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How do you handle magic systems in your settings, /tg/?
I just make it so that wands and staves randomly appear, and if they bond to a person they can cast a single spell for each one.
How do you handle nails in your setting? Are they bronze or stainless steel or mithril?
>Anything else than keratin
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You go first, be specific and detailed.
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I dunno, what about you???
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I like my magic systems elemental, but with a twist like bending in Avatar being driven by martial arts instead of verbal spells. If you do anything similar, please say so.
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You are the DM, you tell me.
I'm sorry, I didn't understand the prompt, can you please try using alternative language?
I've found 3.5 works way better when you limit magic to artificers, binders, warlocks, incarnum and psionics.
And what does that mean, do you want it in Spanish or something?
I'm playing with the idea that all magic and related things are remains of dead gods and that casters are simply channeling an aspect of a greater power they don't fully understand
I handle them by posting threads asking how other people handle them, not offering anything relevant to the topic I needed a thread about, not responding to anyone who puts in the effort to answer, and then by giving petulant responses to people who call out this behavior.
In mine you make wishes to gods, and if you’re lucky one grants you a spell to fulfill that wish.
>Namefag cast "Dispel Bots"
Intresting strategy, let's see how it works...
It means kill yourself, bumpfaggot.
Magic is fueled by innocence, so most magic users have professions that deal with kids to harness the passive power they have.
I think the more important question is how do you handle magic settings in your systems?

> Mini-Six Simpler Magic System
> Player describes spell they are attempting to cast.
> GM provides a difficulty Target Number to hit using the table and optional rules below as a guide.
> Player rolls. Resolve.
> Very Easy & Easy: 2-10
> Short Range (touch)
> Short Duration (one round)
> Single Target (one creature/object)
> Cantrips/Orisons, See Auras, Speak Languages, Burning Touch
> Moderate & Difficult: 11-20
> Medium Range (bowshot)
> Medium Duration (several rounds)
> Medium Area (several people)
> Charm People, Mystic Armor, Heal Wounds, Fire Ball, Polymorph
> Very Difficult: 21-30
> Long Range (sight)
> Long Duration (entire scene/encounter)
> Large Area (crowd)
> Resurrection, Group Teleport, Earthquake, Anti-magic Zone
> Heroic: 31+
> Any Range, Duration, Area & Effect
> Wish, Miracle
The system has to be mysterious, actually arcane, magical, etc. It’s a “system” not a system. Soft, or “hard”, not hard.

If your magic is too hard and understood to the point of fact, then it’s no longer magic. Magic is at the edges of know-how and understanding.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is sadly misinformed.
All wizards should be enigmas to others, even other wizards
> Optional Rules
> Damage is equal to Wits (as rolled when attempting TN).
> Healing TN is 15 for Wounded, 20 for Incapacitated and 25 for Mortal; healing may only improve the Wound category by one.
> Increase the difficulty if the spell being cast meets more than one criteria of a spell of that level.
> Require 2d in Wits to cast easy spells, 3d for Moderate, 4d for Very Difficult and 5d in Wits to attempt Heroic spells.
> Require verbal, somatic and material components and magical focuses (holy symbols, magic wands, etc.). Removing them can increase the difficulty of casting spells or even deny the ability to cast spells entirely.
> Require Contagious (part affects whole) or Sympathetic (like affects like) magic.
> Use Ritualistic magic that requires a longer casting time (say several minutes or hours).
> - Allow the caster to cast several spells (say 1 spell per pip in Wits) ahead of time that can be "memorized" and then "released" at the time of casting (as 1 action).
> Allow sentients an opposed roll (or Wits dice x3 +pips static defense) to resist spells.
> Wearing armor increases casting TN by an amount equal to the Armor points.
> This type of magic system is designed to provide more of a "World of Warcraft" style of spell-casting. As such, spells tend to only last a few rounds to several minutes; there are no "permanent" magical effects (like turning someone into stone forever). Obviously, if your RPG group would prefer a more traditional (read: D&D) type of magic, simply modify the durations, ranges, and number of targets upward at each TN.
> Everything else works as stated in the Mini Six pdf (effects of failure, using a magic Attribute/Skill, etc.).
Yes. The modern day wizard is literally just the mad scientist doing cutting edge science(“sorcery”) that offends society or bewilders the mind.
How do new wizards learn the trade then?
Desperate begging.
Shouldn’t magic have some basic rules/framework that works the same for all wizards? Or does each one have essentially a different magic system entirely?
Pretty sloppy if I'm being at all honest.
Is that a dude or a lady. The hair is long and feminine but there's a bizarre lack of breasts and yet some even stranger still crotch area...business
I make different types, and render them enigmatic. None of that spending time preparing a spell, no, players need to spend time to initially research magic. Once they have them down, that's when limitations enter.
Magic splits into four: Mundane, Arcane, Divine, and Profane.
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I would like to make use of World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness system for a fantasy setting.

I just really like the simplicity of the system of dots and having come up playing Vampire I also like how the powers were handled so would do the same with "magic".
>new wizards
NEW wizards. Heh. There's an interesting though.
What do you mean? It sounds like you’re going the Tolkien route where the wizards are immortal beings that have been around forever.
I'm thinking of making a system where all magic users need to make pacts with magical beings to learn more than the most basic cantrips in a reasonable timeframe, though most only want one and done favors for their gifts rather than a term of service like a D&D Warlock. The ones that 'do' tend to be the darker sort.
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I think I can get the basic idea for the other three types, but what's the deal with "Mundane" magic, is that shit like David Copperfield or something?
Most buildings in my setting don't use nails, as mortise/tenon joinery is sufficient for a one or two story building. Nails would typically be made out of wrought iron. Bronze and stainless steel are too valuable to be used for fastening.
>Shouldn’t magic have some basic rules/framework that works the same for all wizards
Only if they’re a part of the same super exclusive, super secretive cabal
This sounds good... going to check it out
Mages use crystal orbs to store and focus the energy for their spells.
At the very least they're not something that you just sign up into
How much of a newfag are you?
You know we're still talking about games, not your failed ambitions as an author?
It's not a system. It's just stuff in their world that people don't yet understand well enough to catalogue, classified as "magic", or some inspiring notion or collective spirit that causes men to inherit the spirits of forebears and accomplish astounding feats.
It's not delusion if it works.
>You know we're still talking about games
Did you know you can separate the in-setting from the out-of-setting? Stop being a meta-gaming faggot.
You know, the buzz words you're using used to have a meaning.
I don’t do this
Dying Earth trilogy is required reading for anyone who sits at my table
Okay, I’ll bite, why do you require it?
What DO you do then?
Not that
In games, it's the combination of will and mana (or whatever mystical energy) to cause effects in the world. The "bigger" the effect desired, the more skilled in using ones will and the more mana is needed to accomplish that effect.
Pretty straight forward and easy to translate into game mechanics or port to different systems.

In my short stories/writings though shit gets pretty complicated at times and tends to reference several real world occult systems and mystic practices. Usually there are dozens of different magic systems that people use that don't really gel together well and usually things are very subjective and few if any within the work have a full picture of how exactly anything magic related works, but are confident that whatever version of magic they use does indeed work, and usually believe that their way of doing it is the best most correct way of doing it.
I keep it complicated and vague intentionally since magic is usually a mysterious force that usually causes issues and complications but is rarely used to solve or resolve major plot points outside of pretty straightforward quest or fight type situations.
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How does that work mechanically?
It "just works". The mechanics aren't revealed, but there's a bit of everything, from simple pharmacy and hydropower to levitation and snatching the shadows of witches away.
It's all "magic" in that world.
Mundane is simple magic. Voiceless incantation, wandslinging and such.
Arcane is complex magic. Rituals, usage of runes, and such.
>We finally found the wizard, but he expected us equipped with frontal and dorsal baby carriers, cradling an hepta-stroller with his right hand, dangling keys on his left hand and surrounded by a magic circle of high chairs. It was a massacre.
Why does it “just works”, and how can we think of some examples of thinking of some examples of that?
I presume that "Divine" and "Profane" magic is basically the same as D&D clerics and warlocks, respectively?

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