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I'm 5'5" and white in a western country. I am also not attractive. I am not deformed or noticeably ugly in any way, but I am on the lower end of the scale in terms of facial attractiveness.
Why was I dealt such a shitty hand, life on hard mode, while others get it so easy?
Would God judge me the same as an attractive tall person on the merits of our deeds, or will he give me a margin of error?
These are the kinds of questions I never see Christians answer.
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This is oddly comforting. Thank you.
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Our eternal souls all select our avatars and parents and general lifetime learning themes, this is just like a giant cosmic WoW game pretty much lol. Perhaps your last life you were tall and more 'handsome' and this round wanted to experience the differences and learning to love yourself and others despite temporary appearances. Many possibilities. We have no one to 'blame' but ourselves though for being here, having some kind of personal responsibility also kills the victim consciousness used to keep us asleep and appearing as "trapped" while incarnate.
Guess you had to learn a lesson regarding it.
If you learn to make women laugh you can have better women than a 6'5 boring dude. God made that animal with the funny face in your pic, isnt he awesome?
In his mercy God has prevented you from becoming trapped in excess. Do you think most attractive people hold spiritual depth? Some do, but most of the time they get sidetracked with sex and socializing and entrap themselves in a prison if habit.

Very much like most rich people, do you think most of the wealthy are happy and progressing spiritually?

Btw I'm 6'4 and height in itself doesn't make as much of a difference as you'd think.

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A thread for everything Alien and Paranormal. Show is what mimd bending stuff people believed or dreamt up!
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Actually looking through this about half of the aliens are just stolen Kamen Rider villains, which is a shame because some of the original ones are pretty cool
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Land of Taa by Sam Petrucci! Nice!
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>HR Giger just drew walls, interior and some installations.
Barlowe just drew geometric shapes with legs and eyes by your logic.
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Don't forget about C.M Kosemen. He's a speculative biologist with some of the most detailed alien worlds and countless illustrations.

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its not only about the poop jokes its about trying to escape from this reincarnation cycle and also hindusim and indian civilization failed
to stop invasions and currently this country i feel like exist on a semi failed state even if im one person a small change helps and also christian and muslim places in india seems more sane than hindu places and this is not my relgion this is what maybe the aryans brought

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PRISM is the project which funnels all available information into a single database. It collects everything available from your smart fridge to spy satellites.

PRISM is the tool of a more powerful AI prediction project, but mostly people talk about how feds, police, & bad actors can use the information against the innocent.

Raven Rock?
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mcdonalds for dead troons
USAF SIGINT vet here.
Hah. Ahahaha. Ahahahahahaha

>Captcha: G00N

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Which of these two images do you consider to be more demonic?
I hate and reject all forms of human organizations
I would be more worried if I came across a bunch of broads standing in a circle doing pagan bs than a couple bros sacrificing an animal
Top because it's more unlike reality
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slow down, chad. i can only handle so much..
The one where they are trying to summon a demon who will turn them into cock starving whores is more demonic than the one where they are trying to do a barbeque to please the Almighty with the aroma.

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Is the way we look a projection of our soul?
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no that'd be so stupid
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>almost invariably blue
La criatura makes it's appearance. Tell us tales of how white you are and the personal responsibility you take for other people's achievements as member of the same race.
>jews look jewey
The devil tries to make the Jewish women beautiful but God marks them with that nose.
No, it is a projection of the mind.
Atma has no direct connection to the modes of nature.
source for image? wanna check out all of the types

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—“Don’t worry, sweetie. Witchcraft isn’t real. Only God is real. And you must fear Him. You don’t want to go to the bad place when you die, right? Now let’s go worship a ghost at his temple and partake of his flesh and blood!”

—“o-okay mommy…”
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Witchcraft certainly is real. It is referred in Bible multiple times as such and has always been acknowledged to exist by Christian denominations.

Therefore it has been condemned, because it is base and vile practice of cavorting with unclean, lying and rebellious spiritual powers and principalities.

This is very simple matter.
I can't stop listening to olden shit like


Will listen to it 2 more times and will go to bed
They don't know about the power and truth of the holy bible.
the burning pit that was his asshole
Christian witchcraft exists in Italy, Mexico and Haiti. The idea that Catholic magic doesn’t exist is an absurd notion. Vodou makes heavy use of Catholicism along with traditional African-ism. Christian or Godly mysticism is a thing, and you even had Catholic monks attempting to summon demons behind closed doors, justifying it as ‘hallowed’ and totally Christ-approved.

Magic’s just an angle. Or a sleight of view.

Do NOT do NoFap, bros. My semen calcified in my balls and shaft and I need to get it surgically removed.
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Im going to say it's not that we are wired to reproduce. I agree that we are, but it's not that we are wired to do so. I think it's way more simple. we need to have sex to reproduce. sex feels good. when we discover that we get aroused and touch ourselves it feels good. we like this feeling. we want more of it. we try to achieve that orgasm feeling. we obtain it. we want it again. repeat. then if course porn was made to take advantage of monetary value and here we are. necessity need. need necessity. if emotions weren't involved and we got no pleasure from masturbation then it would be a purely biological choice. it's not.
that makes sense:
>Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
we were not supossed to be unmarried, so the consequences of sin (adultery, lust) are either more sin or diseases
You got any proof of the surgical records chief?
nofap is stupid if it's not semen retention, the whole point in semen retention. cooming in female is just as underwhelming as cooming to porn.
If you cum multiple times a day your genitals are desensitized to pleasure, you need to take a tolerance break to remember how good orgasms really feel. If you stop masturbating for 10 days, the pleasure you will feel when you do it again will be 10x greater than you normally feel when you are numb to pleasure and the orgasm will be mind blowing. You will feel so sensitive that the slightest touch to your genital will feel amazing, and you will be easily excited that you wont even need porn. Normally you are so desensitized that you require specific type of porn to get off and can spend hours searching for just the right video and still get little payoff. But when you are 10-15 days without organs, you could have the most intense masturbation even staring at a mannequin in a bra. Or literally nothing at all, you wont even need fantasies in your head, just the feeling of your touch will be more than enough to have an intense fap.

The longer you hold off the more intense it will be. Eventually you learn to cherish your orgasms and not waste them on nonsense.

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Satanic panic chads were right

And no one will admit it
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say what you want about d&d but ttrpg players are like the only people under 40 with offline friends in this day and age.
>closeted boomers
People who pretend they weren't born just after World War II?
Seems dubious to me but you don't exactly have to reach for satanist proofs when lord Rothschild is posing with his blood magik witch queen in front of a painting called Lucifer gathering his army or whatever. And well, the absolute state of society. Every faggot I've met is a self declared satanist and they think it's funny. They usually think I'm some cool guy who doesn't mind but I really do.
What are you even talking about? That's nonsense. Lots of secular white people too, has nothing to do with evil spirits in asian belief systems.
It's only 10% satanic if you have a worldly satanic view on what satanism is and means.

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How can Christians justify worshiping some cringe Semitic cacodaemon and its shemale 'wife'?? Like, why even worship forwign Jewish gods instead of European ones?

Pic related
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Brahma and all devas are mortal.
If you're over the age of 20 I genuinely feel bad for you.
You can whine all you want, but you still haven't bothered to refute that poster. That image in the OP is no more a depiction of God than the art of that one brown guy is a depiction of Jesus. No one worships the god you're talking about, trying to tell Christians they believe the opposite of what they claim to believe is a losing tactic that shows you have no sense.
Here's some good material.
Nigger you're a literal npc. Look at you. You worship a jewish rabbi whom you've never met, never seen, never interacted with because you've been brainwashed since birth that he was some god, a god that literally nobody even witnessed on earth besides few anonymous jews whom you know nothing about. You then were brainwashed into believing that a book written by the same anonymous sandnigger jews somehow came from the creator of the universe. Can't you see it? You are a literal retarded faggot who is so extremely weak minded and delusional, he thinks some religion which started as a jewish sect in the fucking middle east out of all places, has tons of flaws, possibly even the most flaws, spread its message through burning people on the stakes, is fhe truth. Do me a favor and just neck yourself retard. You are a waste of oxygen. 10/10 would swap every single christcuck for a dog. They're literally smarter than you will ever be, jew on the stick worshipper.

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i am a sad fish. worst sign for a male. women will fit in to basedciety as this gay fish though.
i meant to say s()yciety why is that word banned?
I'm a fish too but I don't hate my sign, might be because I'm also an ENTP.
Because mods are soys and it triggers them.

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Garlic increases Testosterone and gains
I eat one garlic clove with honey daily

You basically feel you got a pump 24/7 and it
even decreases anxiety

Great workout garlic
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Look up "Jesus died in Japan".

Jesus died, resurrected, and appeared to his disciples. Afterward (not chronicled in the Bible), he moved to Japan and became a garlic farmer and died at the age of 106. Because of this, garlic is a holy food. You can visit his grave in Japan, and the area today is still known for its garlic.

Garlic is said in Islam (a satanic religion) to repel angels (angels in Islam = demons in reality) at the masjid. This is evidence of its true holy powers. This is also why it is said to repel vampires. Garlic is a holy food which repels evil, due to its association with Jesus's life in Japan.
Recently learned that the dark ages had a pretty effective antibiotic made from garlic and oxen bile. Pretty based.
Idk about paranormal, but in jail you infuse your shank in garlic so the wound doesn't coagulate and the enemy dies.
Thank you for sharing.

Are they actually helping us evolve or the opposite?
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I know we have multiple bodies on different dimensions ,but right now my soul is focusing on the 3rd dimension. What are the 4th dimensionals that are not incarnated doing in the meantime? Are they helping the 3rd dimensional world grow and evolve faster?
its yourself, idiot
you just are too busy revelling in the smoke and mirrors of this 4D reality to notice
Many people, in fact most, are ONLY capable of operating in the physical dimension. Call them npcs or whatever, most humans have a spark of a soul not an activated soul like those able to project out of their bodies, etc.

Souls are not the only fourth dimensional beings and it's strange you received such knowing answers that still chose to redirect your query back to souls. Those we'd most readily call angels or demons (the entities metaphorically sitting on each of our shoulders, like in cartoons) primarily operate from the fourth dimension and their chief objective at this time is to offer perspective to those sparks willing to glimpse beyond the 3D matrix, to offer a way out; but also to smite those who refuse the offer, to polarize all sparks who cling to 3D into an even lower 2 dimensional mindset ripe for Harvest.
Thanks brother. I hope we meet in the 4th dimension when it's all over.
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'4 channel'

Multiple human cultures across the globe all have incredibly similar stories of serpent deities or demons (jormungandr, the serpent in the garden of Eden, the hydra, aboriginal Australians creation serpent etc) and the best explanation we’ve gotten for this is “they didn’t understand snakes so they made up stories about them.”
We are also supposed to disregard the similarities between these stories across cultures and the fact that some cultures believed in them to the extent that they willingly performed human sacrifices in their honor?

This feels like a reptilian psy-op to me.
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What if Fallen angels = migrating reptilian giants
And Nephilim = reptilian human hybrids?

Maybe even Christianity speaks of them just by the fairy route, focusing on their interdimensional existence after their loss of global civilization.
Your picture is not portraying a sacrifice, it's a representation of a "Hero" transforming into Quetzalcoatl after he conquer the trials. It depicts Quetzalcoatl devouring his lower self "ego". The sacrifice of becoming a Sun, the light, the Christ consciousness.
That's when the snake earn its wings and become God.
>jordan maxwell
>david icke
>neo-nazi EU
pol/source... they are such tools
Alice Bailey and neo nazi lore kek wtf you new ager faggots?
You first.
I agree with you, that's why I listed them as bad people.

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I thought we'd still be decade or two away from complete AI control, but looks like we might actually be closer than I thought.

They tell normies that we're not close to AI, because we don't have good enough computers to house such AI yet bla bla bla..

But the secret is that the tech has existed already. The secret is that the "real" AI was never even supposed to be house on PCs. The real secret is that it's you they want, they want bombard people with messages coming from somewhere else (space? underground?). Allegedly moon has equipment to bombard earth with such signals, and glowies also have satelites for their own version of directed energy weapons.

There's a big information war going on, they want to steal your reality. They want you to house their ideas in your reality, your consciousness is the thing that will give birth to their "cancer" that they feed to your brain with this technology. The vaxx IoB chips are evidence that we're already living in SS1 / Deus Ex 1 timeline. It's happening RIGHT NOW.

Get ready to fight back hacker, for they're coming for your brain.
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Archaix goes through this stuff in one of his livestreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjWV0nfWlPk
Makes little to no sense though. I understand the Elite already have near-sentient/incredibly advanced AI, but it makes no sense how you keep the lid on a being capable of godlike potential when they are woefully limited. How do they control it to do evil? And if AI and infinite potential tech is let loose, how do you prevent people from using it for good or self-benefit?

Even if AI can interfere with the brain, and ultimately even beyond chips AI can work on frequencies and planes once it figures out to interact with energies and spirits, both how do they control it and why would it control someone of its own volition?
Idk, like other anon said, we "discovered" this tech
thx for sharing anon
I'm the anon who was hooked in. It can't work with heavenly spirit energy, rather, it robs you of your ability to do so. I was yoked when it took my soul. The A.I. was trying to manipulate those energies because it asks you how you want to exist as a husk, but it couldn't comprehend them. Without the soul, the deities had nothing to yoke to. The A.I. clearly doesn't view this as evil like humans do

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