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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

>Model identifiers (what each faction can take):

>Semi-unofficial catalogue of fluff, dossiers, and unit models:

>Unit Dossiers archive:

>Infinity Army (official list-builder app) and hacking helper:


Previous thread:
>remove cheesecake
>game dies
Like pottery
1. Cheesecake is still here
2. There are no shortage of games with even more cheesecake that died ignoble deaths
3. Still kicking

So go have your dumb culture war in 40k threads or something.
The greatest duo in the game is HollowMan Hacker with TinBot and a Gecko, prove me wrong. You've got button pushers, you've got killy guns, you've got armor and wounds and Firewall mods, and it's available in vanilla. Hell, it's even cheap enough you could go insane and try and run two of those duos and it not eat up *all* your points.
Maybe it's just that other games are really sucking all the oxygen out of the room for Infinity to get noticed?
Seriously I never seem to hear about Infinity or any if Corvus Bellis new stuff. Is Warcrow released? What kind of game is it? The fuck is REM racers and why did they even bother to make it. What's with all the kick starters that never see a general release. What happened to Aristia?
You don't follow the correct channels
It doesn't help at all that CB is hard for retailers to obtain in the US. Of the 4 FLGS in my area, only one manages to have any stock. The other 3 can't seem to negotiate a reliable supply chain. How the one manages to get product, no one else can seem to figure out. What sucks is, no one at that store plays Infinity.
The store that has an Infinity night can't get anything, so it's really hard to support the store you play in.
I follow a lot of channels on wargaming (not just GW shit) and I never get Corvus stuff in my feed.
>other games are really sucking all the oxygen out of the room
Yeah, namely Games Workshop stuff. People forget the basic timeline of Infinity's rise. Were the rules solid and sculpts decent when the game exploded in popularity in N3? Yes, definitely, but the biggest factor was how hard GW was shitting the bed at the time, which gave other games room to breathe and find a playerbase. I know that people are constantly decrying GW's latest missteps (especially here on /tg/), but I think we've forgotten just how uniquely massive and widespread the anti-GW sentiment was back then. People were fleeing 40k in droves, and Infinity was one of the beneficiaries of that; people wanted a tight sci-fi game that looked good that was comparatively cheap to get in to, and Infinity delivered. Now GW is back to being the undisputed top dog of wargaming, warts and all, and the majority of its prodigal players returned to the fold, so every other tabletop wargame is left struggling over the scraps.

I don't really think Infinity *can* have much mind share with GW securely back on the throne. Local scenes exist, they'll always exist, but widespread attention isn't in the cards. It's not even a question of rules or model quality or cheesecake or secondary texts. 40k has been around for almost 40 years, and for a good portion of that time they've been *the* game on the market, the one people think of when they think wargaming. That's a lot of inertia to fight against. If Infinity were to get a second golden age, it'd only be because GW drove off its own playerbase again.
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>Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms
But not the good ones.
I don't think the popularity of 40k is even that relevant, you could as well follow Disney+ subscription numbers for the same effect. 40kids aren't interested about wargames, they just love/hate 40k.
dumb take
correct take
Retard. 40k is niche. Infinity is much smaller niche. Not everybody revolves around 40k and the sooner you let go of your obsession the happier you will be.
The """correct""" channels are shit then. Marketing is about reaching potential clients, not making them put active effort into finding your product.
>namely Games Workshop stuff

Recently I was visiting few local game stores (living in capital city of polando) and from what I noticed, MTG got AWFULLY popular, even stores that usually have tables reserved for wargames have them full of MTG or Pokemon players. No idea why. That being said, WH (both Fantasy and 40k) are still popular but I noticed many people playing them in skirmish format instead of using One Page Rules.
>40k is niche. Infinity is much smaller niche.
Okay, cool, so you can recognize that 40k is much larger than Infinity, right? The issue is the comparative size difference between the two; the market that 40k dominates is niche, you're correct, and that's why other games within that niche are struggling. The popularity of 40k is very relevant.
>40k is niche
I don't think you understand what the word means. there are more physical Warhammer store than Cartier... by a LOT. Cartier only has 200-202 store worldwide while GW has 520-525. I specifically mentioned Cartier as it is both a luxury brands and Cartier is the Second largest watch maker in the world.

Neither Warhammer or Cartier are niche. They are global brands. Wargaming hasn't been a niche hobby for a long time.
And that market is entirely irrelevant. You could as well counting Star Wars drones or trekkies. They don't matter.
I've never even heard about this Cartier. Why did you brought it up?

So it's double as niche as GW. Double as irrelevant. Double as niche.
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>I've never even heard about this Cartier
>The market that Infinity exists within is irrelevant to how Infinity is doing
This is beyond retarded.
Easy to sell, reasonably popular and does not take much space in terms of both the shelf space and space needed for players. Also FOTM stuff and CARDS GONE OLD CANT PLAY GHEM NO MORE GO BUY NEW exists, meaning you can sell pieces of paper for ungodly prices and it will be bought because this is normalized in that mad community.
Legit autism. Nobody else has the same life experience as you. And no, I'm not going to even google it as it's off-topic.
Infinity is not a 40k game. That you even think about it in such reductive terms is a you problem.
You’re not wrong but I think there’s another important aspect that works in tandem with FOTM: people don’t really “lock in” to a type of TCG deck the way they do with wargame armies. If you liked and collected one faction but they’re shit this edition, for example, you’ll probably just be salty rather while sticking with your current army, or hell you might just stop playing for a while. That phenomenon is unknown in TCGs; if aggro decks become disfavored over combo decks in the meta, then people will all race for the really good combo staples no matter how much they loved their old hyperaggressive RG Goblin deck or whatever.

This is to say that screwups by the developers tend to *increase* business rather than decrease it. Given how often screwups happen, that makes TCGs a reliable source of revenue.
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>Legit autism
yes, that is what you have. and to really drive the point home?

>Nobody else has the same life experience as you
obviously but Cartier is still able to generate 10.2 BILLION DOLLARS in revenue last year. Just because you are not familiar with something does not mean it is not a global brand. Same for things you do know. Just because you like wargaming and you other people do know it like toasters, does not mean it is niche.

everyone you has every tried a board game that was not something you could get are target, knows about 40k. Games Workshop has a deal with Amazon. for fuck sake, stock for games workshop has been publicly available since 1994 and it has a market cap 3.31 billion bitbucks.

>Nvidia is not niche
>Apple is not niche
>games workshop is niche

please fuck off and leave us be.

R8 my Asura list
>unironic Trisha

I don't know wether to congratulate you for your unabashed boldness or insult you for your idiocy
What a weird thing to get so mad at you forget to capitalize halfway through your rant. You sure showed your lack of neurodivergence there, rainman.

Any more random stock numbers you've memorized? Cmon. What's the value of British Petrol? TSMC? Ooh, Tesla, everyone knows that, right

And guess what?

They're still all about as, if not more, thread relevant as GW.
I literally just want to us her. and to be honest, the list is something I know I am not comfortable with but that is also kind of the point.
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say something nice about this unit/profile
The Arjuna make great proxy nagas
i don't even understand why i browse this board anymore. its not exactly a meeting of the minds. there are people on this website who think "wargaming" isn't a hobby, i don't even really know how to process that. I've been coming here for over 10 years but after the femstodes drama it really woke me up to now low the post quality is on this board.

maybe its time to move on.
Is Blackjack with HMG any good? I really dig its look but dunno if its viable
I need to get around to trying this game out. I've wanted to play something sci-fi and at the squad level for a while. I read the starter rules a while back but I've been putting it off because I know I'm going to have to harang some friends into learning it with me.

Finding players is the roughest part of trying to get into anything that's not "mainstream."
I've been thinking that for 7-8 years, once it became clear the /pol/posters weren't going to leave or stay contained. Most of this site is thinly veiled porn-posting, and what little discussion of actual "things" occurs is usually extremely negative and very narrow-minded, and often huge conclusions are drawn from a tiny sample size. This thread is pretty big on the "extremely negative" side of things which is a shame, this game is the best on the market in terms of rules, the lore is extremely detailed and interesting, and the miniatures are very high quality and different to any other major wargame. There's just nowhere else to discuss it, I hate egoposting on places like Discord.
Vanilla or USARF?
USAriadna action box that I am also gonna purchase, get points for being thematic
Extremely natural post, keep it up.
Nah, this is the place where people that are banned from forums come to rage dump to feel connected to an era long passed. Sadly, this is like the homeless camp and Reddit is a close second.
You could just be amicable and not egopost? Communities are still a mixed bag, I get it, but at least shitposters are identifiable by more than just typing habits.
nice dubs, I agree with you but I feel like I'm here for life.
It's kind of okay in USARF
In vanilla, it's outcompeted by a dozen better units
Nice blog, how do I unsubscribe?
I see you haven't lost your sense of humor.
Doormats can fuck off back to safe spaces of reddit and official forums. And don't forget to clap on your way out.
>this game is the best on the market
There was a time when I would have agreed with this, but CB is working at breakneck speed to diminish the quality of their game in all areas, which really is astounding. They want Infinity to be a multimedia experience so badly, but I just cannot bring myself to care about their manga, unity engine video games, or their one and done kickstarter cash-infusion boardgames.

Then to top it all off I'm sitting on three armies in the OOP category, rulebooks with fluff that is no longer relevant (seriously, I took a break during the latter half of N3 and early N4, and shit has moved so fast I don't even know what the current metaplot is), and they're still frothing at the mouth to move on to Warcrow... something almost nobody cares about.
Not a single thing you posted is relevant to the quality of the game. It just looks like you wanted to bitch about other things and then pretend after the fact that your opinion is due to the game’s quality suffering.

Also really? You think “I stopped following the game for 3+ years and the plot has moved forward without me” is a legitimate complaint?
>"The company investing their time, effort, and money into projects nobody cares about has no effect on the game."
Okay lol

But for real:
>"Small company pls understand" SKU/discontinued force controversy
>Letting third parties run their narrative campaigns (which end up having cheaters as 'faction commanders')
>Individual blisters in decline, leading to situations where some models are only available in boxes full of generic Troops that are already in other boxes.
>Dumbing down dead simple rules like Fire ammo burning away camouflage.
You forgot to add retarded seasonal mercs
I just got one of these for my Imperial Service Army. it is going to be a shame when they get refreshed...
>Individual blisters in decline, leading to situations where some models are only available in boxes full of generic Troops that are already in other boxes.
this is the only thing I have an issue with. Having to perform the digital version of dumpster diving, you have to piece together a complete Sectorial.

I think this is being corrected as starting with MO and Nu-Kunin have gone the right direction, but it seems like the Code One stuff really is an entirely different thing and that fits in more with the "whole box so things" model.
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Probably stupid questions but i have absolutely no idea about Infinity and just got a box "Operaction Icestrom" or so, it is supposed to be the first 2 team starter set (at least that's what i was told).
I have no one to play such pvp games with (we only play games like Gloomhaven, Descent, Zombicide or Blackstone Fortress).
So here are the questions:
Is the RPG more like oldschool pen and paper DnD/Dsa?
The Defiance game seems similar to those games on first glance but my box is useless for that right? Is it out of production? Is it fun?
The Tag Raid is pvpve? So pvp with an npc monster in the middle?
Any other way to play pve or co-operative or even alone?
>thing's relevance is based on their revenue
Slave to money. Ive never heard of you carter, was it? ever and guess it may be clock company. How their stock is relevant? What the hell is your point? Oh you must be retarded if you did not hear of x american thing yaaah.
It is not even arrogance at this point, its paychopathy.
Get 15 bodies what the hell were you thinking, any camo marker will come to you and template you. Where the hell are posthumans for example? I can imagine alot of threats which would end your list without a shrug.
>>92792355 she can be used overall, just niche. Breaker combi and dogged engineer after all.
Dont. Honestly there are incredibly retarded balance discussions here at infinity general, the 66456789th time "NO SMUT INFINITY! Game's dead!" or just "game is dead" by some terminally ill in need of attention. Try starting a constructive discussion and you will have terrible results.
As someone above mentioned, this is more of a prison camp for eternally outraged.
For infinity, discord server is better. Just keep in mind that its home for some of the most disgusting namefags with opinion validity of theirs not supported by their sportsmanship achievements, but on the post count and loudness of theirs. Avoid at all costs. And avoid "socializing" there in general unless you 100% sure. 4chong? No, this is terrible place.
He is. Metaplot lol.
>seasonal mercs
>in a game where proxies can be used
Name me single reason why seasonal mercs are bad. They are given to each player, not to one.
>"The company investing their time, effort, and money into projects nobody cares about has no effect on the game."
Ever been an artist? Here's their idea of art. And they've earned money off it. Good? Good. Name me one thing thats bad about it. "Diverging attention and funds" is not it, before you typed it. "Taking a break from the main game to still earn cash" is how that is being called.
>"Small company pls understand" SKU/discontinued force controversy
What is that supposed to mean? DIscontinued armies? Not good, but rules are still there, and honestly? You can play them, and cb are still relatively small company.
>third parties narrative campaigns, cheaters as commanders
What the fuck is this about even, how it is relevant to anything? It is fun community event for no gains, you dont get anything for it. Cheaters? Whom did they fucking cheat? Christ, what the fuck is in your head if you think THIS a legitimate thing in a discussion about what's bad about CB?
>individual blisters in decline
Legitimate and not, storing them is a nightmare, but they helped with cherrypicking units you want. Boxes of 3-4 are great for entry and cheaper than blisters. New blisters exist. Even old ones are there, namely Alpha Unit.
>Dumbing down dead simple rules like Fire ammo burning away camouflage.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Last big league there was a guy playing USARF who ended up being at top 10. He had Blackjack haris of 2 HMG and 1 Sniper or 2 Snipers 1 HMG, cant remember correctly. But he is top 10 player and a single USARF player to make it to top 50. It can be played and played well apparently. But surely not in vanilla and even in USARF you should use them with care. Try and have fun, why not?
>Cheaters? Whom did they fucking cheat?
There have been identified issues with people reuploading old batreps, modifying them to match the current scenario, and submitting them for points. IIRC it was at its worst around Kurage Crisis.
>Warcrow... something almost nobody cares about.
Speaking of,
>Name me single reason why seasonal mercs are bad. They are given to each player, not to one.
You mean besides breaking down faction identity and turning the game into a clown fiesta?
Mercs are, and have always been, cornerstones of both anime and cyberpunk. Also mercs have been in infinity since forever, only the its extra being in the app is new-ish.
That is on them. Those players are mentally ill if they do such things in narrative fucking campaign.
They are mercs and they were hired for single job from lore perspective. From mechanical it is good to spice things up. Also what is your definition of faction identity? Why dont you scream about evo having extra order in certain missions?
>Also mercs have been in infinity since forever
No, shit, faggot
Now look at OG mercs, then look at fucking libertos and think again
>Also what is your definition of faction identity?
Actually playing your faction's units, and not another meme merc
Search for xcom-esque set of rules, can be played solo or coop. Defiance can be played by proxying enemies. Tag raid can bepve with some fiddling like adding the goal for the whole team and fielding more than one monster. Icestorm is out of print but wholly viable and while unit choice there is questionable it can be a good start for vanilla pano/acon and nomads/corregidor. Of course with some proxying involved. I can ask around for the "pve missions" thing and setup. Just let me know if you are interested.
So playing with your faction units is all there is to identity of a faction? Not aesthetics, not rules? I did expect low quality, but that is too low.
How to solve your issue? Proxy or dont use mercs.
>liberto complaininininininininining again
Ninini liberto my only weakness!
It does not break the game. Also initial complaint was about seasonal mercs? Jumping horse now.
Damn, you are a dense faggot, don't forget to buy a brand new digger blister
First thank you for the info. I googled a bit about the xcom-esque rules, all i could find was from completly different games (5 Parsecs from Home, Xcom the boardgame, stuff like that). I would like to try but don't bother to much, it is a nice offer but it would be mean if you ask around and it was just a passing idea of mine.
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>>Also what is your definition of faction identity?
>Actually playing your faction's units, and not another meme merc
You underestimate my power.
>no rebuttal, just crying out
Expected as much lol. I dont like digger model so I wone buy it and will use other models like patchers or jayths, the latter are miners too after all? Maybe convert some hvt who looks techy enough by adding crude-looking suit to them. Just need to copy swc bolts and acon starter. Because you see, unlike you, the raging moron and hobbylet, I am interested primarily in hobby aspect of the game, but as semi-sentient person who can get astounding 50 IQ I know that none of the things you spoke of in terms of gameplay are right. Get back to 40k.
Will find those once at home. Wont be a problem to me since there is a group of folks using them on regular basis anyway.
Aristeia is the best board game version of Infinity.
So which faction has best waifus and why?
Jannu best waifu, now and ever.
Ariadna has the hottest girls
Even non-character units are hot
>Volunteer girls
>new Cateran
Okay if it is not much work, thx again.

Isn't that just pvp? And what i read about it seemed rather ... bad.
Infinity does not have ugly girls. But probably Tohaa because symbioarmor shows their toned abdomen. I like toned female abdomen alot. Also big eyes and generally slender figure.
Second best haqqislam with fiday shotgun girl (lie, of course hunzacute who is also a great model rules wise and from design perspective).
It is pvp and it is a very good game with great ruleset. Can probably download the rules and print hexadome with obstacles and play with your icestorm minis representing Aristeia! characters. Just dont be confused.
It got bad reputation due to bad plastic miniatures was released in later. Ones made in metal were great.
I guess you misunderstood me. Pvp is what we don't play so thank you but that is not what i am looking for right now.
I can't comment on the RPG, since I've never played it, but you've basically got the gist of Defiance and TAG Raid.

It sounds like you'd enjoy Defiance, but it (and TAG Raid) were only ever sold as kickstarter games, with no intention of going to retail. Given the inflated price you'd find it at these days, I honestly wouldn't recommend it. Especially if you've got no other use for all of the models it comes with. That said, I do think the game is enjoyable, though not without issues.
I understood you. You asked if it is pvp - sure, I confirmed. Rest was an answer whether it is good ruleswise or not. Maybe you will pick it one day, maybe not.
To be honest I wish my friends were leaning more towards pve/coop games too. Playing pvp games like catan is torchure because some people get salty.
>not without issues
What kind of issues? I mean what game is without. So it isn't realy out of print but the same as if it was. How many miniatures are needed for Defiance?
Oh okay then i misunderstood your intentions. Yea most of us (including me) like pve more. We played pvp befor and i liked it as well, just less. Also one of us is way to competitive and he was salty if he lost and an ass if he won, no one wanted to play with him anymore.
The rulebook has a number of translations issues, and the campaign book also has a number of things wrong, from what I recall. It has been quite a while since I played, but I think even the first mission has something listed incorrectly in the campaign book (there is an errata, but still).

Technically you don't need any miniatures, since the game comes with tokens for everything. I don't remember what the top end was for number of models in use at any given time.
I am a bit torn now, maybe best action would be just looking up the rules and make a test game with Tokens.
>Name me one thing thats bad about it.
Well for one thing, they said it wouldn't affect their work on Infinity, and there's no way that's true.
>What is that supposed to mean?
Lol the "You can still play them!" Meme again. Yeah, sure, paying thirty points for a basic guy with Arm 3 and Shock Immunity is really cool in a time when that many points gets you tons of skills and weapons. There's nothing wrong with being frustrated by this, and there's nothing wrong with calling CB out for lying about the reasons they did it.
>Legitimate and ummmm not!!
Fuck off. "It's too hard to store!! Q_Q"
Nobody loves going from spending $20 a model four times to get a handful of guys, to spending $400 to get all the boxes that contain the ones they want. Get your tongue out of CB's asshole.
>What the hell is that supposed to mean?
You're such a fucking retard, oh my god. Taking away the ability of flame weapons to strip camo/ODD by making them all 'Continuous Damage and that's it'. Maybe they changed this for you, since you have no idea how it used to work, clearly.
bro it's a jewelry company, who exactly do you think the audience here is? middle aged women?
>use revenue and name recognition to elaborate on how a brand can be a leader in the market
>want to show that you do not have to be as common as milk and eggs to be a leader in or massively significant to be mainstream and an industry leader
>"Sl4v3 to monies"
>"JoulERy is not wargaming"

literal euro poverty brain. you can use sales data to show how popular and big a company is.
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Understanding you completely. I am not willing to go full-on in a friendly game and hate when being pushed towards it.
Alas, the xcom-ish solo thing link gone down and I do not own the file myself, so here's what I've found. Coop thing run by the locals is not solo too, so there is that. If will somehow get the pdf for xcom thingie will post it here.
Have fun with defiance by the way!
Alright, it did affect their work on infinity positively. Next complaint?
>Lol the "You can still play them!" Meme again.
No, I have no clue what the fuck you are on about.
>Nobody loves going from spending $20 a model four times to get a handful of guys, to spending $400 to get all the boxes
Blisters were less than 20 and you dont have boxes for 400 that may contain single miniature you may need in an army. Even collection boxes are 265. Why are lying and why are you so bad at it? You know anyone could look it up?
> Taking away the ability of flame weapons to strip camo/ODD by making them all 'Continuous Damage and that's it'. Maybe they changed this for you, since you have no idea how it used to work, clearly.
Or maybe I did not play when it worked that way, hence my confusion, you hysterical moron? REEE HE DOESNT KNOW THIS THINGIE! WHAT A MORON! Did that benefit the game so much? Or maybe you could shoot camo without discovering it? Maybe flamethrower was available to every faction on a commonly used unit - for each faction, by the way - so that everyone could use it? No, I dont think so, and pretty sure this removal caused alot of shrugs. Outrages? No. Only you due to some incomprehensible flaw in your thinking.
>money is everything and show everything, if it is not money-making, it is irrelevant, and unpopular
>poverty brain
Focusing on money? Check.
Using it to measure things? Check.
Using qUiRkY wAy zoomers made up to highlight the words as stupid? Check.
Money slave zoomer or aspiring zoomer, the latter is worse by the way. At this point you should pray or call exorcist outright.
>Or maybe I did not play when it worked that way, hence my confusion, you hysterical moron?
At this point it's pretty clear that you're a newfag and you have no idea what you're talking about.
It's kind of sad that these are the retards the game caters to now.
Thank you for the link and for looking. It is always sad if the playstyles of the players differ to much.
Those of you who've read Downfall or one of the other novels, what would you like to see in future novels?
Space battles would be awesome.
Also I don't think we have anything about the CA yet.
The next book is only a few months away and has Morats as the antagonists.
>Space battles would be awesome.
Speaking of, what's going on with the space combat game?
They are getting ready to open the pledge manager.
>N3 rule removed, someone's salty, his only rebuttal instead of "this is why it mattered" is calling me a newfag
No, you are just angry shit and you are unable to formulate a coherent answer which would consist of more than retarded screeching about game state as of now other than "mercs blisters camo/mim not burned by flamer". Pathetic, try next time, bub, after you stop flailing around, which Im sure you do since your critique of the game is less than miniscule and you repeat yourself time and time again. "MERCS RUINED IT!" was repeated here for some lenght. Surely it was not you lol.
laughs in brigada hacker-irmandinho-anaconda haris
i have the 3 of them, in a core of wu ming they are godly.
>the lore is extremely detailed and interesting

The lore is by far the worst part of Infinity. Every time I see a thread on it I think I should try it, and then I remember "oh yeah, I'll have to play in the world where every European civilization is destroyed and ONLY those ones". Space China flourishes, Space Arabia too, Space Russia, even Space Japan gets to exist, but Space Germany? Space France? Nah, you all get to be a generic pan-racial clusterfuck with zero identity other than vague capitalism.
Way to miss the point. The whole premise is to avoid "Earth 2024 but in space". The hyperpower is Australian as if that wasn't a dead giveaway, and there are basically only two other countries. It's not about national army battles, that's why most of the factions are shit like "AI recreations of historical people", "space feminazis", and "space UN". Not really sure how you get that Space Russia exists but Space France doesn't either.
>Way to miss the point. The whole premise is to avoid "Earth 2024 but in space"

BULLSHIT. They did not do that at all. They put in tons of distinct Earth cultures if they were Asian or Eurasian. It's only the ones with European ancestry that were put in the blender and turned into "Pan-Oceania" slop. If they had done what you suggested, there should have been NO Earth cultures whatsoever. It would have resembled Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri with strictly ideological factions. But they didn't do that, they instead erased European people.
>It's only the ones with European ancestry that were put in the blender and turned into "Pan-Oceania" slop
And all the non-Chinese continental Asians, who got wedged into Yu Jing as "funny ethnic friends".
Go play Scots, Frogs, or Burgers.
>every European civilization is destroyed
>space Russia gets to exist
American education
Who has a link for free
I don't buy stuff
No problem, have fun!
But Haqqislam has alot of other ethnicities from former USSR in it. There are many words that are taken from Middle Asia.
You've never read that lore. Haqqislam is not Arabia, lol, what are you, american, that anyone who wear turban or islamic is arabian? Space Russia? Ariadna is a congregation of France, USA, Scottish and Cossak (not even entirely Russian "ethnicity"), not "Space Russia". I wont even mention Corregido, you are just incorrect on too many points at once. What are you trying to do here? Show off how you dont know a thing of game's lore but state that its shit and at the same time try not to look stupid?
>Haqqislam is not Arabia

Different anon but could you explain more? They seems to be entirely Arabian based to me.

>Ariadna is a congregation of France, USA, Scottish and Cossak (not even entirely Russian "ethnicity"), not "Space Russia".

I asked about this few months ago, wanting to know which Cossacks (since they are very wide and diverse group) are base for Ariadna ones and turns out that to Spanish, everyone east from Germany is Cossack, pretty much. Plus, CB themselves focus on Tatary and Kosmoflot sectorials so it's very easy for people to assume that Ariadna is now "space Russian faction".
>could you explain more? They seems to be entirely Arabian based to me.
That's the sectorials that get all the focus. QK is Turkish, and the Gabqar Khanate is central Asian, IIRC.
According to the RPG there's also an island chain that has Indonesians on it, because the faction officially draws from all Islamic cultures that had people willing to switch to the Haqqi version of Islam. Plus token Jews.
Middle Asia I've mentioned. That is alot of people and cultures. Do you think burkut is arabic word?
>tartary is russian
Russian is hodgepodge, but in common perception Russia is slavic. Tartary are not. Cossacks are mixed. Hope that answers it.
>cb focus on tartary
Huh? Army is not updated for a long time, we have outdated and mediocre profiles with lines, frontoviks and scouts. Veterans are incredibly costly and ratnik is so niche most people outright consider it bad, and they are not wholly wrong about it.
To be honest cb does not seem to know what to do with ariadna, looking at usarf there with its arm 3 1w troops and bad infiltrator with bad dog-warrior.
I dont get which people you speak of that are assuming kosmoflot is russian. Except for the names nothing there says "russian" really.
I thought aleph was the jews
ALEPH just has a subsection with Jewish theme naming, Bourak has actual genuine Jewish settlements living on it.
Of course none of the factions contain only the most obvious ethnicities. PanO has sikhs and muslims, YJ has uighurs and people do move between nations in search of employment and other things.
And which faction does poland belong to?
PanO with the rest of the EU.
PanO as Poland was a mistake
>Alright, it did affect their work on infinity positively. Next complaint?
Okay, so I'm right? Thanks. No need for me to continue, but since you're so eager...
>Did that benefit the game so much? Or maybe you could shoot camo without discovering it? Maybe flamethrower was available to every faction on a commonly used unit - for each faction, by the way - so that everyone could use it? No, I dont think so, and pretty sure this removal caused alot of shrugs. Outrages? No. Only you due to some incomprehensible flaw in your thinking.
You can't even comprehend how it worked and assume it was some OP shit, when really all it did was turn those special skills into mimetism only after a successful hit. The problem is that it's such a simple rule and made complete sense, but they dumbed it down for no real reason.
Actually, it was a rule from at least as far back as N2. I think it's an emblematic problem with the current game state... the rules are easier to learn, surely, but a few things have been lost in the translation from prior editions to C1/N4, and most of them weren't so complicated or game-changing that they needed to be.

Overall, the rules are fine, but if they're the best part of the game by far and people still have a laundry list of issues, there's clearly a problem.
>Unnecessary simplification (e.g: removing Fire ammo type)
>Profile creep (25-40 points gets you WAY more than it used to, and some of the newest profiles shown are really busted).
>Reinforcements is so completely lame and pointless that CB just gives the new profiles to the base units and pushes the reinforcement option into the bin.
Oh look, Warcrow box video...

>thermoplastic miniatures

Why not metal? Thermoplastic is awful, I have PanO Peacemaker/Bulleteer ones and they barely hold details while most elements had to be pinned to even glue on, they are that misfit.
Because metal prices.
Frankly, I really hate siores. It is fucking awful, and I haven't had a single siores mini that didn't have problems with it. It is the biggest thing holding me back from buying into warcrow, which otherwise seems like a fun game to me.
>I have PanO Peacemaker/Bulleteer ones and they barely hold details while most elements had to be pinned to even glue on, they are that misfit.
Sounds like something's really fucking wrong with your models, all of my Siocast minis have held together just fine and the details have been generally good.
Which faction contains Latin America? I've seen plenty of Nomads with hispanic names, but I guess that's just criminals, just like you get the Russian mob and stuff like that.
NTA but I think a big obstacle to discussion siocast is that
a) a bunch of different materials and methods are all referred to as siocast, at least by laypeople (and sometimes by the companies themselves).
b) CB specifically has experimented with different approaches, leading to different "generations" of siocast. I don't doubt that Anon's was soft and held details like shit nor do I doubt that your minis are fine. They were likely produced at different times under different methods.
c) Last but not lease, the emotional investment people have in supporting metal minis (more common among old guard who dislike the change to anything not metal) or hating metal (mostly newcomers who were introduced to minis through GW plastic and dislike having to use metal for 90% of Infinity's minis) means there will inevitably be a lot of bad faith "debate" on the topic.
Surprise, it's all PanO. At least Brazil I guess.
PanO. IIRC the church is very Latin American, having lost a lot of cultural sway in Europe and being strongest in Central and South America. PanO really is quite cosmopolitan and encompasses a very diverse population.
Acontecimento is split between LatAm and Indians.

>They were likely produced at different times under different methods.
I think it's more likely to be an off batch. I haven't been able to tell much of a difference between the runs I've had, and those run from first-run Fuzzbots to the current Torchlight guys. Either that or CB have picked one specific Oceanian to send all the good siocast to.
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Corvus Belli! make the Combi + Flash Pulse Bao Troop a fucking forward observer! it already pays for the equipment!!!!
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Yu Jing Killer
what difference will it make? you won't use this profile anyway because it's useless. What will your MSV2 combi rifle with 12BS achieve? He also has a paper armor and a useless BTS6, not to mention that forward observer is by far the least useful specialist type, unless you're spamming missiles
WIP14 with Flash Pulse makes him a very annoying ARO piece though. As for FO being the worst specialist type, you aren't wrong, but specialists are specialists and getting another buttonpusher isn't a bad deal, especially since as Anon already mentioned you're paying for the FO gear anyway.
NTA but what makes Flash Pulse good ARO weapon?
It's a technical weapon so it uses WIP when shooting, which tends to be a bit higher than BS. It targets BTS, which tends to be a bit lower than ARM (though there absolutely are some units where it flips *hard* and it's like 1 ARM 6 BTS). Its range isn't phenomenal but it outdistances normal rifles and has only -3 out to 48".

What makes it good for ARO specifically, in my mind, is twofold. First is that it's dirt cheap and plentiful, letting you add some utility to cheaper line infantry and skirmishers. Yeah they'll get outclassed by actual ARO pieces, but those usually cost points and SWC; meanwhile, you can turn cheerleaders into an annoying roadblock and give your low-BS-high-WIP skirmishers a chance in a firefight, all for just pennies. The second reason is more that Flash Pulse sucks as an active turn weapon because they're B1 and only stun, but in ARO B1 isn't a hindrance and stun ammo is really good for disrupting opponents. Stunned units can't attack and take -3 to their rolls for the rest of the turn; land one on a scary multiwound Rambo and their rampage immediately stops. Obviously it's not as good as killing the Rambo outright, but again the Flash Pulse is cheap, so you're getting a lot of use out of a very minor investment.

The Bao Troop has effectively BS14 when using Flash Pulse and can ignore mimetism and smoke. If you're already looking at taking a Bao to counter marker states, it's only 2 more points for one that can, if needed, pull double duty as an ARO piece (though it's a bit expensive for that, so make sure the tradeoff is worth it).
question is why though, you already have a very solid ARO piece Bao with the MSR profile, which can also be harised with a sniper rifle ABH and a missile Zhanying for a pretty scary defensive haris. Place them so they can't be picked off individually and there's not many attack pieces that will want to F2F against it.
>you already have a very solid ARO piece Bao with the MSR profile, which can also be harised with a sniper rifle ABH and a missile Zhanying
Now count the SWC for all that, it'll point you in the right direction.
>question is why though
Give a specialist option to the Bao Troop that can Haris with other models and not have to rely of the shitty CSU specialist.

It gives the model something interesting aside from the Sniper and is wildly over cost as the three point warcor, "7-8" points remote are the only other profiles in the game to have a flash pulse without a specialist skill
Forgive my grammar, at the store with my kids and it is a pain to type with them running around
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SWC is not an issue in Imperial Service as it is possible to have 10 SWC available but you can never get there as points is more an issue with the Sectorial

If I had my way I would make four minor changes to Imperial service and do not involve points changes and would not make anything broken.

Bao Troops
>UPDATE move from Light Infantry to Medium Infantry
>UPDATE add Forward Observer to Combi + Flash Pulse loadout
*note: with ARM1 and BTS6, this is a true Medium Infantry and not a Light infantry profile
*note: Combi + Flash Pulse loadout is already paying for all the equipment and giving it Forward

Imperial Agent, Crane Rank
>UPDATE replace Spitfire, Nanopulser (+1B) loadouts with AP Spitfire, Nanopulser (+1B) weapons. no cost change
*note: this give allow the army to have anti-armor options and makes the Crane Rank a legitimate option against the Su-Jian

Sun Tze (Heavy Infantry)
>UPDATE Boarding Shotgun loadouts gain TinBot: Firewall [-6] no points increase
*note: Sun Tze is one of the main characters for the sectorial and is completely outshined by the Hsien is all aspects except for defense. Adding the TinBot allows the be very aggressive and makes the first hacking attack against Sun Tze less of a threat and allows for better movement options when closer to the enemy
Why are you here then?
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>notice a number of Imperial Service model are no longer available on the CB shop
>mfw CB decides to perform a Military Orders update of Imperial Service instead of putting it out of Production and introducing a new space faring Yu Jing Sectorial

I want something new and cool.
I've wondered for some time if YJ sales have been mediocre since they pulled JSA from the faction.
Bao troops? Ore like Bad troops.
They don’t seem as cool as they did in N1 and 2 for some reason.
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More like Bao Troops.
Honest question - in order to learn to play the Gamez should I play 150p games or go straight for 300p?
play 150 or just the Action pack to learn the game. 150 point games are quick and fun if you do not take the balance serious.

what army are you looking to play?
150 has fewer moving parts, so it's probably easier to learn. Once you step up into 300 points you'll need to relearn a few things (that many points allows for some strats and unit choices you probably wont see very often at 150), but I think it's overall and easier learning experience than diving right in to 300p games.
I'm still that anon who was afraid to email Warcor for 2 years, finally played first 150p game two weeks ago and plan to make next one. Turns out I will need to make FB account anyway so I will need to figure out how to, without triggering anti-bot systems.
oh yeah, that anon. but seriously. stick to 150 point games until you get a feel for the army. or maybe you have an actual group in your area and they can ease you into 300 point games. back when I lived in a big city, I mostly played in Tournaments and super casual 300 point games to bring the newer players into the game
Congratulations on losing your virginity!
(game-wise, I mean)
If you have an experienced player who can make [roughly] balanced lists for 150pt, go for it, otherwise I'd play 200pt.
>2. There are no shortage of games with even more cheesecake that died ignoble deaths
This is a fucking lie. What are you referencing some kick starter shit no one played?
I remember people keep calling PanO bad... but what about O-12? Are these guys good?
Congrats anon. I wouldn't stick around 150pts for long though, once you got a handle on the basics (movement, face to face rolls, unit facing, etc) I'd upgrade it by 50pts a game.
Did anyone here watch Edgerunners? Pretty good show for that cyberpunk fix.
How cool wouldn't it be to have an Infinity series in the same style?
any winter force players around? how does Svalarheima play on the table top? what is the point of Gunnar?
Gunnar exists in case you're already running Liang Kai and Shona Carano and want a more expensive third option but who is also a Specialist.
newfag here, what the hell is cheesecake?
In this context, it's just sexy minis. They want more 3D pinup girls in their toy soldier game.
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Cheesecake is slang for sexy women and is literally older than anyone on this website.
Beefcake is the equivalent term for men.
Its edgy shit for angsty teenagers.
You dont run him. Ever. But he is a nice beasthunter proxy.
Svalarheima is goos thanks to karhu. Missing on good midfield (Uma is good, but costly) and infiltrators. Still good, even if some profiles are mediocre (dont run Vargs ever). Especially good if you go after looks. Personally like the sectorial alot.
>cyberpunk "fix"
If you neex "fix", visit doctor.
>okay so im right
So you would rather not have X thing that affects the Y thing you positively? Yeah positive change is not good, sane position there.
>assume its op shit
Quote me where I called it OP.
>makes sense
No, it does not. Complicated distortion device could change patterns, camo can be reapplied, sneaky guy (mim3) will remain sneaky guy. It did not make sense in their vision, so they removed it. Apply it when playing with someone who agrees with you. Problems?
>it was from n2
Well, there was little sense in calling someone newfag if they dont know previous edition rules, now it makes even less sense.
>didnt need to be removed
To me it does not make sense whether its complicated or not. Game changing? I see it applied in like 1 out of 20 games. Continuous damage makes sense to me. This particular rule does not.
Yeah, game absolutely has problems.
>fire ammo
No clue what is that. Continious damage is stil here?
>profile creep
Partially. My issue is things get homogenic and, more importantly, there are tons of units that are not updated to keep up with newer profiles. Make them busted, but in line with others. Kriza and new Prime from Torchlight are, no pun intended, prime examples.
Needed testing and its release the way they were presented was terrible, I agree.
My biggest issue with rules is fireteam update not being as good as it could be. Look at morat hungries team. Thematic? Yes. Viable? Yes. Breaks the game? Sectorial? No and no. Morlocks and taskmaster - same thing. But still there are ISS (mentioned because they constantly are spoken of here, personally dislike sculpts, but theme is interesting and I hate it when someone is left behind) and other sectorials which could use the same treatment. For example ISS could encourage throwing away kuang shi and allow to retain orders if they died to gunfire or something along those lines.
What's the general opinion about O-12 Torchlight sectorial? Good, bad, mediocre?
>he hasn't experienced the culinary degeneracy that is cheesecake
I can only pity you.
Well-designed, in that it's good but not great, and the goodness is dependent on its unique playstyle.
Good. But I dont like the sculpts.
Mechanically solid, but they have Kriza Borac's old gimmick that he lost in the N4 update so I hate them on principal.
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>Kriza Borac
the best boy
SPACE MUHREENS "carlos edition"
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>Kirza used to have a 50 point MULTI rifle profile
why was that removed?
>HMG 54
>Multirifle 50
>4-4 move unit with no FD
Yeah indeed, why remove the profile nobody would pick?
Real question is why would you take that? And here's another: why do you ask that question in the first place? In which world Kriza for 50 with multirifle is viable?
NTA but I guess maybe you might want to take it for B4 AP ammo? Even though damage, range, and burst is lower than HMG? As bad a reason as that it, it's the only one I can come up with.

That or you're a dummy and want to bring Kriza despite not being able to afford the HMG (points or SWC-wise) and figure "hey a MULTI Kriza is better than nothing."
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>he is a nice beasthunter proxy.
I finally found my Beast hunter model
Anon, Moonchild exists.
Yeah, but there Szalamandra and Perseuin both vanilla and tunguska as well as Wolfgang in tunguska, tag is just 24 more and far better. Forco has Bolts and Valkyrye as well as harisable CSU.
Why on earth would you like to run Kriza Multirifle?
>you're dummy
Even dummy can compare profiles, surely? Or not, and they make a post at imageboard?
>there are Szalamandra and Perseus in both vanilla and tunguska
Quick fix, I am emotionally hurt by someone wishing for Kriza Multirifle to be back.
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>Anon, Moonchild exists.
Oh, that is cool but I bought Dire Foes Alpha for Adil and the HVT and could not figure out what to do with my copy of that model. so yeah, I can use Gunnar as my beasthunter
Please buy my old expensive artychokes heads
I'll buy them cheap.
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I'll just take em from ya for free. Assured to be painted and played.
O12 has great sculpts and variety in terms of units and their roles. Is it stronger then pano? No. Different. In terms of lore they are trying their best to be retard wrangler.
Every kickstarter so far was a financial success and allowed to keep infinity going while also allowing the studio to express artistic desires. What is your issue with that? Want them to burn out because you have patience of a toddler? I dont because in long term it means I get less nice things and I am in no hurry.
>nobody plays
Based on which metric?
There is one thing I don't quite understand with list building. It's whole thing about these 15 models requirement.

I keep running into statements that any 300p list absolutely have to use 15 models, no less, that any value below means they will lose for sure due to having less orders than enemy. This gives average 20p per unit, which means that any model that cost less (like core units with 10-13p cost) is a blessing and any model costing more is a curse. Any points above that value must be therefore compensated by models costing less. If I try to bring TAG costing 70 points to the table, it translates into 16 points average, if I would try to bring Avatar with Combined army, remaining 14 people would have to cost average 12 points and so on. But, from what I see, any good list have to include profiles with different, more specialised roles like mid-field, medics, specialist operatives, hackers and so on. These are hard to squeeze under these 20 points standard and even less with lower average values. This automatically makes any army or sectorial that focus on more elite units at disadvantage and all those cool but costly profiles unusable. By this logic, Ariadna or Haqq should be ruling this game and yet they don't, from what I see.

Please explain this catch to me.
The 15 troop cap being a must is a mix of n3 thinking where swamping your enemy in bodies was what waac fags and poleniggers did and thinking of the limit as having 15 "slots" to fill brainrot. Since you are limited to 10 modes in your first group anyways the 2nd is mostly used for support and aro pieces in my meta, model wise it's 10-14 models most of the time, but that might be different in other places.

Just don't go under10 models in your big group and have fun
maybe every KS was financially successful, but after Defiance, TAG Raid and Warcrow made much less money and destroyed the company reputation with eternal delays and less and less comunication and transparency. Thank God, the ship game KS is not managed by Corvus.

>>92856184 spammy people making +25 orders list and then complaining not being able to both players to play 3 turns
>Assured to be painted and played.
Post your 'chokes.
>least degenerate NA2 player
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>Sniped an ebay listing for Desperados

Why the FUCK were they removed
the rumor was they were to lazy to remove the confederate flag so they just ended production entirely
Pandering to americans was a mistake
The Avatar might be expensive but you can take two 6pt Imetrons and two 7pt FP bot in the same group, and five 4pt Gaki in the second. Suddenly you only need to fill five slots for 128pts. And you want Bit and Kiss and two Daturazi so really you have two slots and 80pts. Usually that's Nourkias and a Noctifer or Speculo or Fraacta. That doesn't even get into what you can do with Imetrons and Libertos.
new thread

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