can design a good tire for it.
They don't answer.
Months later they say their truck is not out of its preliminary design phase yet because your tire company has made no progress.

Well, that's Airbus Defense and Space for you.

The Eurodrone is primarily managed by Germany. France was against the twin propeller design. France bought a derivative of IAI's Heron, then the MQ-9, both single engine.
Dassault was totally ok with working with BAE on the Mantis, renamed the Telemos, with full support from President Sarkozy, in line with the policies that came with the 2010 Lancaster House treaty.

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You mean license-produced Hermes lmao

Tbf the only countries that are ahead of turkey is America and maybe Israel. If countries like Japan, Korea and Taiwan asked to collab with you, you know you have something special
>If countries like Japan, Korea and Taiwan asked to collab with you, you
know you have something special

You mean the basic capabilities are good enough and everyone else is too lazy to do anything but pay for the Turks to do R&D for them.
You know how to get gud at stuff? Actually doing it.

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newfriend catalog clutter containment edition
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I’ve iterated my way to this. Is this a sensible design? It’s a long recoil belt fed 338
Looks like everything wrong with bullpups and then some.
Does anything stand out as retarded or do you just not like bullpups
Any other pictures?
No, sorry. I’m going to be modeling it eventually but it’s going to be a low poly game asset, so most of the detail will be lost there. At some point I’ll have ingame technical drawings for the logbook, but this is all I have for this design atm

Are we wrong about mechas the same way people were wrong about tanks? When tanks were first thought of, people laughed at the idea thinking it was too impractical, and it was, for the technology of the time. But the brittish and french made it work, skip a few decades and look how impactful tanks were in WW2.

What is your opinion on the matter? What are the positive applications of a large, highly mobile and fast humanoid armored suits? If we could overcome the main hurdles of powering them, would mechas replace tanks or aircrafts?
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I'm ok with this. God determined that all must become crab in the end
Take the Heavy Gear pill
bootleg votoms (i love it)
Recon and EW/Anti-drone
Does so good at figuring out a nitch for mechs.

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Do gun marketers call plastic stuff "polymer" because it sounds better?
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yes, because the word "plastic" is synonymous with cheap, low-quality chinesium
Possibly, but its not a lie. Polymer is just a repeating atomic chain, wood and rubber are both polymers. Calling it polymer is just an umbrella term that covers all your bases.
It's actually made of nylon which would sound horrible in promotional materials.
best answer itt
Sure, why not?
Do you own a firearm?

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Discuss guns and woods and whatever.
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I fled to VA
>western states have public land for shooting
>western states are or are becoming liberal shitholes
Why does it have to be this way?
I don't live in WA, I was looking at ID for the hu ting and outdoors, but it's just as expensive as all the other west coast shitholes, but with less jobs and money.
Boise went blue years ago, and Boise has over 50% of the states pop.
Most housing is owned by CA transplants or for CA vacation homes.
The state is already lost, they priced out any normal person, took the political majority, state will be full blue in 10 years.
It’s just the blue state version of abortion bans or fucking with trans people or whatever (although there’s a fair case for late term bans with exemptions for when it’s really necessary and a minimum age before being able to actually medically troon out, although having the government decide when something is “really necessary” is how you end up with pre-Bruen concealed carry laws)
Hi Mikejeet shill took you long enough

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What is your experience with:

>American Legion
>Veterans of Foreign Wars
I think /k/manndos don't network.
I was a bartender for an American legion post and a Veterans of Foreign Wars post while in college they were some of the worst places I have ever worked at or just be in the general vicinity of, it’s full of drunk old men talking about their glory days and complaining about everything.

Surely there must be some interest in this board for things made before planes and machine guns. Ive seen some sword threads floating around from time to time.

Primer questions
Any period/culture your like or are autistic about?
Have you been to any museum recently and seen or photographed any cool stuff?
Do you own or collect anything or is in the process of building a kit for reenacting/living history/Larping?
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Was gonna try to space out the Mesoamerican stuff more but since the thread keeps almost 404ing
feel free to post as much as you like, its not like your taking the space from other anons considering that 95% of the thread has been just me trying to keep my thread afloat
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Finally got around to taking a new family photo. And of course I forgot the mace...

To add, the bit that ended up against the rules were the locking gauntlets (which would be locked closed and thus make it near impossible for the king to drop his weapon). The rules change/clarification/ruling came in when the harness was "functionally" done, but before it had been decorated, thus the (relatively speaking) severely plain appearance. The other 1520 armour was the one made as its replacement.

Alas, at that point in his life it appears he was in decidedly poor health. Severely overweight, likely suffering from gout, with a festering leg wound that refused to heal since '36, and if the pus-filled boils hadn't quite shown up yet they soon would. He didn't live to see February of '47.
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Its Zouaves
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To be fair, no one is too brave when shot by cannonball in the chest.
Sarouel ?
they weren't exactly going out of their way in the 1800's to make their uniforms cool for zoomers on the internet. This shit was cool and exotic.
There is a nice romance to the colonial era. Old ruins rediscovered by daring explorers, new species described by science, the sights and sounds of busy tribal markets and bazaars, old jewel encrusted swords, daggers, and muskets hanging from the wall of a colonial administrator's office, international intrigue between European powers with natives as pawns, tribal uprisings and rebellions put down with breech-loaders and gatlings, steam warships shelling old forts occupied by rebels, man those were good times.
Fuck this gay, over-explored, over-connected modern age.

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Thoughts? I hadn't seen anything about this one yet.

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>low observable
Everything is stealth nowadays. As long it lower range/chance of detection, its stealth.
Kek, Filipiniggers truly are the most powerful race on earth, how can ching chongs even compete
It’s painted gray.

Gray = stealth. Straight facts.
Is there a tofu dreg steel spec?
cute visby-class

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Have you completed any advanced military training?
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I am a distinguished forklift operator
I have a Mountain tab (I fucked a fat girl).
you little pussy I'll have you know I am AIRBORNE (qualified) that's right you faggot I am high speed low drag READY to jump out of a PERFECTLY GOOD AIRPLANE (five times at most) to close with, engage and KILL the enemies of the UNITED STATES (from my S shop)
Yea, I been to airborne and ranger school.
Any good lessons along the way?

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