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Hi anons I need your wisdom
Do you know of any AI or something with a database to identify symbols? Can you give me links for that please?
I need to identify these symbols. if you know the meaning of each one it would help me a lot.
thanks in advance.
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The four big triangles represent the newfag's inability to triforce meaning this is some ancient meme magic, but otherwise "spiritus" repeated three times and some poorly drawn stars with inconsistent numbers of points and basic hermetic alchemical symbols and the little Goetic demon sigil rune flair near the bottom are all pretty meaningless.
Not the most potent arrangement I've ever seen but if does something for you report back.
There's not a big book of mystical symbols for dummies, just read wikipedia and some old magic books or something.
So it doesn't make any fucking sense and they are just randomly placed drawings?
what a disappointment
ok thanks anon.
I am still researching on the internet the meaning of each symbol with encyclopedias and some images I found in archive org.

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I want to start studying and becoming familiar with the traditions of the left path. But I’m a complete beginner in this, I can’t even meditate normally, can anyone recommend literature and works of the left path for beginners?
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Start with the ability to write with your left hand.
i wrote this to make my own way wich is what everyone needs to do basicaly. lots of info i put together. think page 1 is kinda silly. move to page 2 its heavier things https://shithole.neocities.org/way
but I need the basics to understand what I'm doing
The basics of LHP you will find is that you dont need to go anywhere external for what you need.
>Gita 10.10: To those who are constantly devoted, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.
>11: To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.
Your very inclination to look to a guide indicates that you would be better off - at least for now - taking to a RHP tradition.
>Gita 4.34: Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.
just read lots of books. mythology is a good place to start

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Co-inherited RCCX mutations from neanderthals gives autism, schizophrenia(?), gender-fluidness, etc.

schizophrenia is a maladjusted third eye
He's cute
He looks familiar…

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So alex jones is a Cia psyop? Father and mother were ex cia. Current employees were ex cia or high ranking people in military. Why's this guy supported by right wingers now?
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Literally me but put goth girl after fat
Yes, if it wasn't obvious.
>He talked about how we didn't need churches anymore
Can you reference which verse he said this?
>Why's this guy supported by right wingers now?
Fencesitting libertarians who were otherwise liberal or moderate slowly became more radicalized and reactionary due to, what should be, extremely obvious reasons. Jones' audience is the same people. It has not changed parts; the individuals have changed.
Fuck off, idiot.

I've had a interest in parapsychology and the study of spirits. Does anybody have any recommendations on detection equipment like EMF or air ionization detectors?

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Now is a WONDERFUL time to educate yourself about Marcionism.
Make the switch.
Reject Judeo Christianity.
Embrace Marcionic Gnosticism.
Jesus is LORD.
yeaaaahhh noooooo
>the apostle who truly knew the message of Jesus was a guy who never met Jesus and was the unofficial 13th apostle of Christ
>this same guy used to prosecute Christians until he had a dream that he was actually on par with the apostles and that his teacher was also on par with the apostles
>a dream
more like a mystical vision, but yeah, sure

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What do religions and occult practices have to say about methods to alter the threads of fate?
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Never read it but such works are reintroducing our minds to certain truths.
Can I use sedir to become a woman
Possibly anon but such advanced uses of Magic are beyond most of us modern humans without a huge years long quest. I will say that Seidr isn't what you would actually use to do the transformation but you could use it to have fate show you the means to do so (the real means not the back alley butchery we call medical transitioning). The idea that the magic is inherently feminine is just cultural baggage based on the simple observation that women are generally more interested in divination (anyone can look at their own observations of other systems like astrology and tarot). But imagine a Professor Moriarty who understood fate magic and how dangerous he would be. THATS Odin, and that's what "they" are afraid of. Better to keep the women in the New Age movement and better to keep the men in their lodges (or equivalent).
The river flows, swim.
>t. fag who never actually had ego death yet

at infinitum

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Cashew apples are not suitable for export. They don't transport well, and don't ripen when picked. When I was a kid, we would eat the fruit by crushing each bite, sucking the juice out and then spitting out the spent pulp. Our nanny told us swallowing the pulp could make us sick(?). The juice is tart and leaves a sort of funny feeling in your mouth we described as "rack". Honestly they really aren't that great. Pomerac (Rose apple) is another fruit that has the "rack" quality but is much more delicious. That said, growing the trees and picking the fruit for just the nuts is 100% worth it.
t. Had a cashew tree as a kid

Thank you for this semi-tier useful knowledge bro

Nothing beats personal experience

I love you my brother, I really do, god speed anon hehehehe

To one above? You mean the son of the mourning? The bright mourning superstar? Are you faggot?
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You have to be 18 to post here.

18 i-inches in y-y-your mom?

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I am going to bed now
I WILL NOT lucid dream
I WILL NOT awaken to the deathless
I WILL have comfy dreams in which I put in no effort but the storyline progresses anyway
I WILL have a comfy sojourn in the very subtle/causal state of consciousness, which I WILL then forget
I AM UNCERTAIN whether I will remember my dreams
But I WILL NOT put in too much effort into doing so

Deal with it, cope, seethe, and cope again. I'm done with the quest. I'm going to SLEEP, bros.
Dreams are the vestiage of a primitive mind
I was such a pro lucid dreamer until i was 5 or 6, then i burned out and didn't dream for years, it sucks remembering being a god in my own mind every night and not being able to get there, these days even when dreaming and concious, i don't really click and just have an 'on the rails' dream, sometimes i get a very short period of control very recently, slowly working my way back, but fuck my brain comes up with some weird shit, last one was making LSD from some kind of liquid floor leveler bag in a shed at a party, then started fucking someone only to get interupted by someone next to us ODing, tried to help them then woke up to my alarm.
That said, first dream when it came back was fucking Emma Watson. That shit was fucking kino.
no, you VILL lucid dream
and you VILL be happy
eden is secure ... enjoy your time outlander -

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Behold the Anti-Christ.
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The Apostles themselves would tell you it isn't mere bread.
>A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are ill and infirm, and a considerable number are dying.-1 Cor 11:28:30
If it was bread and wine, it would not bring judgement this severe.
If you want to fight evil, it is the Black Mass of Satanism. Satan loves inversion and he doesn't bother inverting anything but the Mass. Why is that? It's kind of like the amount of "nun" mockups he puts in pornography. He doesn't bother groups and people he already has in his grip. He wants to corrupt pure symbols.
Old kid, how many times do you want taught this lesson?
you mean the pastor whom the devil hates and makes demon possessed muha-mads attack?
the true anti-christ will be loved by the world and only the ones who stick to the scripture can discern him.
i admit it i loved watchmen

He looks badass now with the eye patch, and his attacker only made the evils of Islam more evident for all to see.
Take one eye, open millions.
You failed again Satan.

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I've been visited by demons in my sleep two times now. The first time I initially didn't know what was going on as the entity attempted to lure me in. I felt myself exploring a large empty house, until I encountered it's room. The entity was there but could not be seen, trying to give itself a familiar, almost motherly camouflage. Luring me to it's side similiar to my childhood memories of watching TV next to my grandmother or mother, only for it to expose me to a series of visions so horrific and hellish I cannot describe them. In that moment, I turned my head towards it and realized what it was - as it went through a series of shapeshiftings before my eyes, seemingly existing as a series of images, before settling on a form that resembled eyes in the form of a bunch of grapes, all staring at me. It seemed surprised that it had been found out. That is when I started to awake, tho I did not recognize my surroundings. Instinctively I called the names of God and Jesus even though I am agnostic. Whispering "I cast you out, demons" as if driven by instincts... I sensed the evil presence fleeting away, seemingly outside my bedroom as if lurking there. I just sat there for a while, almost expecting something horrific to bust through my bedroom door, before I fell back asleep.
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Sorry man. I know I probably confused the fuck out of everyone. These are OP's threads that I'm responding to >>37816847, >>37816850.

And these ones are all my responses. I'm sorry I ranted on about it but OP's OP sort of moved me, and then I saw the " On instinct I started raping one of them" part, which I had missed initially, and then I just was like "OMG WTF" >>37820072, >>37820089, >>37820118, >>37820141, >>37820157
This thread is just stuck in my mind now ever since I made those posts above. Sorry everyone. I didn't mean to rant and I don't mean to still be ranting. But it really illuminated my eyes to something. Something profound about the true supernaturally-fueled depths of the darkness of the sorts of people I'm dealing with on 4chan when I come here and post on /pol/ and even, maybe only to a slightly lesser extent, the other boards here on 4chan.
>That is when I started to awake, tho I did not recognize my surroundings. Instinctively I called the names of God and Jesus even though I am agnostic. Whispering "I cast you out, demons" as if driven by instincts... I sensed the evil presence fleeting away, seemingly outside my bedroom as if lurking there. I just sat there for a while, almost expecting something horrific to bust through my bedroom door, before I fell back asleep.
That's the shitty semitic view on those. Here's the proper way to deal with ''demons'', ie with skillful thoughts.
step 1
become Christian
step 2
get baptized
apparently you're of some significance to them
just pray to Jesus, and drive them away, don't enter-tain them(inviting them to your househould, listen to hollywood music, watch sex appeal woman on tv/games/movies)


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AI solved everything. you can stop posting now
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Pick one.
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idk I get excited seeing soap dish bubbles or certain leaves, many would call those things mundane.

pic rel - lil fren

also this lol
this is pure marketing and you fell for it.
they hated it because it told the truth

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>all your memories of any /x/-related paranormal/esoteric/religious subject will be lost tomorrow
>however, you can choose to take ONE book with you to the next day
>your future self with no memories can read this
>it's the only chance they have of being "re-enlightened"

Which book do you take?
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Emerald Tablets of Thoth
A suggestive inquiry into the hermetic mystery by Mary Anne Atwood. With that book it wouldn't take too long to find all the connections I have now.
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What is this?
I prefer to live in blissful ignorance

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When I was a kid, I played this really weird game at his house. The game had some really cool music on the title screen. I remember all the sounds coming out of the motherboard itself, so it had that sort of classic chiptune crust to it.The stages though, were strange. It displayed a title black screen and a white text. The first stage just said: "Rob." Then it goes into the actual level. It was just a convenience store, I think. We played as a guy outside, and had to go in. He looked like a generic cartoon burglar. Top view, 4-way movement. I think the text was shown at the bottom of the screen. We went into the store. It showed us a prompt to rob the cashier, and we did it. The guy had pulled out a gun and the cashier protested, like trying to reach for an alarm, I think ? I can't remember, because my friend had pressed the action key and a loud bang played. It was so quick I could barely prepare for it. The game only had chiptune sounds, so it was really strange to suddenly have a bang for a gun that was so echoey and real sounding. The robber came out with a couple of cartoon cash bags, and just ran away. Leaving the screen, it just showed the text "Concluded". It had no scores or continuation. It was so annoying at his house though. Around this time there were police cars racing outside, and I think even a copter flew by the block. It was so loud. We started a new stage, and this one said "Escape". We played as a spider, it was really goofy looking. We were in some sort of basement, or maybe an attic. We just left through the door and were welcomed to a house stage. Around this time his mum was shouting downstairs and was really distracting. I could barely focus on the game. I just remember the spider going around, finding a human running around. When we got close, it showed the prompt to "Bite". We did, and the human dropped. My friend went onto check what was up with his mum, and I just packed and left. I would like to play that game again.

I'm not a christian, because i feel like the christian religion is for sheeple, and i don't like the christian idea of heaven. But, I can use Christianity to debunk all other religions. How? Let me show you. Let's look at Buddhism and Hinduism. Buddhism is a religion for monks. Why would a layman ever choose Buddhism over Christianity, Buddhism offers a layman nothing but temporary godhood in some higher plane if he donates lots of stuff to the monks and eternal reincarnation after that until he one day finally becomes a monk and renounces life and attains nirvana. So, in this world, what benefit does Buddhism have over Christianity, which says you can get salvation in one lifetime, it has so much more passion.. a man literally died for the sins of all men including you, and if you disbelieve you will be sent to eternal burning fire, and if you believe and attain salvation through the help of your spiritual endeavor or whatever I mean there's still a process of attaining salvation but just imagine.. endless reincarnation or eternal bliss in heaven after one life on earth. And hell if you disobey. What does Buddhism offer to laypeople that is more emotionally and culturally impactful than christian teaching? Or pagan religions like Hinduism who cares if the gods want your worship, a man like you are one died on a cross to save you according to Christianity.. and what do the gods do for humans? Receive prayers and food and drink energy I mean who cares like literally, compared to Christianity? The fact of the matter is Christianity singlehandedly debunks all other religions. And Christianity is not even true. Thoughts on that? What's your spiritual path having this in mind?
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stop talking about Christianity, you're ignorant
>i'm not gonna explain my retarded cope
no surprises there
The best belief is the belief of the Old Testament. The world was created by an awesome Almighty God, he rules everything and everyone and does whatever he pleases. He is a God of righteousness and justice so he loves those who do righteous things and hate those who do evil things.

If you love him you will learn to do righteous things and If you fear him you will learn to not do evil things. And if you do this and you worship him humbly and loyally he will love you and will make your life amazing. He might test you and refine you through trials and tribulations, but if you endure and keep on worshipping him and loving righteousness and hating evil, he will approve of you and then he will bless you with great blessings and all good things will always be give to you and you will live a long and satisfying life.

Then if you resist evil until the end and die in righteousness, there will come a day that will be the last day of the world and all will end, in that day he will revive you from death and he will give you an eternal inheritance in a paradise so that you can live in his presence forever enjoying of pleasures and happiness even your wildest fantasies cannot match. This is the promise of the Most High and he has never broken a promise in all the eternity he has been alive.

El Shaddai is blessed and may be be praised forever for all these wonderful things he does for us undeservedly. Those who seek him will never regret it.
the sheeple by percentage are the atheists, muhamads(by conquest and murder/forced conversion), or the luke warm

the true Christians fear the Lord, when the Lord tells them such and such they do it, and they fear to sin, very rare


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