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War calls edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]

have you ever successfully employed any unconventional tactics to get a win?
Anyone got a pdf for the Kill Team: Annual 2023?
bros, whats a fella gotta do to court a banshee?
Ask Nagash
Become a banshee, potentially risk becoming an exarch or being killed in action. Korlandril in Path of the Warrior had a budding romance with one of his fellow Striking Scorpions, before he quickly became an exarch. You live together, eat together, train together. And especially if you're one of the only males in the shrine, you've probably got a better chance than most Eldar because while part of an aspect shrine, they seldom leave the shrine.

If you mean as a human? Be a Rogue Trader, have money, power, and hope she's lonely and desperate enough to travel with you. Even if the likelihood of any aspect warrior traveling with a Rogue Trader isn't very high.
you don't even need to join the shrine, once you finish "boot camp" you can enjoy civilian life when nothing important is happening
What's necromunda like
Brain damage and lethal amounts of copium
Very fun if you have a nice group for it. I can imagine it wouldn't be fun if you have people who violently powergame or who are not good at parsing relevant and applicable information from multiple sources.
It is a game with masses on rules that can be fun and annoying.
It is not balanced at all.
It is only fun in e good group with multiple active players in a campaign.
It is a game where you need a mindset of seeing cinematics in your head if things happen like people crawling over the floor, getting killed, fall from a bridge or house. If you have such a mindset you can have a real blast with the game (once you get comfortable with all the rules)
Is there any way to get Power Armor or something similar looking in Necromunda (for Escher or Genestealer Cult)? I have a spare Kyria Draxus (40k Inquisitor) model and would like to use it as a base for a conversion in Munda. I was thinking maybe it would be okay as a Heavy Carapace armour? That soundet like similar looking.
Any sort of heavier armor combined with a partial or full servo-harness has a very power armour-like effect.
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I fielded a Minotaur in a Chaos team during a BB tournament. 3 times. Each one I did very well.

3-2-1 (NAFC Nurgle Edition)
3-1-1 (Grashnak in this case)
2-1-0 (Won)

Minotaur 4 life
Want to get into net epic as I liked it via tabletop simulator. Is there any third party source that sells acrylic or mdf net epic tokens? I know chessex can sell custom dice if needed.
I can 3d print tokens but even if I varnish them the varnish and paint will be wear off quickly.

Carapace Armour + Armoured Undersuit also get's you a 3+ armour save. Necrovox also talks about something called "Ablative Underlay" which gives you a +2 to your save, then a +1 and then nothing, but I don't know where it's getting that from because it's not included in the trading post PDF.

I find myself swinging towards Rat Ogre's on teams with cheap chaff that can support them. Underworld and it's bonus snotlings being the standout example. I've come completely around on Animal Savagery, as long as your team can account for it. Not losing your blitz when you fail your nega-trait roll is VERY strong.
The Chorf Mino has it as well, and with Hobgobs being only 40k can easily manage it.
Thx guys, that means i have options. I find it hard to visualise some of the equipment so sometimes i have no idea how to represent that stuff. I hope it works out good.
Ablative is an extra level of armor that is either nerfed or banned in every necro group I've personally been in contact with, it's way too cheap of a way to add to your armour save and doesn't have any limiting factors to it. Originally it used to be in the black market TP, but after they got combined in the new rulebook it's just common on the TP, which is ridiculous.
you're looking for order tokens or something else?
a pretty easy way to make cheap flippable tokens is to print out the images you want on them at a little more than an inch (25mm - 30mm or so), and get yourself a 1" / 25mm punch. that will let you make nice uniform paper circles. then you take those and get some clear, thin acrylic circles, like 1mm thick x 25mm round, and glue them in to a little sandwich with the paper image in between.
Objectively yes, AS is crazy good. The assurance of taking your action > any potential chaff removal. I'd go as far as to say that it is too good on Big Guys honestly. Closest I got to using it myself was Bloodlust with Vargheist, which is is even more broken as you can choose not to bite.
Gigantic mess designed by the dumbest people imaginable. Also very fun.
That sandwich explanation is actually smart I can make some if I order some mdf circular bases. They might be a bit wider than the actual epic Armageddon tokens but they’ll work and hopefully last longer.

Doesn't that result in turnover though?
A friend and I are pickling up BFG. I'm going Chaos, I'm getting a Repulsive, 2 Carnages and 2 Devastations - how is this for a start?
Why am I retarded
It does but it is easy to activate Varg last and just tank the turnover. Now you got your BG where you want it and its a huge threat with its MA6 and guaranteed activation.
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Here I tarted the image up a bit. Whats it from though?
Now give her bigger tits and wider hips
I can still wank to that pic
Thanks for the info?
3rd ed codex
the trick with the clear acrylic (or epoxy stickers) is the token image is behind that layer. so they're basically indestructible, you'll have them forever.
> first sentence.
That's every game though.
I kneel
Check etsy
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Repulsive is very expensive. Carnages are good. 2 Devastations seem too much. And a Heavy Cruiser would be usefull.
No escorts?
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Arnorbros we are so fucking back
>not even mesbg is safe from GW tactical rock
Turns out I own a Hades too. I'm going to paint the Repulsive up either way, because it's clearly the coolest ship in the entire game. I wanted launch bays, and didn't want to spunk 300 points into one Styx when I could spread the threat out.

I don't really get escorts yet, so I'll buy some (or not) after a few demos to see how they work in play.
Those are some very nice ships anon
So how is it like to play Necromunda? Is it similar to 40k third edition? Is it a good system to play an skirmish every now an then? All I know everyone is talking about the campaigns, but I don't really get what are those, it's not like there are modules with plot and things like that, are there?

At base, a campaign is just linked fights; you guys can die, get injuries, but new gear. There can be storied campaigns or just a series of scenarios.

I don't generally like one off games, as development is the whole draw for me, and I don't really 'get' it, but it can be done - everything has a points value.
Necromunda is quite complicated because of a lot of small niche rules. Thing like , if you shoot and someone is in the way you have to roll if you hit him instead , or , if you hit someone at a cliff you have to roll if he falls down , and there are a lot of small rules like that. That sayed, these rules make it less suitable for just now and then games more for regular games.
The campaign system is mostly based on risk assessment because a match now changes the what team comp you have the next match. Is this action worth risking loosing that model, what to spend the money on or keep it save until something happened like emergency healings to not loose a model. stuff like that. Otherwise there are different types but the most common is just to make your own story along the way fighting to conquer a map and get boni depending on what territory you own.
It plays more like third edition 40k then 10th but both are completly different to necromunda, so not really worth comparing them.
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Understandable. The Styx is a full support cruiser and as a chaos player you want to engage. And when it is defeated you loose many points at once.

Hades is nice too.
I'm looking on some advice for a Mordheim campaign I'm trying to set up. The intent is to onboard my brother-in-law into TOW through Mordheim, so I've roped various other relatives and friends into a very casual setting. Is there a best way to intro new players in beyond just jumping into the deep end and going through a practice match? I played a lot of Mordheim in high school, but the rest of the players are completely new to chucking dice.

Second, what's a good resource for terrain? I'd like being able to be comfy at home, but I'm well aware that Mordheim is greatly helped with good and plentiful terrain. I'm not opposed to making it, but I'm a bit of an artistic incompetent and struggle to visualize projects without examples/guides. I'd also be fine with 3d printing/buying cheaper plastic/wood/cardboard kits as long as they work with the setting.

Your TOW plan is flawed because the play experience is completely different between the two, and you should be playing games for their own enjoyment. That being said, no one starts off good at terrain making, especially if it's part of the game, because you don't know yet how the game works. Look into the Dev articles in WD at the time. A good start is to thumbnail on paper 12x12" squares with the ground floor footprint of the buildings as tetris shapes, and work on LOS blocks and scatter.
Have you checked the KT thread?
Guys, I want to look into older editions of ME, which edition would you say's the best? Because wasn't there two or three before they swapped to The Hobbit?
You could call FotR, TT, and RotK rulebooks their own "editions" of you'd like, but there are so few differences in core gameplay and the things added are mostly new basic mechanics which are considered normal by anyone who ever played the games. The editions you ought to think about are
>One ring rulebook that came with Moria starter being the collated Lotrsbg.
Legions of Middle-earth was not a new edition, rather it just changed army building rules and alliances around a bit.
>Hobbit era, with the Unexpected journey rulebook supplemented by the later releases.
>Mesbg, with the Gandalf rulebook now lacking the Erratas and the Eye of Sauron being the current one.
And regarding which is the best, you should either play mesbg, or the Lotrsbg one ring rulebook if you want to play certain narrative scenarios. Hobbitsbg added a bunch of stuff but it was rough around the edges, a lot of the mechanics were honed down for mesbg.
I see, so the One Ring book was essentially the 'definitive' book, while Legions was more of a sidestep than anything else.

Right, I'll check out the One Ring book, then. It'll probably be somewhere on Coffee, then, seeing as I've found pretty much every other book on there.

Thanks anon.
How would you fix chameleon skinks?
Personally, I keep forgetting they don't come with catch. It would give them an actual role on Lizardmen teams, early kick recovery, pass interception, and maybe hand-off plays. I would much rather have catch than shadowing on a chameleon skink.
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In awe of the size of this lad
Chances he plays guard?
Will Necromunda Secundus be fun?
So is the new Necromunda box a standalone game ala Blackstone Fortress or Cursed City, or more like a starter set for Normal Necromunda?
They called it a new season so I figure it's like a new starter set
It's like a new game mode for Necromunda. It looks to me like it follows the same pattern as Ash Wastes did. If you start with this box, you'll be able to play this game mode (looks to be co-op with each player having different, but roughly aligned goals), but because the rules are the same, the new gang should be back portable to the previous two kinds of campaigns (inside the hive and out in the wastes) and the older gangs should be usable in the new campaign style. Just from the preview, I'd say the elevator pitch is "what if two necromunda gangs were put on a space hulk board".
I don't know

How about Diving Catch?
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I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Van Saar of all fucking gangs getting more shit, but the Orrus looks awesome and I can only hope we'll see more Spyrer stuff sooner rather than later.
I also like the idea of Spyrers being so cock-sure that they would willingly get into melee range of a genestealer.
I feel like the memey color shift paint scheme is making me hate these more than they deserve, but I can say with certainty the butt-plug shaped codpiece is doing them absolutely no favors.
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Really getting into Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, so show me the most recent MESBG model you've painted!
I just finished this Uruk-hai Scout and I'm quite happy with him.
I always wonder when I see a cinch like that in a fat bloke. How deeply-sunken it that belt?

Were i a fat guy I'd lean into it and get some braces. Fat guy with braces has a powerful aura
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Morannons looking for a late night kebab
Nice uruk scheme anon. Never done uruks but got mountains of orcs and Moria gobs
I've been wanting plastic Spyrers since the necromunda reboot, it'd have been nice to get more but I'll take what I can get.
I like the almost insectoid look of the armour
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Here's my Gothmog. With some stray bits of static grass because I'm always eager to snap a picture right after basing as a victory lap.

I'd rather they put Scavvies into the starter but I'm glad they made the stealers look extra sick/creepy so it's not just ported-over 40K vibes.

The terrain in the starter looks really shitty though. It doesn't seem like they're actually miles underground. And it's going to be a Van Saar shooting gallery.
can you repeat the question?
I don't get these poses, they looks like trying to catch a ball or something
Does anyone have a pdf of the Necromunda core rulebook from 2023?
What do you think those floating balls on flying bases are?
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Noice. I'm the guy that posted the morannons above you anon. Not dissimilar styles but I love that gothmog and your warg skin looks great. Got any other mordor heroes to share?

Old models got an airing last week out in the sun, due a refresh soon
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Anybody got a pdf of Ruins of Jardlan? I understand that it does a bit of setup for the shift of focus to Secundus, so I want to check it out to stay on the hype train a little longer.
Oh no, not Spyrers. FUCK Spyrers. I fucking hate fucking Spyrers from N95.
Hopefully they're a bit less swingy this time round.
Looks good but random who gangers shouldn't be better equipped than chapter masters
where do I go if I want to buy some epic stuff? Etsy? they don't really seem to have everything

I fucking hate these. They look fucking awful. The Malstrain Stealers look tight though, and the new Van Saar stuff looks... less awful than their current stuff?
Looking good! I've always wanted to play Moria and Mordor but in the end I went with Isengard and Lothlorien as my two armies.
I think the Morannon models are awesome so it's always nice to see someone painting them up!
you should be able to find everything as file at least if you dig around a little. You can probably take a usb stick to a local 3d print shop and get models that don't have to be slightly different to avoid copyright IP issues. The old 3d trove had a pretty complete collection, although GW was pretty diligent for getting free files removed from thingyverse, cults etc for a while. But you know how it goes on the internet. Once it's out there it's out there for good.
Spyrers aren't random gangers.
They're not spryers dummy
you're looking to buy physical models, or stls to print?
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I need numbers on Nucromunda sales and popularity and I need them NOW.
Whenever I see the new coolest shit around being released for Nucromunda my brain is melting. I have never seen anyone playing it and in the past 5 years I've been an active tabletop player in 7 different LGSs across 3 countries.
Is Nucromunda simply THE comfort-zone kitchen-table game and people play it exclusively at their places?
>I need numbers on Nucromunda sales and popularity and I need them NOW.
get a job at GW then, because they are the only ones who know.
Orrus was always going to be the most difficult to reimagine and they did an okay job of it, I guess. I do echo >>92835303 though, spryers are probably never going to satisfyingly integrate into the base game.
What do you mean by Orrus Spyre Hunters not being Spyrers?
no idea about sales (apperently they get bought frequently but a lot of buyers never really play and just paint them use them for kitbash or proxy or resell them later.) but because Necromunda is less suited for just single skirmish games it is rather uncommon to play with randoms somewhere, you search a group and play with them.making it less frequent appearing in lgs if they are not part of the players or organisers.
>mold lines
Otherwise a good attempt. Why greenskin orcs though? LOTR orcs tend towards more earthy brown colors, like mud or clay.
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Havent really painted anything in almost 6 months. Saruman was the latest thing.
Maybe I'll get into Arnor though.
>Santaman the White and Grima Frogtongue.
Neato. You rarely see the models in alternate color schemes.
why are threads getting auto-saged after 7 days? where was this announced?
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I've been trying to figure out good alt colors for Isengard.

EG on the scouts GW does reddish orc skin and they're wearing reddish leather and it looks awful.
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>EG on the scouts GW does reddish orc skin and they're wearing reddish leather and it looks awful.
To be fair...the game is based on the films.

this happened last year already iirc. Just noticed that the bottom right doesn't say the number of individual posters anymore either.
ok, so where was it announced?
I suppose where all those changes are announced. The 4chan blog thingy.
where is that?
You mean the blog, whose last update was nine years ago, or the blotter, whose last update was four years ago?
guess japanese moot doesn't keep a changelog then.
so where did you find out about it?
people were talking about it a couple months back when it was new.
where did they find out about it?
dude. Just search the archive if you care that much or google. I posted yesterday for the first time since about last year december and by then it was already a thing. Dunno what else to tell you.
No. You will answer me without attitude, immediately.
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this kind of stuff is why I stopped wasting my time here.
Well, you were warned. Enjoy the surprise in your mailbox.
based Bakshi Saruman
>Is Nucromunda simply THE comfort-zone kitchen-table game and people play it exclusively at their places?
Yes. I only play it with my friends. It's what the game was made for. It's basically an RPG.
I have never seen anyone else play D&D IRL, but I understand it's very popular.
in the Japanese horror film The Ring (and its 'murican remake). in the movie, a mysterious phonecall notifies anon that his thread will be saged in 7 days. this then comes true. anon becomes a jannie, and must perpetuate the curse by saging the threads of other anons in 7 days, as well.
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It was never announced, but there are two reasons for it. One, it makes traffic look artificially high (removing poster counts also does that). Threads existing for weeks and months and years implies slow and low traffic, which is not appealing to advertisers.
The second reason is bumpfag, who was juggling a dozen+ threads about inane topics with inane questions. He wouldn't even engage with the few people who replied to him sincerely, he'd just ignore them until the thread made its way back down to page 9 of 10, then he'd ask another really inane question. Some threads with no other responses would just accumulate his one sentence questions for dozens of posts in a row. Autosage puts a hard cap on him.

I'd love to have played Necromunda at a store or event, and bought the new release in the hope of doing so, but the new game was so shit and so dead that it was just a waste. I've been desperate to get to BOYL for years to play a game.
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Hey gang, I've got a question. Bear with me, it may sound silly, but you're the best place I can think to ask.

Would it be "illegal" in any way, shape or form to make my very own Skirmish Game that uses the bones of MESBG as its foundation?

Thanks for the help anons.
next question.
>next question.
Are you sure?
Physical to buy
>Would it be "illegal" in any way, shape or form to make my very own Skirmish Game that uses the bones of MESBG as its foundation?
Depends on what you mean. You cannot copyright ideas. Nor common concepts like rolling a D6 to play a game. If you copypaste full paragraphs from somebody else's books you have a problem though.
The exact extend of this will vary on a case to case basis. Using similar mechanics in a rule system is not a problem though, otherwise most games could not be published because there is obviously a lot of overlap and common conventions.

>Are you sure?
If you want to be sure you should consult a lawyer (or more) in your jurisdiction. Probably overkill though.
I've been kitbashing a Chaos cult for a couple of weeks. Fun stuff. Anyways, is there certain base size rules I would have to follow, or is most munda stuff on 25mm?
>Is Nucromunda simply THE comfort-zone kitchen-table game and people play it exclusively at their places?
Necromunda is easily my most played game and I dont think I've ever played at at an LGS, its just far easier to co-ordinate campaigns with friends.
I'm a big fan of how fights play out in MESBG. Each fighter rolls a D6 and the highest roll wins and then they strike to wound. If the D6 roll is a draw, the fighter with the highest fight value wins and the winner strikes to wound. Would it be an issue to copy this?
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I know nothing about necromunda gameplaywise but I like the look of these guys and their giant fleamonsters, are they interesting to play?
Yeah, they lean a bit topheavy since almost all of them (Or actually all of them?) come with built in wargear to represent their waste survival gear, which is baked into their prices, and they have some really good and really expensive weapons. On average, they're down probably one or two guys compared to other gangs, but they have some spooky wasteland magic.

Famously no. How do you think Star Trek Attack Wing exists? (or existed, I honestly don't know if that's still a thing.) You think FFG just said "Sure WizKids, you can make this hilariously incompetent rehash of our game for Star Trek, using a scale of ships that our game was never meant for and incredibly broken combos that even we, as incompetent as we are at spotting such things, see problems with."?

Or that Ares games were okay with either of these jokers taking the movement system concept from Wings of Glory and using it to make a billion dollar franchise that once beat 40k?
In a similar vein, but not that anon, how hard would it be to convert Warhammer fantasy stats to LotR/MESBG stats?
More coomer Escher art pls
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Here you go, anon, AI Generated just for you.

Since all the VS have porta-lights, I'm guessing there's going to be constant pitchblack rules, so gotta keep a sorta light perimeter and the nids will try to get into the breaches to rip them apart
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What's mordheim like
I like the sculpts. I prefer them to have unique colour schemes but that's something I can fix once I get thrm
These nigger are giving me spider man villain vibes and I'm not sure if I like that or hate it.
Now's our time bros
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Oh. That's a downgrade.
>Ash Wastes is over
>Delaque shits got NIL new things
Fuck them neophite-looking bald fags. But now, seriously, what support should we expect from Secundus? Will every OG gang get new sculpts/gear? Will the new models work as a "by the numbers" team with fixed equipment?
>Spyre Hunters, name rebranding?
>Orrus is classed as a Heavy Spyre Hunter, the Malcadon, Yeld, and Jakara are Light Spyrers
>tooled to fit the same sprue
>share bodies
>Malcadon paired claws and web incisors, may switch the claws for paired toxin whips, drop rig and a grapnel launcher as standard
>Yeld pick paired laser gauntlets or missile gauntlets
>Jakara gets a mirror shield and either a monomolecular blade or naga blade
>kit comes with four bodies, and the armaments are interchangeable
>"high degree of posability"
>can mix and match loadouts to create your leader, a Spyre Hunt Master
>have four activations each per turn
>House Helmawr?
>Patriarch/Matriarch scrapped or are they Heavy Spyre Hunters?
At least they confirmed them as a new gang.
I like the design language they're going for with the new Spyrers. But dear god the colours offend me. I get it, James, they're bugsuits- you don't need a badly done iridescence to hammer it home. Like, fuck I think that one numb cunt from MWG did it better years ago, and she couldn't paint for shit.
I'd assume if they get included they'll be resin kits that will come out some point down the line
Meanwhile I'm still waiting for Corpse Grinders to get literally anything
I think the difference there is that Delaque is one of the 'core' gangs of Necromunda. Whereas Corpse Grinders are a newer faction.

So when the other five core gangs get fancy new off roading kit, it stands out that the last of the Oldcromunda crews got bupkiss.
you got an Apocrypha with some Ash Wastes options?
Pretty sure the Orrus is going to be a "Brute-equivalent" or similar.
Patriarch and Matriarch were fan-creations were they not originally?
4 activations each sounds potentially horrible to face, but any gang with a way of limiting activations (web/blaze etc) is going to clown on them - one down and they'll potentially be bottling.
Probable all-or-nothing playstyle, then?

Thanks, anon. It seems we have pretty similar painting styles. Here's my captains. Got a mostly done plastic Witch King I really need to just finish one of these days too.

Regarding Gothmog's flesh tone, I used Pro Acryl's red grey as the basecoat. I find it really useful for lighter orcs and undead(I really like warm gray tones these days, even neutral grays like on these two guys look way more "blue" than I'd like for skin or rocks). Then a wash and highlights. I tried to do a targeted reddish wash around the grosser and more scarred areas but you can't really see it.
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Forgot my pic.
>hmm let’s put all the weight on this very top heavy model on a tiny flat ankle joint
Whoever designed this model is retard
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CADslop is out of control these days.

Yeah, this. I need to see these in a competent colour-scheme before I make a judgement call because currently it is doing it absolutely no favours.
It's sort of like those infamous Minotaur sculpts they did for Beastmen about ten years ago. Sure they're pretty bad, but the paintjob just threw ALL the worst parts into sharp highlight. Whereas when you see other people doing those models in dark black or brown it looks a lot more acceptable.

It's plastic. It weighs next to nothing. The model is fucking tiny as well, compared to their other trolls because it has to fit inside a Blood Bowl square.
I've got no stability problems with mine, but I agree the way it was designed is dumb.

>Let's make this spiked anklet that could easily just be a solid piece around the detached foot piece, it's own separate piece, just a few mm thick and like 5 sprue attachment points on it
>Just in case anyone thought they could get that piece off the sprue intact
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I should really finish off my GSC necromunda gang

think i'll call the ambot Mr. 16 Tons
cos the lore for my gang is its pretty much guys from the mining guild, just some happen to be GSC
And yet it will still topple over, plastic doesn’t matter
Fits perfectly into the ‘nightmare to transport’ and ‘falls over at a tap’ categories
The OG sculpts heavily mog them.
Very problematic. Warhammer 40K® is for everyone™. Female objectification will not be tolerated.
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They are all so bad but they are my boys

These aren't for me. Was actually thinking of converting an Orrus with a chunky Osi.Bone dude and either termintor or weirdname Primaris handguys, and basing a Yeld with Skitari wings. Seeing the new models, I prefer my ideas. I find the new sculpts ugly, lazy, and dull, and not at all reminiscent of questionably legal, questionably alien and almost certainly archeotech hunting rigs. Also, the community site blurb is just embarrassing. Downgrade is right.

Led by a hunter master? What shit is this?
I think the 4 activations are two groups of two. So they can't do two Doubles in a row.

Well then do what we've been doing with unstable models since the fucking 80's and superglue a penny or two to the underside of the base for stability. It's not like it's a fucking Warjack.
Palanites got a jeep and Delaque didn't.

On the other end of things, Ironhead Squats STILL don't have a weapon sprue.
Sorry anon I don't know, I never played Fantasy. I hope you can get an answer soon though.
Yes, but why are they all females?
because the guys are the big ones ... "duuh bigga ish betta"
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>the guys are the big ones
So if I'm understanding, these dudes are basically rich brats from the upper hive who've come down to the lower levels to fuck about and kill gangers for fun? That's kinda neat. I guess they're going to be a relatively elite, low model count gang?
Nta but you got it in one. Its like Battle Royale except some participants want to kill for lulz with 0 penalty. In a weird way, they are like human versions of the Predator

>inb4 muh honour

Killing a vastly inferior species for sport with mega tech is not honourable. Leaay Spryers are honest in their murderous intent

Also, the more you kill the more powerful your suit gets. That said, since you can't use the trading post it made your gameplay super basic. Hopefully they'll have put a bit more work into levelling up your suit this time to make up for it.
>mold lines
They don't bother me honestly. Can't seem at tabletop distance.

>Why greenskin orcs though?
Because all orcs should be green.

But honestly, it's because I prefer how orcs and orc-like things look best in green.
I painted them green because I prefer it when orcs/orc-like things are green, and if you ask me the Uruk-Hai look better with different coloured skin since they tend to blend together on the tabletop imo.
>They are all so bad but they are my boys
I've played against worse, they look fine :)
That's more or less what they used to be about. Although the change of setting to Hive Secundus will likely put that aspect out of focus as they're pit against genestealers.
Seconding this request, please and thank you.
The sculptor said he wanted them to be painted in knightly quartering/color blocks, which sounds way more rad imo.
Anyone having any issues accessing the Necromunda Mega? Been out of the loop for a while and was curious about some of the latest PDFs
Fairly certain we even have a trove here anymore my guy. With how often it and the older warhammer troves- AoS and 40k and the like -got reported it eventually just dropped. Shame, given Fantasy and 40k got new troves made (even if the 10E folder for 40k hasn't had a codex in it since launch lol)
he needs to have bigger pants, so he can high-waist them, or properly tuck in his undershirt.
>Don't* even have a trove here
How embarrassing for me to forget the key word.
Yeah it's what I thought. Cheers anyway guys. People kept posting them publicly thinking they were being helpful and they kept getting nuked.

They all need better heads at well. The ones they've got look fucking awful.
Thats why i saved entire thing to a private mega
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They didn't tell me Grombrindal has a damn hole in his pants.
Oh nevermind it's just flash.
>Stick an Ultraman gem right in the center of the chest.
>Paint it the same color as the rest of the suit.

If people don't paint those like a power guage I'm going to be disappointed.

Would a Kill Counter also be acceptable?

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