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they plague our world, and yet nobody realizes it.
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True honor is humility for it comes through virtue
>That's why you can't serve 2 masters. If you serve the world then you will play by its rules of lack and control. If you serve what's within you then you become incompatible with the world.
>And need I remind you that Jesus said that being a friend of the world means being his enemy?
why is this so? You can just listen to your own self and meditate on what kind of character you want to me. You can only do that effectively after you've flattened and removed the effects of growing up in this life and then allow the authentic cross-life self to emerge, while selecting carefully which elements you take into this life and which one you do not. All vices are about ultimate self control and self mastery. That requires both indulgence and restraint.
You can definitely serve two masters if you communicate and balance your life well. Plenty of people do that all the time. It's just about what you would be content with leaving behind when you're dead and you have to have a life discussion with whoever is across the veil.
You can use money to serve God but you cannot use god to serve money (mammon)

All of them can be classified as incontinence but the specificity of each one from the other helps in illuminating the scope of it.
>All vices are about ultimate self control and self mastery. That requires both indulgence and restraint.
And who taught you that? The world did.
The world is the foundation of your thinking. So you're making the world your master.

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So I suffer from severe anxiety, OCD, I hear voices and so on and it's gotten so bad despite my hatred of big pharma I'm considering giving psych meds another go. I took them for 10 plus years as a youth and the made me feel next to nothing extreme while probably contributing to me growing breast tissue more than the average male. It got very bad it was hard to laugh on them but I get so much anxiety about so many issues mostly related to pass mistakes. My life admittedly has stuff that from a survival mindset should make me feel somewhat in this direction but this is excessive and makes it hard to just be sometimes and has come interfere with my survival. It feels as if there's just a rock in my stomach during these moments of anxiety and fear. I consulted the tarot if I should get back on the meds and I pulled the hierophant. I consulted it if my life would ever get better again and once again pulled the hierophant.

I feel as if I used the right meds maybe things wouldn't be so bad. Anyone have any suggestions for good psyche meds? Barring that anybody have anything else that might work for me? I dabble in meditation and aughta get more into it so I know that would help but it takes time. Any other things that could help, it's a problem that originates from my gut body feels wise. Lots of worry, waaaaaay too much. The voices twist people's words to speak about me. I grow sick of it, one day I might just crack in a way I might not recover from, I've cracked already almost weekly but never too far, yet.

Wat do?

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Satanic panic chads were right

And no one will admit it
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>brainrotted /pol/troons unironically latch onto cuckstianity and satanic panic
Thank god the illuminati leaves us clues like this, how else would we catch onto them?
Are you? Well, good luck with that.

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For years, I have had countless dreams of dying, I think I've died every possible way imaginable, been shot and stabbed a lot, hit by trains, shocked by high voltage wires, mauled by animals, you name it. I always feel it fully, the bullet, the knife, teeth, etc, and it hurts, but afterwards, the process of laying there dying is always euphoric and ecstatic, and I have a mini-in-dream-nde. I never go to the beyond place, the dream fades with that version of my consciousness. For a little while, these were a bit distressing, but now when they happen I bear the pain of the experience, and revel in the mystery of death. The dying dreams are far less uncomfortable than other dreams, about naked family members, kissing siblings, seeing naked friends, etc.
I like to think that these dreams are preparing me for actual death, and I certainly now feel like I know how to die properly.
What do the /x/izards think?
had a dream my dead hit my head with a rock, symbolic of the Jews stoning me i guess

Soo they just packed up and left huh... i wonder if they forgot anything
your thread on /b/ die?
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mother mary, that must be the lost city of atlantis!

Why is the government so afraid of him?
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No they wouldn't
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a Soiko Presage?
>12' tall immortal half-God with legitimate magical powers, prophecy, and a 300 IQ, promising eternal glory and a guaranteed heaven afterlife
People beg for any dickhead on TV to become their President. People would burn all their possessions just to follow Gilgamesh.
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Tiamat was killed by Marduk.

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Abrahamics want to get to heaven, Desis want to either reincarnate up or escape the cycle.

If the reality we know is some shitty demiurge created hell, then what exactly am I supposed to give a shit about, then?
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So nothing matters? Endless illusion or destruction? Are there consequences?
The Truthism site was taken down, but it got some archived links https://web.archive.org/web/20080108043340/http://www.truthism.com/

It's mostly copypasted work from Amitakh Stanford, can also be found in Xeeatwelve Blogspot.
For Hylics, they have no spirit or soul, and will be simply destroyed or sent to Kenoma together with Yaldabaoth. Psychics are said to have soul, it is possible that they can be saved, or reborn in some ways. And Pneumatics have soul and spirit, said to achieve gnosis easily and are here to help or guide the others.

Later I found about Chaos Gnosticism, thanks to the band Dissection, an even more extreme version of Gnosticism.
Some of its teachings.




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ISKCON has the comfiest heaven out of all religions, God is a literal Blue Boy who plays around doing pranks in a forest full of cows

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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>37783038
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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I’m not the one who mentioned long nails. I do get mine manicured and painted though.
I like to think it's more about being cute than producing energy.
bull4succ here, any takers focus on my post and she'll find her way here
Well sure, but in the context of my mistress, being cute is what makes me delicious~ >.<

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Trance and more in here

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Lmao you might be actually retarded, you should get tested for lead
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i asked what it "badly plagiarized" and you give me a book with an author born 30 years after the kybalion was published, then you call me retarded for wondering what the fuck is wrong with you
Could"d you summarize the recommendations? I can't stand the "UM"s! Do these people get paid by the number of words they use?

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Has anyone on /x had a consistent daily diet of lions mane mushrooms? So many studies are showing that it grows and expands braincells and clears brain clog. Does lions mane help you expand consciousness spiritually as well? I'm planning on buying some and seeing if it has long term effects or if it's just a temporary growth like a type of steroids. SERIOUS THREAD
Yes, i take lion’s mane via a nootropic coffee called London Nootropic Flow. My friend loved it and began taking just lion’s mane daily. The effects are a huge energy boost, and a feeling like a key going into a lock - you can begin to remember anything, and become creative and good with words. My experience on it was on the extreme side,

Other people report mild boosts in energy and creativity
Bump. I hope your thread gets traction OP.
Is it permanent or is it a temporary boost like protein powder?

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Bastami introduced the concepts of fana and khud'a into Sufism.

Fana = the cessation of existence, the complete destruction of the ego, becoming one with Allah;

khud'a = means deception or trickery and describes the material world.

Al ghazali borrowed Buddhist stories to describe in metaphorical form the fragmentary knowledge of Islamic scholars.

Al sindi probably converted from eastern religions to Islam and imported some of these ideas.

Both refer to the same thing, the same goal. Sufism is essentially the same defined path as Buddhism, albeit from a different cultural perspective.

Sufism is an initiatory path that relies more heavily on a guru.
So, unlike Buddhism, where one could simply read the canon, Sufism keeps information more secret and passes it on from master to student.

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Rumi wrote :

"Though he is fallen asleep, God will not leave him In this forgetfulness. Awakened, he Will laugh to think what troublous dreams he had. And wonder how his happy state of being He could forget, and not perceive that all Those pains and sorrows were the effect of sleep And guile and vain illusion. So this world Seems lasting, though 'tis but the sleepers' dream; Who, when the appointed Day shall dawn, escapes From dark imaginings that haunted him, And turns with laughter on his phantom griefs When he beholds his everlasting home."

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What sorts of spiritual stuff is tied in to drinking alcoholic beverages?
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>Isn't becoming Christian part of AA's method?
>AA is political. Go bacck to /pol/.
Alcoholics Anonymous isn't political, it's a self-help / group therapy organization. Clearly you've spent way too much time on 4chan and are polarized to think that everybody on this site who posts something you don't like for whatever reason comes from that board. I don't know what there supposedly isn't to like about AA though.
The reason alcohol gets called "spirits" is because consuming alcohol equates to giving up control, essentially letting the spirits take over, whatever those may be (within or without). The more you drink, the more control you give up. Completely give up control and you get a blackout, indistinguishable from missing time from other paranormal phenomena. Hangovers can be quite revealing as well, tho not necessarily relating to the consumer.

Have fun!
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i was possesed when i had an alcohol overdose and my subconscious just got away. i don't like to talk about that either, i'll just say it felt like a dying-and-rising soul, like if i went to the hades, then came back. i am an adult and i deal with this kind of stuff with more maturity but to be honest was a spine-chilling experiencie

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If you read Near Death experiences (and things similar to that) you will often read that the moment you leave your body your human life is almost irrelevant to you. It's described almost as like you just discarding a sock and moving on to more "important" things.

A medium gave this as a reason for like who do ghosts don't haunt their murderers for example. Because our Higher Consciousnesses doesn't give a fuck about human things like grudges, revenge and things along that line.

But let's assume this is true for a moment. Why should any of us even care about our human avatars? I find it really depressing that according to these mediums and thousands of Near Death experiences our human body and mind barely matters, it's just a toy I throw away once I die. So right now why should I care, right? Might as well not give a fuck about my life if I'm just a marionette to my higher self.
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> I came across was a person and their lover using this world as a sort of game or experience to magnify and ehance their love for one another, because of them going through hell and back in this world and loving one another and having that love grow through the struggles
This hits home. You might be really onto something...
Oh I forgot to ask, do you still have the account? I would love to read (or watch) it.
Yeah, same. It was a hell of a lot more powerful revelation than any NDE I ever read. Check it out for yourself. Take care of yourself now.
These are possible: changing health, the body, magic
These are unlikely: regrowing limbs
These are impossible: changing the past

You can't change the things that happened to you or other people but can change your perception of it. There are things that upset you as a child that as an adult you can look back on and realize how silly it was. To change a bad situation into a neutral or positive one requires a change in perspective.
Oh I know this guy!! I read this blog posts about being in contact with his dead wife and thought it was so romantic and wholesome. I never knew he gave interviews or showed up on podcasts. Thank you anon.

Good job everybody last thread stayed for almost 5 days anyways, Welcome everybody again into our #2 edition of this shitty thread which is

Astral retardation edition

Anyways blabla bla Astral projection is when your soul leaves your body and goes to another realm yada yada.

Anyways in this general thread we discuss Lucid dreaming and Astral projection, You can ask whatever you want, Answer whoever you want and if you have any theory about an astral body that can be fucked in some realm then go ahead the space is yours.

Anyways my inquiry is:

This time i got super super close it felt insanely energetic since i used an actual hemi sync video this time rather than only myself and I actually saw a vision of a character from a show standing on the edge vividly before breaking from that and seeing a huge shadow above me but it was very dark and could only see it partially and the room was half visible. Anyways after that i tried to move my legs i felt like it tried to break but then i fucking moved my physical body.

My question is:

Did i get close ?

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What's the best way to summon a particular dream character you want to see? I've been having trouble with that lately.
why is OP such a faggot man? put information in the thread or shut the fuck up
No, but it usually leaves me with a very mild headache
I AP rarely and lucid dream like once a week.
Lucid dreams are weak, cant manifest or create alot. I AP like once a month, i could probably AP way more but the time it takes to fall asleep while im aware can be long.
Usually when im close to detach, the earrapey tinnitus and crackling is not scary anymore but i get aware or my breathing and fuck it up 90% of the times :D
Rn im just doing daily mantras to fix it all :)
Bump, You ain't gonna get us janny

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We are always one soon we will be taking our limitations off to fully embrace and express ourselfs
this current shit takes forever to generate, which is ON PURPOSE
OpenAI was founded to keep intelligence out of the hands of the peons who could overthrow the people who own for a living
they are specifically pursuing paths that lead to less democratic control and can only be run on mega server farms

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