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So my friends and I are planning to do a game set in the DBZ world. Specifically, in the early Buu saga. They are looking at playing as Gohan, Videl, and Android's 17 & 18. We've brainstormed a lot of cool ideas, and I'm trying to figure what system delivers on the most of these.
*DBZ intense/quick/exciting battles.
*Lots of character drama and interactions, struggling to fit in.
*Superhero style battles against weird villains that would fit more in a comic book than an anime.
*Adventure/exploration of the complex DBZ world, including looking for the Dragon Balls.
There are a lot of systems that can handle a lot of these things. We are open to any level of crunch I think, at least for consideration. Played a handful of different systems before. Any suggestions you think would be a good fit?
OK, let me give you a pitch for a system I'd use for this. I'd start with the Smallville system, which was explicitly designed to handle TV drama with significant power level gaps in the player party - literally baseline humans plus young clark kent, I forget if zod was a PC or NPC at that point.
The specific mechanical starting point for this is that not all actions taken in fiction use a character's full potential. You need to care enough to cut loose. The classic example is "Sure, an exceptional hacker could steal anyone's identity, root through their thousands of emails, learn everything about them, and run a months-long campaign destroying their life... but WHY would the hacker do that if they didn't have a reason?"
>Yes, "for the lulz" is a reason, but you don't have the time to do that to EVERYONE for the lulz.
But consider this - "Do I care enough to do this?" or to put it another way "Is this enough emotional resonance to help me surpass my limits?"
That's very Dragon Ball.
Each character's core "stats" are six "values". The smallville game's six are Duty Glory Justice Love Power Truth, but you can and should change them up. It's a dice pool system, roll the one most applicable die from each category on your character sheet and add the two highest numbers (plus a bunch of dice-stunt stuff), with numbers from d4 through d12.
>6 values and a statement explaining your position on it, such as Goku having "Power 1d4: Power comes in response to need, not desire" and Duty 1d10: "I'm no hero of justice, but anyone who hurts my friends is gonna pay!"
>A Relationship with each other PC and major NPC, with a die value and a statement describing it. "Gohan, you are the future 1d10"
>Resources you can tap for temporary bonuses, like locations and minor NPCs. "Hyperbolic Time Chamber 2d8", "Saibamen 2d4"
>Temporary conditions such as "the room is on fire 1d6" or "Everybody's Energy 1d12"
>The most broad category, which the game calls Assets. These are everything permanent about your character that matters enough to have a die value. These have both a die rating and a number of triggers and effects. Goku might have Big Hearted 1d8; at 1d4 it gives "Earn [meta-currency] when you choose to buy someone's story" and at 1d8 it gives "Earn [meta-currency] and give the GM 1d6 for the opposition dice pool when you risk yourself to help someone in need". If bought up to 1d12, big-hearted gives "Give your opposition 1d6 to roll against you, but increase the stress you inflict on them if you succeed, when they try to talk you out of helping someone". Goku would also naturally have Saiyan Heritage, which isn't often going to be something you can add to a dice pool, but that gives you a bunch of other more specific dice, the same way "kryptonian heritage" gives superman access to cheaper superpowers.
Instead of raw HP, the game tracks multiple "stresses", which include injury, exhaustion, anger, fear, etc. These are also rated at "not present" to "1d12". If a stress increases even further beyond 1d12, the character is unable to take any mechanical actions on the scene - this could be because they're unconscious or dying, this could be because they're so fucking angry that they're just blasting their own home to pieces, this could be being paralysed with fear. Instead of having more HP, "toughness" and similar things would just help you resist or reduce stress of a specific type.
The combination of "You need to be motivated to take action at your highest potential" and "any form of physical or emotional debuff can become a character-disabling effect" allows you to have the kind of scenes where the villain talks the hero into submission, or the hero is only able to draw on reserves of strength to win once his friends are in danger, which drive the sort of scenes you're looking for.

Sadly, cortex is a publication mess thanks to rights transfer.
Going out for a bit, but if you wanna interrogate me as to more specific ways I'd tailor the system for DB, or which books to look at for using cortex for this, let me know.
>Buu Saga era
Interesting choice given the gap between the end of Buu Saga and End of Z. Did you just like Great Saiyaman a lot?

Have you ever played with some figures or toys that aren't minis?
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Not as cute though
Those Spongebob sets are worth a bit of money now because they didn't make many.
>t. has never gone to a garage sale
Only retards buy lego firsthand and it's only expensive if you're an autist who """needs""" to have the perfect obscure specialty part that came in 1 set from 30 years ago.
I had a female roommate once and she left her vibrator out so I put a condom over it and put in in my butt. It felt amazing but the condom came off at some point and when I put it back in it got shit stained and no matter how hard I washed and scrubbed it it wouldn’t fully lose that shit tiny so I just put it back and didn’t say anything for the rest of our lease.
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Because yeah, use the free rules first, then see if you want to spend $40 USD on Mike's shitty hardcovered edition.

>Those Spongebob sets are worth a bit of money now because they didn't make many.
Also an important part of Brikwars history:

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'The Return of the King' Edition
Previous Thread: >>92820460
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Is it even a river? It looks big enough to be more like a gulf.
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It just shows these similar colors, no labels or nuthin'.

The map looks different because i had to re-make it, i ended up accidentally hitting 'regen states' instead of 'config states'
It's a small strip of sea, there could be harbors everywhere and a lot of maritime traffic connecting both sides
>Didn't include my writefag

Answered Prayers:
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cute doggy

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A good friend of mine is about to start running a game - this is what we've been provided about his setting (truncated due to character limit).

>The world is one where various realms have fused together following a catastrophic event where all planes collided into one massive modern city and the lands around it, merging realms that embody elements like Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The resulting world is diverse, featuring locales from dinosaur-ridden jungles to high-tech cities with weather-altering powers.
>The central hub is a sprawling, class-based city surrounded by mountains. The city features advanced technology and magic, especially in its central areas, while the outer regions resemble medieval Europe in tech level. This city is culturally diverse, with various beings integrating into its society over thousands of years. Magic is common in the outer regions but less so in the inner areas.
>The surrounding realms are equally diverse, including wetlands with rocky giants, radioactive swamps with plant-like beings, mountains with prophetic moth-creatures, ethereal realms with ghosts, volcanic lands with fiery beings, and black-and-white grasslands with 2D shadow creatures.
>Playable species include non-magical and magical humans, magically enhanced beings, rocky nomads, plant-like dwellers, moth-like prophets, ghostly entities, fiery beings, 2D shadow creatures, sentient candy beings, and apple-like forest creatures.

I'm more the sort of person who prefers a core central theme to base a character around (I am uncreative). When "anything is possible and you can be whatever you want", how do I come up with something that would mesh with the theme? The GM says he'll come up with the adventure once we've made our characters, so I can't make a character who might suit a particular type of adventure thematically either.

Also, what does /tg/ think of "anything can happen and you can be anything you can think of"-style settings?
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Still don't know what the actual objection to these kinds of settings are. I always run kitchen sink settings and they work wonders. Players can be anything they want - if you can't work with that then the game isn't for you?
>ask why people dislike a thing
>people answer
>others tell them this opinion is incorrect
>continue asking why people dislike a thing
This was the only answer given, and it's not really valid imo (>>92835179)
Why isn't flexibility a selling point? And it's not a blank page, it's the opposite - literally everything is on the page (and don't give me "if everything is on the page then it may as well be blank" stuff)
Rum is good, cola is good, milk is good, chocolate is good.
Drink of rum and cola is good.
Drink of milk and chocolate is good.

Drink of rum, cola, milk, and chocolate is not good.

Ugg now has explained to Oog why kitchen sink is not fun for all cavemen. Ugg think if need simplify further, then Oog must have mental health issue that make feeblemind. Ugg not know how to explain to Oog what a preference is, if Oog not already understand not need reason to not like thing. Oog not young cavebaby who still suckle milk from Agg's tit. Oog understand all preference valid, only feeblemind plainsmen not understand this, they feeblemind and drink cola mix with milk from Agg's tit.
>dismissing both points out of hand
Whatever explanation I give you will be dismissed because you yourself don't agree. Unfortunately, this makes you a fucking retard.

Ugg here >>92842642 basically has it right anyway, not all great tastes taste great together.

>ITT you post IC as a monster hunter from WoD. Every user has an unique number appending their username. Need more info? refer to /wodg/

Reminder that conact and discussion with God_45 is strictly prohibited.
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Do you have any hunter friends you could bunker with for a while? It may help to have another imbued with you, I know some of us get these healing powers, maybe they could soothe your dreams for you? and if this ominous figure does show up in reality well, it'd be nice to have a friend with a shotgun on standby. Otherwise socializing and taking a break away from the hunt may help if this is simply your mind being overworked from stress and the hunt
I'm sick and tired of these goddamn wraiths. they have these most balls to the wall "well you know the thing keeping me here is the fact that when we were kids my sister called me a poopoo head so now I possess little girls that look like her".
I tried staking one of them and he didn't fucking die!
He just stood there, unmoving, we had to cut his head off. We made more of a mess than needed and now I'm tyring to get the blood off my clothes. It sticks like hell.
Get your facts straight next time.
Atleast staking them does SOMETHING. One of the people I worked with tried to load up on chocolate and grapes because "chocolate kills dogs and like, werewolves are just giant dogs right??"

Before you pricks say anything, yes I know anyone can wear a black suit, that's not what I mean. I've been staking out this vamp den for months now, real creepy place. It's some dude's plastic surgery clinic, and the mosquitoes must have some kinda ridiculous dirt on him cause the dude is a fucking mess. Surgeons are supposed to be rich right, so why is he living in a house that looks like a fucking crack den?? Anyway that's not the point.

Every week or so, a couple dudes in black suits step out of an unmarked van and walk into the place. It's never the same guys, but they all look like the most stereotypical government spooks you can imagine. Sunglasses, clean suits, the same haircut, and one of them always has an earpiece. Whatever they're doing in there, I can't figure it out.

So that's weird enough right? It gets worse. Last week I was trying to set up an ambush to kidnap one of the bloodsuckers for a good old fashioned interrogation. Right as I start prepping the trap though, one of those black suit fucks randomly shows up and asks me what I'm doing. Obviously I spill the usual oblivious pedestrian lines and the dude seems to buy them, but why in any fucking world was he there right then?? It wasn't nearby that doctor's office, and I've ONLY seen the suits there. I've never met a spook like that before in my life, and it happens right when I'm ready to snatch a vamp? Have the bastards been watching me the whole time? Do they know everything I've been doing for months? I can't even sleep at night thinking I'm gonna wake up with a pair of fangs in my throat now!

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Okay, but what are you actually supposed to do in this setting?

Like, it's cool and all, and kinda useful as a framing device to introduce various GURPS mini-settings (even if you have to contrive things like Yrth's quantum sargasso and kick THS out) but I just don't see how you turn it into a campaign.
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>Continues to confirm he didn't read the book
If only it contained something more than 2 pages to describe ISWAT and half page to describe Reich-5... I mean it's not like it's 243 pages long and five different expansions came to it or something.
The fuck are you even trying to achieve here, you moron? This is so blatantly clear you are utterly clueless, you can't even make a semi-coherent bait out of your wild claim, and yet you keep posting things that aren't simply wrong, but are addressed in the book you are bitching about. Really, what's the end game here? What? "Infinite Worlds le bad"? Like no shit, Sherlock! The entire point of making IW was so that they don't have to make setting books, akin to 3e, and just call it a day by releasing expansions and edition updates for their pre-existing settings, while IW being a catch-all bag for whatever left. Which only further paints you out as a clueless idiot, since this is basic knowledge since what? 2008? 2009? Were you even a thing back then, or still just sperm?
>The book is useful if you ignore its content
Yeah, sure mate. Next thing you will say Banestorm and its Ministry of Serendipity makes sense.
>Things nobody even implied, not to mention said
... so you've been arguing with voices in your head this whole time, then?
>can play it as interdimensional Cold War spooks (for any side)
>can play it as time cops or pseudo-inquisitors rooting out subversive influences
>can play it as time-traveling/dimension-hopping treasure hunters
>can play it as historical mystery solving squad
>can play it as patriots for Earth nations like Britain or Germany or Russia ensuring your country is supreme in all timelines
>can play it as League of Extraordinary Gentlemen multiverse edition
>can play it as regular-ass isekai
>can play it as the natives getting invaded/colonized by outworlders
>can basically run any sort of game you would run in a space setting except with modern/pre-modern tech levels

OP is a gigantic fucking faggot
The biggest problem I have with Steve Jackson Games's settings is that there's no blatantly obvious "Team Good Guys" to join; it's moral ambiguity all the way down. Which works just fine if you like political intrigue in your game, but if you'd rather just protect and serve the people of "Good Guy Land" in heroic fashion, you're out of luck. Why would I want to play in GURPS Banestorm, where every nation is compromising to heroic ideals? Why would I want to pick any of the 3 major factions in GURPS Infinite Worlds, and morally compromise my adventuring the same way I would have to in real life? I wouldn't go so far as to say the settings are unusable, but they're certainly lacking options for more idealistic players to grap onto; and that's a damn shame.

How do you handle magic systems in your settings, /tg/?
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I'm playing with the idea that all magic and related things are remains of dead gods and that casters are simply channeling an aspect of a greater power they don't fully understand
I handle them by posting threads asking how other people handle them, not offering anything relevant to the topic I needed a thread about, not responding to anyone who puts in the effort to answer, and then by giving petulant responses to people who call out this behavior.
In mine you make wishes to gods, and if you’re lucky one grants you a spell to fulfill that wish.
>Namefag cast "Dispel Bots"
Intresting strategy, let's see how it works...
It means kill yourself, bumpfaggot.

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Remember when talking about 40k lore on this board before 2016 didnt result in threads devolving?
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40k sucks woodchuck assholes. The game and the people who make it are a gonorrhea rash.
...so you made another thread in hopes of that happening again in real time? why bother
Ravenguard are cool!
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Female custodes lmao
Remember when WH40k was still an active setting, before it was replaced with nu41k?
How can you speak of 2016 when you clearly joined far later?

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In a world where the Gods are real and bloodthirsty (think like, Aztecs or Bronze Age-era sacrifices to Moloch), is there actually anything you can say to...I dunno, 'talk people down' from sacrificing dudes?
It just seems that any "Hey, put down the obsidian daggers" argument is going to get deflated by:
>"God wants us to do this, he literally told us in no uncertain detail, and he gives us superpowers for doing it. Anyway, the other guy's God also wants basically the same thing."
If the god wanting the sacrifice is objectively, verifiably real, what reason would I have to even try to talk someone out of it assuming things work like with the Aztec religion and the sacrifice is necessarily to keep the world going? And if the sacrifice is just going to give the sacrificer superpowers that I don't want him to have, talking is not going to work, it's violence time.
Yeah you know what
I think you're right actually. It would be weird for the PCs to argue from a humanist perspective, especially if they grew up in that world.
Maybe if your god would give them equal or greater super powers without killing people and promised to protect them from the wrath of the god they'd be cheating of blood and you showed them some proof right at that exact moment.

Otherwise, I'm with >>92842648 in that nothing you can say is going to stop someone from getting an obsidian dagger shoved inside.
I've actually had personal experience with this one. My storm-god worshipping cleric managed to convince several cultists to switch sides by explaining how my god would protect them and, even if they should fall, they'd at least get a spot in knockoff Valhalla instead of their souls taken by fiends. This was after the Sorceror had tried to get them to switch on purely ideological grounds; as the DM put it, right and wrong is all well and good but the promise of an eternal afterlife of suffering tends to be more immediately motivating.

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Terrain, scenery, how tos and what ifs and beautiful tables in general.
Also: What about yours?
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Sloped simply looks better
If they are built into the gaming board like those old Lotr boards it definitely does. Problem is you can only really use scatter terrain on that like singular trees. I suppose if you want bigger height differences for hills that obscure LOS you'd probably want a stepped hill, so they don't get too big while still being playable.
>Is there any practical reason GW added the slope leading up to their wargaming hill
Warhammer Fantasy Battles used ranked square bases, they're easier to set up on a sloped hill and look kind of fucky on a stepped hill.
This is a really cool idea.

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When slaying Tieflings on a beach, your party finds an unknown monument. It turns out your setting is the future of our world. All the races and monsters are mutants, genetically engineered creations, and even antediluvian horrors from an earlier, even darker time period. What do?
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Round up some slaves, look for the place which is not a place of honor and get them to start digging.
The only actual answer ITT.
So power generation or weapons?
Dibs on that guy's hat.
Without being a person from the destroyed civilization that would recognize such ruins, they are effectively meaningless to me or my character or whatever.

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>new player joins the game
>new character materializes out of thin air in the middle of the wilderness
really breaks my immersion
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Which does not explain why the ranger would suddenly want to leave the habitat to tag along with the party.
Agreed. Need to find where his newest stuff is being posted outside of his Patreon.
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Bless you, anon.
Thats why you should play in caravans/mercenary companies if you got a shifty table. THen you can say that this guy was working under the ship deck/in the carrage, until now.

If you got a shifty party, you should be playing in situations that accomidate drop ins and drop outs.

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Look How They Massacred Our Boys Edition

Previous Thread: >>92612865
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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Been pretty quiet, lately. Disco does this place zero favors, especially the recent revelation that Efrosian females lack the species trademark mustache. Very bad form.

But seriously, this post got me >>92842503 because I've been re-watching Stargate recently. It's still amazing that they had more seasons than any Trek, and a fair number of spinoffs (with diminishing returns each time). Still, I'd take the writing in Stargate Universe over modern live action Trek, with a guarded exception for SNW (not a fan of their work on the Gorn. Still amazing how low that franchise has fallen. Far lower than Trek. Fucking Origins, man. What a waste. Maybe for the best they're talking about rebooting it (again - and I mean that in every way) and I hate Hollywood's obsession with reboots.

Not much of an insight from me, if any, but like I said the thread's been pretty quiet.
Personally Stargate's lore got to be a muddled mess, as far as I could tell anyway. By the end there were three galaxies with Ancients and each was teeming with relatively primitive human societies. As I recall the Ancients first rose in the Ori's galaxy, the Ori being created by a splinter among the people with the science minded folk fleeing to the Milky Way. They also at some point left for Pegasus, whoopsied the Wraith into existence, got their asses kicked, and fled back to the Milky Way. Then got pandemiced. Apparently they were fine making zero point energy cells, intergalactic engines, murder nanites, wormholes, and databases of knowledge so expansive not even the Asgard managed to decode more than a fraction of it. Still couldn't figure out hand washing, six foot distance, and masks. In the Discovery comics it would turn out that Tretonin was able to cure the disease, so they really sucked at medicine. And humanity are either their devolved descendants, actually primitives who remained primitive until the modern day, or seeded by the temple at Dakara in the Milky Way...but also the Goa'uld spread humanity from Earth.

And fuck if I know what Discovery was even doing. Just farting around the universe spreading more Stargate networks.

So why bring all this up in a Star Trek thread? I guess STD fucking with the Progenitors has me worried. I doubt I'll ever watch the season, but I'm dubious about them exploring Star Trek's own race that seeded humanoid (or at least humanish) life across the galaxy. Heaven help us if it turns out they actually didn't do that, yet, because it was done in the future, sent into the past, by Michael who used herself as the template.
It's dangerous to boil out a pattern like this in a serialized work; when writing for a franchise, it's vital to understand that a cheap drama plot will show up more than once. If you make a mountain out of this molehill, then you'll slowly turn any long-running franchise into a pretzel.
Not sure if you realize what I'm talking about, but "AI rights" was always going to show up as an episode theme in Star Trek more than once. The only major figure to write around in most of these stories will be Starfleet. Don't get that twisted with Starfleet or the Federation requiring such horse shit in order to function, or you'll write yourself and everybody into a dystopic hellscape.
Remember how each of those stories ended: this kind of garbage is inhumane and unnecessary.

Sorry for the weird rant but I ran out of good ways to say it real quick.
Sad that we didn’t get more with the Fenrir, they were based little bastards.
>I hate Hollywood's obsession with reboots.
The risk adversion has reached ridiculous levels, thank you investment funds; but don´t forget that Hollywod made 3 remakes of Hotel imperial (a 1918 play) by 1943.

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Do you like realistically-sized weapons, or giant ones?
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What system faggot?
It depends. For swords I tend to prefer them to be more realistically sized, but for things like axes, hammers, maces I prefer them to be more towards but not actually giant sized.

For anime or an over the top fantasy setting like Masters of the Universe it's a bit more case by case - I'm more open to a giant weapon but there's still taste to account for.
For me, it's small girls with big weapons. It's the GM's job to figure out how that makes sense in the setting.
realistic weapons for normals.
big weapons for anyone with fantasy strength.
a massive fuck-off hammer should be a clear visual signal of "oh this guy has strength FAR past normal humans."
The bigger the better.

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If following and enforcing the natural order is Lawful Good, and corrupting the natural order is Evil, then what is creating a completely artificial order? Lawful Neutral?
Depends on the culture. The egyptians saw order as being characteristic of war, famine, plagues, droughts, and the desert, and saw the gods as instilling order through mankind. By obeying the will of the gods, and thus the pharaohs, they were curtailing the order of chaos and it's associated ills. So to them artificial order would still be a good in opposition to chaos.

To the Chinese, they don't view order as an absolute, but as one half of the equation. They strive for balance, embodied by the concept of dharma, or essentially the will of the universe. Which is basically the universe knows what it's doing and your dumbass doesn't really know better than the universe. So it's like arguing with a mountain. You aren't gonna accomplish much besides give yourself a headache. So an artificial order would be very much a bad thing.
Okay but this question was obviously in reference to D&D so what does it say?
>hurr durr alignments
Go shove a cactus up your asshole, you dumb faggot.

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