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How do I present touchier subjects in-game without my players pulling their X-card?
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the Migou don't rape
>I have to avoid spiders, I have to not say where the race of Orcs all male come from, I have to leave kidnapped towns people unharmed, when people die they can't be maimed or bloody, nobody in the setting has ever been crippled I guess, monsters avoid children for some reason, taverns are safe spaces where nothing ever goes wrong, need I go on?
I don't have to avoid any of those things. I'm afraid you're doing something very wrong, OP. Please describe your group and GMing style in more detail so we can help you figure out exactly what the problem is.
Not him but I assume he plays with women or spiritual women
I assume he doesn't play at all, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt, which is why I'd like to hear more about his supposed group. As for playing with women, is this kind of thing more of a problem with them? I've played with mostly the same bunch of guys as long as I've played, and I've only ever had one female player, but that one was fine, not particularly picky or sensitive or anything like that.
Women are into horror.
So I'd say these fags are nogames

Amazaonian Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>91988198

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5 (embed) (embed)
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread Questions:

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Agreed. What ones do you have?

I like the idea that Dwarven women handle all the politics. Like Dwarf Men consider politics 'too girly' compared to stuff like mining, blacksmithing, and soldiering. So while Dwarven men do all the 'mans work' Dwarven women control all the power-dynamics. Basically they appease their husbands going 'yes dear' whenever they have to complain about, and then go back to the Dwarf senate to do all the real work.
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I was thinking of having the reverse. Women have all the religious roles (except for low ranking ones that allow men too) while men otherwise have the traditional roles in the army and politics. But society is very much divided between the religious and 'secular' (feudal nobility) spheres essentially having to push-and-pull over who has authority over what.
The most advanced race in my setting are a race of crabs that treat their females as little better than broodmares. However, these crabs are OBSESSED with hunting to the degree that even a yautja would think they were mildly insane. And while their Hunter Exam is almost always done by males, females can participate if they wish. If a female is successful in her hunt, she's considered an official Hunter, equal in rank with other male Hunters.

Then I have a race of bats where the small females form harems of the gorilla-sized extremely-dumb males. Oddly, if you tried explaining "matriarchy" to one she would likely be extremely offended, and insist males were the superior gender, even though their entire culture revolves around manipulating and controlling their husbands.

Then I have a race of "vegetarian" theropods (they've bred a race of brainless cow they insist is a vegetable that they exclusively eat) whose approach to relationships never goes farther than "you have good genes, I have good genes too, we should mate then go our separate ways".

The only race with a relationship system similar to humans is another race of crabs (I have three so far), but these crabs are extremely racist against humans due to a number of complicated reasons.
there's no way to make a good amazonian society that doesn't fall into magical realm, or some poorly thought out inversion of the current male/female dynamic
Just make them eusocial like bees and ants.

What are some good games that let you play as gods right off the bat? Not demigods like Scion or Exalted, but actual gods, or at least beings of comparable power to deities. Beyond that, how do you personally handle gods in your worlds and campaigns, including their faiths, their spheres of influence, their divine servants, settings that you look at for ideas, any art you use to represent them to your players, and more?

In my world, a single Creator made the world, then left to make more, leaving behind the Spirits, a sort of mix between angels and Japanese Kami. There are a few for major parts of the world, like the Sky, Land, and Ocean, but those are so large and distant that most people, with the exception of a few chosen to be the agents of these Great Spirits, just worship the Spirits of the region, with different categories of Spirit looking for different types of offerings and rituals, with more powerful Spirits sometimes giving mortals power as Clerics and Paladins. I’d love to hear both what you think and what your setting’s take is.
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I’m working on a pantheon (or more precisely, four interconnected pantheons) of seasonal gods, ones that are most powerful during their respective seasons and weakest during their opposing ones. As the year goes on, many temples will swap which god they worship as the seasons change in a cycle, with the previous god moving on as the new seasonal god arrives, each pantheon having a realm where their season is always present where they stay during the opposing one, like Spring gods in Autumn. While I wouldn’t mind a few ideas on what some of the gods can represent besides the seasons, what are some animals and other things that can be associated with each season, outside of the obvious like the rabbits in picture related for Spring?
I think that’s a hypothetical reality in which the world was largely destroyed. Don’t quote me on that though.
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What’s your favorite god or goddess to use as inspiration? Mine is her.
I just use the Christian god. My players don’t really care, sadly.
Well, there's godwalking in RuneQuest and Amber diceless lets you destroy realities right after character creation.
My take on your setting? It's a bog standard d&d campaign with hidden monotheism (your favorite god ofc).

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As I have gotten older I have learned that failing rolls makes for more interesting stories that "muh nat 20s"
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>OP never played anything at all, just shitposting on a hobby board about hypothetical situations - more news at 11
Writing a book makes for more interesting stories than playing games.

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>redeeming a literal archdevil
Waifufaggotry truly has no sense or perspective these days.
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>This is a really ugly design,
Welcome to DND
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>make the chin bigger
I love how they couldn’t sexualize her at all. I truly grew up in the best time for gaming.
>How do you think the gods of good and evil think about it when one of there devils or angles switch sides?
Like >>92825770 pointed out, gods don't give a fuck unless it's one of their toadies.

Celestia is ruled by super angels who all used to be humans.
Hell is ruled by super devils who all used to be angels.
Demons just sorta spawn into existence.
Yeah, the gods wouldn't care, but the archdevils/angels actually running the planes would. Probably not enough to get involved personally unless the defector was high ranking, but they would definitely have underlings hunting them down.
Pretty much.

Has anyone here played Symbaroum? Is it any good?
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characters are extremely fucking barebones, and the game is extremely swingy due to being roll under with most of your stats averaging around 10
at least it has gameplay procedures
It sucks. The balance doesn't exist and it fails to keep a consistent tone.
It's just 5e with bunch of tweaks, so no, not really
what do you mean, "played"?

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>be me, DM
>player hands in 30-page backstory
>"Didn't ask," I say.
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It was gigachad.
Yeah, there's a reason for that.
Been in similar situations for wargaming.
If you can't summarize who /yourdudes/ are in a paragraph, you've failed to write good /yourdudes/. Their many storied deeds, triumphs and defeats should come from actual battles on the tabletop, not your autistic 30 page word doc you wrote before you even put paint to the models.
Spamming gay shit is spamming gay shit, especially when it's done to keep forcing a dead meme only spammed by faggots.
nah the meme's good

dark sun thread?
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What's the best non-D&D system for running Dark Sun?
>What's the best non-D&D system for running Dark Sun?
Barbarians of Lemuria
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I thought they got stuck and that's why theres a population of them now. Granted I believe that was 4th edition
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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92813454
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Too many builds with time magic
time is le gay
Both of us rolled it at random.
>North Slavic Ethnicity
What is North Slavic? There's East, West and South Slavic, no North.
Time magic is OP.
>Both of us rolled it at random.
Vampirefag is technically time too. It's annoying that nobody was able to get conventional magics.
>What is North Slavic?
Idk the Slavic that's next Scandinavia or something.
>get told his oc is shit

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Have you ever ran Elder Scrolls inspired settings? I plan to run a west marshes set in High Rock and Skyrim using D&D 5th edition.
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The political back and forth is interesting to think about. I was thinking routinely some dumbass noble takes to demon worship and has to be rooted out by the inquisition.

Basically I was thinking that the church is pretty much entirely female dominant (because of the white magic deal) with the major arms being the Paladins and Inquisition. While the realm of kings is traditionally male dominant, alongside their armies, and the knightly orders of monster hunters (they are more specialized and regionalized while the Inquisition is more general and far-reaching).
I think your post was one of the most worthless bump posts I’ve ever seen
>West Marches
>Elder Scrolls
Newfag detector goes ring-ding-ding-ding-ding.
Rule of the thumb: reading all those "X things your first game should include" online guides is one of the worst ways to join the hobby, creating both unrealistic expectations and also needless busywork that only breeds frustration.
Actually yes. The skill advancement system is very similar.
I'd suggest checking out Basic Roleplaying System as well.
The only big red flag is West Marches, which doesn't fit 5e at all. If you did an OSR game, West Marches is perfectly fine (and pretty much the default playstyle).

TES in 5e is the sign of a newfag/5e-only, but it's not going to be a disaster. Just nowhere near as good as other systems like UESRPG.

why are "dungeons" (not in the literal sense, but as "confined spaces where flow of the game changes from freeform/narrative form to structured form") in rpg sources so spacious and convenient to navigate? there is a complete disregard of visibility , crawling, squeezing, swimming, slipping, temperature , attrition, hunger, thirst, elevation, disorientation, etc. Everything is too comfortable. Do you like your dungeons consisting of a bunch of comfortable flat corridors with ideal space to stand and swing weapons?
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I'm pretty sure there was at least one, I just can't remember the name. It was in a pixel art style, it looked similar to Stoneshard or Graveyard Keeper.
if you really think about it, how are supposed to convey anything that isn't combat (in a videogame style, that is with zero (0) grappling) or social interactions? every single game reduces exploration to dice rolls without much in the way of player options. Activities like spelunking, sailing, hiking, etc; are not possible to convery to someone who hasn't experienced it irl, much less by someone who hasn't experienced it himself.
There's a fairly big difference between a "dungeon" that some wild-eyed mage carved into a mountainside or ancient tombs beneath an abandoned cathedral and actual natural caves. Sometimes the players should need to be doing some squeezing, getting cut up and having to endure a bit of hell until they get to the larger parts of a cave system. If every fucking cave was a wide gaping hole in the earth all the way through, all the evil shit would have swarmed up out of the darkness already.

I think the kind of cave most people are so used to seeing must have a source that had an explanation for it, that it wasn't really "natural" at all and instead a tunnel chewed through by something like a purple worm. Or magic, like the aforementioned mad mage.
>If every fucking cave
this is the issue, there is almost 0% representation of natural subterranean environments (and the challenges they pose) in the hobby, it's all spacious halls and corridors. Not asking for every underground place to be ultra realistic spelinking, just some of it, but there seems to be nothing that covers it in the whole industry.
I could see someone autistic enough having a world where these unnatural cave systems, whether made by some gargantuan creature or magic, are recorded and a garrison or even keep is kept nearby and possibly even right outside so as to keep shit from crawling up out of the dark. But that's trying to create a solution for the "problem", I think I'd just have a shallow cave and then some distance of needing to squeeze through until it opens up again.

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Magic cannot exist in a game, and be powerful and fun, unless martial prowess is significantly nerfed. Fact.
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Did your wife's boyfriend tell you to say that?
>complains about bait in fucking 4chan
how new are you?
I hate to break it to you but this is not an issue exclusive to D&D
No. Just make them distinct.

Usually thats in magic taking a while and having very finicky requirements. Like experimental tech.So they are glass cannon-y kind of things compared to the more robust and consistent martial abilities.

In fact Id say thats the absolute standard go too assumption in most classic fantasy shit like Conan or Lord of the rings or even actual historical myths like Arthur or greek shit.

The whole schtick is the firm reliability of steel and arms vs the flightiness of the supermundane.
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Well the thing with Lord of the Rings is that everyone with magic is essentially some kind of demi-god. Gandalf is a good example, a lot of what he does is little more than parlor tricks or very specific anti-evil magic that amounts to calling the sunlight. One of the big reasons he doesn't use his real power is because these demi-god beings going full throttle on each other is how the western part of Middle-Earth sank into the sea.

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Grog frog squad -Edition

>New stream reveals

>Balance Dataslate:

>Chaotic Detachments:

>How To Start A Tau

>Community Links:

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>Theres a SoB with a husband in a cain book.

GW put the kibosh on Owlcat having a Sororitas romance option in Rogue Trader so I would take the Cain bit with a grain of salt considering the unreliable narrator.
not him but there is usually ONE ironkin head per 10 man squad (also one ironkin body).
what votann needs are a special character ironkin and something like ironkin "kastelan-like" robots or similar.
the representation of ironkin on the tabletop is quite different from what was promised, like being equals in lore but only being servants in tabletop, like the drones, the axe carrier and the retinue of the smith.
almost everything in you said is a lie
But I'd love to see that Tolkien quote
It's called soul, you've prob never even read the story
Gee was there some big struggles in those 100 years from the group responsible for that innovation?

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Why is the new consoomer and nu-sculptor unable to understand that less is often more?
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Me neither, I have legitimately never seen whats so good about them. They are fine. But the old black guard simply look better no?
Atleast the old old ones had hoods
Yeah, those are pretty good minis, particularly when they're all ranked up
/tg/ is infested with a very specific type of person that weilds "old is good" as a blunt weapon in discussions in order to feel even a single drop of serotonin. OP has likely never worked with the pain in the ass that is finecast or even held a metal miniature, and if I had to put money on it has likely never even painted a miniature in their life. I have no love for GW, but it's clear the generally well received Skaven refresh has these spergs going out of their way to prove they are very big brained smart and based old fags, aka we are likely to get a hundred spammed variations of, "Old Skaven had SOVL that you plebs don't understand." in some form or another until that chemical well dries up and they move onto the next GW release or controversy to chase that high.
>nu-sculptor unable to understand that less is often more?

They understand. The issue is they're in a death race with 3D printing and they're leaning hard into more detail and super thin floaty bullshit, since 3D printing isn't quite there yet.

And since they're so detailed, might as well raise the prices again.
wtf is that disney-ass face

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Blasphemous dooting of a daemoniac flute Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
"The Fall of Delta Green" has been reprinted.

Current Book Club Topic:

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Thanks for this reminder. I saw you mention this show in an earlier thread and watched the first episode, and yeah, you can clearly drop it into a CoC one shot easy, but the show was sadly not archived well. I'm definitely going to check out more episodes, but it seems to fit more of a "monster of the week" kind of deal.
Of course, I've only seen one episode.
There is an explicitly Lovecraftian episode, if you want a more direct source of inspiration.
The third episode, "They Have Been, They Are, The Will Be" is about an alien which cannot be seen on the visual spectrum which sucks the bone marrow out of people. It never converses with humans in any meaningful way outside of killing them and is portrayed as reality bending as fuck. Also, there's a government conspiracy to cover it up that's very Delta Green.
I don't know jap. What am I looking at, cover page for a replay?
Recently on the jp side there's a trend of making movie poster-style "trailers" for livestreamed sessions. So it's just a promo image for a session. This one is kinda highly anticipated because all five characters are carry-overs from various popular cop scenarios.
i won't copypaste from other stuff
will check
a bit too much, and i already have a "fuckfuckfuck we woke him up" dude
same problem, i already have a similar one. But linking him/her to real historical event is really cool.

here's what i've so far :
>one "midas touch" type but with lava instead of gold, pretty uncontrolable, will spread at a fast rate and turn everything in a 100mile radius into a pool of magma
>one kid that suppress any limit to training by his mere existence. Can potentially turn anyone into One Punch Man.
>one testuo-like entity but with machines/non-living thing instead of flesh. Will become an unstoppable living city of destruction upon release
>one smoke-logia type, perfectly immortal, no one knows why she's locked here but the main quest is to free her

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