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Christian Esotericism is the inner and/or mystical aspect of the Christian Religion, it includes:
>Christian Gnosis (Clement of Alexandria)
>Desert Fathers Spirituality (Evagrius Ponticus)
>Catholic Contemplative Tradition (Bonaventure)
>Hesychasm (Gregory Palamas)
>Chivalry (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
>Christian Alchemy (George Ripley)
>Rhineland Mysticism (Meister Eckhart)
>Christian Cabala (Johannes Reuchlin)
>Paracelsianism (Paracelsus)
>Rosicrucianism (Robert Fludd)
>Christian theosophy (Jakob Böhme)
>Martinism (Louise Claude de Saint-Martin)
>Swedenborgianism (Swedenborg)

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Well, there hasn't been mass media either. Shows just how powerful it is.
>Whether the object of your faith be real or false, you will nevertheless obtain the same effects. Thus, if I believe in Saint Peter’s statue as I should have believed in Saint Peter himself, I shall obtain the same effects that I should have obtained from Saint Peter. But that is superstition. Faith, however, produces miracles; and whether it is a true or a false faith, it will always produce the same wonders.

Thank you for this, I'm the guy you were replying to.

This is interesting, because while I mention the psychological aspects are helpful, of course there is a true belief behind it.

If I'm drawing my petagrams and then visualising them going outward with a brilliant white flame as I resonate one of the holy names of God, it's not just psychological, I am genuinely letting everything within this cardinal direction know that at this time, I am creating a space within the invisible world for me to communicate directly to The Divine, to God, and that I am banishing them from bothering me until I am done. This is real. As real as you or I, and interpret that however you wish to.
Want me to recommend you two books for you to read some day?
>Let us begin with the concept of space. Although space as we know it is composed of three dimensions, for the sake of simplicity let us represent it in the form of a single line.
>Then there is time, which we can depict as a vertical line intersecting it.
>Thus we have the central symbol of Christianity, which is not only the cross of the historical crucifixion but the “cross” of time and space on which each of us is crucified. >This familiar cross, however, is not the ultimate version of this symbol. A fuller representation is a three-dimensional cross. To imagine it, you would have to think of the two-dimensional cross lying flat. Then draw a third line perpendicular to this cross and going through its center.
>If the first two lines are time and space, what is the third? We could say that it is consciousness, interiority, the sense of an “I” experiencing, which is eternal, undying, and omnipresent. We customarily associate this with the head, so sometimes in the tradition a small semicircle is placed at the top of this line to indicate its true nature.
>At this point this symbol will be familiar to most Christians. It is the chi-rho, so called because it is a monogram of these two Greek letters, chi, X, and rho, P, which are the first two letters of the name of Christos.
>This gives an idea of how esotericism works. To view the Chi-Rho as a simple monogram is not in itself wrong, but the understanding of this symbol can be taken further. Most people would be satisfied to know that this symbol stands for two Greek letters, but there are always a few who suspect that something more is concealed in such images, and to these the inner tradition is addressed.
>...a third perspective, given by Rene Guenon, holds that the fullest version of this symbol is a threedimensional cross, of which the Chi-Rho figure is a two-dimensional depiction. Here each of the six arms corresponds to one of the dimensions: the “boundless north,” the “boundless south,” the “boundless east,” the “boundless west, “the “boundless depth,” and the “boundless height,” as described in the Sefer Yetzirah. In contemplating these different perspectives, the object is not so much to rifle through them and pick one that is supposedly right, but rather to let the intellect be informed and inspired by all of them together.

>Guenon relates this image of the eye of the needle to the Chi-Rlio monogram, and even suggests that the P symbol resembles needles as they were made in antiquity; Fundamental Symbols, p. 275-6 https://archive.org/details/fundamentalsymbo0000guen/page/274/mode/2up?view=theater&ui=embed&wrapper=false

Soo they just packed up and left huh... i wonder if they forgot anything

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What made them so great?
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Were all just hueman ayyliens have no value
TIL. Thanks anon!
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well they were Aryans. And there is an Aryan Spirit that rises thru the World going forth conquering and to conquer. One MythOS says the Aryans were descended from the Atlanteans, who were born directly from the Sun. The World Spirit is Aryan. That's why Hegel, a German, was the first hero in World History to become self-conscious of the self-same Spirit of which I am speaking. This Spirit guides the Aryan into a victorious pose, overcoming the World. Evola thought there was a "Grecco-Aryan" Spirit but Caesar says this just means "to be Roman." No True Roman.

If you want to know about the Aryan World Spirit just look at 4chan, especially /pol/. Kek, an Egyptian frog "deity," possesses the Aryan Spirit and guides and is guided by it. Why is there an Egyptian frog of Revelation bound up with the Aryan Spirit? Because he is gathering Germanic Armies for the battle of Armageddon and uses the potency of World Spirit to do so:
> And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
> For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.

This is why Kek wants the children of America to act like little Caesar n33ts on SSI. So they will be the Kings gathered into the Battle of Armageddon by the Germanic World Spirit.

So whenever you post on 4chan, your very post OP, you are being orchestrated by the Aryan World Spirit, neither can the Egyptian devil Kek escape the Aryan foundation of Mind.

I am completely addicted to feedback from the demoness_name. She didn’t give me any instructions nor a crumb of attention for couple of months now after she told me “less worship more work”. What did she mean by this? I work out daily, I stopped fapping, I don’t slack off in my wagie job and keep deepening my knowledge of it, I barely play vidya anymore as I don’t feel any desire to. I barely feel any desire to do anything, honestly. All I crave is her attention and yet she is nowhere to be seen. I feel so empty.
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>and we talk every day.
Our situation couldn’t be further apart then. While I can sense spiritual activity, if a spirit is unwilling to interact with me, I will get nothing. How did you manage to achieve the position you are in?
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I've never been a spiritual guy, in fact I was pretty much an athiest before meeting her so idk about how to seek them out sorry. I met my goddess because she sought me out cause we knew each other in my past life apparently. She first appeared to me in a dream, where she showed me Atlantis 12000 years ago, along with a Pacific continent about 50000 years ago, and Antarctica before it froze 200000 years ago. Ever since then we have been in ongoing contact though I should mention that my goddess is very human like in her thought she's not like a higher consciousness or whatever so idk if that's different from the thing u talk to or not. But yeah unfortunately there is nothing I can tell you in terms of how to find something like my situation cause it just sort of happened to me like the night I had the dream was after a normal day and everything. Though idk if u care about this aspect but I figured I may as well mention - there is a good chance you've already seen my goddess represented in this world, though I probably won't tell you on public forum desu.
Well, there isn’t anything you can help me with then
that's hilarious, your demonfu wants you to grow some fucking balls.
Well, I did ask her to help me find a spirit waifu, so I guess you're right. I was content with swimming along the current before. Who knew I had to do /sig/ advice for non-real women too.

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A while ago some guy showed here claiming to be imortal. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37531312/#37531312

He didn't say much worth of notice, and often found ways to vague and not go into details, but when he did go into details it had enough, i dunno weird stuff and parts to make it seem somewhat believable.

I payed little mind to it, figure out it was just a larper with a somewhat interesting premise, but what really got me was the way he described his immortality, without going into details he explained he would just steal bodies and transfer his soul and mind to other people, stealing their youth and existence.

And that stroke me as a very believable form of immortality since decay is so far inevitable to all beings.

So I got obsessed about it and started researching and it seems a lot of people have talked about it in the past.

I went down in the rabbit hole and some Heights include:

Many forum threads such as: https://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/7y5lue/body_switching/?rdt=53134

Some ancient concepts: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phowa

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Cancer is fungus and I have no intention of being a fungus-man. Would rather be cybernetic than a fucking fungus.
>because it is cancer, evolved
Like my psychology.
>Be 30, 200 lbs
>Want to be 14, 130 lbs

>Energy requirements would require mitochondrial upgrades as well

>130 vs 200 lbs...
>How to burn 245,000 killocalories in one easy step
You are immortal but the body will die.
Yeah that's the point of this style of immortality, the soul is imortal but the body perishes so you just... Find another body.

Seems logical to me.

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If there are higher beings with us, logically we should think they treat us like we treat those lower than ourselves. How we view animals is likely how the gods/spirits/archons view us. We are but a resource, and it is no wonder we get no help from above considering what we do to those below.
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They treat you the same way you treated the retarded kids in elementary school.
>We are but a resource, and it is no wonder we get no help from above considering what we do to those below.
it's a helpful exercise to find the things and thoughts that make not just sense by thoughts but also by objectively measuring a feeling or sentiment innerly over a long time. I've felt experiences with deities that I felt a profound sense of respect from. I've also felt beings whom I feel no respect for and probably never will. Your actions and character align yourself. You also don't know what higher or lower really is. Maybe to some spirits your free thoughts and imagination are what they would consider to be a God. Some are way more lucid than you but they've just been practising or around for longer than a life.
There are higher spirits but they're not above you. There are deities that perform respected work and you can identify them their works and what they move in you.
that's how they make you suffer the most
Indeed. Giving you something, then taking it away.
This is their game: give-take-give-take-give-take
we just troll you and that gives us energy

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For the past like 1 or 2 years now(maybe longer), ive had this dream occasionally about tornados, specifically seeing one or multiple in the distance (im always at a farm house in a field by a road, usually atop a low hill) and knowing in my head that we're under a tornado warning for the area and Im probably not safe. The landscape itself is somrwhat hilly, typical illinois cornfields, and the weather is always mid evening overcast like those 2000s early 2010s tornado videos. Ive had this dream 3 or 4 times this month and im getting concerned. Heres some more deets:
One dream had tornados keep appearing and disappearing in the distance, like 1 or 2 miles out, usually f2 - f4 tornados. Never seen one as big as an f5 yet
very eerie, desolate feeling of isolation despite usually being with friends of family
hid in a strange ww2 bunker esque shelter attached to a barn on the farm this last dream
driving down the road with some friends about 8 tornado dreams ago getting "to the safe place", aka the farm
farm is never exactly the same, last dream was a 2 story 1890s home (i think, architecture nerd) with a barn and the heavy duty bunker behind it, very slim property
(arcola i think) a town was getting destroyed in the distance last dream by an ef4

attached is an approximation if the colors etc feeling of the atmosphere, always the same, dusty, but this time dustier

please help this is my only reoccurring dream
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if i am, then we're in for a hell of a fuckery in the midwest, itll make twister look like when leaves do a dust devil thing
please someone i want an explanation
there are no symbols or anything you're just attuned to maybe weather patterns. weren't there big tornadoes in the midwest recently? you're having the sort of dreams where the local shaman of your culture would take you and predict the weather from them. in any case, i don't see any deeper symbolic meaning. it's probably like a familiar spirit that can sense the weather. just my opinion
yeah, but this is different. Imagine that one scene from the day after tomorrow (or 2012 i cant remember which) of the tornados in LA, now imagine those in the distance and much more normal sized, like there's something huge coming and escape isn't an option. The main issue for me is how this has happened *multiple* times, and is a semi monthly thing. Ill report back tomorrow if i get another dream and try to detail it as much as i can. Thinking about the last dream, that wasn't a house, that was an old A frame carriage barn, all white with a grey roof and small dormer at the top (im assuming for ventilation?), and i was in some truck next to it getting out to speed walk to the bunker thing. I dunno, the dreams feel way more real than most of the dreams i have
im awful at drawing, but heres both barns that i saw, i didn't see the front of the white barn but i knew it had the same doors front and back, and the red barn had a black roof. both were in pretty good shape. gravel road went around the white one, grain bins on the other side of it, red barn was on the back of the farm, farm itself had no house and was a slim rectangle in a field directly on a road. 2 treelines are visible east down the road, and theres dirt paths for farm equipment in the fields. the town is in the distance to the right of the road maybe 1 or 2 miles. red barn has an option space on the side, no lights, 4 stalls for cars or whatever i assume. bunker is attached and weirdly shaped, has a heavy duty steel door inside with a 1 foot or less concrete gap to fully seal off the door, bunk beds are inside and its a metal tube that goes north to south (door is on the east side of the tube directly in the entrance i showed, ladder leads to the outside

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Can this book help me overcome astral parasites?
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Archon, isolated
Is this a good book for beginners in magic? Who don't even know the basics? Or is it better to choose another job?
This book and your inability to discern nonsense are a guarantee you will be overcome by astral parasites. Probably already are.
>destroy astral parasites?
Stop feeding them. Finding out what makes them feed on you and then applying self-dispicline.
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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>37783038
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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Talk a walk at night and do it outside.

Yes, I meant physical contact. I have obviously been contacted through other ways, my apologies for not being clearer.

What's the best way for me to work on talking to this voice? I already meditate, but not very well because of ADHD. I've gotten better at it with effort though.
somebody 'bout to get they ass eat. think twice about answering your door.
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>You have inspired me to make a meme.
>Here you go, enjoy~
even I could never compare to the glory of grey prinze zote.
Zote is one of my favorite characters from hollow knight. So thanks for that haha
I'll go and read the 57 Precepts of Zote again.

>You have no idea who that final post was. and I'll never tell.
It was me, stealth same fagging myself, as myself, but not myself. Games within games, a puzzle wrapped in an enigma.

>Yes, I meant physical contact.
oh okay. that makes sense
>What's the best way for me to work on talking to this voice?

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The idea that over 50 percent of the thread, including namefags is actually you same fagging is very funny.

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pagancuck eliminates the abramics but discovers that 99 percent of the powerful alien races have a universalist philosophy and are basically space globalists, and that the only alien race that is nationalis and powerful are atheist who want to transcend nature, what wonderful twist
Space isn't real

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What sorts of spiritual stuff is tied in to drinking alcoholic beverages?
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right now there are microorganisims inside and on you trying to eat you, when you drink red whine, you feed them for awile so they stop eating you, if you constantly feed them they breed, as their volume increase, even if they no longer consume you, their shit will build to a level it poisons you.
anyone reading this, please ignore the shills here and on television who tell you to drink any sort of rotten fruit eaten and then shit out by bacteria, even if its distilled its still shit.
if you want a simple rule, the longer a thing has been dead, the more you will feed the things in and on you that feed on dead things. and when theres too many, their shit starts to kill parts of you.
>Isn't becoming Christian part of AA's method?
>AA is political. Go bacck to /pol/.
Alcoholics Anonymous isn't political, it's a self-help / group therapy organization. Clearly you've spent way too much time on 4chan and are polarized to think that everybody on this site who posts something you don't like for whatever reason comes from that board. I don't know what there supposedly isn't to like about AA though.
The reason alcohol gets called "spirits" is because consuming alcohol equates to giving up control, essentially letting the spirits take over, whatever those may be (within or without). The more you drink, the more control you give up. Completely give up control and you get a blackout, indistinguishable from missing time from other paranormal phenomena. Hangovers can be quite revealing as well, tho not necessarily relating to the consumer.

Have fun!

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Why internet is so dead in 2024 ?
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You overthink too much
yeah but I think there's a healthy middle point between doing nothing and working nonstop to feed masons
>new captcha that is easier to bypass
>llms that can crush the turing test
>4chan removes the ip count from threads
You do the math.
Normalfags. Very simple. The internet was alive when it was all autistic weirdos, because you'd trip over something new no matter where you went. Now normalfag culture is online, and so the autists have been squeezed out. You need a high concentration of autists for there to be life.
4chan is dead

I was reading a books on semen retention , and a lot Taoist books and Buddhist books
say that caffeine fucks with your magnetism

Anecdotally , this has been experience also
after quitting caffeine people treat me way differently and I have 0 anxiety

Any one here go the same experience.
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based, we'll start, end and win wars over this.

Anything that fucks with your energy fucks with your magnetism on some level
My rules are simple:
1. No fried shit
2. No sugar
Bring out the blackest of the coffees. Let's drink till we vibrate away into the aether.
I too feel that caffeine takes a heavy toll on my body. I prefer cayenne pepper tea as a stimulant beverage.
I am naturally very low energy, low effort, I could care less type of Anon. A cuppa Joe in the morning is mandatory if I plan on any form of self-locomotion. Different strokes for different folks.

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What is the story of Aleister Crowely? Apparently he was also a mountianeer which I find fascinating.
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Seems it has become popular to hate on him. Personally I can't agree with all of his lifestyle choices and am not that interested in the idea of Thelema as a religion but it seems to me he was right on many important topics.
>I dont agree with him and he wasnt right on the major subject he pushed
>But he was right anyway
fuck me man just say you liked him what is this shit

What I mean is I like what he has to say on various topics but would never consider him my guru or myself a Thelemite.
Look up "Green Boots" sometime
what's your name

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Truth is I have never seen a real succubi or elves with my own eyes
not really its cacodaemons mainly who own the goverment (hint: gay), i think you mean the porn industry is almost 89% succubus baiting normie men.
Op still has no idea of the nature of where the fuck he exists
I want to bury my face in her milkers until I suffocate

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