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Previous thread: >>92746016

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Which is your lesser known rule that you think more people should use?
Players arriving on time and not disappearing with no warning
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Recently finished session 8 of a succesful GURPS spaceship campaign where we use mechas and every single player is (relatively) new to tabletop. A lot of rules get ignored in the heat of the moment but it's really fun and we enjoy using counters to track how fast each player is moving and really play into the speed of mech combat. As an aside does anyone here have any tips on how to make missiles more dynamic and varied in their use? One player is enjoying them but feels as though his turns mostly boil down to aiming, defending and shooting missiles into general groups of enemies.
I have the following character concept: Former street fighter learning actual martial arts, fights using a mix of proper techniques, rough yet brutal attacks and dirty tricks.
However, I'm struggling to effectively mix Brawling and Karate. No matter what I try, it always seems that I'd get better results dropping Brawling and investing all points on Karate.
Any idea how to solve this dilemma?
How about allowing to use missiles are "feint" so they can strike with other means of attack?
I this trick being used sometimes on mecha animes like Gundam and Macross.
I must commend you for playing GURPS in tabletopsim, especially with newbies.
Limited maximum invested skillpoints and techniques that default from brawling only.
Also advatnages and perks that have a streetfighting school prerequisite if your gm adheres to that structure.
Having two skills doing the same job is always going to be inefficient, but it shouldn't cripple your character concept unless you're sinking massive amounts of points into your unarmed skills.
Say you've got 4 points in Brawling and 8 in Karate. Compared to someone with 12 points in Karate:
>You can get +1 to hit at the cost of -1 damage (per die) and ignore encumbrance penalties (effectively getting an even bigger bonus to hit and maybe defend)
>You can use Brawling-only techniques and options like biting and slamming
>You parries may be slightly worse when retreating or defending against swung weapons
Overall, it isn't the optimal build in most cases, but the cost is low, comparable to a point or two in flavourful background skills.
>You can use Brawling-only techniques and options like biting and slamming
The list of Brawling-only techniques and perks can be expanded if your GM is enforcing Styles from Martial Arts, or at least certain aspects of that subsystem. Reinventing techniques from first principals is hard stuff, so if you're learning Karate or related techniques/perks, you're probably doing so at the feet of a teacher. That teacher can limit what they'll teach for a whole host of reasons, from a sense of honor or fair play to simply not prioritizing certain options. When that happens, a student will have to source unorthodox techniques elsewhere. A history of streetfighting gives you experience with dirty tricks that you already know how to apply through Brawling. The differences between Brawling and Karate mean these moves can't just carry over 1:1, so you will occasionally have to rely on your older "style" if you want to use them.

>tl;dr It's thematic and arguably realistic to limit things like Headbutt or Improvised Weapon or Clinch to Brawling only, even if RAW they can be taken for Karate. This can be done through requiring Styles or simply by GM (or player) fiat.
Two-Handed Punch is almost good enough that it isn't worth learning Karate.
>Damage is thrust +2 per die if you have 4 points in Brawling
>Base chance to hit is Brawling -2, or DX if you have 4 points in Brawling
>4 points in Karate gives thrust-1 +1 per die on a punch, hitting at DX
>even with eight points invested, damage is better than Karate punch (equal to Karate uppercut) and chance to hit is the same (better compared to uppercut)
>can effectively get +2 to hit by spending 2 points on the technique
Comparison builds:
Brawling @ DX+2 [4]; Karate @ DX [4]; THP @ Brawling [2]
Karate @ DX+1 [8]; Uppercut @ Karate [1]
Former pays one point more, has better chance to hit, better parry against some attacks, slightly worse against others (only if DX is an odd number), same damage, access to more techniques (including eye-gouging, the other good brawling-only technique), can bite with skill, gets bonus with slams, can use Kiss the Wall, and enjoy the benefits of pommel strikes with two-handed weapons.
The obvious solution would be to learn a grappling style rather than a striking one. Adding Judo to Brawling produces a very valid combination (access to retreat bonus and full-skill parries against swung weapons, decent striking, decent grappling, can switch skills if encumbrance penalties are an issue, wide range of techniques, basically every combat option available to unarmed fighters).
He seemed to react well to the proposition. Thank you for the idea anon.
I'm the GM with the player who has weapon attachments in lieu of a left hand from the last thread. It's a cinematic TL8 game (Monster Hunters). His attachments include guns. Now, since it's a cinematic game, I don't really mind if he can shoot his stump-pistol without using his good hand, but I can't come up with any good reason why or how he could shoot a gun with just his stump. He's a Warrior, so no superscience, magic, or psionics.
Any thoughts on how it could be done?
Monitoring the muscles in a forearm is well within TL8, it's how some hand prosthetics work today. Twitching the sinew that usually connects to the trigger finger could then be programmed to activate some mechanism that pulls the trigger.
Or the mechanism could be activated with a breathing tube taped to his mouth.
Or he could pull a thread attached to his helmet.
There are modern-day prosthetics which read nerve signals to open and close grippers. Some of them are quite impressive. Certainly good enough to flip a switch activating some kind of mechanism to pull the trigger. Needs a techie friend to rig it up though.
Other options:
Simple cable attached to your upper arm which pulls tight when you straighten it out. Just push hard in the direction of the target (makes aiming impossible, so not great, but simple enough to rig without knowing any electronics).
Surgically attach a cable to tendon. Probably an infection risk in a realistic game, but not so much in a cinematic one.
Voice-command electronics. Bad idea for numerous reasons, but possible.
Head-mounted laser designator, camera attachment on gun, mini computer which identifies if the two are pointing in the same direction, electronic trigger actuator. Massively unsafe.
Bite-control switch held in mouth. Not quite as unsafe as some of the above, but still a bad idea.
Older hand prosthetics from as far back as the early 19th century would basically encase your entire arm up past the elbow and perform simple open/close motions based on how you flexed or twisted your arm muscles. More intricate ones from the latter half of the century covered up past the shoulder and included straps that went across the torso, allowing for finer control by incorporating the entire upper body. By the early 1900s there were models of prosthetic hand that allowed for fine control of individual digits using only the upper arm, though admittedly it appears that those were installed into the flesh rather than simply strapped on.

All of this is to say that having prosthetic sheath built to pull a trigger would be relatively simple, and that’s before the introduction of modern microelectronics. Game-wise I’d treat it as the TL5 Basic Arm Prosthetic (p HT226) with the Cheap modifier (-0.5CF) and have it grant Weapon Mount instead of Ham-Fisted 2.
Good to know that picking up nerve signals is feasible. Out of curiosity, in your opinion, how much would a rig that could squeeze a trigger based on picking up nerve signals cost?
For those who say Sorcery is an amazing magic system - why? There's no form of magic that GURPS: Sorcery can do that something like D&D can do with light narrative retheming.
Does GURPS fit "beginning superheroes goofing around" or should I look for a more fitting system? Custom lore/universe.
After a cursory google search the cheapest such bionic arm would be around 5000-10000. Let's assume 5000 because all you really care are about are the sensors inside the arm, from which you want to build your gun arm.
The modifications would probably require at least a few weeks from somebody who knows enough about programming and engineering to create a triggerpulling contraption and to connect it to the arm, which would probably run you around 5000 bucks or a huge favor owed.
I'd say 10k is a fair ballpark, although this leaves you either with an inbuilt gun, or a "general" trigger pulling contraption that is designed for one specific grip. Creating several different contraption would probably become easier for your computer guy after the first one, but I'd still charge 1000 or so for each different one.
Gurps dollars are of course worth more than current dollars but I'm too lazy to do the conversion.
Actually, you'd probably only need to find the right wires and not fuck with the programming if you know what you're doing, but the price would stay roughly the same overall I'd figure.
It's decent for lower-powered supers in general, but there are some balance issues at higher power levels and for some themes (notably 'brick' and super-strong types are rather inefficient, although system mastery can make the former viable, and alternative strength systems can fix the latter). If you don't care too much about balance (which is never something that really matters in the supers genre, which famously has things like Batman and Superman on the same team) then it should be fine.
The other issue is that characters with a lot of powers can be a chore to create for someone new to the system, as can getting the genre switches right. GURPS Supers does a lot of the work for you, but the templates can only cover a small range of archetypes and half the fun of supers is coming up with unique powers for them.
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>reading GURPS 4e book
>"for more information on X thing read GURPS Y (a third-edition book)"
You have the page reference for that?
Low power is the plan. GURPS Super covers super strength, but e.g. not strength amplification, which is one of the ideas for my character.

Do I have any alternatives tho?
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That's for setting and background information not for rules.
Why is that a problem?
What do you mean by strength amplification, exactly?
I feel stupid for not thinking about this. I'm thankful for the other suggestions but I think this one is the best.
After sometime thinking (which is why I took so long to reply, sorry), the combination of Brawling with Judo seems like the best one:
Karate deals higher damage than Brawling but I feel the latter fits the character better, and using Two-Handed Punch as per >>92821151 's suggestion can make it up somewhat. Brawling also has 2 levels advantage over Karate, which is nice.
Judo can help the character defend against non-thrust attack and being a style better fit to fighting on foot rather than on the ground, it fits the character concept better (grappling on the ground can be suicidal if fighting multiple opponents).
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Last session involved
>an honors ceremony where one of the player characters was asleep, dreaming about losing in a video game
>eating improperly stored space food, that was most likely rotting at that point
>a player bargaining with high command to receive a more advanced mech to pilot, but never asking high command directly.
>Fanboying over an NPC character who suddenly became the party's favorite and I had to figure out a last name for him on the fly.

And some more, overall the good times continue.
>>Fanboying over an NPC character who suddenly became the party's favorite and I had to figure out a last name for him on the fly.
kek, it's always some background filler that you wouldn't expect anyone to care for.
What's your favorite GURPS setting at the moment guys?
I'm kind of a Banestormfag. I'd love to run a Tredroy-noir game where the PCs are independent mercs who stumble onto a mystery and end up way over their heads.
Madness Dossier is really cool. If we’re limiting ourselves to more established, fleshed out settings, then THS.
I hadn't looked at either of these, I'll check them out. Thanks for the replies.
Based, based, based.
I'm brainstorming a GURPS campaign of a East India Trading Company style corporation in space. The group being forced to make a colony/occupation profitable to maintain their monopoly.
THS now and always
Too bad my other hobby (guns) takes up all my time so I will never run it again
Been reading Dune lately eh?
what's THS
Transhuman Space
Ah, that sounds like fun. How crazy can you get with characters?
But it's super clunky to run in practice because everything is statted out as GURPS usually does i.e. it just says Telecommunication this and that and you have to reference your Basic Set to figure out how much radio range your robot body even has. If you have several bodies or switch bodies with someone else or something it's going to get real tedious real fast
Actually hated Dune and couldn't finish it. This is more because I love exploitative capitalists
Yo im playing with noobs on tabletop simulator too. Could you tell me what workshop items do you use?
Guys I've been having an autistic obsession over GURPS even though I have never played a tabletop RPG before. I have zero experience DMing or even roleplaying. I think I'm going to give it a go with a really, really constrained set of rules (GURPS Lite). Thanks for reading my blog
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The only one that's actually GURPs related is the character sheet. Otherwise I ape miniatures from other workshop mods like battletech depending on the setting. There's also some hex tile sets you can overlay on your board to add a bit of spice but I don't often do tile combat in general.
Good luck bro. You should probably check out the How to be a GURPS DM book.
Dnd brainrot retardation
Had a very successful session 1 for my Monsters Hunters game. Technical difficulties aside, everything went great. Players all seemed to enjoy themselves.
Highlight was when the Warrior with the Weapon Mount prosthetic hand (thanks against, anons, for the advice there) decapitated a vampire with his chainsaw hand and then staked it through the heart to kill it with his Extra Attack. Another highlight was the Priest shooting a vamp with a Dragon's Breath round from one yard away. Very kino.
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I do not really like Infinite Worlds. I get they want to lean into the 'Universal' but I feel it undermines every setting connected to it.

Reign of Steel is a bleak horror setting undermined by the fact we know Centrum is planning a teleporter based nuclear decapitation of the AI's. That means Infinity could do it too whenever the bureaucrats sign off on it.

The example characters in the core book are members of ISWAT so cost 200-1000+ points when most of the templates in various books are 75-150 points, a range GURPS works much better at.
>Highlight was when the Warrior with the Weapon Mount prosthetic hand (thanks against, anons, for the advice there) decapitated a vampire with his chainsaw hand and then staked it through the heart to kill it with his Extra Attack.
It only just occurred to me that there's kind of an odd lack of consistency in how to kill vampires in roleplaying games. In pop-culture, its any one of decapitation, staking, fire, or sunlight. In games, it's usually just a couple of those which work. In World of Darkness and D&D (3rd edition, at least), stakes incapacitated but didn't kill them. In GURPS MH its decapitation which incapacitates them. I bet there's a bunch of random variants in other games too.
ISWAT exists only as a Deus Ex Machina, anon, that's why they "don't exist".
Page 423 of the basic set. Never even knew about it till recently
>GURPS is constantly shilled as being easy to learn
>finally decide to learn it
>book is 580 pages
Is it shilled like that? My perspective before getting into it was that it had the emphasis on adaptable, so it could be simple or exceedingly complicated depending on what you include since it was made to make systems from and not a pre-made system itself. Basic set just gives you the framework moreso for the GM to build his setting, so it has to be big since it provides example content for a wide array of settings.
You can read GURPS lite which is just 32 pages and even then only half of those 32 pages are the rules and not lists of the most useful example content.
Litmus test, if you backed away at the number of pages you aren't cut for it.
<<my system>> is working for me, but I wanted to see if there was anything better.
>Is it shilled like that?
Yes, every time there's a thread complaining about something related to /tg/ there's someone saying play GURPS
Is example content necessary for an experienced GM? I've been one for about 15 years at this point in various systems.
What is the actual difference between the fourth and third edition?
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It is pretty easy, you build difficult as you seem fit (where those 580 pages of content add up).

Example content would be recommended if you want to build complex stuff like very tactical combat or specific liabilities, otherwise you could just learn as you play. Other anon already recommended Lite, which is the most streamlined version of the core rules, so you can use that to learn the basics if you don't feel like browsing the book.
Fixed cost-per-level for attributes

Fatigue based on Health, and Hit Points based on Strength, and new method to make strength affordable for large critters

Exponential increase in carrying capacity with linear increase in strength stat

Same cost for mental and physical skills

Common mechanic for all talents, and raising DX or IQ just to get a skill bonus is now contra-indicated

Deceptive attack

Better treatment of unbalanced weapons

Passive defense is gone

Control rolls for disads, separate from Will

Consolidation of Basic + Compendium

Adjusted costs for some advantages; Cutting Claws cost 40 points in 3e

Clarified difference between maneuver and technique

Altenate Abilities and Modular Abilities are new

Whole concept of Perks is new, and with Martial Art, Magical Styles, and Power Ups 2, they're a big deal now

Expert skill added, Katana skill removed

Some package-deal advantages broken up, then re-assembled into meta-traits

Lots of small things add up to one big thing, namely, accretion from assorted 3e supplements got consistent treatment.
Other ones missing:

Skill cost now based on difficulty instead of type

1/2 points no longer a thing

Innate Attack advantage replaces Knacks

Unusual Background as an universal replacement for "roleplay advantages"
GURPS takes an "it's better to have a tool and not use it than not have a tool when you need it" approach. So yeah, 580 pages, but those 580 pages include rules for
>asphyxiating in a vacuum
>lance charges on horseback
>vehicle maintenance
>putting someone's arm in a judo lock
>wizards *and* psychics *and* superscience inventors (and how they all interact)
>guidelines for worldbuilding at various levels of technology
>an entire (highly optional) multiverse setting
and most importantly
>enough character options to make damn near anything, so the wide variety of rules are justified

Also any dumdum can handle 5e and the PHB and DMG (that system's equivalent to GURPS's Basic Set) clock in at a collective 640, so obviously page count alone is not enough to make a game too complicated for people to handle.
By example content I mean the actual skills and numbers you can choose to use in your system.
The majority of the character section in basic set is just a huge list of example advantages, disadvantages, and skills the players could have, but right after it gives you basically a full game's worth of example skills it also tells you the rules for creating those skills yourself so you can disregard the pre-built ones as you please and even instructions on how to adjust the example skills if you want to reflavor them. They'll even give you examples of "cinematic" skills as they call it, so if you want to forgo detailed or realistic skills you can just create generic ones that cover all the basics in one skill. What's more important is there's a significant amount of supporting materials and how the system is designed to work well with supporting materials, so if you want to add spaceships to your setting the rules are already there you just gotta throw em in

In a different sense, if you trust your sense of a game and how to balance GMing you could probably run and homebrew any system you try into whatever you want. GURPS just exists as a system that puts a method to that madness to the gears don't grind against each other
>a weak, stupid, boring clod. You avoid people like that in real life; why would you want to become one, even for a minute, in a game?
>He's never played a hobo campaign
>no school grognard damage progression
>KYOS basic lift progression
Its a buffet. its not 580 pages of rules
Should my players have a cap on their piloting abilities for wearing a spacesuit while flying?
Yes, and it should be equal to their level in the appropriate Vaccsuit skill.
I’m in the market for an easier way to stack normal and wildcard skills that will be easier for newbies to grok. Anyone know of homerules that would help accomplish that?

Thanks, I've always been kind of intimidated by GURPS. If other Toolbox games were like legos and k'nex and mega blocks, GURPS Feels like being let loose in a Walmart combined with a Lowe's with a hobby lobby on the side.
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I have an idea to run a one-shot that would involve a normal modern day bank heist. The players would be tasked with breaking into the vault and stealing loot, typical heisting shenanigans.
Where I want to throw a curveball into the mix involves the NPC who's employing the players' characters in the first place. He would be a vampire (but the players wouldn't know that) that has tasked them with retrieving a special box which is currently locked away inside the vault. He doesn't care about any other loot the players grab except for this box. So they won't get a hefty bonus payout if they fail to extract with the box. At the end it would be revealed somehow that they were working for a vampire. The idea is if the players like this one-shot and the twist at the end then I could potentially turn it into a Monster Hunters campaign.
What I need help deciding is what exactly would be inside the box this vampire desperately needs. Perhaps a special preserved heart from some other powerful being? Or maybe a magical jewel that the vampire could use to enhance his powers? It should be something that if accidentally (or purposefully) revealed during the heist would almost instantly turn everything upside down and signal to the players that this is no ordinary heist.
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I was thinking about using the guidelines from PU9 and make a separated Fatigue just for extra effort but using Will as the base. Is it too wrong to do?
What about a twisted little homunculus? Something clearly supernatural and, frankly, disturbing.
You don't need a reason, either, if this is just a hook.
A creepy little homunculus, that'll work for sure. Thanks!
>A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.
I don't know how why already knowing I have a pdf will help me access the archive, but I suppose it has to do with the filenames or something.
>he has never opened the PDF in OP
Are people really this new to the internet?
That's probably a dumb tranny from some tranny youtube channel comment section
Anon, trannies are a tiny minority, there is not enough of them to account for all retards on the internet.
Tranny this tranny that.
Why is everything trannies to blame now?

Anyways, it's been a while since I last asked but does anyone have any monstergirl templates cooked up since then? I am totally not stockpiling such things.

I thought up a similar system called Mana Points which is a free ER for supernatural abilities equal to Will. It works pretty well, though I think it might be reasonable to make it recharge daily and abilities/items that specifically recharge it, rather than 1 per 10 minutes as normal for ERs. At least, upping the ER cost of abilities should be done if you don't do that, unless you want constant ability spam of 1 ER cost abilities, where their cost is inconsequential. If not both...
I also have it so you fall unconscious and take HP damage if you're below -MP, and suffer from being tired like you would with FP loss, and have to roll HT (instead of the dominant stat, Will) to stay conscious if you're in the negatives there.
All-in-all, I think it works out well enough!
Fren, you failed the iq test, ttrpg may not be of your speed, find other hobbies.
You mean, besides his phylactory, or in addition to it? Maybe the geneology of a line of Vampire Slayers?
Extra Effort using FP makes sense as it represent post-adrenaline fatigue and also cover 2/3 of it's uses.
The thing about trannies is that they tend to be
a) terminally online
b) big nerds (they're men, after all)
c) extremely self-loathing
And the way they deal with the self-loathing is drugs, porn, and shitting up the internet with crybullying and general retardation.
They are small in numbers, but active enough to have single-handedly destroyed many a nerd space online.
Which Pyramid has the Heroic Thrower advantage? I can't seem to find it.
First result
>That's "Heroic Thrower" in Pyramid 3/89 "Alternate Dungeons II", page 18.
>You mean, besides his phylactory, or in addition to it?
Elaborate, because I don't see anything about a phylactery in the description for vampires (also I don't really know what that is to begin with).
For ritual path magic is there functionally any reason to actually destroy a charm in order for it to release the spell or can I just use any other trigger?
A conditional spell can use pretty much any type of trigger you want, and a charm is just a specific type of conditional spell.
I think there's an example somewhere of a charm's breaking being used to notify the caster that a spell has been activated, like a ward on one's home.
Personally, I like that the charm is broken to release the magic. Gives a nice little action if you're doing the breaking, and leaves a clue behind if you're doing investigating.
Figured it out yesterday.
God damn do feel i stupid.
Can you explain what you are looking for a bit more clearly? Wildcards don't 'stack' with normal skills in the sense of one adding to another. You simply use whichever is better (so there's no point in having a normal skill which is covered by a wildcard at a level below that of the wildcard). I can't think of any way of doing that which is even easier to understand, since comparing numbers to see which one is bigger is one of the simplest mathematical operations for humans to do and it seems very conceptually simple too.
>You simply use whichever is better (so there's no point in having a normal skill which is covered by a wildcard at a level below that of the wildcard)
Wildcard skills and normal skills interact in the way improving skills from defaults interact (p. PU7:5, "Improving Standard Skills from Wildcards"); if I have DX 12 and Assassin!-16, Knife [4] won't get me to Skill-14 like it would normally, it'll get me to Skill-17 because Knife "defaults" to Assassin! at -0 and I'm paying 4 points to get it one level higher; you can look at it like I'm getting Knife at DX+4 for "free" and continuing onward from there.

In and of itself it's not that hard to grok, but it gets more complex at lower values, say having a wildcard at Attribute-1 or +0.
See: https://www.enworld.org/threads/liches-and-vampires-oh-my.201503/

While more often associated with Liches, they can be associated with Vampires, too. It's sort of like an extra life generator, and, as such, you have to destroy it before the Vampire can be permanently exterminated. Obviously, only an old-school Vampire knows to bother with one, and any vampiric underlings are probably left in a more disposable state.

Also, don't dismiss the "Genealogy of a line of Vampire Slayers". Obviously, for a vampire about to make some moves, killing off what remains of a line of vampire hunters before they get wise to the danger the world is in and their own potential to oppose it would be a crucial first step.
Ah, I see. I could turn the other anon's idea of a homunculus into this vampire's phylactery. As for the genealogy, what exactly would that be? An old piece of paper listing the family tree of the vampire slayers?
That brings up another question: why would the box contain both to begin with? This is probably going into too much detail for a potential one-shot but it's still fun to think about.
P10 bump
>looking for a GURPS Bestiary for 4e
>only thing I could find were TWO homebrew ones in Portuguese
DFRPG and unofficial folder in the mega come to mind as options but typically i don't mind assigning roll targets on the fly.
DFRPG, like anon mentioned. Monster Hunters 3 is a collection of seriously dangerous monsters. Creatures of the Night is an interesting bestiary, too.
Anyone have experience using the zombie mob rules in Monster Hunters 3? How did your players like it?
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It’s not a rule yet, but I’d like help thinking it through.
I haven’t seen anything in the GURPS rules that suggests that monowire ever breaks when used to attack?
Sure, it’ll cut anything but will it cut through everything before breaking?
Please help me develop ‘Harsh Realism: Monowire’.

Do you think that if a monowire attack doesnt make it through the target (arm, neck, gun barrel etc) that the forces involved are probably sufficient to break the thin chain of molecules?
Pure-monowire weapons have ST5, which you could use in place of actual ST for relevant checks regardless of the normal ST type; a Monowire Greatsword is still ST ST12 or whatever, but you check for breakage as if it were ST5 because the important bit is the thin molecular strand running across the "blade's" length. You can combine this lowered effective ST with the rules for breakage from Low-Tech Companion 2, namely that any attack using twice a weapon's ST that hits a target with non-flexible DR 3 has a 2-in-6 chance of breaking. Monowire's AD(10) should, I feel, increase the threshold to DR30, which will only risk breaking if you target, like, a tank or set of power armor. Or use it with reduced ST; it's all in the flick of the wrist rather than the swing of a shoulder.

Alternatively, anything that gets cut into but not have it cut *off* could, arguably, have a free grapple on the weapon. Monowire has DR 10 but only 1 HP (p. UT82), so it's not impossible for someone strong, trained, and good in an emergency to twist and break the wire on their turn as an attack.

If you want something more restrictive, you may have to go back and tone down monowire to begin with. Monowire has the Superscience(^) tag for a reason: it's not realistic nor pretending to be. Again, a single hair-wide strand has DR 10, making it more durable per pound that weapons-grade steel. This is some unrealistically sturdy shit from the very beginning.
A horse archer with Riding-14 and Bow-16 rolls against Riding to shoot his bow. If he has Heroic Archer, does he automatically add his Acc to the roll?
What about a more modern example, of Driving, Guns, and Gunslinger?
I'm running a Fallout game using the
GURPS compilation primarily, and I'm devising a series of random encounters and NPCs to add into my game. This isn't exactly a GURPS specific question but I'm wondering how other people go about creating NPCs and communities.
GURPS is very easy to learn, it's just 3d6 roll under for 99% of situations. Most of the rules in GURPS are there to define specific Advantages and cover niche scenarios, that's what is taking up the page count. Hell, there's an entire section on the completely optional combat facing rules, which in my experience most people ignore for the simpler ones. Besides that, everything in GURPS is fairly intuitive, it follows based on what you'd expect it to be given the core mechanic and attempt to simulate reality.

You're not a serious person, and people shouldn't take you seriously.
>You're not a serious person, and people shouldn't take you seriously.
So you decided to respond to my post, despite that?
I'd assume so. Riding here serves as limiter, it doesn't replace the skill or change how it fundamentally works.
I'm currently on the search for better ways to create unique and interesting characters without reading a fucking creative writing book.
Right now, I use a lot of random generation charts and oracles such as MGE and UNE to determine their personality and then disposition towards the PCs if necessary.
I've seen charts such as these mind maps and other types used to build relationships among the NPCs in the solorpg thread and am considering using them as well.
That's a disclaimer for the public. You'll get no more (You)s.
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Session 10
>Party wakes up to find their ship under attack
>One party member trips an alarm, another starts looting bodies, the final tries to dissect what the invaders are
>Turns out there were robot stowaways that slipped past security
>They proceed to beat up robots with the help of guards, while one is just focused on looting and healing people
>The party finds a cleaning robot bumping into walls and are paranoid other robots might be hacked
>after some tinkering the party finds out the robot is fine, but not before almost accidentally revealing the location of a body the third member is looting.
>They send the robot to forensics to analyze the blood, while in the meantime they head to the location with the highest amount of robots.
>Also they had to wake up some people who managed to sleep through the alarm and emasculate them.

Session 11
>Firefight in the engineering bay
>Due to earlier circumstances, the player who was healing people, is not allowed a gun for other's safety
>He elects to just watch as the firefight breaks out until the robots get close
>The party manages to shoot down all the robots except 1
>They all decided to each running tackle the same robot and pin him down
>They proceeded to all succeed their grapple roll and the robot was unable to defend himself, for the next half dozen turns the robot was torn apart by sleepy mech pilots
>The robot wipes its memory but in the process, after some tinkering by the party, has storage left to rebuild a new personality
>The robot is adopted by the party and named fusion after a long philosophical debate on the ethics of robots as people
>The party now plans on implanting the new robot personality in the aforementioned cleaning droid

I wonder if this will turn into a mecha robot civil rights war. Definitely an interesting turn of events. Also a player rolled a successful philosophy roll despite not knowing the skill, against all odds which kick-started the whole thing.
GURPS works best in the 300-400 range as long as characters are built organically instead of min-maxed.
It can even go up to 1000 and keep characters broad instead of tall.
Update of the Animal Album. No new content, just sorted out some wording and formatting issues.
Work on Volume 2 (Extinct Animals) may resume after I finish university in September. Do not expect it until 2025 at the earliest.
What about Driving? Does that work as a limiter like Riding does?
I was about to say it only applies when driver shoots and drives at the same time, but MA and Gun Fu clarify it applies to passengers as well - they are limited by the driver's skilll.
Great suggestions, cheers anon.
I’m thinking of power armour melee. I love the idea of monowire lopping off limbs like a hot knife through butter, but feel there should be risk of snagging and breakage if used against power armour.
Always fun to see player-developed storylines start out of the most innocuous decisions.
I can never tell, do people like this actually think "trannies" are the source of all retardation on the internet? or are they using it just as a general insult and not actually to say that the retard in question is actually trans
At the final hours of this thread, I will post the progress on the revised Damage Table now that I finally got my old group to play GURPS again.
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Was so excited I even forgot the picture.
Rice is sperging out about his patrons not paying enough, his Atlas work for the community not being appreciated, and piracy being bad. It's all your fault, you bullied him too much.
Do you know a nice write up of a game I could read? I wanna read some GURPS gameplay.
This is the level of entitlement only the most vile e-thots exhibit, and even they are risking to lose their last simps with such attitude.
>piracy being bad
Don't look at me, I paid for my GURPS books.
His simps on trannycord agreed with him, told him that his work is invaluable, and now Rice made a separate guru role for them.
What alchemy systems GURPS have?
My player wants to play travelling alchemist, who by trial and error brewing something useful from gathered herbs and mosnter bits

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