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What are some of your favorite book titles? I like moby dick, the silence of the lambs, For whom the bell tombs and humpty dumpty
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Not a pum.

That's a "Rhyme"
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>For whom the bell tombs
Is that gif from Rain Man?
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Marathon Man

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worst books youve ever read? give me your top 3. worst as in theyre so bad its funny. pic unrelated
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Damn that sounds so preposterou..

Alright phony
yes, it was one hell of a shitty book
Any Finnish recs other than Täällä pohjan tähden alla / Tuntematon sotilas / Purge / Sinuhe? Translated or not.
And do you have any opinions on these? They're going to be a lot of work to read, so I might skip one or both if they're not worth.

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is it worth reading?

I assume it won't be a totally favourable biography of him since Roy Jenkins and Churchill were quite different ideologically it might be an interesting read... has anyone read it to confirm?

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I love this. Where can I get more of this, but with brown women instead of exclusively white?

How do we feel about picrel? Honestly, I am not nearly intelligent enough to actually sit down and study it in an academic sense, so instead I've been just kinda mindlessly reading it, allowing my attention to fade in and out, reading it like a dream and letting whatever words peak out to catch me. It's actually been a really nice, meditative experience and I find the book to be quite beautiful when I can force myself to just shut the fuck up and appreciate the weird but also pretty words. Is that the point?
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based Ebert. He was the only person on youtube who gave in depth analysis on the esoteric symbolism in V. & GR. It’s a shame he didn’t upload his whole read through of GR
Yes, that's how I see it too. I'll be skipping this one, it just isn't worth my time, even if that means I'm not enlightened or knowledgeable enough.
It is so retarded the way people try to convince themselves this work of art is bad literature
One man's magnum opus is another one's garbage.
Some people just don't like unraveling some eccentrics work of love. And honestly, I'm sure a percentage of potential readership is pushed away by the fact there's an entirely field of work around this book. Cilization's ultimate fruit.
May be for for the better.
>But as Mann was a protestant, he didn't grow up in myth
>Joyce, on the other hand, was a catholic
KEK. Are you implying that Catholicism is a myth-based religion. If so, that's hilarious. Dumbass prot.

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>can't get a gf
>can't get a job
Any books for this feel?
>waaah I cant get pusi
just get a job and gf lmao it's not that hard
Read some Goggins

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Have you guys ever read Stephen King for a WEEK?
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>doing something for longer than 24 minutes is a "hyperfixation"
absolute state of women
Over for autismcels
I'd like to stephen my king inside her for a week if you can connect the dots that im laying infront of you
Actually I can't. That doesn't make any sense.
I read a lot of Stephen King in high school

What are the best works to actually help a man reach his potential, to live life with care, strength, acceptance, wisdom etc.
I don't want to just be amusing myself with subtle thoughts and impressive words.
From what I've gathered my best bet are the Greeks, any additions?
Enver Hoxha: Selected Works
>Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima
For my friends who need motivation for lifting, apparently it has helped them. I personally don't struggle with motivation for lifting, as well I have never read this book.
Jung and Nietzsche. Everything else is second rate at best. These two together answered the essence of life.
I thank you, men of letters.

Any updates on Quentin? Is he still writing?
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I love his music, but never got around to reading his novel. Would you fellas recommend it?
Miss you, Q
>Would you fellas recommend it?
Was this a serious project? With this guy it's hard to know what's ironic and what isn't.
How come some people can make the balding look kino?
leanness and good cheekbone genetics

russiananons, whats your verdict on viktor yerofeyev?
I prefer Venedikt Yerofeyev. But it's fine. Recommend reading alongside with Sorokin and Prigov.

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Post chudcore books
I literally stood up and clapped when Lisa was btfo'd at the end
need to reread this
Both of them have sex.

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How many pages of a book do you read before deciding whether to drop it or not?
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If at any point I read about 10 pages and it feels dreadful I drop the book immediately.
I don't drop books, I suffer throughout my own volition because i hate myself
Why should there be a set number? It's entirely feeling based. If it's just kinda shit I might power through. If it's mega shit then I might abandon it on the first page. Also depends how long the book is overall.
All of them
I stopped reading infinite jest within 5 pages. Pretty much instantly realized I didn't want to read that same insufferable style for another 1000 pages.

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1 - whatever
2 - the possibility of an island
3 - atomised
4 - platform
5 - lanzarote
6 - serotonin
7 - the map and the territory
8 - submission
9 - aneantir

should have stopped at possibility...
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I lost interest with his novels following Elementary Particles. I haven't read Whatever; is it worth it if I wasn't in love with Submission or Platform?
>I haven't read Whatever; is it worth it if I wasn't in love with Submission or Platform?
At least watch the movie.
Currently reading 'Possibility of an Island'. Dunno, its not gripping me like his earlier work. Also, I'm a brainlet
I hated how the chapters intertwined. Felt a lot like Werber and his Wikipedia intertwining that I hate.
His ugly soul is the point of his books, he's perfectly aware of his pathology and by extension the pathology of his generation. It's what makes him an interesting read in the first place

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Can (You) think up a potential plot for Ready Player Three?
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The first one is slop, but vaguely enjoyable in the same manner as half-decent junk food.
The sequel is just pure unmitigated slop with a healthy dash of random and ill-fitting current year politics for good measure.
The first book feels more dated than some 19th century books I've read. The pre-2015 internet zeitgeist just feels that much more dated.
All the leetspeak is pretty awful. It's difficult to take any of it seriously when the good guys keep calling themselves 'gunters' and the bad guys 'Sux0rz'
Why, have you run out of pop culture to butcher and package for chinless zennials?
No, I just want to know if /lit/ could come up with something better than Ernest Cline
Obviously it shouldn't be too hard

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Any /lit/ about coping with the death of a family member? Relevant fiction is welcome too.
the applicable inheritance laws
A Sorrow Beyond Dreams
Death in the Family

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