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>Post em
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>cuck shed

>cuck chair
Gaudy as fuck, just like his operas
what's that on his desk? a PSP?
a patrician instrument from before the invention of windows (no pun)

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Currently reading the “Shelley The Pursuit” as a companion piece alongside Shelley’s Poetical Works.
Any recommendations on what I should read next? I have Coleridge, Wordsworth, De Quincey, Lamb, and Byron in mind.
Scott and keats are better than all of the poets you listed in OP
Thoughts on Southey, Clare, and Blake?
Wordsworth Selected is pound for pound one of the best poetry books. He wrote a lot of dross, but when he was good he was good. If you want more go for the 1805 Prelude. DO NOT BUY a Wordsworth poetical works/collected/complete unless you are actually doing a PhD on him
STC is worth a Selected Poems, don't care for his prose, don't bother with his collected poems
Byron has a lot of good stuff. Don Juan is a 500 page hoot. His other long poems all have really strong narratives so are fun to read. And his little lyrics aint shabby either. Get a big collection and enjoy
Lamb and De Quincey essays are very good
Southey and Clare I don't rate. If you've read their poems which turn up in anthologies you've read their good stuff.
Blake has catastrophic quality control, as bad as Wordsworth. If you can, get an illustrated Songs of Innocence and Experience which is total kino. Approach his longer poems with caution
>Blake has catastrophic quality control, as bad as Wordsworth. If you can, get an illustrated Songs of Innocence and Experience which is total kino. Approach his longer poems with caution
Filtered. Blake's prophecies make up some of the best poetry in the English language. His other poems outside of Songs of Innocence and Experience that aren't prophecies are also good.
>Blake's prophecies make up some of the best poetry in the English language
Do they though?

Is there a complete list of books that I should read before reading his works? How can I understand all (or at least the majority) of his references/allusions?
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Begin with a history book about the history of modern Ireland (1700s-present). You should read Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist before Ulysses. Beyond that, be familiar with the basic texts of the Western canon: Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, etc. Joyce was autistically smart so don't feel like you need to pick up on every little reference. I found this book at a yard sale a long time ago and it has proved invaluable when reading Ulysses. Not sure if it's still in print but I'm sure you can find a used copy easily.
I think your forgot to include diary of a wimpy kid (whole series) and every single James Patterson book
Just read the Wikipedia article of his life
>How can I understand all (or at least the majority) of his references/allusions?

That's impossible even for the most erudite Joycean scholars. If you want to read Joyce you should first accept that you'll get filtered at some points, hell, sometimes you won't even understand what he's going on about, but that's exactly where the beauty of his writing lies.

Some books that you'll need to get the essential references in Ulysses:

—The Riverside Shakespeare - Shakespeare (necessary for The Wandering Rocks section)
—The Iliad & The Odyssey - Homer
—Paradise Lost - John Milton
—A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge - George Berkeley (necessary for the Proteus section)
—Summa Theologica - Saint Thomas Aquinas
—Metaphysics - Aristotle

You'll also need a really compendious book on the history and mythology of Ireland. You should also read the works that precede Ulysses: Dubliners, The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
I read Dubliners and then Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Before reading Ulysses I decided to teach myself to read French and read the major French authors

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Which should I read first?
>Water Margin
By the way, I'm (((old)))
Do you prefer Dynasty Warriors or Suikoden?
I don't watch anime you fucking weeb
ROTK. The Water Margin is pretty boring.

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It completely mogs Tolkien and every other work in the genre, it’s just THAT good
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Even Robert Jordan is superior to Gurm.
But what was Daenarys' tax policy tho?
It was the one that made everyone happy
This is covered in detail in the extra 500 pages of mereen content in ADWD: extended edition

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Why is the Recognitions considered a difficult book?
Did you guys have a hard time with it?
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I dont read bs dialogue """""novels"""""
that had better be a dude
It’s boring
book is the prime minister of yammertopia
J R is a dialogue novel
This one not so much

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> Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods’ roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.

wtf is this book?
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Why? Honest complain desu and the whole Roman Catholic reference at the start they probably don't even do anymore, cus I was raised polish catholic and went to church on holidays and they never did the altare dei thing
You don't deserve to be literate. No book deserves to be read by you.
He sounds like a real jerk
It sounds pretty tasty except for the kidneys but I also just dislike eating kidneys. They smell too much like piss to me, even after being properly washed
Why so mean?
See that's why I'm vegan hehe

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Try it. Find a translation of some philosopher from the 1700s onward. Find an introduction for a critically acclaimed, classic novel.
They're by jews, without fail, Every Single Time.
Further, they're always jews who grew up right after the nazi period, and thus, must examine every work of philosophy or literature in relation to fascism, nazism, white supremacy, etc. or, at the least, they relentlessly liberalize and sanitize the work in question.
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A girl I slept with who was in a lit masters program said Plato was a fascist.
I wanted to say
>do you mean proto-fascist?
but I didn’t want to not get laid that day
were you thinking "now who's the fascist, bitch" as you were fucking her? because that would be funny
kek. reminds me of another uberfeminist I was with who literally said to me as I was fisting her “I feel like you fucking ~own~ me”
But why?

Hinduism is just retarded paganism for street shitters.
They literally worship krishna's penis and smear cow shit all over themselves
Why did schopie have such high regard for it? Did he misunderstand it?
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Exoteric/Esoteric distinction is always just a cope to allow cynical cherry-picking of what you like about something without being “sullied” by the whole.
ok schlomo
reddit post
consider suicide
Yeah, that is why you see all these big brained exoterically initiated buddhist monks not doing retard shit such literally hitting their head against a wall for make it stronger and ooh
>literally hitting their head against a wall for make it stronger

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Why were sports not as popular during the medieval period compared to the Roman and Greek

Any literature or articles on the metaphysics of sport and a Traditionalist account of Sports. These games seem to be degenerations of rituals.
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This is exactly what you are looking for, OP.
Thank you so much, have you read the book?
Yes, but I only read the second half which talks about sports. It's pretty good.
>90% of medieval artwork is tournaments that look almost exactly like war
>They loved fighting so much they only stopped doing it for fun when a war started
>guys in full plate armor fighting in the fucking desert
>you don't have to pay them they want to go die there
>man why did sports fall off so hard in the medieval period

They realized that making life into a sport makes everyone an athlete, and then plunged the world into 1200 years of nonstop war. Game on heretics.
The Dark Ages being a meme is not a claim that the 12th century was a great time to be alive, simply that the cartoonish suffering depicted therein is almost entirely exaggeration. The "Dark Ages" is also a huge (despite having shrunk as it became obvious how much of a meme it was) period of time, and encompasses hundreds of ethnic groups and tribes none of whom had a uniform experience throughout it.

The whole thing was just invented to let the renaissance pretend to be more important than they actually were.

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>Spend 58 years writing 38 Conan-knockoff novels about your slave girl rape fetish
>92 years old with 3 adult children and still going at it
How does he do it?
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We even have the same ethical beliefs

> Lange earned his PhD in 1963 from Princeton University. His dissertation was named: "In defence of ethical naturalism: an examination of certain aspects of naturalistic fallacy, with particular attention to the logic of an open question argument". Lange summed it up in an interview by saying "if one cannot make sense of morality within some sort of satisfying, natural context, then one is likely to end up with no morality, which is less than societally reassuring, or is likely to end up with a competitive plethora of moralities in which ninety-nine percent of the world's population is convinced that the other ninety-nine percent is unclean, stupid, uninformed, vicious, depraved, in need of coercive correction, and such. That too, seems less than reassuring."
So I only read the first one, but there is no explicit sex. Not sure if this changes later. So I assume he was just trying to write a fantasy, and a bunch of pervs got hooked on the premise, so he leaned into it.
I know Gor used to be pretty big back when he was first writing it. I'm honestly just surprised that he's still pumping these novels out.
Sex keeps you young. Maybe he edges for months at a time between novels. Would you want to die when you've got a 100 day nut brewing?
Man is blessed, still able to do what he loves at 92. He was still teaching not that long ago too.


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Have you ever read the complete works of a particular author? Would you like to?
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No but I came very close with Kafka. I think pretty much only the blue octavo notebooks and some of the diaries I've missed. He used to be everything for me when I was in my late teens/early twenties. Can't really see any author ever having that kind of meaning for me again, so probably no and no in answer to your questions, looking to the future.
John Zerzan back when I was an edgelord, before edgelordism was defined, or
as Zerzan would say.
Close to it now w DFW, NNTaleb, and Fante.
Half way:
Dickens, Conrad, Kerouac, Vonnegut
Want to:
Proust (only read le part 1)
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anyone here read Neusner (900 + books published) or that nigga Elron The Dianetist? I’d like to read random titles from these guys just to see what kind of a mind can barf out that much
What is your favorite Fitzgerald work? I believe I have two or three left to go. I most enjoyed Tender is the Night, but I think Gatsby’s reputation is well-deserved and definitely his tightest work.
nta but I've read almost everything Fitzgerald wrote and Tender is the Night is still by far my favorite. There's a newer edition that tells the story in chronological order though, which sucks. The definitive version is the original, which begins with Rosemary in Cannes.

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When collecting books by series or by author, how much does it matter to you whether all the books are of the same imprint and/or design?

Pic related
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I took the photo with my phone and then emailed it to myself so I could make this thread on my computer.
>only first editions matter
Why? Why do they matter at all. I don't understand this retarded obsession people have with first editions. Who cares.
Spoken like someone who hasn't ever had a first edition
Spoken like someone who collects funko pops
Because they have a clear limit on the amount of copies that exist. Any decent print shop can make a "delux limited edition" run to sell to retards at marked up prices, but that shitty chapbook printed on toiletpaper which ran under 500 copies will always be Edgar Alen Poe's first novel. Just practically speaking, if you want any resale value for your collection it should be primarily first editions.

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I have a problem with postmodernism (it hurts my feelings) so I have ventured into Kant.
I have also read Pierre Manent and I was intrigued by his idea of social constructivism being paradoxical.
I'm a big naturalist.
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I effort post to procrastinate from work...
>You pretty quickly realize every popular thing you've heard about an author is either just like the total opposite of what they think or so totally misrepresented that it has almost 0 bearing on the author themselves or their ideas.
I'm not a philosophy student, but part of my studies is political philosophy and this is something I noticed quite a lot.
Our professor told us to read authors and not second-hand accounts of them, or especially what we learned about them from the media or school.
Reading authors like Marx was surprising in a way.
My problem is that I am a bit of a nationalist. I do prefer analytical philosophy (especially Analytical Marxism), but continental philosophy is closer to me, because I live in continental Europe lol.
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Best thing he had said but not sure it’s a fair take down desu.

I don’t like the post modernists but I have to admit there is some intellectual merit there. Now it’s of course just a sort of political weapon and less of a serious philosophy
That it's as pointless as the cultural constructions it decries as pointless.

This is the seal of Kuyuk Khan
You must respect and fear it or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
I respect and fear the seal, great oceanic khan

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