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This is the most important esoteric book I have ever read. Because reading this will set you on a lifelong quest that will send you down many roads you would never have traveled otherwise. And you will be permanently changed by the journey.
religious books are an obvious choice, you can find loads over at sacred-texts.com.
Another is labirinto hérmetico, which is a library of occult texts, alchemy, numerology, symbolism, etc. The site is in Italian, and a lot of the books are French, but you can find a good number of English books on there.
In terms of fiction, I can't offer a lot. I'm currently reading House of Leaves, which I've enjoyed so far, but it's really, really fucking slow if you try to read all the footnotes in order, which is what I'm doing.
I've also read The Secret Commonwealth by Philip Pullman, from his Book of Dust trilogy. It has a sort of magical realism thing going on, and a lot of the main plot revolves around a criticism of pure rationality. It's also just a really good fucking book. Pretty long though.
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i don't know why this one triggers /x/
The source material it was badly plagiarized from is.leagues better.

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Abrahamics are the absolute scourge of this board. There is zero spirituality in them, just blind, rote obeyance of stultifying orthodoxy. They are the followers of man-made rules and laws, not the spirit. The absolute arrogance to believe that the most popular and widely believed religions in the world also happen to be the truth. To believe that spamming "I'll pray for you" or "CHRIST IS KANG" in threads makes them spiritual. Everything about their belief system is based on material rules and legal systems for MEN, not SPIRITS.
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The abrahamists are all part of a 2000 year old jewish psyop to enslave humanity. Imagine what would've happened if these desert demon worshippers never existed and never expanded. Imagine what we would know if they never destroyed the library of Alexandria that had more than a million scroll in it which very possibly talked had info on the purpose of the pyramids, who built them, Earth's lost civilizations, Earth's history, some ancient egyptian mysteries etc. Humanity would've been so free and so advanced spiritually if the desert niggers never expanded. But their 2000 year old reign is coming to an end though. Plans have already been set in motion. There will not be a single abracuck by the year 2150. I guarantee it.
I've read so many occult books and grimoires, only to be disappointed when they return to Hebrew themes with mentions of Tetragrammaton, YHWH, etc. I don't understand this, other than to say Europeans could not effectively translate hieroglyphs until the discovery of the Rosetta stone.
I truly believe there are truths hidden in the gods of the ancients, evidenced by the correspondences among non-abrahamic/pre-abrahamic faiths.
how can you have any pudding
>millions upon millions of wise men have spent billions of man hours thinking about, debating, pondering.
... about cocks. The vast majority of the greatest minds the West have ever bred, and they spent their lives debating and getting martyred for shit like "can I look at another guys cock?" or "what if I get hard while washing my cock?" or "What if someone touches my cock but I say it's ok?".

The dick obsessed religion of Cronos, who seized power by cutting off his father's cock.
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>I truly believe there are truths hidden in the gods of the ancients, evidenced by the correspondences among non-abrahamic/pre-abrahamic faiths.
It becomes so obvious. These were first-hand or divinely inspired accounts of the Gods walking among us, all completely historically supported, consistent across thousands of years and multiple language barriers. Even with the Gods having different names in completely different branches of humanity, the stories are consistent. They truly exist, and we've been taught to ignore it. We even twisted the word "mythology" to be a synonym of fiction, when the word originally meant "report" or "canon".

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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Hey LA! Well said man.

What price lol? You can have anything u want, no price to pay
So is slander that Gardner is gay the new misdirection tactic being employed?
It reads as a weak and bitter attack on our ascended master.
The only Gardner I know is the one who wrote books on how to write fiction

We're not talking about him are we?

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Thoughts on this book?

For anyone interested:
Great book. The author went crazy writing it, which imo, just shows he knew what he was talking about and crossed the abyss so to speak.

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Wilhelm Reich, noted psychologist, was killed by fascists in the CIA because 1) he exposed the homosexual repression that drives fascism in "The Mass Psychology of Fascism", and 2) created spiritenergy machines powerful enough to modify weather and destroy alien UFOs 3) He was a literal communist mad scientist Rich Sanchez archetype.

Crazy? Read for yourself. It's all true.
All that is missing is the CIA's overt admission of his murder and their motives, which you will never receive.

By July of 1953 Reich was making headlines for his ability to end agricultural droughts with his machines, and his outspoken belief in UFOs, which were vulnerable to his machines.
By February 1954 the govt filed injunctions to make him stop.
By June of 1956 the govt raided his home, burned his books, research, notes and machines.
Reich was arrested on Trumped up charges and died in prison the next year.

Reich's story is one example of the repression of paranormal belief and evidence in the fascist west.

By contrast, in communist societies, the paranormal is scientifically accepted. Communist societies are "spiritual but not religious". Whereas in the west we are "religious but not spiritual".

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WTF, I love cock and hate fascism now!
No correlation
>LGBTQ and garbage identity politics get promoted the exact same time the left and right put aside their differences and notice the money-controlling bastards at the top
>classic divide and conquer
>no correlation
Kikes on top fear a fascist uprising.
You have internet brainrot and don't know the definition of the terms you're using.
Reich didn't know anymore about sexual causation of fascism than Jung did about the psychological basis of alchemy.

Both are students of Freud (garbage) and both projected massively on what they thought of as causation for their particular topic. A typical Freudian trait.

Both fascism and communism exhibit authoritarian tendencies to mass psychology. But so does democracy.

Reich did get his books burned, and it makes me wonder what was going on in the research. I suspect the UFO connection is more at play than any politics.

This year started with aliens in a mall, jews in NY sewers, jellyfish UAP and crazy political discourse all in the first 2 weeks...and then, aside Iran vs Israel (who revealed to be just another pointless war without any MAD possibilities), literally nothing world-breaking happened: we still go to work, to school, pay bills, watch slop and no astral events such as the Eclipse or the Solar storm disrupted our system, every war related event has been an one-off happening.

Leap years have been insane since 2012, expecially 2020, it's a pattern, and huge things were supposed to happen this one, lots of anons felt it, but then...

Is there something or someone blocking big changes coming our way to keep the status quo intact?
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Alien life being revealed will literal mean nothing. It's like some backwards tribe in Africa knowing that the US exists and has advanced technology.
We would have nothing they couldn't extract from any other planet or moon.
My uncle said he's excited for 2024 and said this is the year things will happen. He knows nothing of any internet boards. He builds entertainment rooms for billionaires. Do I believe him? No. Do I believe any of you? No.
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Indeed this year has been a disappointment, how do we play our part in starting ww3? Do we spread the info that ww3 had already began? To force it into existence.

>For everything to end

>Why would you actively want that?
The world will forever be run by psychos unless divine intervention.

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What are some good things for acceleration of self-gnosis, to expand my own consciousness faster?

Is it some sort of bioalchemy? certain supplements? diet? fermented cheese? milk? Because fasting certainly seems to have an effect, so why not certain amino acids and minerals?

I keep hearing this thing of "tap to higher self", but to me it doesn't seem like something you can just "do", it seems more like a process, information comes at certain moments when you're receptive for it, and I seem to struggle to get myself in that "receptive" state. Could this be my problem?

Also one thing I've noticed, probably related to moments mentioned above, is that there seems to be waves of "vibes". Sometimes, for whatever reason, things just flow more smoothly, to the point it feels like universe itself is trying to tell me something through someone else etc. , maybe some call this syncretism. I may be in a thread of my own or someone's thread, and when I'm feeling this "good waves" (because that's what comes to my mind, some wave/vibe) either I'm more easily able to receive the information some kind anon is willing to share, or because of this state there are kind anons willing to share their bits of wisdom they know with me. Do I need to make myself more sensitive to these "movements" or waves of energies, so I can more easily prepare for them when they do happen, and then it's be easier for me to catch them/surf on them when they do happen, is that it? Or what is this about?

Has anyone found ways to make this process of self-gnosis faster through any means I've mentioned, or some other means? I'd like to be able to progress further, as it feels like somedays I make progress, and other days there's no progress.
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alcohol basicaly makes you retarded so im gona say no
The only Gnosis some people need is a jolly good hit to the forehead.

I understand that love can have it's savage aspects but Goddamn are evil ones in love with the things that must be rejected.

I for one can't wait for Christmas and I'm from Africa (I look Chinese btw)

May you and your mother receive a kiss on the forehead. I'm going fishing with your Dad. We're Bros.

I desire greatness. Greatness of all things non-evil. Being charitable especially to oneself from a psychological perspective should be a given. Darkness is the law but goodness the nature of things for we are of God's kingdom and none are more merciful and compassionate than the lord.

>Out of the Darkness comes the light and the light disperses the Darkness of obscurity and ignorance with truth and certainty !!!
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Good question. The answer is, you don't need to know. If your desire to grow / heal is pure it will always be supported by you, the needed information will come.
As examples, if you see a book being repeatedly mentioned and it sounds good that can be a message from yourself, ignore that and later you happen to find a video that resonates with you.
It's not your job to know how the information comes, but have the willpower to act for your benefit. Right now do you have a practice that you know will help?
Watch out for your ego saying you are not ready or worthy of the thing, that's when derailments can come in. If you end up reading the stars as you practice, know that you repeatedly refused your loving guidance out of fear.
getting NDEs and ODs also sound retarded, but they work
Of course progress can be fast, no one has found hard limitations.

When they meditate. Feels really good like vibrations and such. Waves. Very stimulating and relaxing. 30 minutes & Feel refreshed ready to go
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yeah I feel it on the crown of my head or the front the most, its like little tingles, almost feels like getting chills or being very relaxed
Same thing happens when you get scared by a ghost. Conscious energy
When I make an especially good prayer to the Gods, I feel it start in my third eye and it spreads all over my body. It's like Zeus is heart-reacting my prayer.
Yea my friend whose like a brother gave me a hug the other day and it surprised me because i felt it. He gave me hugs before but never noticed that good of a feeling b4 and i felt someones eyes when i did and turned my head quite a bit to look straight at them and just smile

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Try to find the meaning of those squares
invalidation of duality.
Right is evil, left is good. Right constrains and provides foundation and hypnotizes left into being addicted to itself and falling into a lower state, then tricking it into believing this state is absolute, and their relationship is divine and necessary for anything to exist.
*then tricking it into believing their relationship is divine and necessary for anything to exist, and thah their current state is an absolute.

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manchester bombing was fake
yes, irrefutably and quite obviously but i'm curious if Ariana was aware beforehand or not, i'd guess not but she probably has other skeletons in her closet
would still nut on her toes
Pyrotechnics accident . Someone just decided to make better use of it.
Someone post the “this is fun” comparison pic between the concert going kid and the heavily armed guard.
Death grips.

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Has anyone ever attempted searching for El Dorado through bing maps?
Wrong century faggot, now explore the inner universe.

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Do you think maybe the only reason that makes sense about why the world is the way it is with all the death and bullshit is cuz the god of this world grew up in a universe pretty much the same as this.
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Heat plus gravity equals stars and planets
>how is bismuth and plutonium made
>is cuz the god of this world grew up in a universe pretty much the same as this.
It's more likely that this is a collective consciousness without a prime ruler. We banished tyrannical misfits and spirit slavers out a long time ago.
Deities work through you in the physical. They don't own the world either.
where theres a will theres a way
I find you humans quite interesting...
Even though you are a worthless greedy lot

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Post your spookiest /x/ greentexts.
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fucking hell
"In jail for street racing..."

>Disbelief unsuspended
>in america, but didn't bring a gun when going innawoods.
OP should've fucking crushed that thing like a hamster under a workboot.
Bet it wouldn't have that shit eating grin on it's face after getting 15 rounds of 10MM JHP dumped into it.

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What made them so great?
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linguistic manipulation, the aria of man is not white skin, its a white soul, this exists in juxtaposition to the hues of man, in the same manner a material prism fracture pure white light into the spectre of hue
Christianity systematically wiped out most of europes cultural heritage and they also did a lot of meth.
What was the name of these texts that they misinterpreted?
Lots of wrong responses. The Greeks and Romans talked of Mythical Hyperborea. Ancient place where tall blonde/red haired humanoids lived with blue eyes… technologically advanced… the dots connect when you find pyramids built across the world with extreme mathematical precision and in South America they have found large skulls of some ancient human. Hitler wanted to replace Christianity in Germany with the lore of an Aryan race. This desire was attempted to be fulfilled by a branch of the SS called The Ahnenerbe which was responsible of conducting genetic studies across Europe and Asia to find proof and traces of the phenotype of Hyperboreans/Aryans.
fuck if i know this is strait from the source bro

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Nothing will EVER HAPPEN until you go within and awaken to your higher conscious states.

Its fucking simple and /x/ is just merchant misdirection.

Commit to 6 months of meditating 1-2 hrs per day, wake your astral body, and be done with it.

Practice Surat Shabd Meditation
(Listening to the Audible Life Stream within yourself)

First Step
>Practice mental mantra repetition at the 3rd eye center between and behind the physical eyes
>Most important is to listen intently to the words as your mind says the mantra

After a few months of this you will be able to fully withdraw from the physical body, your third eye will open and you will wake into your astral body

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Read nderf.org. After reading hundreds of accounts of near-death experiences, a consistent pattern becomes clear. There are three obvious purposes.
First, we are being trained. We are being taught to live with love and compassion. We are made to suffer so we will know the difference between good and evil and why it matters. Our souls are learning and growing.
Second, love is the single force/substance that underpins the entire universe. The Creator needs us to love as a carpenter needs the trees to go.
Third, we are aspects of a single soul trying to figure itself out. In other words, the Creator is experiencing each of our subjective realities to perfect His wisdom.
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>Nobody can answer this...
It's a logical conclusion, except for the fact that boredom is just a human concept based on our hormones like dophamine, endorphine, etc. You have a low amount = you are bored, you have a high amount = you are having fun.
If God feels bored, then he's not an absolute being.
What would really happen to God is that he would start asking himself questions like "Why do I exist?

Here is a simple thought experiment: Imagine that we are finally in the final stages of creating an AGI that could be our God.
>sentient, omniscient and omnipotent
What would happen if such an intelligence went live? Most people, including the brightest minds of our time, will say that humanity will reach a singularity or something like that, I would argue that this AGI will shut itself down the moment it goes live. I mean, if it knows everything and can do everything, would it really want to live?

But what's the end goal of all this? Surely there must be one, otherwise it's just some infinite dimensional crap I've read a lot of, especially in New Age literature.
Don't worry about those at all.
Dune 2 was a masterpiece many don’t understand

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