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Games Workshop needs to be actively defenestrated at this point.

They have poisoned the well of miniature wargaming. Made the vast majority of consumers into automatons who can't even comprehend buying a rulebook from one company and miniatures from others, who can't comprehend anything more than tables that look like *this* whilst safely nuzzled into the quarterly pitter patter of a FOMO box army release and a "MetaWatch" dubiously balanced from a couple of handfuls of tournament games, ad infinitum.

Like, imagine one of your core animating drivers in the hobby not being to create, to enjoy, and to pass that on to others, but "hype" for next product from the faceless monolith. It does such damage to our community, all these golems.
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GW is a separate hobby like Findom
They're not going to be magicked out of existence and if they did the people that are responsible for the ugliness of the modern game of 40k are an element of the community and the rest of the community are responsible for willingly going along with their ideas. Unless they too magically disappear then a containment scene is a good thing.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
>They have poisoned the well of miniature wargaming
They ARE the well of miniature wargaming. It's a niche hobby, and without GW it would be a tiny, insignificant niche hobby. Other companies wouldn't be better off without GW, they would collapse with no one else in the industry able to bring in nearly as many new players.
Are their modern games shit? Probably, but I've hardly looked at any for about 20 years. Are their modern minis shit? Most of the ones I see posted here look horribly overdone, yes. Are they overpriced? They link price to in game points so some of the cheap troops aren't too bad, but mostly yes, absurdly so.
None of that really bothers me because I just don't buy or play their new games.
>They ARE the well of miniature wargaming. It's a niche hobby, and without GW it would be a tiny, insignificant niche hobby. Other companies wouldn't be better off without GW, they would collapse with no one else in the industry able to bring in nearly as many new players.

desu 2000s GW was probably a friendly big fish to the other companies in Nottingham

nuGW is a multimedia behemoth and is toxic, they've really weaponised how they work since then
>Stand on the circles
>cuddle behind buildings
>vehicles don't have fire arcs or the need to even face the enemy

Legit cant believe people enjoy this shite.

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It's because the line of sight and terrain rules for modern editions are specifically written so that any terrain that doesn't completely block line of sight to an entire unit is useless.
This is the future League of Legends players chose
The reality is Kill Team is a shit game and he's still a manlet who can't raise his kids right.
>Dumbing down the game system must be tolerated
>If you are not okay with the game system fading away from what you enjoy your the problem
Fuck off
Lol, terrain getting nerfed like that was one of the reasons DoW3 was so shit.

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Fuck dwarves and elves? Where are the hafling players at?
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in my campaign, the only halfling is a very rude paladin
And I thought Dungeon meshi fags couldn't start threads with worse pictures than the ugly elf making stupid faces or the hobo gay dwarf
nearly every character that gets introduced is an insufferable asshole beyond like 3 people or so. It mostly devolves into interpersonal drama where all sides are assholes. And the sex scenes aren't really all that good either
I thought we all agreed that hobbits were reserved for children and younger relatives and have unspoken plot armor on at all times?
weirdly this is what makes it a good choice for a TV series adaptation
not much of the sex is that great and most of the characters are pricks
you can see HBO getting wet breaches over this

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So, are you just being a prissy little bitch in the hopes of killing the thread?
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Also, to keep the thread alive, anyone wants to cooperate in doing a thing?

How about picking >>92804456 or >>92821666, a random number, and everybody contributes a hero, villain or team in that mini setting until we have that many NPCs for it?

If anyone wants to participate, first we vote:
>1. Setting where all supers have powers relating to one element between, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light or Darkness. One or two powers per super, preferably subtle or symbolic powers.
>2. Two factions, Order and Chaos, both have villains and heroes.

If anyone else has an idea or area you need to fill with NPCs we can add to the next round.
>>2. Two factions, Order and Chaos, both have villains and heroes.
Honestly a much better idea overall, because you have more themes to work with than "fire users are impulsive" and other elemental stereotypes.
Won't work. They're Catholic.

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Chilling out in Cyberspace edition

Previous >>92805397

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

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I don't really get being salty on a free sim with nothing at stake.
>protagonist shit

3 base sets in a row that are trash, amazing
Fuck off, contrarian. Your literal-who favorite Digimon doesn't matter.
he's probably some heretical appmon fan
I'd be OK with them if they varied up the playstyles instead of just powercreeping.

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Forces Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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>Forces Edition
> Not the pixel art version
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For u anon
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Bruno is a lucky dude
Took me a moment to notice her torso is framed against her spider body and not an indistinct blurry background. Her backside is big like a dump truck.

You should put efforts into your roleplaying when playing a female character. Stop playing a mere man with tits.
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there's a massive difference between a DM playing an NPC and a player playing a PC
in most cases, unless it's the DM's extra special OC DMPC, a female character is nothing special, just another character filling the world.

on the other hand, a player has to actively CHOOSE to play a female character. they have one character to play and they said "i want a pussy and tits"
But my character doesn't actually enjoy sex or attempt it with anyone they actually like. Its only ever been purely transactional due to multiple dependencies. I didn't even think that one up myself this was just pointed out to me by the other players.
>But my character doesn't actually enjoy sex or attempt it with anyone they actually like.
Sounds like Griffith from Berserk.
> RPG maker hentai games are the best way to learn about female behaviour
Griffith isn't a man with tits though. >>92845170

With the new edition of AoS now previewed, just how many boxes of Dominion do you think will go to landfill?
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Clearance isn't the same as lowering the actual price, it's also only done when you're trying to get rid of your last stock of an item that is selling very poorly in order to clear shelf space. That kind of thing happens on the individual store level and not a corporate one
They change the boxes for 40k every edition anon, do you think they throw out their entire inventory every time?
More like if someone obnoxious knows you're obnoxious; then you know you need to get the rope
Stuff like this doesn't count as false advertising because it's a vague and subjective claim. Saying that there are 30 miniatures in a box when there are only 25 would.
>I hope someone finds a lawyer that can sue for false advertising over this or something.
You have to have some really strange notions about reality if you think this how things work. Then again, it does explain these threads at least.

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Zombie edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

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I'd agree that in terms of flavor, exiling your graveyard feels a bit more Golgari. And discarding cards similarly works better with Golgari's mechanics, compared to Orzhov which typically wants the creatures on the board for Haunt/Extort/Afterlife.

If anything, Bitterblossom's cost would fit well there. Though then it'd basically be the same card aside from making spirits instead and having a more strict cost
Say, i have a custom set on mse
and i want to print it
i can download images and proceed like that
but how do i go about easiest way to print and cut all of those in say 3x3 grid to minimize working in paint? Is there a program for that?
Try photojoiner up in the OP. Then just get some decent cardstock/cardboard/whatever and make sure your printer can double print, I guess?
You guys are probably right, I should have gone with a kaya theme for the flavor to work.
You'd think this (or attacking a player) would be in the base definition already. Maybe doing a certain large amount of combat damage (5-10 or something) would count.

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One of the D&D devs has cancer, but the board thinks the gofundme is spam.
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isn't this guy incredibly woke and supports leftist policies? think I'll hold onto my money
It's tiresome AF
>1000 people donating isn't enough to fund the health bill for one person
Do Americans really?
this fucking site and empathy as a whole is just fucked isn't it
Yes, I can't really deal with people anymore.

My left leaning friends became deranged in 2016, my right leaning ones in 2020. I just want to get off this planet. Critical thinking, decency, riaisng the frequency have all been killed by self satisfied lizard brains.

I havem't got a dime to help this guy but he will be in my prayers.

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Jewish edition.

Previous thread: >>92790359

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

Thread question: What's your favorite component? Do you favor the humble meeple, the versatile die, or perhaps something more exotic?
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>sleeving cards
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Oh boy here we go again
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What your waifu playd? Ynxp
por favor não fotografe estranhos

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Are you excited for the revival and engoodening of 4E?
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Buy a fucking add you spamming faggot.


It's even shittier if you know what it means. Fucking narcissist fag should at least have made himself a fantasy alter ego instead of just his real name + dungeon master.
Turns out when you plan to put everything into a VTT anyway designing a video game for people to actually play and doing your job as a "game designer" isn't very important.

At this point, they should just relabel the physical books as extra sturdy coasters, they'd actually have a purpose.
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The words you're looking for are "exceedingly convoluted" or "clunky". Add also "reinventing the wheel" to the bunch because:
>every single ability and attack in the game having a chart. You roll 2d6, look in the chart, it says the effect of your ability
It's literally Rolemaster, a game made 44 years ago (that also had the "to hit" and "damage" unified under one roll), so MCDM is not even breaking into new territories, which makes Fat Colville and followers full of shit on top of everything.
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Also, just to add to this shit, without missing and without rolling for damage, most of your attack will look like this
>Precise Attack
>Tags: Weapon, Time: 1 action, Target:One enemy within reach
>You deal a crushing strike to an enemy you can see, putting all your strength into it
>2-6: 3+STR damage
>7-9: 5+STR damage
>10-12: 7+STR damage and you push the target 2 squares.

You will only ever do one of 3 things with an ability. There's no "lower hit" or "great hit" or "miss". You either do 3, 5, or 7 damage and never anything else. If you score a 12 you just get to take another action and do the same thing.

I guess the point is if you want variety you get to use another one of your "awesome abilities", like "cleave" or "come on then", because one of the things Matt WON'T change from 4e is having the most uninspired ability names in existence. Can't wait for "Pushing strike" "Mighty Strike", "Whirlwind Strike" and "Piercing Strike" to all be options at the same level.

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Why does Ursula have a clone?
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>Tap to add 1 colorless mana
>If you control Ursula's Mine, Ursula's Power Plant, and Ursula's Tower, add 2 colorless instead
I made the same joke in a mixed crowd of Lorcana and MtG players a few weeks ago. No one laughed.
Heroes: yay or nay
Yay. I'm building 2 different hero decks as we speak. I need like, 7 copies of Phil, tho.
This first set (and maybe some others?) are releasing in Australia soon. What can I expect?

How's the competitive play like? MTG level of complex or more Pokemon levels?

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Do normal women nowadays like /tg/ stuff?
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The general population was never well informed or had a firm grasp on these subjects before then though…
What you’re really noticing is the curtain being pulled back (proliferation), the bar raising (seeking educated workers), and not many people being able to make the cut.
It’s tragic but like you said a lot of men can’t make it either. Every institution noted this almost immediately. Schools, military. What you’re seeing now is a weird charade of saying “well the points are made up and don’t matter anyway (ie math is racists and sexist)” since do nothing jobs are reaching more and more of the population (where the degree doesn’t matter, you just have to have it, so of course it doesn’t matter if you can actually carry out what it is you’re supposedly qualified to). This debases the education system even at its higher end, as worthless fields via those who have bought in and enjoy the power it gives them, gain more sway over those that do matter.
We are speed running our way to a competency crisis and total break down of systems: idiocracy edition.
“Normies” ie women and simps, are ok as padding, but death to anything that isn’t suitably defanged and middle of the road. Modern normies are cancer.
I have not met a single person I could describe as male that played mtg, I would describe them as subnormal. It’s like a cult for amorphous nerds.
The only “normie” male games are sport based ones, COD, and historicals.
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are they just dumb or low IQ? why can't women enjoy stuff like this? im their mind, they want too, but then when it comes to actually doing the hobby, they hate it.
There is a reason your local card shop on Fridays is like 10-20 dudes and 1 actual woman but shes taken.
they just have better ways to spend their time

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Post art!
Art of characters!
Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>92777119

Thread theme: Dwarves being cool
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I need art for a (preferably human) caster that summons fey critters. Not picky on gender, I can work with either!
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Is that any point in these threads now that there is AI-generated art?
kill yourself

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