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>So two despairing and desperate young men act out their despair and desperation against this political pornography no different than Der Stürmer, who in the midst of all this death and destruction decide it's somehow noble to degrade, demean, humiliate and insult people. I'm sorry, maybe it is very politically incorect. I have no sympathy for [the staff of Charlie Hebdo]. Should they have been killed? Of course not. But of course, Streicher shouldn't have been hung [sic]. I don't hear that from many people.

There are people on /lit/ who actually admire this hack piece of shit
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You can say literally anything you want against the jews or BLM and nothing will happen to you. Nearly everyone in college is an open anti-semite and nobody gives a shit or can do anything about. 1 million jokes were made about George Floyd after he was killed and nothing happened. It's only making fun of Mohammad that Arab savages start beheading people in the street. Stop equivocating shit.
This little nigga didn't live through the Bush years I see
The world would be a way, WAY better place if everybody who made jokes about George Floyd getting killed was beheaded.

I don't like Islam, but they are correct in how problems should be dealt with. The far right should have their heads cut off in public.
muhfugga bix nood whar muh mammie at nigga I CAYNT BREEVE

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How do I know whether I'm a Stoic or a psychopath?

Should we remain celibate like Jesus and love the Church instead of a woman?
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Paul frequently recommended that people remain celibate as chasing sex/romance can be distracting and messy. But Paul also said that if you struggle with a lot of lustful thoughts, you should go ahead and marry someone to give your desires a healthy outlet. So I'd say it depends on how strong your sex drive is. But no matter which option you choose, it's wise to avoid porn. Don't engage in activities that will create lustful desires with no healthy outlets. I'm not saying you should never jerk off, but I am saying that you shouldn't lust after women you aren't married to.
You should remain celibate until God blesses you with a wife. "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord."
The cope of perverts who cannot conceive of sexless Love. I feel sorry for you. You destroyed yourself.
YOU DIDN'T READ THE BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy Hell.
“God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.”” (Genesis 1:22)

I wanna read the bible for the first time. What version doesn't shill the jews in the translation? And any other things I need to know before I start reading. Thank you
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dead kike on a stick
what i expected.
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Oh look we have rogue npc here.
No, real enemy is normalfags and jews, not some book.
Vaxxies and faggots are not christian.

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You ever realise books are kind of bullshit?
I mean all a person has to do is sit down, write something, and publish it.
This maybe was impressive when most people were illiterate, but now it's just an overly long social media post.
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youre right, you should write one
the reason it sucks is because no one follows the fundamentals of writing anymore and just shit out whatever they want
No, seriously though. "The book" as some kind of object of reverence is complete bullshit. It's a holdover from the days when only certain kinds of people could even get such things produced.
I have. It's just split across countless internet posts I have made in my life. It's all out there, circulating, being commented on, adding to the greater discussion in some way.
No one could deny that, under a certain critical lens and in a certain frame of mind, there would seem to be some sort of fundamental, covert but omnipresent complicity between the problematic genesis of writing and the long curve of its collapse into personal confession and business communication.
Authors used to add new material to a subject if it hadn’t already been written about. Now they barf out midwit thoughts unedited. It’s a consequence of freedom of speech rather than using their existing freedom of thought.

>If self-existence does not exist anywhere in any existing thing, your statement, itself being without self-existence, is not able to discard self-existence.

>But if that statement has [its own] self-existence, then your initial proposition is refuted; >There is a [logical] inconsistency in this, and you ought to explain the grounds of the difference [between the principle of validity in your statement and others] (vv. 1–2).3

>[2-29. If I would make any proposition whatever, then by that I would have a logical error; but I do not make a proposition; therefore I am not in error.]
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This. Read Tsongkhapa.
An illusion requires a viewer
why are you mad why are you clinging?
If there is no self, why should I care about whatever it is that transmigrates/reincarnates?
How can one derive a system of morals if karma essentially happens inexplicably and Buddha refuses to answer as to why this occurs?
How can one believe that nirvana and the end of desire are permanent? If finite, attached beings who suffer arose once, why can they not arise again, after departing from the cycle of reincarnation?
If the point of it all is to end suffering by ending reincarnation, why shouldn't Buddhists work together to bring about global mass sterilization of all forms of life, ensuring that nothing is ever reborn again?
You’re missing the foundation of Buddhism, often translated to English as the oneness of duality - or two sides of the same coin.
An excerpt from the beginning of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind (it is worth noting that Zen Buddhism is a subset of Buddhism and may differ on philosophy compared to other sects)
> This is the most important teaching: not two, not one. Our body and mind are not two and not one. If you think your body and mind are two, that is wrong; if you think they are one, that is also wrong. Our body and mind are both two and one. We usually think that if something is not one, it is more than one; if it is not singular, it is plural. But in actual experience, our life is not only plural, but also singular. Each one of us is both dependent and independent.
> After some years you will die. If we just think that it is the end of our life, this will be wrong understanding. But, on the other hand, if we think that we do not die, this is also wrong. We die, and we do not die. This is the right understanding. Some people may say that our mind or soul exists forever, and it is our physical body which dies. But this is not exactly right, because both mind and body have their end. But at the same time it is also true that they exist eternally. And even though we say mind and body, they are actually two sides of one coin. This is the right understanding.

You are you. And the universe is the universe. But you are also the universe. And the universe is also you.

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can dimwits still enjoy or find meaning in reading philosophy
No they are hylic. They enjoy and find meaning in being told what to do by someone powerful and obeying
You could start by reading a book and discussing it instead of making low quality posts.
A little, perhaps, but they can never really get to the heart of it. Not even midwits can.

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I finally have a satisfying climax to my YA novel, chuds
It has all come together
Pic unrelated
You climaxed over young adults? Bruh...

Is this worth reading? Or should I read something else first? Or after?
Im also wondering where I can read more about Spenglers ideas
There was a comment about him saying his politic beleifs were further right than the nazis... but im wondering what his ideas were that made him "further right than national socialism"
That might be his shortest work so feel free to make it your afternoon read

Thought I'd try something fun
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This is a collection of public domain texts originally for the Nintendo DS in 2007. The JP release partnered with Aozora Bunko, who had a year prior begun distributing e-books. What is unique is that it shares literally none of the same texts as the Western localization, simply known as "100 Classic Books" and partnered with Harper-Collins.

What the complete exclusion of Japanese literature from the US & PAL releases of this game suggests is that, even today, Japan's canon is more-or-less undiscovered, partially by their actions but mostly because the West would rather stick to Twain, Verne, Wells, Austen, Carroll and others instead of taking even the most cursory glance at Akutagawa, Arishima, Dazai, Soseki, Miyazawa, Mori and so on.

Interestingly, DS Bungaku Zenshuu also received contemporary Japanese literature available through Wi-Fi updates, whereas the Western releases stuck to older, established releases. This shows that the West has always been harsher to new releases and it is why you will likely never see a novel made after the 1960s appearing in another medium for quite a while.
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Everybody was reading Three Kingdoms or Water Margin
Do you have recommandations amongst these?
>This shows that the West has always been harsher to new releases and it is why you will likely never see a novel made after the 1960s appearing in another medium for quite a while.
Movie adaptations say otherwise.
>100 Classic Books
Sucked ass. They were all abridged versions and the UI was total shit. Just go to a library
I read Pinocchio and Gulliver's travels on it

>Big macs, sold; eaten.
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or its just funny
>for sale: running shoes, never worn
>Not for sale
Is this a copypasta or something? I keep seeing it

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What is his best book and why?
He writes?
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"Hypothetically, How Many Dicks can Fit into Peterson's Rectum?"
He's been doing it since 2004.

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>woman writes about suffering
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> Anon bumps a shit thread
>Men pretend to be sapient.
>Anon doesn't know how to sage
>anon reports a report
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>anon is given the opportunity to expand the horizons of his knowledge beyond his own lived experience

I don't get it. It feels like a semantically-empty exposition that is shaped in the image of insight. You can count in general without measuring any particular thing. That's how math works.
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you're not that simple
last bump
Got filtered by math, not surprising given that /lit/ user are wordcels.
Or filtered by a bad OP. "I don't get it, this is dumb" only brings in people arguing for it every so often. For the rest of us, it merits an eye-roll, not discussion.
Fair. I think I'll make a good faith post next time around.

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