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To the Christians of this board,
Why do you think that a religion that is well-known and understood worldwide would be the truth when all experience teaches us that true knowledge is hidden and not taught openly?
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masons worship lucifer. masonic Christians are deceived because in some of the mason books it says that God on his WHITE THRONE will say "well done my faithful servant" but the white throne is the throne of judgment/damned so in a way masons are politely telling their Christian members that they are going to hell.
thanks, no point in trying then
underrated if posted
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This is the new testament too which shows your average christcuck doesn't read only yaps.

you have a hole running through the center of your body, runs right through your entire insides.

you ARE a hole, essentially.

think of us next time you're filling it,

emptying it,

and don't let your guts fall out.

have a nice night!
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It's retarded tranny faggot to you
B A S E D fucking illustration mofo
a lot of the shit i made was so gross i had to delete 300+ images lol
damn it man at least dump shit like that here in the future first
nothing new under the sun. next ai will be nicer.

whoever's still there to enjoy it will be pleased.

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Why does communicating with supernatural and out of this world entities only occur in dreams? Why do I HAVE to be half-asleep and unable to remember anything?
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They didn't tell you?
They told me, I just like speaking to you. Am I a carcircture of humanity like being a different pikachu in another pokeball?

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What is the story of Aleister Crowely? Apparently he was also a mountianeer which I find fascinating.
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Crowley was smart, embracing the satanic label "as a joke" was a clever way to hide that he actually was satanic
was he though? I mean pretending to be one while actually being one....while everyone just calls you one just seems like after the fact cope.

Seems it has become popular to hate on him. Personally I can't agree with all of his lifestyle choices and am not that interested in the idea of Thelema as a religion but it seems to me he was right on many important topics.
>I dont agree with him and he wasnt right on the major subject he pushed
>But he was right anyway
fuck me man just say you liked him what is this shit

What I mean is I like what he has to say on various topics but would never consider him my guru or myself a Thelemite.

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I find I have the ability to induce chills and goosebumps completely at will simply by thinking about doing such, and can make them happen at any point in my body.

By focusing on them I can make them extremely intense, especially if I am meditating. They generally are most intense in my spine and almost feel like they "coalesce" in my skull. It takes some focus to induce them in my outer extremities though.

Are there any spiritual implications of this or is it simply just a weird ability to controla part of my autonomic nervous system that most people can't. The feeling of inducing these chills almost feels like im manipulating energy to move around my body, but at the same time I worry that may just be me over reading into it and trying to make something spiritual of something that isn't.
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>I find I have the ability to induce chills and goosebumps completely at will simply by thinking about doing such, and can make them happen at any point in my body.

>start thinking about it
>I'm able do it now too
What can I do with this new power?
>takes screenshot instead of saving the picture
>doesn't even crop it
>posts it
You're a fucking embarrassment, anon, I can't take you anywhere.
I do this occasionally as well when I feel like it. I thought this is just something humans do and therefore I do it as well. No idea if it's just blood or other means of thermoregulation, but it's not like it's something unusual.
Thanks OP, I didn't realise this was a thing but I can do it too. It's not as fast as "natural" goosebumps but the spine/head chill is just as strong. Feels like when you are in awe of something amazing or have a spiritual experience
I thought everyone could do this.

I used to take my life so seriously until I realized that WE are probably just the cosmic joke of the universe.

Do you ever think of the fact that you're on a planet? As a literal monkey. Humans are evolved monkeys. And we have to breathe air to survive. Imagine thinking we actually know anything at all.
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There is never nothing. It is a logical fallacy of begging the question.
Your claim is the worst of 14 year old semantics.
Later on you'll realize how you're just small bits of matter with self-awareness.
You mean like the other billionaire told you about a sky daddy that hates it when you touch your peepee because some faggot died 2024 years ago?
We're not monkeys, we're apes you mong.
Your a gorilla gorilla gorilla

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I have figured out a reliable way to unlock super human powers. I'm talking physical and mental/psychic powers here. I wanted to teach the whole world how to do this, if everyone could do this it would elevate the whole planet. But every time I do it they just throw me in the psyche ward. They can never keep me long term because I'm not actually crazy. But they do everything they can to suppress the powers and now I'm scared to access that state again. I want to, but I'm not going to be any use if they lock me up again. What do I do and how do I spread this information? I have a way for any human to have a direct link to God and supernatural powers. I don't want to do anything gay like start a cult or religion or anything, I don't want to be known for this, but I do want to unlock this ability within others, just without being injected for the rest of my days to keep me quiet, or potentially even killed off. How am I meant to go about this?
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Also, if it helps, I've managed to induce this state in six people other than myself, so it is repeatable. The only issue with it is people unprepared for it don't handle it very well.
collect the information into a pdf and share it among communities like this that will listen
then once you have people that'll back u up, u can sorta start a community! Like, a general on this board. Then, after that, people will start sharing the information independently of you. If it really works, it'll just distribute itself like this, continuously, until it reaches someone that can give it a media presence.
Thaur way, other people do le work, rather than you, so u don' geeett logg'd up @!
Thank you, this is really helpful advice
Lol just write an anonymous book or write all the things you know in a pdf or something and share it here, idk what you so confused about retard. You know how to connect to God but don't know that pdfs and anonymous boards exist??? lmao.
There are a lot of issues with using technology to talk about this stuff. Anything I type out on an electronic device can be monitored, I don't want anyone to know what I'm doing. Also, I'm not in that state right now, I still have some advantages from having experienced it, but right now I'm just pretty normal.

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What are spiritual consequences of gay sex
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Sex is also strictly penile and vaginal between a man (male) and a woman (female). Two faggots going at it is glorified masturbation.
Needing to wear diapers in your twenties because you have no control over your anus
That's a misconstrued urban legend, if you take a monstrous dick every day, yes you're gonna tear the sphincter, but same goes for vaginal intercourse. Do you really think that millions of people around the world go around wearing diapers int heir 20s/30s because they have loose holes?

This is the same "if you're gay that means you got molested by your uncle" stupid shit, i don't know a single gay person who got molested, that said i don't interact with the flamboyant slutty ones.
cope faggot
Idk anon i'm not the one coping by imagining loose holes and gay sex. That sounds more like your narrative.

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post your ai-generated /x/ related images and collaborate with others to make some scary shit etc.

why the fuck do I have to wait 300 seconds to post fuck this shitty ass website
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Moulder doesn't appear to be holding his flashlight

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What sorts of spiritual stuff is tied in to drinking alcoholic beverages?
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Libations are a pretty important part of many religions, to the extent that it's hard to find a healthy tradition in particular where it has no role. Offering the gods alcohol is common in many traditions. Traditionally, alcoholic beverages, due to representing the results of a bumper crop of sorts (in the sense that something which would otherwise be turned into mundane food could be allowed to ferment) served as a form of currency, with mass quantities of the stuff having a role similar to livestock.
And this; alcohol is dangerous. Alcohol has cleansing properties in a manner, particularly wine and spirits, but it is very bad for you. It hurts the brain as much as the liver. While there is a time and a place for drinks, it rarely adds anything positive (on a spiritual level) to the group activities which it is generally associated with and it is generally a bad sign if someone is consuming it heavily, alone. For better or for worse, despite all the aforementioned societies which brewed beer and make wine, very few can be said to have developed social institutions which facilitate it serving as a entheogen.
>Isn't becoming Christian part of AA's method?
AA is political. Go bacck to /pol/.
right now there are microorganisims inside and on you trying to eat you, when you drink red whine, you feed them for awile so they stop eating you, if you constantly feed them they breed, as their volume increase, even if they no longer consume you, their shit will build to a level it poisons you.
anyone reading this, please ignore the shills here and on television who tell you to drink any sort of rotten fruit eaten and then shit out by bacteria, even if its distilled its still shit.
if you want a simple rule, the longer a thing has been dead, the more you will feed the things in and on you that feed on dead things. and when theres too many, their shit starts to kill parts of you.
>Isn't becoming Christian part of AA's method?
>AA is political. Go bacck to /pol/.
Alcoholics Anonymous isn't political, it's a self-help / group therapy organization. Clearly you've spent way too much time on 4chan and are polarized to think that everybody on this site who posts something you don't like for whatever reason comes from that board. I don't know what there supposedly isn't to like about AA though.

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You already have his name, his birth chart, I watched him today. He’s immune to alcohol. He is extremely cold to touch. Like bottom of the freezer cold. Shockingly cold. He wears a crest around his neck he says is from the Vatican. He speaks several languages. He is currently in LA.

He’s real. And the people he was with today makes it really seem like the clock is ticking before you see him too.

This isn’t a game.

Antichrist is here.
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All my exes live in Texas...
...from Texarcana to L.A.
You people have been in charge since the end of WW2 and everything gets worse every year. Face it, you suck at ruling.
Whoa he’s talking about Trump
Pepe post = fed post.

Glowie psykers are going after the antichrist? Who wudd’ve thunk?
What is his Twitter

What of when the sky opens?
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theres a reson the cone of your vision is 33 degrees fren. its not the sky that opens when you see the wheel of light/fire, its you that opens, what you see you see occupies the enteritis of your cone of vision, not sky. this may seem a small difference, but the sky is the furthest thing from man, a mans eye is much closer to home
Me personally? I'll think about the part in the Bhagavad Ghita that goes, "Now I am death; hear me roar."
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do the dead have mouths?
Fucked up story bro
i come anyone play dnd ? ? 3.5 e


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Guys this is literally gonna BLOW YOUR CRANIUM
We're all like ONE MIND and also GOD
Can you believe it?
Guys... wait until you hear this part.... WERE ALL THE UNIVERSE EXPERIENCING ITSELF!!!
Like, we're like, dust floating in the wind man, like were specks in space
Like look at those stars man. We're like, tiny cause theyre so big
I'm enlightened now! Like I think I'm literally the Buddha
Boy I sure love LSD!
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I’d say retarded… probably even redditor… if anything lower, BIG YIKES
This, but unironically
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Words, words, words. Words? WORDS!!!
Lol there are legit posts like this every week

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Same logical fallacy as the simulation theorists where the universe is uniquely tailored to your experience
Fuck you, the least you can do is be nice to other people
Fuk u
OP here how did you know that I'm little gay sissy

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So what's the latest in Bigfoot Research? Has anyone found the guy yet? I've always wondered how the Bigfoot Believers can keep believing in something that they can never find. There are no Bigfoot Bones, no Bigfoot corpse, no Bigfoot caves or Bigfoot family members... No Bigfoot females or Bigfoot teenagers or children or infants. No Bigfoot paintings or huts or campfires... All that they have are footprints that can easily be fake and shaky smartphone cams that don't have any high resolution footage.
I'm not a big Bigfoot guy, but I should point out the most famous video of Bigfoot ever is a female. The PGF Bigfoot has tits.
Man, I dropped off Bigfoot a year or two ago, but there’s things afoot.
Area X in the Ozarks.
Stacey Brown in FL
Monongahela in WV
Jeff Meldrum
There’s tons of stuff not been released to the public
Olympia Project.
I suspect many people know about them and are willing to protect them.
I used to be a denier, literally thought it was so funny anyone would believe this and that anyone say so was a grifter.
But I started paying a little attention and doing a bit of research, shits no joke and the way science operates more as a business and less of a discovery device is absurd.
If I was able to continue my education, I find a a way to work Bigfoot into it. If not without directly mentioning it.

As far as taking pictures, I phone’s aren’t worth a shit at 50ft.
Measure off 50ft, it’s waaay too close to be any where near a Bigfoot. They don’t work at night, and difficult to use when scared. Which you will be.

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>So what's the latest in Bigfoot Research

big foot = big dick
those are the conclusions of the research
No one has found the guy yet.
That’s the latest.
Maybe one day they will find the guy but the guy remains unfound as of today.

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