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Are you excited for the revival and engoodening of 4E?
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Buy a fucking add you spamming faggot.


It's even shittier if you know what it means. Fucking narcissist fag should at least have made himself a fantasy alter ego instead of just his real name + dungeon master.
Turns out when you plan to put everything into a VTT anyway designing a video game for people to actually play and doing your job as a "game designer" isn't very important.

At this point, they should just relabel the physical books as extra sturdy coasters, they'd actually have a purpose.
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The words you're looking for are "exceedingly convoluted" or "clunky". Add also "reinventing the wheel" to the bunch because:
>every single ability and attack in the game having a chart. You roll 2d6, look in the chart, it says the effect of your ability
It's literally Rolemaster, a game made 44 years ago (that also had the "to hit" and "damage" unified under one roll), so MCDM is not even breaking into new territories, which makes Fat Colville and followers full of shit on top of everything.
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Also, just to add to this shit, without missing and without rolling for damage, most of your attack will look like this
>Precise Attack
>Tags: Weapon, Time: 1 action, Target:One enemy within reach
>You deal a crushing strike to an enemy you can see, putting all your strength into it
>2-6: 3+STR damage
>7-9: 5+STR damage
>10-12: 7+STR damage and you push the target 2 squares.

You will only ever do one of 3 things with an ability. There's no "lower hit" or "great hit" or "miss". You either do 3, 5, or 7 damage and never anything else. If you score a 12 you just get to take another action and do the same thing.

I guess the point is if you want variety you get to use another one of your "awesome abilities", like "cleave" or "come on then", because one of the things Matt WON'T change from 4e is having the most uninspired ability names in existence. Can't wait for "Pushing strike" "Mighty Strike", "Whirlwind Strike" and "Piercing Strike" to all be options at the same level.

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modeling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep your prints about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed newfags
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like

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Thanks. Damn, I didn't even consider that they might not even arrive cured. Would uncured models even survive shipping? Aren't those supposed to be all soft and stuff?
They are a bit more bendy in general. Not a big deal.
Some sellers just rush i guess.

I bought from Etsy twice: Stuff was cured, but in both cases (different sellers) there was little supports in hard to reach areas still on the model.
So to me, this is the state i would expect from ordering a print again.
Aw shit. I might be in that one group.
Most of the other non krieg stuff should have been safe right?
Do you guys know any less known places for cc0 (public domain) sources for stl's? Ive went through the usual places, like cults.
yeggi knows

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So there's a game I cooked up and have play tested. It's got moderate to high success to my play-testers, people seem to like it. I want to discuss it and see if there's anything like it out there and if I'm really just reinventing the wheel. I also want to hear your opinions and maybe get some "inspiration" out of this thread and the like.
So here's the pitch to explain the game, in large:
>Post-apocalyptic setting, swarming with zombies ranging from small skitters to gigantic monstrosities
>The party is survivors, stranded from their group. Either shooters with guns, brawlers with melee weapons, or survivalists geared with out-of-combat talents
>Their objective is to get to paradise city
>Most likely, they will die long before then. Death is common and gruesome
>However death is not the "end" of the game
>Each death helps the next character in-line over
>Basically, each run you complete is a level. When you die, you "level up" for the next run. Giving you a better chance of success
>Also, certain hard-to-get items are marked, and after you get them once they will be in your starting camp forever, improving your odds
>Canonically, each character you make inherits your last's "soul" and memories, so meta-gaming, or acting on knowledge your character shouldn't know is encouraged. You're free to find hard to find loot again, or start encounters knowing where the zombies will be

I can talk about it more, or the systems themselves (the game is dead simple), but that's it in large.
Oh, and some items and achievements unlock more character options at the start.

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Interesting idea. I'm not really a fan of death itself powering you up. I have the same problem with vidya roguelikes: they're generally designed such that you have to die a bunch before you're strong enough to win. Dying often is fine, but I wouldn't want to tie progression to death so directly. The other stuff about items and knowledge being inherited by successor characters sounds fine.
As I've said, my players are people who are very new to table top games, and there's no PDF to give them. so I've made the rules to be as dead-simple as I could manage while still keeping the resource management aspect strategic.

The game uses a d20 for conflict resolution, it's 'popular'.

One stat, Health. It's a d6, rerolling ones.
They have "skills" and starting items from their class. Shooters start with a gun, brawlers hit harder, and survivalists start with two specialties (if picking them is too hard, they instead get a flat bonus of +2 to all non-combat rolls)
What extra you get is based on the class you play (you can change every run). Shooters start with bullets as well, brawlers with armor (a d4 extra HP and AC), survivalists get more resources (their choice) and a survival tool a-la rope or a survival shovel.
There is no initiative, the surprised party attacks after the attacking party, turns are round-robin.
You roll to-hit, then roll damage. To-hit is 13 against most things, players too, no to-hit bonus.
Unarmed is d2 (d4 with a weapon), brawlers do a 1d4 (d5 with a weapon, we play online I know it's weird). A pistol is a d6, shotguns and the like are d8.
Zombies generally have about 5 hp, skitters do d2 damage and biters do d4. It's not unlikely one attack can kill you. You can also get infected and turn in 2-4 days if you don't patch the wound
There's 4 main resources, Rations (eat one a day), Bandages (patch yourself up to not get infected), Pain killers (gain 2 HP now) and bullets. If you play enough you can find shells and scrap too.

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>What extra you get
I meant what additional resources you get as you advance in "level". That's the bonus after one run, after that you get more specialties and then you get prestige classes, which have additional mechanics. Like crackshot or gearhead for shooter. But again, people who get there can usually handle tracking an additional mechanics.
Also, the whole party eats one ration, it's not one per player, that'd encourage killing people worse at the game than you.

And an additional mechanic I'm toying with is that dead players watching over the party can give them small bonuses, like a +5 to one roll per day. So they don't feel like they're not playing. They can also play the zombies, if they wish to go against the party instead.

All the pips and tarrot cards confused me then, lol. I'll look into it.

Surprisingly enough, the furthest run so far was by two guys who were on their first run. I still think you'd need to play a while to get to a point where you can win, but I'm making side objectives and multiple paths.

Oh, and for "unlockable things" it's stuff like better guns to start with for shooters, or starting with melee weapons as brawler. Or items in camp. One of the crazier unlocks is something a player got yesterday.

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Sounds like an interesting game to play, It'd get boring fast but it could work as a "fill-in" game, like if someone is 2 hours late you could play something like this and chip away at it.
Reminds me of old DnD, when most systems weren't player facing and they just had to either live in darkness or "figure it out". But I guess in this case the systems are simple enough and figuring them out is part of mastering the game so it works?

Idk, I can say it's an interesting idea, the combination is at least fitting, and it seems fun on the surface.

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Naughty Nuncubus Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

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You're 1/3 right, it's an (over) fed human!
Ok, than it is just my mind playing tricks on me. I could swear i saw a face.
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Without leadership zombies will simply roam the land after rising from their former resting place, occasionally trying to perform actions related to whatever occupations or responsibilities they can vaguely remember having in life. Sorcerers and liches often simply coral them into performing the tasks they want, but under an intelligent undead they can gradually regain their wits
Chubby hp is cute!
So more magic means more will?

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Would you rather time, TTRPG edition.
Post your own /tg/ themed would you rather questions, or answer other's.
Starting with:

Would you rather GM for...
A player that shows up to sessions on time or a player that invests time into the lore, character, and world on their own free time.

Would you rather play in a...
Well managed D&D campaign, or a poorly managed GURPS campaign.

Would you rather the party be made up of...
Furries, or Weebs?
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>a total autist who wrote 30 pages of lore about their OC
This, I can't stand NPCs who can't even make their own characters
>player that draws art
Easy one for me, personally. I have a restricted diet for health reasons so in most cases free food is an unwanted temptation.
I have a hard time getting invested because I have no idea what's wanted or expected of me. Last time I played with an invested player he mentioned something lore breaking offhandedly and the GM grunted at the guy like he just stuck two fingers up his butthole.
What system you fuck.
I don't fuck any system, you degenerate

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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to the first decade of TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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tl;dr rundwon: BECMI fucks over the thief, adds a bunch of extra shit, about half of it badly designed, and leans increasingly into the storyfag railroad genre as it goes on. Also the Immortals set is basically unplayable
Why is the thief worse?
>Also the Immortals set is basically unplayable
Wouldn’t surprise me, just looking at the rules I wonder if anyone actually got to the point where they played it.
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>Why is the thief worse?
le kek

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Ok no memes, no “the game is unsalvageable”. How would you fix up pic related so it’s actually good?
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To be fair, only the worst parts of 4chan are consumed by contrarianism. The quaint parts of this site still actually like things.

They also happen to be dead, but that's another matter.
Best troll in the thread.
I see we've got a Wizard's of the Coast employee here.
Haha you shit yourself!
reminder the mods bump locked my 5e thread, because they're biased nogaemers

what weapons would a race of 4-5 meter tall humanoids use? keep in mind that they'd need a way to avoid getting swarmed by humans, who would likely greatly outnumber them
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I'd like to note that all three of those men were AFTER gunpowder weapons became the most prevalent weapon on the battlefield.
He was excellent at ignoring Germany's attempts to make peace, at least.
Not really an argument. Height continued to correlate with higher survival rates in wwI and wwII, but that's because malnourished folks tend to be shorter, and die off a lot faster.
A short, healthy, well-nourished man can be a great soldier. Give him a spear and teach him to walk on an empty stomach.
Also, >>92843747 picrel massacred 30+ vietnamese soldiers with a machete, after getting shot multiple times.
But beside Napoleon the other most succesful general of all times is Genghis Khan and he was an absolute manlet by all accounts.
Again, being born in a family that had horses and thought you how to ride them well was more important than being born with 2 inches on everybody else.
Also, there's a limit to this. Grotesque disproportion is a motif in Ancient art. Being oversized was generally associated with either sickness or being closer to animals. It's why David has such a tiny dick.
>Peace with an expansionistic military power operating on a plunder economy
Stormfags seethe
In the stone age you fucking retard and even then other virtues have their place. Ever since it's a matter of leveraging inherited power and scrambling to the top as a cutthroat opportunist when the status quo changes. Humans are the social species, that's what makes us OP and what all our inter and intraspecific near-miraculous feats derive from.
True but then part of why Rome dominated was switching to arming the proles rather than relegating them to popping out more underclass.
Good post though I'd disagree with apelike build, going all in on knuckle-walking would make them ground sloths lite imo. To retain civilisation you'd be looking at human biopedalism but more so. Still well supported spine and elephantine feet, less long distance running ability (harder to ambush at size and less need to harry with that strength) but incredible stability. Though agriculture remains a Nono horticulture of spots along their migration routes might be a thing. In fact being tall and longer lived might make breeding copses of trees and option, a lot would probably be difficult to access by design both preventing wildlife from raiding crops in their absence and guaranteeing domestication by making giants the only reliable means of seed dispersal.

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i want to make a well-thought-out setting. to do this, i need to design the following (which requires understanding):
>the world (geography, geology, meteorology)
>life on the world (biology)
>cultures and societies for intelligent life (history and anthropology)
>technology of said cultures and societies (animal husbandry, agriculture, metallurgy, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, more if you want to go beyond ancient shit)
>behaviors of said cultures of societies (warfare, philosophy, economics)
what are the best books to read to learn all this shit?
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The kind of PCs that breaks the mold of what you usually see in the game or have a particular quirk to them.

I have recently created a Goliath barbarian (or "half-giant" here) as a spare character for a 5e campaign. She has a hand prothesis and fights exclusively with her fists. The DM agreed to give her the Unarmed Fighting fighting style (in exchange of taking away Stone's Endurance for the sake of balance), so her damage rolls consist in 1d6+3 for one fist 1d8+3 for both - which is the same amount of damage as if she used a Morgenstern. As for her profile, she's a a happy-go-lucky mountain dweller who wrestles monsters to cook them and make trophies of them. Beside her massive stature, she is recognized by the fur and wolf head she wears, sewn from the beast that bit her hand off.

I hope to have the occasion to play a two-headed human Paladin: one head is that of a beautiful woman with flowing blonde hair, the other is that of a groaning and moaning zombie. The idea is that two inseparable Paladin sisters were KIA and what was left of them was sewn together before they were revived. As dark as that backstory is, the character would be pretty light-hearted.
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Just go full strong man and play into it be the fucking strong look like a power lifter mave some blubber concealing your Rae power
An test-tube shapeshifter made to be a corpo's body double that got thrown out because the guy got murked and his assets liquidated. With nowhere to go and no sense of identity, ended imprinting on idol culture, eventually becoming a double-for-hire for celebrities.
I once painstakingly researched the clergy of Artemis to try and add more life to a Cleric I made. It was fun everyone in the game appreciated it even though they didnt know how to react to a few things

A college group I played with also loved a Monkey themed Summoner I put together who REALLY shouldnt have told me that the game was brutal and I needed a strong character because they were not prepared for /tg level autism. The next character I made for them to avoid overwhemling the DM was a Mermaid Oracle just because I thought the SeaSinger ability would be fun to work around and a funny flaw from Oracle would be cripple giving me a 0 movement on land. Just took Nature mystery for bonded mount and I was reading it to the group verbatim I read off the "A Medium oracle can select a camel or a horse" and all they heard was camel before the entire table was laughing imagining a camel riding mermaid and I just acted like thats what I intended all along. Turned out to be a good choice most of the board was utter shit at putting together characters and my Camel had to carry a lot of the early battles
As far as I know, spellcasters don't necessarily need to be peak physical condition. Their wisdom and charisma are their greatest assets. Besides, some extra weight might help absorb some hits.
>has to take a point of exhaustion for every 50 meters of continuous travel
I guess it fits with the frequent long rest playstyle of casters

Is this an okay game?
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it's like I'm looking at guro; clean your prints before you paint them
Good to know.
Guro? Thats overblown. Bodyhorror like leprosy at best.
I'm amazed that this series is still alive, honestly. I remember watching a few episodes as a kid and thinking it was some small time shit, but apparently not.

What are some books that I should read to improve my description skills? Things like architecture, objects, nature, etc

t. I run PbP
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If I don't need to point out something specific, I usually describe the general feel or a place with sounds, smells if relevant and a very broad picture. Let your players fill in the rest, it all happens in their mind anyway.
Read/Watch lots of works of fiction related to the genres of your interest, even weird/niche/old stuff like Eroll Flynn movies for example. That's literally it. Also when describing a scenario don't get bogged down in trying to evoke it by describing EVERYTHING in one go like this anon >>92844357 is telling you, conjure the scene in first person in your head and describe the first 3 things (circa) that are immediately perceivable, remember that things shouldn't be limited by vision and sound, also touch, smell and emotion may play a part in a succint description.
Firstly, a thesaurus.
Or rather use thesaurus.com and type in the generic descriptor word and find a synonym from there.

Second, classic literature as said before. Victorians were wonderfully loquacious.

Try to avoid alliterative strings of words that start with the same letter. Sometimes it's fun to go off like that, and it's fine if you introduce an NPC that does it. Just don't let it be yourself doing it.

Don't be afraid to tell the players how they feel in a general situation. I don't mean "your character feels happy or sad", but rather "you feel dwarfed by the colossal doorway in front of you" to help the players get in the mindspace of being awed by their surrounding.

I had my players meet a drow noblewoman and told them "despite her standing barely five-foot-nothing (significantly shorter than anyone else bar the cat), you feel small as she glares down her nose at the lot of you." As a sort of way to set up the power dynamic between the players and that NPC. I didn't want to tell them "you feel intimidated," but imply that there is intimidation present and let them react accordingly.
ignore the retards itt who don't know what pbp means
when introducing a new scene write a short sentence to set the mood, then use bullet points to convey all relevant information. can be clearly seen and understood by players who can look back at it and easily find info without rereading the whole text
I don't see what Penicillin-binding proteins have to do with anything.
But you're right, I completely missed the play by post part of OP

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Panzer Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander,
Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Hordes of the Things, Kings of War, Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Moonstone, Oathmark,
RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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Hordes of the Things has a good reputation for being competitive.
Bushido, guildball and malifaux but those are skirmish. Some games have extremely sweaty online metas with vassal and tabletop sim. They tend to have really competitive players even irl, though some like MCP are designed to be more casual, despite not being played that way.
A Song of Ice and Fire is designed to be a competitive game and works great imo. CMON tends to fuck up by leaving one faction criminally unbalanced one way or another but the core rules and general concepts are top notch.
Warmachine is actively balanced like a live service video game

Godtear is board game adjacent, but is also designed for tourneyfagging

Xwing also had/has a big competitive scene
>Xwing also had/has a big competitive scene
Had is the correct term. X-wing, Armada and Legion are dead. Shitterpoint is the only game you can expect to be supported in the future.

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For some reason, Wizards of the Coast failed to do the concept of Genasi justice, as they have long been eclipsed in popularity by Tieflings, and to a lesser extent Aasimar. So now it’s up to us to correct this grave injustice! Do whatever you want to show how you’ve used Genasi in your campaigns and worlds, post Genasi art, or suggest ways that we can make Genasi more popular/better, and correct WotC’s failings in the process. I don’t know about you, but I think that Genasi deserve a decent creation table of traits people can roll for their Genasi to have. I’ve scoured the internet, but I’ve only found ones for Aasimar and Tieflings, and I can’t let that stand. Where should we start besides szuldar patterns and features from animals associated with their elements, like fish scales for Water Genasi or feathers for Air Genasi?
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Oh, you’ve already made your elemental races, based on that image, I thought that you were talking hypothetically. Please, I would love to get the full scoop.
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So basically Aasimar and Tieflings, but with a more elemental bent, I can see that working.
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I’d love to see Genasi derived from races that aren’t human more often, like this Air Genasi with Goblin heritage I found online. After all, given sheer law of averages, they should show up if you think about it.
Depends on the setting, but they’re pretty workable as elements with a little creativity.
in my setting, light and darkness are two of the eight elements, while earth, air, water and fire aren't

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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #540

Meds Edition.

Previous Thread: >>92648937

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/

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There is one gripe I have with it: it only mentions Traps as being limited range. Personally, I think the rules listed for that should be applied to spells and monsters as well.
Mostly because if you don't, then negates would be insufferable. But if you do apply that, then that turns most negates into Limited Range, since a lot specify "a card" which satisfies that condition. And it may just be me, but having an Apollousa or Baronne only able to stop cards activated on adjacent tiles sounds way, way more reasonable.
Maybe use the deck master summoning area for the hand-traps in that case? Seems at least somewhat reasonable, and its not like it would kill them. Gorz could become main deck playable again, for instance.
Well again, the issue is not the extra deck summoning mechanics, but a good lot of the cards and effects that have been printed over the years. What do you do about a card like Witchcrafter Golem Aruru for instance, which special summons itself from the hand whenever a Witchcrafter monster is targeted for an attack or a card effect? Do you summon her in one of the zones adjacent to your deckmaster, or do you create a scenario where you can just afford to zerg rush with a spellcaster? What about something more common like Psy-Frame Gamma? Do you summon it to the zones adjacent to the deckmaster, or do you summon them to contextually relevant zones relative to the activated effect? Does this mean that you can activate a handtrap like that to negate an effect from the opposite end of the board?

The difficult part was never the summoning mechanics. You can just add them from your extra deck to your hand when you're performing the typical procedure for combining cards in your hand. It's just a question of whether you put them in front of the materials on the stack, or behind them.
I'm still weirdly confused about when its the opponents turn to activate something like trap cards in response to specific things and whether or not they happen before trigger effects

I know that triggers (and specifically the turn player ones) always get checked for first but I also know that certain traps and effects either negate summons or respond directly to the summon. Am I correct in saying that if turn player summons something like albaz they get to activate the trigger effect and only then I can respond with something like floodgate traphole to flip the summoned monster face down (which would be irrelevant since in this instance albaz can fuse himself off regardless).

Situations like these mainly keep popping up since Im learning the game offline with someone else while playing a lot of traptrix against a branded pile, and if im understanding things properly very few of the hole traps actually do shit against branded unless they specifically negate the on summon trigger effect since everyone except albaz can also fuse themselves off from the grave/ lubellion even from banish as long as they get to activate the effect
Fuck it, I'm going to start building blue eyes
>Am I correct in saying that if turn player summons something like albaz they get to activate the trigger effect and only then I can respond with something like floodgate traphole to flip the summoned monster face down
Correct, there are three categories useful to identify
>1. Negate the summon
Solemn judgment, horn of heaven, sauravis
>2. Negate an effect that would summon
>3. Trigger on successful summon
Torrential tribute, most trap hole cards

Only cards that specifically "negate the summon" (category 1, not 2 or 3) can activate in that window before the monster hits the field. Solemn warning is in both category 1 and 2.

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