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>WW1, 1915
>be French High Command
>Complete supremacy of defence over offence has been proven by several offensives with exorbitant losses, maneuver is impossible, maxims are ruling the frontline
>In order to win, Germans must push, we can just wait this one out untill Krauts run out of sausages and cabbage

Why did Entente keep on throwing men into the meatgrinder, even when it was clear, offensives are horribly costly and bring no sucess?
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What is that houdini shit?
Taking out a dangerous amount of credit with American financiers?
>Now we know that the germans were pretty chill
No. They were not "chill".

>The Germans seized 80% of the 1915 wheat crop, and 75% of the potato crop. They also took the majority of the eggs and the cattle. At the end of 1918, the herd in the territories was reduced to a quarter of that before the war.
>The shortage of food began shortly after the arrival of the occupying army.
>The birth rate, meanwhile, collapsed. The number of births in Lille dropped from 4885 in 1913 to 2154 in 1915, 602 in 1917, and 609 in 1918. Thus the demographic deficit, the excess of deaths over births, amounted to 14317 from October 1914 to February 1917. In 1918, 80% of adolescents were below normal weight.
>Congar wrote on November 4, 1914, that "we don't have half a gram of bread left to eat."
>The prefects, the returnees, the general opinion, consider that "without American aid the population would have starved to death."
>An administration called the Schutzverwaltung, created at the start of the occupation, requisitioned supplies, leading to the cessation of industrial activity. This material was then systematically transferred to Germany.
>From the end of 1916, the equipment that remained in place and the buildings were systematically destroyed to suppress competition from French industry after the war.
>The inhabitants were subjected to forced labor imposed not only on men but also on women and children from the age of 9. they were subjected to exhausting work and suffered from malnourishment.
>According to the 1923 censuses of the Ministry of Liberated Regions, out of all the municipalities in the affected areas (including in addition to the occupied areas, that of the front), 620 were completely destroyed; 1,334 destroyed more than 50%; 2,349 partially damaged; 423 remained intact; 293,043 buildings were completely destroyed and 148,948 severely damaged.
This ignores the policy of terror bombing towns behind the French front line to bait the French into attacking.
This "lions led by donkeys" bullshit needs to end. The most dangerous job in the BEF was being a battalion commander.
>During the course of the war, 78 British and Dominion officers of the rank of brigadier-general and above were killed or died during active service, while another 146 were wounded, gassed, or captured.

And no, they were not "out of touch". The Germans leadership knew the war could not be won in the long run and thought their only hope was to prolong the suffering to secure good terms (sound familiar?)

The Entente’s leadership was actually surprised the Germans collapsed earlier than they had forecasted. Foch wanted to pause operations after the defeat of Operation Michael, but Haig convinced him to keep pushing. End result was the 100 Day Offensive and total victory a year ahead of schedule.
>What is that houdini shit?
>Taking out a dangerous amount of credit with American financiers?
This made me lose it lol
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>Plan 1919
I'm sometimes of the opinion that we are actually living in one of the best timelines, and that things could have been so very much worse.

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What's the suicide rate on casualty collection units/personnel?
>casualty collection
I think it's probably low, although it's grim, you'd feel pretty good about yourself collecting casualties and getting them home to be honoured.
So long as you can feel like you're helping and doing a good thing, I think you can weather some emotional circumstances.

That woman needs a better bra though, I suppose it was the 70s, good sports bras weren't a thing.

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hello anons. wich fighter jet is the bestest and more high tech and powerful? The american F-35 Lightning II or the russian Suhoi Su-35?
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If you think this is the largest war since WW2 you are retarded.
hallo armatard
The F-35 definitely has better tech.
But how else are we going to Suck-Squeeze-Bang-Blow?
you're right russia should start a war with the US. they'll surely beat them with their superior technology. I for one won't be watching intently, waiting to see all the russian equipment (or what's left of it) sitting in piles of rubble.

Squad of russians runs into 3rd Assault brigade's M2 Browning postition
Check catalog OP

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Can you survive getting shot by this in your chest or stomach region?
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Ugh, so true, sis. That is like so last decade.
Wish I could say yes anon only seen her once at my dad's second marriage after my mom died when I was in college she was some hot lawyer alpha bitch.
Put a few bushes in between me and the gun and it will deflect
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>Get shot at
>Die just before bullets hit me
>Don't die from getting shot since I was already dead before the bullets struck
>Get back up and back in the fight
Realistically, how is one supposed to counter the tactical heart attack?
can you tell me a story about minnie the moocher pls

Why hasn't the US build one of these yet.
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/tv/ spilling over again?
>tfw I'm old enough that I watched this as it aired
Is there any logic to seaquests weird hull shape?
Water enterprise
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i've seen conflicting reports online about it containing either asbestos or activated charcoal. seller said it contained activated charcoal and some german lab said it didn't have asbestos but its a 40 year old soviet mask and i dont want to get lung cancer at the age of 55.
Are you fucking stupid?
Get another filter, retard. If the labs said there is none, the seller was probably telling the truth. You can also get it tested at a different lab and see what their results are.
Ok, gas mask 101:
If the filter isn't P3, it has activated charcoal and paper filter. The paper filter has the asbestos, if the filter has it. Soviet ones by rule all have asbestos. Western ones from 60's onwards (with exeptions) don't have it. P3 filter is one that has only the paper filter, no activated charcoal.

By rule, don't use old filters, don't prep with them and only in a situation where you don't have absolutely anything else better, then only use it. And even then it might not save you. If you have any doubts, don't breath through it. Suffocating later in life is a bad way to go.
The popular sentiment in the west is yes, but actual Russians who've seen Soviet technical documentation say the asbestos used in soviet filters is contained in some "safe" form that even when inhaled doesn't cause any harm. That is if you can even inhale it.
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What about leaking chromium in M17 filters?

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"We fought insurgents who injected AIDS and hepatitis C into their blood steam in an attempt to kill us if their bullets couldn’t, and saw death and violence on epic scales. We developed crude weapons out of what we had, such as water bottles refilled with gasoline, gelled, and tied by a flex cuff to a flash bang. When the pin was pulled and the bottle released, it made for a nasty surprise to those occupying bunkered rooms and fighting positions. As simple as this device was, it saved countless American lives."


Jesus Christ Fallujah was fucked
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I will add, Darwinism included each and every hypothesis and theory Darwin included in his framework, even things that were disproven such as pangenisis. Ergo, no, Darwinism, the specific evolutionary framework, is not the prevailing theory anymore, and hasn't been for a long time. You can be a faggot and try calling modern evolutionary synthesis theory Darwinism. I understand your mistake here, and I won't call you a faggot nigger for it because it seems to be a genuine misunderstanding and not just you being a dumb faggot like the other retard.
The worst part is that I would have a lot more respect for them if they just said "Yeah man, we were worried about WW3, thankfully it didn't happen, Germany was cool and fucking German girls was awesome. The military sucked and the field sucked", because even though I wasn't a peacetime grunt, I can relate to the field sucking ass, and local women being fun to cum on.

But lol, no, they were all COLD WARRIORS!
Good lol
Explain modern evolutionary synthesis theory if you’re so smart
If it’s just natural selection + “mutation, gene flow, and genetic drift” then it’s hardly very different from Darwin’s original framework

>Darwinism included each and every hypothesis and theory Darwin included
That’s not what people mean by Darwinism, it refers to natural selection
You are a turbo retard
>If it’s just natural selection + “mutation, gene flow, and genetic drift”
It isn't. And lol, yeah anon, let me just casually explain Malthusian competition, natural selection, variation, genetic variation, mutation and the intersection thereof with genetic varaiation, Mendelian inheritance and the intersection thereof with the aforementioned, ontogenetics and parallel phylogenies (without Googling, what does this mean anon?) where this deviates from actual Darwinism (primarily in Darwin's complete lack of understanding of genetics) (Darwinism is also a creationist cuck term used to disparage actual science, but who cares) and how that all comes together for modern synthesis of evolution for you in a 4channel comment, and then play back and forth games until the thread dies because you don't like abiogenesis.
>it’s hardly very different from Darwin’s original framework
So it is or it isn't Darwin's original framework? (What is pangenisis? Why do we not believe in this anymore? Was pangenisis part of his framework or not?)

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is there a technical or tactical reason why missiles have colorful nosecaps? like radar or speed tracking? or is it just for aesthetics? i admit it makes them look awesome just wondering if theres another purpose for it

also general missile and rocket thread
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It's at absolute zero you fucking retard. Sisi and the military class are just putting on a show for the masses. They don't give two fucks about Gaza, and they'd probably be relieved if the IDF just bulldozed the whole place.

Besides, everyone knows the Egyptian army is just for internal control and the occasional bullying of its weaker neighbors now.
>Well if you had read the actual OP instead of the pic
It's an imageboard, people come here to board images, not to read.
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This is an imageboard, not a booru. You look at/fap to the pictures, and read the text.
>legitimate news
fake news
>way better than most propaganda outlets here in our western MSM
Is that true MSM said there is going to be a war meanwhile RT denied it?
Didn't read, lol!

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Diplomatically anon.
I know everyone wants to try going guns V bows like a bunch of autistic dwarves with grudges, but they're a reasonable and remarkably tolerant, if deeply spiritual population. We also stand a lot to gain from their friendship, in the biotechnology field most notably.
fuck em
I'm with this guy. Need me some tall alien puss. My General Electric Flesh-Bot-400 is worn out and the guys in engineering won't fix it. Dicks
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Could be worse, I heard some dumb bastard tried to plug-in to a Solari Cult frame, thought he could outsmart the indoctrination matrix by using an inert cyberbrain as a bypass and only activating it in the desert to fool the matrix into thinking they’d scorched the planet already. Ended up getting locked into the suit and flown into the sun since the suit thought its owner was dead and completed his mission, so he deserved his holy reward.

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Shitty satellite imagery of Belbek is out, looks like 2 planes and a warehouse got ganked.
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the US uses unitary warhead variants because of the stupid Cluster Munitions treaty / ban / whatever

however, the original comment was about Ukraine, and supposedly they are using the cluster variant of ATACMS, so yeah okay

but in my defence, Ukraine is operating under restrictive conditions which favour cluster munitions. ordinarily NATO wouldn't be in such a state.
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There was a cancelled variant of the ATACMS with a range of 145km called the Block II that carried 13 BAT (Brilliant Anti-Tank) submunitions.

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Depends on the variant

No the US uses unitary because Obama is a retard
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I want that, but carrying 13 independently-targeting smart-swarm-capable JAGMs

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If effective energy weapons and powered exoskeletons are ever invented, they will be made illegal for civilians instantly.
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Except the issue is almost completely in power consumption and heat dissipation, we already have the tech to make plasma balls, microwave guns and laser beams.
Even of they weren't, do you expect such tech to come cheap? Do you really think the day we get batteries with a power density good enough to make man portable lasers a thing they'll just start appearing in every wally world and on amazon? Nah that shit is going to be the next jet engine, only for a small cartel of mfgs and their approved clients with maybe a handful trickling out into the private ecosystem
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>If effective energy weapons and powered exoskeletons are ever invented, they will be made illegal for civilians instantly.
>energy weapons
Would be protected by the 2nd Amendment same as anything else. There is no "laser exception", nor history & tradition. Though due to certain kinds of them having enormously increased safety risks to the general public there might be neutral regulations around things like sideband leakage which would increase costs (and even if not manufacturers would get rightly sued into oblivion for a laser gun that blinded everyone around in normal usage).

In fact right now it'd be the literal opposite of your shitty doom: "firearms" legally under the NFA use chemical explosions for propulsion. Energy weapons (either direct or propelled) are completely unregulated at the federal level by the ATF (as are air rifles and such, which is why you can have an integral suppressor on an air rifle no stamp or anything).
Armor is not protected so yeah, that could be regulated. Though exoskeletons have ENORMOUS good potential for seniors, construction, and general work, so more likely is they're just regulated not illegal.

In short: OP is a faggot 100% of the time.
You're a retard. Harnessing that power requires systems that weigh more than your stupid v4. It doesn't work.
>energy:weight to make a powered exoskeleten feasible
This is completely wrong, though it's a popular meme. First, you're confusing "exoskeleton" with POWER ARMOR. An exoskeleton doesn't necessarily need any power at all, and extremely minimal power could be used just for some balance aid. The point of that (and it is under active research) isn't to give someone super human movement but to better deal with static loads, and given how the brass loves to make people ruck 80-100 lbs of total joint destroying bullshit that'd be incredibly handy. Purely in terms of kinetic energy humans have no problems hauling that kind of weight, like if you put it in a wheelbarrow or cart and roll around. The problem is the stress it places on our musculoskeletal system, like, just standing around. An exoskeleton that merely coupled the mass to the ground would be very handy even with zero power.

As far as more ambitious designs, fuel cells and turbines can do plenty of power density already. Pure electric batteries nah, but we don't need that, hydrocarbons are fine. There is no more issue powering an exosuit then there is any other mechanical vehicle. The issues then are more
1: sufficiently compact/powerful/durable/lightweight synthetic musculature or equivalent, or other approaches that will actually give
2: what's the point, why a suit and not a vehicle?

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Going to be built in Poland
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As far as i understand the production will be spread over multiple factories as every company wants a piece of this pie. So WZM, Bumar, HSW, Cegielski etc will be all involved in production. So many actors involved will prolong the negotiations, but should quicken the production. In theory.
I've believed for a while now that the
gypsy problem notwithstanding Romania has the potential to become another Poland: a former Eastern Bloc country with a surprisingly strong and fast-growing economy with living standards similar to Western Europe. They're definitely not there yet but they're on the right track.
Gypsies breeding like rabbits will put a stop to that
They'll soon follow the same path by purchasing K-239.
romania will also produce Lynx IFVS and HX trucks

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What would you have done different at Prospero if you had led the Thousand Sons against the invading forces?
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>I'm convinced the whole Greater Good/Ethereal bullshit is some head writer who looked up and realised someone had written a humane faction and a chunk of the fanbase were talking about how they'd legit be a nice place to live even for other races and went:
I'm pretty sure Tau mass sterilizations and genocides of their human allies were mentioned offhand either in the very edition they were introduced, or a single edition later.

They just got memed into being "da good gais" online.
Compared to everyone else they were basically noblebright. I think it's always been their intention to slowly make them darker each edition, though. They're being corrupted by the galaxy they find themselves in.
>most civilizations in 40k are inherently limited by the nature of the warp
You're basically saying that 40k races can't have nice things, which is pretty much spot on.
I laugh at the T'au retcon because they were too nice.
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>they're canonically running from an entirely Ork infested galaxy
Orks were created in the Milky Way by Old Ones/Slann to combat C'tan.

>Post your gun
That was two shitposters arguing, no guns involved.
Fannon of the highest caliber, you saw what you wanted to see and didn't read.

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Is it a myth that Russian missiles are inaccurate?
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Remember when Americans could not even go into space without asking Russians for a lift?

I bet that shit was accurate enough to dock them safely into the international space station.
you definitly need this to post, its a bit outdated (there are at least 5 new ziggercides since then but still
they exploded the entrance to a mall pretty accurately, not many missiles claim a CEP smaller than 15 meters.
Holy shit, you're retarded.
That's not how that works, the Kurs system used by soyuz to dock to the ISS is an active radar homing system. The missiles used to bomb houses in Ukraine are definitely not that.
It's like you saying that using anti-radiation missiles is a good way to hit residential buildings.

Thinking that the Soyuz is just pointed and fired with no maneuvers is just ignorant.

Go back to /pol/
>invade country
>get killed
Interesting. It seems as if this has never before happened in human history.

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