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What sorts of spiritual stuff is tied in to drinking alcoholic beverages?
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>Isn't becoming Christian part of AA's method?
>AA is political. Go bacck to /pol/.
Alcoholics Anonymous isn't political, it's a self-help / group therapy organization. Clearly you've spent way too much time on 4chan and are polarized to think that everybody on this site who posts something you don't like for whatever reason comes from that board. I don't know what there supposedly isn't to like about AA though.
The reason alcohol gets called "spirits" is because consuming alcohol equates to giving up control, essentially letting the spirits take over, whatever those may be (within or without). The more you drink, the more control you give up. Completely give up control and you get a blackout, indistinguishable from missing time from other paranormal phenomena. Hangovers can be quite revealing as well, tho not necessarily relating to the consumer.

Have fun!
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i was possesed when i had an alcohol overdose and my subconscious just got away. i don't like to talk about that either, i'll just say it felt like a dying-and-rising soul, like if i went to the hades, then came back. i am an adult and i deal with this kind of stuff with more maturity but to be honest was a spine-chilling experiencie

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If you read Near Death experiences (and things similar to that) you will often read that the moment you leave your body your human life is almost irrelevant to you. It's described almost as like you just discarding a sock and moving on to more "important" things.

A medium gave this as a reason for like who do ghosts don't haunt their murderers for example. Because our Higher Consciousnesses doesn't give a fuck about human things like grudges, revenge and things along that line.

But let's assume this is true for a moment. Why should any of us even care about our human avatars? I find it really depressing that according to these mediums and thousands of Near Death experiences our human body and mind barely matters, it's just a toy I throw away once I die. So right now why should I care, right? Might as well not give a fuck about my life if I'm just a marionette to my higher self.
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> I came across was a person and their lover using this world as a sort of game or experience to magnify and ehance their love for one another, because of them going through hell and back in this world and loving one another and having that love grow through the struggles
This hits home. You might be really onto something...
Oh I forgot to ask, do you still have the account? I would love to read (or watch) it.
Yeah, same. It was a hell of a lot more powerful revelation than any NDE I ever read. Check it out for yourself. Take care of yourself now.
These are possible: changing health, the body, magic
These are unlikely: regrowing limbs
These are impossible: changing the past

You can't change the things that happened to you or other people but can change your perception of it. There are things that upset you as a child that as an adult you can look back on and realize how silly it was. To change a bad situation into a neutral or positive one requires a change in perspective.
Oh I know this guy!! I read this blog posts about being in contact with his dead wife and thought it was so romantic and wholesome. I never knew he gave interviews or showed up on podcasts. Thank you anon.

Good job everybody last thread stayed for almost 5 days anyways, Welcome everybody again into our #2 edition of this shitty thread which is

Astral retardation edition

Anyways blabla bla Astral projection is when your soul leaves your body and goes to another realm yada yada.

Anyways in this general thread we discuss Lucid dreaming and Astral projection, You can ask whatever you want, Answer whoever you want and if you have any theory about an astral body that can be fucked in some realm then go ahead the space is yours.

Anyways my inquiry is:

This time i got super super close it felt insanely energetic since i used an actual hemi sync video this time rather than only myself and I actually saw a vision of a character from a show standing on the edge vividly before breaking from that and seeing a huge shadow above me but it was very dark and could only see it partially and the room was half visible. Anyways after that i tried to move my legs i felt like it tried to break but then i fucking moved my physical body.

My question is:

Did i get close ?

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What's the best way to summon a particular dream character you want to see? I've been having trouble with that lately.
why is OP such a faggot man? put information in the thread or shut the fuck up
No, but it usually leaves me with a very mild headache
I AP rarely and lucid dream like once a week.
Lucid dreams are weak, cant manifest or create alot. I AP like once a month, i could probably AP way more but the time it takes to fall asleep while im aware can be long.
Usually when im close to detach, the earrapey tinnitus and crackling is not scary anymore but i get aware or my breathing and fuck it up 90% of the times :D
Rn im just doing daily mantras to fix it all :)
Bump, You ain't gonna get us janny

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We are always one soon we will be taking our limitations off to fully embrace and express ourselfs
this current shit takes forever to generate, which is ON PURPOSE
OpenAI was founded to keep intelligence out of the hands of the peons who could overthrow the people who own for a living
they are specifically pursuing paths that lead to less democratic control and can only be run on mega server farms

So I found aa place that sells Ayahuasca.
I plan on drinking it alone in my room while listening to Aphex Twin and The Flashbulb on shuffle

Is this a bad idea?
Can I go to work the next day?
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If you are going to listen to aphex twin, listen to ventolin or gwarek2 on repeat for the entire trip
I don't know about drugs but I know about food
I wouldnt, anon. Moisture breeds shit you don't want, and if they are mostly dry then the mycelium would still be alive but now strong enough to fight off being invaded by the microorganisms that want to decay the mushroom

For culinary mushrooms, you want them dried to cracker crisp to be safe. And then you store them in something airtight, ideally with a dessicated.

I got toxic mold on some oysters I dried improperly once. Be careful
Def wouldn't do that on a weekday. Would be a Friday afternoon kinda deal and hope to recover by Sunday after laying in bed all weekend. Even afterward. Plan on potential psychosis for a couple weeks as well, even mild.
Herbs of the Gods sells the ingrediants to make aya (chacruna and caapi). You can brew it at home. The thing is, the way a normal ceremony works is you drink a 2oz cup every hour until you've consumed 5 cups (10oz)....people do it differently, but the actual trip itself only lasts an hour, which is why you keep drinking more....but it gets hard to keep drinking after 2/3 cups (you'll want to go to sleep).
I've seen some psychonauts on the DMT nexus say they drink the whole 10oz in one go, but I wouldn't recommend that.
Keep a bucket handy for purging, and it's best to do La Dieta (very very strict diet) for 3 days beforehand. It's not something to approach lightly, although I guess you can learn that the hard way if you wish...

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OK so last night when I was getting into bed, and I hear screaming as soon as i touch the bed, I roll onto my back and there is just this wall of shelves filled withvases and their openings are bent and aimed me, they're screaming at me, I roll onto my arm and cover my eyes, and just lay there for 20 min as they scream at me, what does this mean? Schizophrenia does run in my family. I'm at work so I can't reply fast. Inb4 it was a dream, after the screaming stops I put on my balls stretcher and electrodes, nut into a sock, take everything off, but the balls stretcher and wake up with the stretcher on.
ChatGPT, write a post for the board /x/ about vases and masturbation in the style of a schizophrenic.
Um no sweetie I'm just illiterate

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I'm I the only person who thinks all this nonsense about aliens is just a way to distract us about our true orgins from long lost civilizations like Mu, or Atlantis?
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atlantis was a civilization where humans and aliens both lived together
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atlantis IS a civilization where humans and aliens both LIVE together
the best tree of life
They're also strict vegans, their priests (they apparently have a religion reminiscent of Sufism blended with Daoism to use Earth religions for comparison) going so far as to only eat fruit or lab-produced greens to avoid harming plant life, not unlike Jains. The Tall Whites developed this ethos after having wiped out every lifeform on their homeworld during their ancient history. Going back to conservative social/sexual standards, they respected the Mormon settlers in what's now Nevada more than the Paiutes and Apaches for their disdain towards intermarriage and belief in clean living, although they were more often allied with the Apaches on account of their warrior culture that reflected their own. Again, these accounts can be taken with a grain of salt, yet I believe that the stories Charles Hall, Linda Moulton Howe, and others tell about the Tall Whites are often too detailed and specific not to be true.
I remember that. In 2010 another one found stone structures in the Persian gulf. No follow up on that either
Has it never occurred to you that the Aliens may just be the race that sunk into the ocean...?

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Post cool shit related to Odin. I refuse to elaborate.

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>walking through an open field with no trees above me
>bird flying overhead empties its bowels
>poop splatters across my hand and onto the lid of my takeaway coffee cup
>stop at the water tap and rinse it off
>pull out my phone, open the lottery app and purchase a powerball ticket
>win nothing…

wtf I don’t even get a little bit to pay for my coffee??
The "Law of Attraction" is simply confirmation bias. It is absolutely, utterly a lie. It's wildly dishonest. The "Law of Attraction" says "you can manifest by believing." Then, when something good happens, they attribute it to their thoughts, and not their actions. Fuck the Law of Attraction, it's absolute normie bullshit. Normies want to believe they "manifested their success" instead of the truth, that their success was based on their circumstances. This is why normies adore the Law of Attraction, it makes them think they earned and manifested their success.
t. can't even manifest a dime when (You) need it
I hate the Law of Attraction. It doesn't work. It's fictitious. Normies love it because they desperately want to believe they "earned" and "manifested" their success. Case and point, just look at a few Law of Attraction videos on Youtube. They're all absolute normies. The normiest of normies. You won't find blackpilled Law of Attraction user anywhere on the site. I utterly despise the Law of Attraction. It has never worked for me. I have never felt God or heard the voice of God despite wanting to so badly for 32 years. I want the Law of Attraction to be real in my life and I want to hear and feel God.

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Why was human sacrifice something practiced around the entire globe, both by Aztecs and others in the Americas, and by Moloch worshippers in ancient middle east (as referenced in the bible)? It seems like an absolutely insane thing to do unless you really met an actual supernatural force that did wonders and made you think you really should do it because of the wonders that entity was able to do.
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it opens a big rift in reality for magic potentiation
also this
They had racks of human skulls all throughout their capital, what are you smoking anon
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War is human sacrifice. The Death Penalty is human sacrifice. How is it different?
Schwartz, Houghton, Bondioli and Macchiarelli 2012 “Bones, Teeth and estimating age of perinates: Carthaginian infant sacrifice revisited”
and 2017 “Two tales of one city”

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Rasputin raw dogged a shit ton of garlic every day apparently, makes me think it enhances magical ability
Tell that to odin
>t. Count Dracula
What about beta carotene? Is it toxic as well? I take it daily, is it safe?
jews and british nobles won't eat it because it hampers their kabbalistic illusionary mindcontrol powers

Is BPD demonic possession?
I also want to know, my gf has BPD and I think demonic possession kinda makes sense.
It's not 'possession'. People with BPD really are just evil. More like demonic manifestation than anything else.
This is a dumb question, but has anyone ever tried deliverance on a BPD girlfriend? I had one that was 75% wonderful but 15% of the time she'd go into "evil mode" and be unbelievably jealous and nasty. I wonder if I could have casted out the demon in her.
I have BPD, I tried to perform an exorcism on myself because I was convinced that my problems were demonic. I went into psychosis as soon as I was done and had to go to a psyche ward. They pumped me full of antipsychotics, I calmed down after a while and then got sent home. I took myself off the antipsychotics and I have been fine ever since, haven't had a single BPD meltdown at all. It's like I'm fully cured, I've been 2 years with no symptoms, it's a miracle really. I think there is definitely a demonic aspect to it.
Women don't need demons to be retarded.

The third world war will happen after Japan sinks into the sea and after that Europe and most of Asia will be destroyed by a cataclysm, which will cause Japan to sink, it will be a super earthquake of
level 10,the poles shift is near
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What would a level 10 earthquake be like since it had never happened before?
Maybe like the release of 10 hydrogen bombs
So, Japan sinks twice? Haha, okay you stupid bumfuck.
Japan did nothing wrong.
Even if that happened pajeets would still be living in filth and covering themselves in dung.
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I hope the West Virginia guys get some old karma for creating the drug cartels.

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Nothing will EVER HAPPEN until you go within and awaken to your higher conscious states.

Its fucking simple and /x/ is just merchant misdirection.

Commit to 6 months of meditating 1-2 hrs per day, wake your astral body, and be done with it.

Practice Surat Shabd Meditation
(Listening to the Audible Life Stream within yourself)

First Step
>Practice mental mantra repetition at the 3rd eye center between and behind the physical eyes
>Most important is to listen intently to the words as your mind says the mantra

After a few months of this you will be able to fully withdraw from the physical body, your third eye will open and you will wake into your astral body

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Do you have down syndrome?
>There are karmic consequences for using these abilities to 'alter' the given path of this world and you are generally only excused
bullshit. Every being has their own agenda and if you're caught by someone that isn't aligned with those you're aligned with then you'll get a karmic dish according to their viewpoint. What such beings do is take a piece of your consciousness that they subject to what they believe themselves entitled to. Sometimes that happens lawfully. Sometimes not so lawfully which is a major reason why some conflicts in the world are sparked in the hearts and minds of people.
Karma like any system of law needs to be enforced by a rightful and just system of governance, which is why it is left to the Lord(s) that are tasked to oversee it.
Thanks anon, I'll try heal my heart then!
Anyone still here itt?
Is 'astral projection' (I hate that term lol) when you 'go to the other side' and can communicate with things and there's flashing images and everyone's voice is like doubled or tripled and everyone speaks in almost riddles or overly simplified ways and you feel extremely vulnerable because you never know who you're really communicating with and everyone's always acting sus or defensive or whatever and it's a large dark forest and anyone could run up on you and you aren't really 'you' but some other 'you' that has way more information than the waking you? (Sorry for the run on sentence)
If so, how do I get the information the 'astral' me has? I have experienced him (me?) from a waking perspective and can tell he's got a fuckload of info to work with. Like shit I probably can't imagine. How do I access it? And why does he disregard me? Shouldn't it also be in his interests to give me shit and let me know what's going on so I can do things in a more informed way on the waking side? Is it difficult/impossible to connect the two sides?
H E L P, I N E E D T O K N O W

also random question but is everyone there or only a select few who have done meditation? are the ones who are there aware that they were there when they go back to waking states? also why are they all pansies and trying to avoid me? I don't bite (probably), you standoffish fucks, I just need more info.
Who. Fucking. Cares.

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>Europe gets islamised
>races gets mixed everywhere (golems)
>Armaggedon happens on earth and a few people fly to another planet.
>There their genetics drastically change because of the planets ambient and become people of good will now.
>One new messiah is born between them.
This cranker literally prophezised the victory of the jewish race, according to their own bible and no one pointed it out.
Is it really over?
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From the dead sea scrolls the essenes believed they were in the age of wrath, the end of time would be upon them shortly where they would reclaim Jerusalem from the wicked priest, the hellenized priest of the temple, and then go on to defeat their localized enemies and ultimately defeat Rome (kittemites). They believed themselves to be the 'sons of light' led by their righteous teacher (who we aren't sure of the identity of). Rather than their prophecies coming true, which seem to be wish fulfillment fanfic, you know what happened? First the 'wicked priest's came on their Sabbath day and killed their leader, then later on the Romans came and crucified every one of them.

The dead sea scrolls only exist because everyone who would have come to claim them after the danger passed was killed. Their prophecies never came true, and never will, and neither will this prophecy.
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>can't smoke weed
where is the lie?????
this speaks to
>And when the Son of Man returns, will he find Faith in the Earth?
An angel said that thru Jesus Christ, speaking of Him in the Third Person. To wonder!

Steve Quayle says the government, I think the NSA, will try to ban the Bible one day, and will chase Christians into underground caverns using flesh-eating robots (approximately this).

One wonders if banning the Bible would do the same thing to the prophecies of Revelation as the death of Essenes did to their "prophecies," as you allege in your post. Jesus was a criminal by Roman Law, and I have seen him do some subversive things to America. He basically says, "Just go with it, you will have your reward." This reminds me of the Grand Inquisitor of Dostoevsky. Now that we have Masonic Law do we need the Love of Christ? People act sickly in His Name and then he says to the victim, I allege, "Blessed are those who are reviled for my Name's sake!" Yet ye shall know them by their fruits. My Spirit of Antichrist still speaking

Christians are supposed to be the Lamb with the Flag but when the Christian doesn't render fruit to Caesar, should not the axe be laid to Christ's tree? For
>Ye shall know them by their fruits.

I guess this is all to say turn the other cheek to the government and trust the pope who says build bridges not walls
you are suffering from the protagonist syndrome. christianity/bible is not the center of the universe, the vedas are.
biblical stories are just stolen and rebranded.

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