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Female Fire Warriors look like THAT!?
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Isn't Shadowsun supposed to be a granny?
pleakly glew up, awooga
Thanks alot OP. My penis just died.
Farsight frankly looks better at this point. Granted he hasn't been in and out of cryostasis for 300 years
Totally would. No second thoughts.
Tau propaganda.
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lol ok
ai is stored in the tits
Tau milk is a prized galactic commodity .
I dunno, ask /40kg/
Yeah, same. They cute.

I'm assuming the one from that 'Exodite' animated project is canonically how a typical young tau woman looks.

Based wheyfu enjoyer.
Tau girls have natural high heels
Someone please edit her to have dick sucking lips.
>Lionel reaction
Can't even have tautitty cheesecake anymore without homos trying to make everything about primarchs smdh
Why isnt she on fire
Once you start to creampie actual women in real life, seeing cartoon art work like this just seems corny and pathetic hahaha
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Threads like this are why I am struggling not to include a Tau/Asari mashup in my Spelljammer-inspired sci-fantasy setting.
I wanna suck her hooves.
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No they don't
Didn’t you hear, everything is canon now according to GW
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I reject reality and substitute my headcanon.


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>Tau women have udders

Damn straight
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Tau Catachans.
>Bovine herbivores
>"fighting is unnatural to them"
How long until gw gives in and releases young female tau girl models even slightly reminiscent of anime tau girl art that coomers love?
but can you stick your dick in there forehead thing(i don't know how is call)?
With enough force, you can stick anything anywhere.
Based, the Ordo counter propagandorum has not been getting lazy of late.
Are they filled with electronics then?
It leaves them stunlocked for more than a day and consecutive rounds are not recommended.
Damn, silicon is still good though.
You are gay.
Are you trying to imply that the infantry primer would lie to us?
They're described as being very dry....but who cares

GW would never do anything remotely attractive for their miniatures. It doesn't fit their politics AND doesn't fit the setting....not that the setting matter anymore since canon doesn't matter anymore. That said, since canon doesn't matter, you can find all sorts of alternative printable minis or heads to replace gw shit.
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You can sort of see areola through >>92823944 tshirt. But that's just more teasing I guess. Also lol at the vaguely redskins logo.
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>modern vs dated breeding program stealth suit pilot fire warrios
Kino. Glad I’m not the only one who noticed this.
XV15(.1)’s should make a comeback. Metroid is cool and there should be a step between stealth suits and line infantry.
You mean pathfinders?

Never. Honestly even in the ye-olde days they never made a lot of cheesecake pin-uppy stuff. Like there are a literal handful of models I can think of. It's just not a thing they've ever really done. Also considering how rough and tumble 40k is - You better believe Tau ladies are not cute anime babes, but lots of folks make 3d prints for horny Tau.
>3 strength, 5+ WS btw
tau are not that muscular, on top of being pound for pound weaker, despite being engineered from (semi-aquatic?) beasts of burden.
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>most interesting aliens in the setting are the ones that GW never covers
Not PC enough so they won't be featured. Also all new aliens will be written to be worse than the Imperium. who are now the good guys. BUY BUY BUY!
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Please consider masturbating BEFORE posting
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She looks like she fucks drones.
I've spent my entire life as a Guardfag, but this, this is dangerous.
If you're actually attracted to this you just want a man with thick legs.
Water caste subtlety at its finest.
Depends which edition you play or what time period you like to set your battles in. Not everyone goes with GW's sales driven 'you can only play the latest edition/current year' timeline.
>No they said nothing is canon...
Wait, what?
They made sexy nuns an entire army
And then removed the sexy
No they didn't.
Hooves erotic.
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Correction is needed.
Its funny how much more I like these than offmodel bulbous titcows like >>92845519 or >>92845725. I know they're technically all offmodel but the former looks like it's at least TRYING to be "tau but attractive" rather than "my gooner fantasy with some superficially tau bits slapped on"
she gets frozen whenever she's not needed to fight. The true grandpa is farsight
Farsight is immortal via daemon magic.
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Tragically we know this is not true.
They look more like brothers of battle these days.
Do Fire Caste Warriors even need to be trim?
Once they get to the rank of Ui, and unless they're sticking to the Fireblade route, they're doing all their combat from inside a battlesuit or tank.
It may even be preferable to put on a bit of padding. Deal with buffeting, better resilience, don't shift around so much in the cockpit.

Shadowsun is smol!
Air caste are toll.
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I hope not. : (
shes supposed to be covered in fire tattoos, not one on her leg. Fail.
>"Aun'va, we have developed a weapon which will transform the Gue'la into huge, cow-titted version of our females."
>"How will this increase our troop's combat effectiveness?"
>"Combat effectiveness?"
When you look at the Warhammer skulls section, the Tau skull is both about 1.5 times larger, and has a Sagittal ridge, which is indicative of more powerful musculature.

So yes, going by models, Tau Fire caste are bigger and more muscular than humans by a considerable margin.
Now that's what I'm Tau'king about.
Keeping in shape is good for discipline and general health. I doubt real life tank drivers are allowed to let themselves go. And given the suits tend to be jumping and jetting around, they're probably also under the same pressures as pilots, to an extent, who also need to keep in top shape to be able to keep up with airplane forces.

Damnit Naga!

Contrary to popular belief, drones encourages soldiers to be fit even more than before. It's not easy to run to the frontline with all the kg of equipment while drones harass you overhead.
That looks very uncomfortable
Tau unironically have tech for that. Lore (admittedly getting dated now) has their neurology working slower than humans, ala humans and eldar, which is why their strategies tend to be around planed actions, prediction, and a highly academic form of warfare than simply running in to pit themselves against their foe in melee.
Battlesuits have an early warning system to bring up identified threats in time for the pilot within to react to it.
>Irl tankers.
IIRC they need to maintain shape for; presentability (which the Tau don't care for as much), and because they may be called on for other duties like 'leave the tank and advance on foot', (which Tau, being a neurotically order-obsessed species, probably wouldn't plan for in regards to army roles).
>Piloting demands.
Battlesuits are still more ground infantry than aircraft. I imagine most pilots would find some padding against the stop-start actions more relevant than trying to endure a high G turn for twelve seconds. Besides, the battlesuit's doing all the work, and stress often leads to weight gain.
>Tau Drones.
I more meant battlesuit pilots, but Tau Drones are antigrav platforms that use AI, they almost definitely don't ruck them physically.
Think about it.
>Hot, dry Savannah planet ungulates.
>Closely compared to cows by Imperial 'scientists'.
>Relatively slow-moving/thinking for a sapient species.
>Likely majority herbivorous diet, but capable of ingesting animal proteins.

I'm no breast milk connoisseur ala our guy, but I'd say relatively thin, but they produce a lot of it. This is because the liquid aspect is about as important as the nutritional, given the heat.
Though, you could also justify the reverse, given that the species is adapted to high temperatures and they have to reach maturity in an accelerated timeframe.
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>Tau version of "Do you remember love?" starts playing
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State mandated flat tomboy Fire Caste gfs for male Gue'la.
I'm a mixed Martial artist of two years anon, and I compete in BJJ. I know how meat works.
>Working on tank and loading the main gun.
Again, unlikely thing for a pilot to do.
>Being in shape makes you more resilient to injury.
Only in the sense that a runner is more resilient than a couch potato who never works their body at all.
A layer of fat both gives you padding against, and provides lipids and energy for recovering from, attacks or blows. It also helps with homeostasis and immune support.
There are a lot of very successful and high level fighters out there that, even in systems that have weight rankings, choose to keep a measure of fat. Mark hunt, Tyson Fury, Andy Ruiz, just to name a few.
When you train up muscle and condition the body, it doesn't just go away again. You build that baseline function, and it may slowly deteriorate, but it can be maintained or recovered with a fraction of the work.
Man, this isn't just some fat chick/beta cope.
Women IRL just don't look like this, even at the extreme ends.
NSFW art is just designed to stimulate the reptile horny part of the male brain as much as possible; its pictorial biohacking.
The Tau propaganda is working.
This, but also it makes them not just another uber-high-performance physical faction like all the others.
Pretty much every other faction out there is all about how everything they do is super physically polished, their elites are uber fit, and bosses even more super uber fit.
Tau are a young, short lived species that fight in mecha as pilots. They don't need to be adonis', and imo it's much more interesting if they aren't. Why the fuck would a Commander in an Enforcer need to be able to outsprint a much younger Pathfinder?
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