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Forces Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):


>Previous Thread: >>92826216

When's the last time you ran or played a game with more than six players, /5eg/? How did it go?
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>making a bug themed character
>dm allowing us to take one rare and one uncommon
>rare is staff of swarming insects
Should my uncommon be wand of web, boots of spider climbing, or earworm?
I've been part of a game with six players on several occasions, but never seven.

Strangely, most of them have featured unintentional arson.
Take the Slippers of Spider Climbing. They give you a mobility option and don't complicate the use of the staff. Depending on your class, you may want a shield, or a free hand for somatic components.
Our local library game has 8 as of last week. Our DM does a great job with the flow of the game. Just wish the teenage warlock player would learn to shut the fuck up once in a while.
Is there a Lich statblock that is more powerful than a regular Lich/Demilich? I'm going to put together a bonus dungeon for a party of four 20th-level characters, and lore-wise, the centerpiece has to be an archlich, with any number of intelligent undead former humanoids around him. Liches, vampires, and so on.
>Vecna the Archlich
would be the statblocks that come to mind. Pretty sure both are on 5etools
if you're looking for much stronger, Szass Tam could work, found in the AL module "The Death of Szass Tam"

New DM here. Tips on designing a good combat encounter for a low level party? How should I balance enemy HP pools and damage?
I have dmed to 18 ppl and it was an utter clusterfuck
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>18 people
To what fucking end, precisely?
If they're new to the game, don't use wolves.
what are some things martials SHOULD be able to do out of combat, but cant? here are some ideas

>Sharpen Weaponry: as part of a long rest you grant a weapon a nonmagical +1 bonus, which lasts until you finish a long rest
>Battle Planning: As part of a short rest, you can give each player a bonus to their next initiative roll equal to your PB
>Exercise: as part of a long rest, you can exercise, granting you a +1 bonus to your strength, dexterity, or constitution modifier until you finish a long rest

dont use violet fungi
For low levels, the guidelines in the DMG should be fine. The only other suggestion I'd make on top of that is to try and use multiple types of enemies whenever possible.
What are some interesting ways to design a single combat opponent? My dwarf barb player is all about killing worthy foes and I want to give her some cool fights in and out of regular group combats. She really enjoyed fighting and roleplaying with the dwarf barbarian (whose name was an anagram of her character's), but I obviously want to mix things up a little. Multi-phase stuff, dynamic combat environments, various tactical options the opponents have.
Unironically port a touhou girl into dnd. I did this with Sakuya and it was a lot of fun.
Are westmarch servers worth joining?
Throw a lich at him
What would be some debuffs that a character with 3 INT might have?
>>Sharpen Weaponry: as part of a long rest you grant a weapon a nonmagical +1 bonus, which lasts until you finish a long rest
sharpening weapons is tied to smith's tools and tinker's tools proficiencies. It doesn't grant any bonus to rolls though
Not being a playable character is a big one
codifying downtime actions like that seems strange.

maybe its the naming scheme (battle planning should be something they're doing to actually plan for a battle and not just some short rest bonus)
Work on the wording for sharpening a weapon, right now it does literally nothing
What if it takes place in like a special care facility so everything is misinterpreted as some epic adventure but it is really just nurses and doctors? And since everything has a veneer of an epic adventure the players have to figure out what the fantasy elements translate to in reality. Like the steam dragon is actually the water heater, so it's a bunch of mentally impaired guys banging on the tank.
I didnt know what this was, so I searched. The concept sounds like a decent way to approach online games in theory but I am also curious if anyone has done this because I just as easily could see this fizziling out due to the bystander effect compounded by online anonymity.
For those that also don't know
>designed to be pretty much the diametric opposite of the normal weekly game
>There was no regular party: each game had different players drawn from a pool of around 10-14 people
>There was no regular plot: The players decided where to go and what to do. It was a sandbox game...
Source for text: https://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/78/grand-experiments-west-marches/
What's a good way of painting a gem dragon?
this is for an ongoing game I've got: if you could put a monster's abilities into a crossbow, what monster would it be
I don't know anything about Touhou besides bullet hell gameplay and something precious being stolen by Marisa.
anybody subscribed to theripper93's patreon and willing to share his puzzle locks module?
A beautifully dressed monk:

A girl in her mid adolescence endowed with long black hair, teal colored eyes, and a fair complexion. A floral ornament adorns her head to help tie her hair. She wears a white kimono with her convent's seal, along with floral and avian designs woven on it. The hem of the dress is cut high above the knees to allow her legs freedom of movement when she does her acrobatics feats. The kimono is bound by an Obi sash which shares the same color as her eyes and a gold Obijime cord is used to further secure the sash. She travels unshod, completely unaccustomed to footwear; consequence of her days living with the Air Genasi nuns, who viewed such apparel a hindrance to free graceful movement. A gold ribbon is tied around her left ankle as a girlish affectation. Her arcane tattoos on her arms and nape peek out of her kimono and the markings etched on her legs can be seen by all.
A horde of shitters
>completely unaccustomed to footwear
lmao fetishfag
Huge group of friends that all played d&d. I tried to get them to tackle ttoee but they never got out of the first town
Theres actually a lot of them but I noticed they all have some sort of RP lounge, a guild setup so each player takes random quest By a list of DMs, a downtime system so players get to do passive things in the background
It's the ideal setup IMO. There's so many evenings where your schedule is just blank and it would be great to squeeze in a game with whoever else is available.
hi I don't play this game and I'm fucking bored of charop and option hunting it's the least fun part of ttrpgs
I want to make a character with a big bonkstick that's also got some holy stuff going on
is war cleric actually suitable for a character that's predominantly martial with supplemental divine aid?
and honestly I really like what light cleric offers, namely its channel divinity, but it's not at all martially inclined, so would fighter X/light cleric 2 with 13 wis be particularly functional?
most of the strong-seeming cleric domains are way off-flavor I just want normal goodguy-holy cleansing light shit
I'd probably just do paladin but I like wisdom as my "second stat" a lot more than charisma
I kinda wish there was just a divine version of eldritch knight fighter so I wouldn't have to fuck with multiclassing
Light cleric is a fire wizard.
Just play paladin and ask if you can swap charisma for wisdom as your casting stat. It's not a big deal to swap casting stats unless you do multiclass shit, but no reason to multiclass as a paladin.
I might suggest Zealot Barbarian if you want the simplest way to bonk people with radiant damage.
War Cleric only really shines as a weapon user at low levels, where the handful of extra attacks per day are pretty good. GWM can take it a bit further, but I think you'd want to end up multiclassing at some point.

2 level ins Light domain just for the sake of a 30 foot AoE doesn't seem very worthwhile, especially because the damage scales with your Cleric level and 13 Wisdom doesn't give a very high save DC. You're gonna end up dealing like 8 damage to each enemy.
There is probably some way to mix that with something like Eldritch Knight fighter, but if you're not into charop then that juice certainly isn't worth the squeeze.

If anything I think what might actually work better would be Paladin 2 and then multiclassing into Cleric. You delay your spell progression slightly, but you pick up Smites. You could go for something like 16 Str, 16 Wis, 13 Cha, and just use your excess of spell slots from Cleric to use smites. That might be a bit better as War Cleric than Light Cleric, but it would let you use that Channel Divinity to greater effect.
Even that feels a little gimmicky though.
With my cum.
>anybody subscribed to theripper93's patreon
>willing to share his puzzle locks module
>Light cleric is a fire wizard.
brutal. that sucks man
>wisdom paladin
I might have to just do that, as much as I am loathe to ask for things to build a character
see I like what zealot itself brings, that stuff is cool
but the whole "combat starts. I fly into a murderous rage" thing attached to D&D barbarian is so dumb to me I just can't reconcile it, and I'm really not about ignoring flavor
most of what I like about the light conjure divinity is honestly the magical darkness dispelling. that kind of thing is very cool to me
paladin cleric multiclass was also an idea but I figured it would be MAD as fuck and I didn't want to get into building it to see how it whiterooms

it's just that the cleric living in my brain is more of just a religious warrior with a big bloody morning star and a few miracles for emergencies, maybe some healing. not much of a high-magic laser emitter. wisdom paladin would probably be the way to go I suppose
>Obi sash
>Obijime cord
You forgot to call it a kimono robe and kutsu footwear and ribon ribbon.
>it's just that the cleric living in my brain is more of just a religious warrior with a big bloody morning star and a few miracles for emergencies, maybe some healing. not much of a high-magic laser emitter
Honestly I think that concept is just really low magic for what 5e usually aims towards.
There isn't really a good candidate for a character that's focused on melee attacks but has a couple high level spells for backup.
I'd almost say you'd want something like 2 levels of Star Druid on top of an ordinary Fighter to just have some radiant tricks and healing spells in reserve, but otherwise just be focused on bashing people.
>really low magic for what 5e usually aims towards.
I've been kinda thinking that too, yeah. it's not really in the marvel superheroes with swords-o-sphere
guess I'll just play battlemaster fighter, again
I was born to play HMF in every system until the day I die
This is a preview of the Fighter for a system revamp I'm working on. A few things I want to give a heads up on because I think they're important:

>All martials will get Martial Prowess and Combat Mastery, as well as an increased Hit Die
>Classes in Epic 5e only go up to 10th level. Tiers 3 and 4 do not exist
>Dedication to a skill grants you Inspiration when you succeed on an ability check using it
>A Standard Action is the new name for an Action. The word Action now refers to Standard Actions, Bonus Actions, and Reactions
>A Maneuver is something you can use in place of an attack when you take the Attack action
>A Long Activity is something that takes 8 hours to do. You can take one Long Activity as part of a Long Rest
>A Short Activity is something that takes 1 hour to do. You can take one Short Activity as part of a Short or Long Rest
>The Taunted condition prevents a target from harming creatures other than the taunter. It ends if another creature harms them, or if the taunter harms a creature that isn't taunted
>The Assess action is a Bonus Action that lets you attempt an Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion check to ask the DM one question about a creature they can see. The DC is 5, or the creature's CR, whichever is higher.
>Companions are a generalized system for monsters and npcs under your control. they share your Proficiency Bonus, and use your Primary Ability for their attack rolls, and DCs (which includes their AC). Their Hit Points equal the average of their Hit Die + your Primary Ability times your level
>but no reason to multiclass as a paladin.
> Nooo I can't have fun unless I optimise my character following the advice of YouTubers and redditors! Why do paladins even exist as a class when we should all play hexadins?
>proves my point
> Delusional
>proves it again
fuck, you really are stupid
Hey anons I have this annoying problem where whenever I pick a class I usually just do what I think fits the situation but I'm always told that "oh no why didn't you pick this why do you even have that" I'm playing a Twilight domain cleric what are some spells or feats I should absolutely always have as a cleric
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>named Silverhand
>doesn't have a silver hand
Kinda fucked up if you think about it
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>Named Elminster
>It's a minster
>Named Drizzt
>Doesn't drizzl
>Named The Lord of Blades
>Is lord of warforged
bloody morningstar with some backup healing, paladin is your class
i dont know why you get so fixated by the names and you shouldnt because some spells dont do what their name suggests
bless, spiritual weapon, spirit guardians, healing word, revivify, aura of vitality, raise dead
you can be more damage focused as a cleric (you get access to inflict wounds and guiding bolt which are two of the best damage spells at first level) or support focused
if you just use your channel divinity as a twilight cleric, you are helping the party, you could waste all of your turns doing nothing else and you would have still pulled your weight, that is how fantastic that subclass is
Thanks anon Currently at level 7 any extra advice or will the list you just gave me do just fine
Nta but I wish my party's level 7 cleric ever used any of those spells (I think he might have used healing word once, but normally I'm the one having to waste my action to use damn potions when people go down)
looks pretty cool. I was expecting dogshit
Well that ain't right every cleric should at least prioritize healing in some way so far there's always three types of clerics those that are heal sluts those that are buff/debuff tards and those that do nothing but damage
Nah he just leaves that to the druid, so that he can use every fucking action to cast sacred flame
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it has a silver glow sometimes
She's pretty
Too bad she's connected to the worst character in FR (Mystra)
i could give general advice like focus fire and insist on short rests (you get back your channel divinity that saves alot of damage and you expend hit dice that saves spell slots), save aov for when time is of the essence and only after combat, but i would like storytime on what spells you picked and why your party reacted like they did
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>Forces Edition
> Not the pixel art version
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For u anon
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Bruno is a lucky dude
Took me a moment to notice her torso is framed against her spider body and not an indistinct blurry background. Her backside is big like a dump truck.
Just play 4E
All the girls have cool powers. Sakuya is a knife wielding maid who can control time and space, makes for a fun fight in dnd.
Second session of my first campaign, had a handle on the setting lore, and more variety in the enemies(shadows and zombie ogres are dangerous, while they didn’t really do anything in combat the party really liked the boneless enemy, nasty things). My dmnpc was useful but not overpowered. It was interesting how the party behaved, they ignored the torture chamber right next to where the prisoner they rescued was, where the important lore was at. They are at the end of the castle, about to challenge the vampire spawn count.
please? I just wanted the circular puzzle for a session tomorrow
>they ignored (...) where the important lore was at
If something's important, don't be afraid to throw it right in front of their way. You could have, for example, put the prison behind the torture chamber, forcing them to walk past the lore to reach the prisoner. As a happy accident, seeing the torture chamber first would cause them to worry about the current state of the prisoner.
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Reminds me of Tarsila from Lost Ark, i have her model for blender, i shoul use her in some adventure someday
Party is about to resurrect an ancient legendary hero in the near future. How do I sell the impression of him being truly ancient?
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drop some Assyria / Mesopotamia shit on it
Will Greek do?
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I'd say, Greek if you want them to know he's ancient, but recognize it right away where it comes from.
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Are 6+ player games that rare? I DM'd my 10 player group recently, we played every other week for over a year. It worked pretty well, we all had a good time and we finished the campaign. That said, everything was home cooked by me to work for 10 players, I didnt use any modules. I've never tried running a module for so many,maybe thats where the issues come up.
Give him bronze weapons
Give him a giant cave man wheel yoyo
if you're being serious and you could manage 10 players without some people feeling left out of the spotlight, or everybody wanting to talk taking up too much time, or combat slowing to a crawl, you're pretty fucking good at this whole GMing thing
what level did you play to
Bronze, that would be great, except he won't have his equipment when he's resurrected.
We played 1 to 10. But only barely at 10. I purposefully tried to curtail the powerlevels because yeah after like level 7-9ish they just get too strong for most standard combat encounters. And you can't just throw weird crazy encounters all the time.
As far as engagement goes, from the feedback I had, everyone felt involved most of the time. The times that didnt happen were when we tried to do more dialogue focused story shit. I believe that style pretty much doesn't work at that scale unless half the players just wanna listen or something. The campaign I set up for them had some story elements but it was primarily dungeon crawling, handling the wilderness, and so on. Also, I set it up in such a way that drop in/drop out wasnt so disturbing. Frequently one or two people couldnt make it, but I always ran it, no matter what.
What are some good magic items for a moon druid?
>le chaotic wacky character regularly proposes batshit insane plans for what equates to world domination
>regularly posts stuff in the group chat about all the absurd ways he plans on torturing people that have crossed him throughout the campaign
>he talks about his grandiose plans to steal and pillage innocent towns for better gear
>etc etc
>fast forward to the investigation of a magical menagerie
>we find bunnies in the feeding house
>he suddenly drops everything and is hellbent on saving them no matter the cost
its really funny to see where these people draw the line
>brown chick
>obviously wearing a wig
Ewww repulsive manface
I have a player like that as well, it's pretty disturbing how warped people are.
Player in my party isn't a psycho torturer type, but obsession with animals and pets is kind of disgusting
pretty cool
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Guys help I'm trapped in a session from hell
>Half-Dragon NPC talking about his wife (full dragon)
>Rogue asks him what it was like having sex with his wife for the first time
>NPC obviously refuses
>Bard uses Detect Thoughts on him
>DM now going into excruciating detail on dragon sex
>Everyone else thinks it's hilarious but I'm beginning to suspect the DM is a furry
>It's still going
this is the bard's fault
as someone who primarily plays on westmarches no, its not.
They should've asked how his parents had sex.
What kind of a cuck clown Half-Dragon would allow PCs to ask such questions and let a Bard obviously cast a spell on him
He turned to leave after the rogue asked him and the bard used his sorc dip to subtle spell it. NPC wasn't looking at him so he didn't see the material cast.
>and the bard used his sorc dip to subtle spell it
Ah okay, then I'm fine with this.
But dragons can just shapechange.
There should be nothing to it
Not all of them, as the DM painfully confirmed in the monster manual.
size difference kink
Thoughts on simulating or RPing mental illness in your games?
There's nothing inherently wrong with playing a mentally ill character. But someone trying to have a character who randomly decides their personality via a coin flip or dice roll is always shit. Purely because those players are always obnoxious.
It ends up being an excuse for them to hog time at the table, have one of their personalities be 'quirky so random XD' and then try to escape from any consequences of their actions by swapping to the other personality and distancing themselves from it. Ignoring the fact that the player is the one who created the mentally instable retard character in the first place, and is thus the root cause of everyone else having to suffer through it.
Everyone in an adventuring party is fucking insane, and its fine to be insane as long as you're not cringe or disruptive. And if you think you aren't the insane one, you most definitely are one of if not the most insane one of the group.
What a simp cuck
speaks a different language or an archaic form of it
Is there any good reason to take a regular human's +1 to all stats at all?
Moon sickle
If you want to be an actual human instead of vuman scum, yes.
If you're MAD as hell and >rolled only odd numbers.
If you're using pointbuy, you'd need to be doing some really MAD multiclass build to even consider it, and even then Half-Elf is almost certainly be better if Cha is involved in any way.
I'm struggling to even think of examples of where you'd want to spread yourself that thin though. Like just for sake of example, a standard human can get 16, 14, 14, 14, 12, 9 pretty simply. Even for that to be worth it you need a character that cares about Strength, Int, and Wis without being able to leave Con or Dex at 10, but also not caring so much about any stat individually that they couldn't afford to leave most of them at 14.

The closest things I could think of would be a Barbarian multiclassing with something like Artificer or Ranger. That'd be the only way to need Strength, while only having Medium armor so you couldn't dump Dex below 14, while also needing decent Int/Wis for spellcasting.
But even that seems like it could be done through other means. A Vhuman that takes a feat with an ASI boost could get 16, 14, 14, 12, 12, 8. So unless the third 14 is extremely important, then getting an extra skill and the other bonuses the feat gives seems more useful in most cases.
Monk/Paladin multiclass. You need DEX, WIS and CHA, you can't really dump CON, you need to have at least 13 STR to multiclass and 15 to wear plate, and that leaves only INT.
>Monk/Paladin multiclass
>you need 15 to wear plate
You are aware that wearing any armor disables basically all of your monk features? What were you planning to use?
Proficiency in all saves, and paladin aura
Firstly, I'd note that if you plan on wearing Plate as a Monk (which can be valid), you don't actually need Dex anymore beyond the multiclassing prerequisites.

That said, with Half-Elf you can get to 13/16/12/8/14/14. Which is slightly behind what the standard human could get to, with one fewer point in Str and Int, but you could also swap it around for 16 Str and 13 Dex if you planned to use heavy armor.
But on top of that, the Half-Elf gets two skills, Darkvision, and advantage against getting Charmed, all of which are probably worth the point or two in stats that you weren't going to use anyway.

There's a reason why I basically dismissed any class that cared about Cha, because Half-Elf is arguably just as good if not better in that context. The standard human can't afford getting more than one stat to 16 either. In fact, the Half-Elf has an edge there, since if you really wanted you could drop the Con from 12 to 10 to boost Cha from 14 to 16, if you wanted better Paladin features.
>You are aware that wearing any armor disables basically all of your monk features?
NTA, but it actually doesn't affect as much as you think. You don't get unarmored defense or unarmored movement (obviously), nor martial arts for unarmed strike benefits, but past those early levels you don't see the restriction as much.
Notably, Stunning Strike works just fine with a Greatsword or a Halberd, because it just says melee weapon attack. Even stuff like Evasion or Deflect Missiles don't care if you're wearing armor.

It's weird, but it works. And in this case I'd probably say it's actually better to use the full plate from the Paladin anyway rather than try and rely on Monk's unarmored defense when you'd need to spread yourself thin no matter what.
I wonder if Im making these maneuvers too strong
Often the case
Ah yes, strenuous workouts always leave me feeling more powerful than before I started.
Well, the names are certainly shit.
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Would you play with a nonverbal Kenku character whose player spends half the time looking at her phone? My friend is upset because someone in the party snapped at her when she had to ask what was going on after taking a 30 min break mid-session.
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First mini I've ever painted, what can I do to improve?
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Cum on it.
Someone in my group is a human cleric and does the same. plus he always arrives at least 1 hour late, and in combat puts on headphones when it's not his turn
>in combat puts on headphones when it's not his turn
This player might be an undiagnosed psychopath.
just paint more minis, leave that one as it is since it looks cool
being perfectionist will just lead to ending up painting too few of them
The most I do is that every character I play would be considered either having adhd or being autistic. Technically, not mental illnesses, but it’s just because while I can roleplay fairly well, I can’t RP my tism away.
But like rolling to be lawful/chaotic or for like hallucinations would be weird as fuck. With my characters, it’s mostly to explain why they’re fucking obsessed with specific swordfighting forms or struggle with impulsivity.
I feel like you could work mental illness into a reasonable character but you actually have to work at it. Not just roll for manic episodes.
>taking a 30 min break mid-session
That's a boot from the table for me.
>his group doesn't take 2 15s and a 30
I'm not going to sit at a table for 8 hours without pissbreaks and something to eat
Read Yamikin Ushijima-kun. The MC is someone exactly like that, down to the bunny obsession, but the manga sells it so well, it feels incredibly realistic and believable
just go whenever, preferably if it's combat go when your turn isn't coming soon
>something to eat
there are snacks on the table
>go whenever
Alright, pass me your cup
Nor would I for 8 hours, but my players tend not to be free for more than 3 hours plus travel time, so we usually have like a 10 minute break plus a 5 for challenge pissing.
We always have dinner right before session, so eating isn't an issue, and you piss when you need to piss.
alright, so you enter the next room of the dungeon and the first thing that hits your nose is the smell of stale piss, your eyes focus up through the dim light to see a group of hungry looking ghouls hunched over a table...
>at 2 pm
are you 80?
Who said it was at 2 PM?
do only fatty people eat in your world?
The only fatty in my group is actually the DM.
ofc it's small things, such as small baked goods, candy or fruit.
Not shit like full meals or pizza
It's dinner at 5:30pm, session from 6:30pm to 2:30am. I'm 33.
That's what time my game starts. You guys seriously don't get 5 people together for 3 hours of game time, do you? I thought that was a shitpost
>food always has to be available
Fatty logic. Eat before you show up, and when it's a good breaking point around dinner we'll make burgers or spaghetti or something else. Why do you need to be constantly shoving food in your mouth?
>>at 2 pm
where tf did you get the 2pm from?
are you the idiot faggot who cannot conceive that others' sessions don't last 8 hours with people staying overnight afterwards?
>food always has to be available
nobody said that
normally it's just shared after 2 hours into the game or so. you know when it's believable people might start to get hungry
>retard thinks everyone has a 90 minute game on roll20
So then just take a break and make some actual food instead of passing around the cheeto bag. And I'm confused, are there snacks at the table or do you guys take a group break to share a bag of chips?
>That's what time my game starts
They weren't talking about your game; they were talking about theirs, which obviously takes place around dinner time.
>90 minute game on roll20
What are you talking about? Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?
lmao retarded samefag
Nah, you cook dinner together first, then eat, then run for eight hours before heading to bed. I don't know what kind of shitty dinners you're serving your players that you're squeezing the cooking AND eating into a 30-minute break, but that sounds awful.
>Weekly games that run from 6-10 PM, whether we're playing together or on Discord
>Most of the time people take care of themselves for food
We're adults playing, not a bunch of teenagers who can just hang and crash at one player's place like we did 20 years ago.
> Wanting a full actual meal
> Cheeto
> Chips
Lmao you were a projecting fatty after all
ill have to check it out just for the similarities alone. ive been needing a new manga lately, thanks anon
Alternate phb cover for the 2024 phb
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Update: How do I tell the DM I'm really not comfortable with how the campaign is advancing? Things have completely derailed into just stalking this NPC. I'm afraid next session will just be constantly trying to coerce him into thinking about his wife while the bard hides and uses Detect Thoughts on him. I don't wanna be the guy that kills the group because he couldn't handle something everyone was on-board with, but I REALLY don't feel comfortable with the idea of my DM being a furry.
Do you want the party to stop derailing or do you want the DM to stop being a furry? One of those is easier than the other.
"Guys, what's going on? Why is this the focus of our sessions now? Can we get back to [main thing]? I'm not interested in hearing about dragon sex."
How long does it take you to eat? 30 minutes is how long you should be at a restaurant, not how long it takes you to finish a plate.
>didn't answer my question
So food is somehow always available, yet isn't. You guys share the same snacks, yet don't. And think that NOT always eating makes me fat. ok fat retard.
Playing a beginner campaign that started at lv 1.
Currently level 3 rogue with insanely good stats. I was thinking of keeping rogue until level 5, then dipping 1-3 points into fighter. Is this a solid plan? I think the campaign will end at levels 6-7 and then maybe we'll have our characters move to another campaign.
Is it a good plan? I mainly want to dip into rogue for second wind and fighting style. The rationale would be that my character, being strong and capable already, gradually became more mercenary-like as he got accustomed to adventurer life.
At which levels should I dip into fighter, precisely?
>ofc it's small things, such as small baked goods, candy or fruit
>Not shit like full meals or pizza
Normally it's on the table, but ignored until 2 hours into the game or so
We play at some rented space rather than at anyone's house, and games last about 4 hours, without "official break times".
>How long does it take you to eat? 30 minutes is how long you should be at a restaurant, not how long it takes you to finish a plate.
>Implying you can't play as you eat or wolf down some Arby's during game setup
Based, you'll enjoy it if you can stomach gritty themes. The character is not as evil as it seems but it's only revealed and explained properly if you read all volumes. He's still pretty fucking evil though
>30 minutes is how long you should be at a restaurant, not how long it takes you to finish a plate.
> Fat fuck eats full plates during his games
> Fat fuck is a fast eater so that he can remain appropriately obese
It's decent enough. Assuming the game stops at 7 or 8, then the main thing you're missing out on is Expertise and Evasion. The bigger things you might not want to skip or delay if the game went longer would be your second subclass feature at 9th, the extra ASI at 10th, and Reliable Talent at 11th.
And honestly, you could probably justify as many levels into Fighter as you wanted. There's a lot of good stuff there, particularly with the right subclass. Battlemaster would be my general recommendation there if you don't have anything more specific in mind.
>30 minutes is how long you should be at a restaurant, not how long it takes you to finish a plate.
We don't all live off fast food, poorfag. A proper restaurant, between the appetizers, the main course, and the coffee, you're there for a minimum of an hour and a half.
>30 minutes is how long you should be at a restaurant
Huh? Have you never been to a restaurant that isn't McDonald's or something? Your post is genuinely baffling to me.
Uncanny Dodge can be nice if your foes tend to be the sort who do one big hit rather them multiple small ones, but otherwise you could probably try dipping out now, unless there's a feat you really want at 4th. Means by the end you could get into Battlemaster and have some maneuvers to play around with.
Admittedly you could also go into 4 rogue levels and get the martial initiate feat to get more immediate access to maneuvers.
> Only options are either eating huge fucking meals or being constantly eating small shit
> Huge fucking meals must be eaten fast as fuck
Gross fat fuck
I was thinking of stopping at 3 levels of fighter. The second attack at 5 doesn't appeal to me since sneak attack can be only used once per turn. Do you think I should make a switch towards Fighter once I make the initial dip? My rogue subclass is Inquisitive.
And yes, the fighter subclass I was aiming for if I dipped up to 3 levels is Battlemaster, but I don't know if we'll enough levels starting from rogue 5 before the the campaign ends.

Yes I really want the Skill Expert feat. Morever, I wanted to wait for level 5 for the extra sneak attack dies and higher proficiency bonus. I don't know which foes we'll encounter in the campaign but our final boss is a dragon.
>fatty projects his fatness
calm down, this ain't dorsia babe
And why are those the only options? Fatty.
Whole lotta triggered fatties itt. Have to constantly shove food down their throats and need a stacked plate for it to be a meal. Holy shit, no wonder your games are o ly 2 hours long, you'll shit yourself if it was longer.
Proficiency scales with character level not class level, so you don't need to worry about that part at least, but fair enough.
...OK having uncanny dodge might be a good idea.
Skill Expert feat kinda feels like overkill when you're a rogue, but I assume there's a reason for it.
Yes I want to reach 14 intelligence (my dump stat) and get a very high bonus on Investigation.
>higher proficiency bonus.
I'd note that proficiency bonus scales with character level, not class level, so multiclassing doesn't actually delay that.
Skill Expert also feels like a slightly odd choice, since you'd get more skill expertise available to you at level 6.

Inquisitive doesn't get quite as much value out of its level 9 feature as some other Rogue subclasses, so no major loss there.
As far as the suggestion of swapping to Fighter was concerned, it was mostly a statement of the possibility to do so.
>And yes, the fighter subclass I was aiming for if I dipped up to 3 levels is Battlemaster, but I don't know if we'll enough levels starting from rogue 5 before the the campaign ends.
The other anon's suggestion of Martial Adept might be my recommendation there, if you wanted to get maneuvers a bit earlier. I think there's a Fighting Style option that offers them as well, depending on what you had planned. And two levels in Fighter is still pretty good for what it gives you. Plus if what you said about starting up a new campaign with the same characters is true, then you may end up getting that 3rd level eventually.

I would probably say to stick with Rogue until 5th like you planned. Though honestly, if you know you're gonna be up against a dragon, going all the way to 7th for Evasion and not multiclassing might be the smartest move.
> 14
> dump stat
(8, 16, 12, 18, 13, 8 at level 7 here)
Does your DM allow you to get a feat and an ability score improvement instead of just one?
> Fatty MC FatFuck is unable to even think beyond projecting his own fatty logic
> 8 hours game where half of the time consists on breaks to eat another full lunch or dinner
>triggered fat retard is projecting again
shit, you don't even play this game
What sort of character you got to go with those stats?
Yeah I got incredibly lucky. I posted my stats last thread, but I have like 2 18s and a 16, and INT, my lowest stat, is 13. I rolled actually higher stats but the DM decided to lower a couple because it was too much

nope, only need the single +1 from skill expert to reach it though

Oh shit I didn't know that it scaled with character level. That's super cool, thanks!

The issue with Expertise is that I currently don't have proficiency in investigation, and also no one else in the party does.
Yes there's a fighting style that allows for one maneuver. I was thinking of getting Riposte for sneak attacks.

The main issue with going to level 7 is that I don't know if we'll get to that level in this campaign kek. Most people I've seen online killed the dragon and finished it/did side quest at level 5-6 But you're right that evasion sounds incredibly useful
Diviner wizard
> seething and delusional
At least I've been to actual restaurants instead of just fast food crap like you
Sounds like the players are being degens. You might have to put up with it for a few sessions, or find a new group.
No leg day and probably creeps people out by responding a little too fast, as if he already knew what they were going to say.
subway isn't a restaurant, jared
Mate, it is fucking wild that you're reading all these replies and thinking you're owning them instead of making a bigger and bigger fool out of yourself.
>Most people I've seen online killed the dragon and finished it/did side quest at level 5-6 But you're right that evasion sounds incredibly useful
Ah, so it's a module. And if it's the one I'm thinking of, then my suggestion would be to go for Rogue 5 like you planned, and then see whatever you can get from Fighter.
That should do just fine, especially if 13 is your lowest stat.
> More projecting
Lmao fatfuck poorfag
Alright anon. Sounds like a great plan, thanks
Mate it's fucking wild fatties need to have snack always available, need a heaping plate any order for it to be a meal, or worst of all they don't cook for their friends. Notice how me and the other anon who aren't fat pieces of shit just disagreed on when it's best to eat? Pre-session or middle of it? Everyone else had their minds blown that people have actual eating habits.
>retard doesn't know what projecting is
Buying McDonald's doesn't count as cooking for your friends, you fatso
>fat retard nogames is still stuck on fast food
Hey anon, when was the last time you cooked for your friends? Was it a themed meal for the session? Was it quick and easy so you can get back to the game? Grill any steaks for the DM as thanks for running the game? Because I don't think you've done any of that. Bet you just order a pizza and call it good.
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>Thread hijacked by trolling dipshits who are screaming at each other that they suck at eating.
> Fatso keeps obsessing over food
Sorry but if your sessions aren't 8 hours long, with half of the time being breaks to eat yet another lunch/dinner, you're not really playing the game.
Why would I play for less than 8 hours? What else am I going to do on a Tuesday, work?
better than the pol/bait/ it was turning into Well anon, what do you cook for your friends?
fatty absolutely seething
> fetishfag forcing all their group to eat the greasy crap they "cook"
> Full meals, so can't even play while eating
> Using games as a cover to just get fat together
> Can't conceive the idea that someone might just have some tea and cookies while playing instead
I mean, the kid sounds like he's going to be disliked by default.
He's apparently a 'demigod' of sorts with his consciousness split between a tyranical god of a dystopia and a child whose personality is vague at best based on what you've described.

Like, was he kidnapped? Was he a volunteer? Right now he doesn't sound very sympathetic, and rather the kid happens to be a talkative prison for a god-king.
>Be me
>think of running some 5e
>want to use core only and ban all full casters
Honestly what are the consequences of this going to be?
Sorry for deleting the post but thanks for the reply.
Yeah the kid is supposed to not be very likable but I don't want him to be a complete pain to the point of "fuck it let's kill him".
He was born to nobility and taken by priests as a baby for the sake of becoming this divine avatar.
>rather the kid happens to be a talkative prison for a god-king.
Yeah I guess it's like that, but since the ritual was interrupted, he's not even fully said god and has no way to achieve so anymore (i guess the "human" part is afraid of death while the godly part would know he should die so that the priests try again with another kid).
Kidnapper NPC still views him as more of a poor little victim kid
How are the two consciousnesses interacting? You could have some weird buddy duo of the two with the kid having his evil proclamation before going into a childish rant and being embarrassed if he notices, if you're going for a more comedic route.

For a more serious route, I suppose exploring why this god views this child as a way to "become something new" could be interesting. have this god's haughtiness be tempered with childish curiosity.
You asked.
Players complaining probably.
I did have a no-fullcaster campaign once, seemed fine but didn't last long due to out of game issues.
Looks like dogshit
Thanks, I might try both of these (campaign is somewhat serious, but I think this character should be at least somewhat comedic).
/5eg/, I have a idiot murderhobo in my group and we have a deadly combat coming up next session. I'm trying to figure out how to kill him and make it look like an accident
>"fuck it let's kill him".
I mean, so long as the players are aware that killing the kid would let the god 'reincarnate', so to speak, then I doubt they'd do that.
My first worry/expectation was that the players would somehow try and shove the kid into a mine so that the god can experience what it's like being being a normal human bossed around in terrible circumstances. Although how karmic that particular brand of justice would be depends on the brand of dystopia.

Being a child of nobility raised by priests probably means the kid is 100% on the kool-aid though, and leaving him unattended is pretty risky that he figures out some way to use his powers or agents of the god track him down to kill him.
The other thought that occurs would be the players trying to kill the kid themselves and then casting Revivify or something so that the NPC can take care of him, though that fully depends on how bad it would be to set the god free and if the NPC would even accept such a result.

I think if you wanted to try to endear the kid to the players at all, maybe have him ask about some of the relatively mundane places they might have been. Forests, villages, the sort of stuff that would contrast with whatever temple he's been locked up in all his life.
Perhaps play up the angle that the kid might have a shot at actually reforming like the NPC wants, though not by being locked up and hidden away, because that's just the sort of rigid lawfulness that the god thrives on and the kid hates.
>I'm a loser who can't resolve my problems so instead I'll imaginary kill people in my imaginary world.
Why do you feel the need to embarrass yourself on this anonymous basket weaving forum?
Do you expect that the player will roll up a different kind of character? Or do you genuinely think it makes sense for your character to kill theirs? I want a character in my game to die, and I'm pretty sure so do the DM and other players, but it wouldn't actually solve anything because it's obviously the player's personality dictating how they behave and what they decide to do.
2 fireballs
shut the fuck up nogames
>Mfw the storyfag thinks I don't play games.
Deciding the outcome before the dice hit the table means you aren't playing games peabrain. Go write a book.
Ok, thanks for all your input.
I guess what I'd like is for the kid to end up slowly becoming more human-like. The kid just being there rather than as a God-King is a way to show that the NPC is powerful and smart enough to go through with plans that work, but still limited, plus just dealing with the kid ends up restricting the NPC a lot.
But of course I don't want it to be all railroady, and I don't want either the kid nor the NPC to overstay their welcome if they don't click with the players.
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when can we expect it?
Did storyshitter finally die? Felt like it was just one or two anons trying to force it.
If it's ultimately meant to be an excuse as to why the NPC isn't able to drop what he's doing and help the players, then I wouldn't worry too much. A bit of child-like curiosity and asking about their adventures is probably enough to signal 'this kid wants to see more of the world' with any explanation of his situation from the NPC providing context.
No need to really hammer it home unless the PCs press him more.

And you could always do the old reliable
>kids eyes suddenly glow, floats above the floor, says something cryptic in a godly voice, then passes out
Which is cheap theatrics, but potentially effective theatrics
>what if I gut half the classes and with them about 60% of mechanics
You'll have a more focused type of play but not a particularly interesting one.
A very boring game dominated to a comical degree by Paladin.
If you lock the game to martial-only (no semicasters) you basically can't run combat anymore without massive overhauls if you want players to stay interested, and at that point you're really not playing PHB-only 5e. Martials really do just have no fucking options by RAW where even if they're good they're not interesting.

Might be good for a novelty oneshot but I'd never run a campaign like that.
>more focused type of play
As intended
>not a particularly interesting one
How so? I find martials and semi martials are plenty interesting.
>4d6 drop lowest
>if no score below 12, switch highest score for 8
is this stupid?
Yes, rolling for stats is always stupid.
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I like marids. They're pretty dope. And insofar as there are good genasi, water genasi are the best of them, so that's a nice thing marids have contributed.
>any enemies with saving throw abilities automatically succeed because martials need to get dex, con and str before they can invest in mental stats
>everyone will just be attacking round after round
what a boring guy you are, with motm and tashas there are so many ways to play but you ban the more interesting parts
everyone would play a paladin because then their saves are good, alot of base healing added so they can keep going and decent spellcasting
Super arbitrary. My 15/15/16/11/12/17 character passes without issue but a hypothetical 14/12/12/12/12/12 character would get their one good stat taken away from them.
Why their best stat, anyway, and why an 8 when avoiding this is possible with nothing worse than a +0?
A party of paladins
part of the appeal of rolling for stats is risk and reward. you're shitting on someone for getting lucky, or crapping on someone even more for being unlucky, which sucks either way. just do point buy or give everyone the same stat-line then. another way my group has done it is by net stat bonuses (which yes, can still be imperfect since one player might get +2 from their ASI in two stats while another person only gets a +1 from buffing one stat).
Yeah, with rolling for stats there should only be two rules - roll that shit at the table and stick with whatever you got.
I like point buy, but I wish it allowed for scores to get below 8. Maybe a minimum of 6 so it still makes sense for an adventurer while being significantly lower than average rather than just a tiny bit lower than average.
Only if you can also start with 18s
Nah, that's just minmaxer faggotry because you know they'll pick a race that allows them to set with 20 in their main stat (or, at worse, at 19 so they get to 20 at level 4).
What's the point in having garbage stats if you can't have good stats, idiot? Are you just eager to play a cripplejester?

The thing you clowns forget about minmaxing is that there IS a min for your max. If you want to obliterate Grug the barbarian you can just cast hold person and have his party scramble to save him.
>What's the point in having garbage stats if you can't have good stats, idiot? Are you just eager to play a cripplejester?
Imagine getting this mad over starting with +3 instead of +5
You're the one that wants to start with -2. Is it just to play a retard (yourself)?
> Still seething
Nah, it's because str 6 would fit my character, and while he doesn't need high wisdom, it would still suit him better for it to be a bit higher.
Plus I've had people in my game roleplaying actual retarded characters, but it's not the same when you know int 8 shouldn't be -that- stupid
Is that warlocked? On MY /tg/?
>/5eg/ still doesn't know what minmax means
getting real tired of this episode
D&d has never been balanced. It will never be balanced. Stop trying so hard to balance it and just have fun, fuck
Some people find the process of balancing it to be fun.
An ultimately futile task but I understand
Everything in life is futile if you take a long enough view. But my group has been enjoying my overhauls immensely, so my Sisyphean struggles are still improving the experience for everyone involved.
imagine forcing you to start with -3 to compensate for a +4
That's just it, overhauls. You have to overhaul this game for it to be remotely playable
Trying to balance it is fucking retarded.
But trying to make different playstyles fun to play is good, which kind of relies on not having certain builds mog others too hard.
> T. Anon who started with -3 to intelligence
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>When Mother Sibonseni travels through the streets, she rides in an elegant sedan chair accompanied by drummers, singers, dancers, and temple aides who distribute fistfuls of copper coins to the poor. Needless to say, this causes traffic jams, but the people of the city love her.
Bros, i have one high level bard npc charlatan who is going to impersonate Waukeen, i like the idea of walking around distributing money with a small circus surrounding you but i think i coul do better somehow, how do i top that ?
>standard human champion fighter, folk hero background
>standard human thief rogue, criminal background
>standard human evocation wizard, noble background
>standard human life cleric, acolyte background

Is this a good party for level 3?
Can't decide on a wizard subclass for a Thri-kreen character. Current one I was planning on using was graviturgy, as a weird alien bug with gravity manipulating space powers seemed neat, but now I don't know if it'd be more fitting to be a different subclass.
>bladesinger to take advantage of the extra arms/be general grievous
>necromancer so the corpses the party leaves don't go to waste
>Enchanter to manipulate the fleshy meatbags like an umber hulk
Should I do one of these or stick to graviturgy?
Why are you trying to make them all as boring as possible?
Yeah that's a good party, but you sure could switch things up a bit with the subclasses and backgrounds.
That is so generic it's almost subversive.

It's good enough for level 3, but on higher levels you will quickly notice that the wizard is pulling the most weight in all encounters both in combat and out of combat while the life cleric keeps having to heal and revivify the two martials, who themselves are mid at best.
I dont know if bladesinger can make use of the extra arms, you should be able to use shield+ sword and two scimitars to attack thrice but you are limited on what you can use as a bladesinger right?
Take inspiration from Dragnacarta’s multiphase solo bosses
What element of the character do you want the procession to highlight?
Well, yeah, druid just pulling from the Monster Manual for wild shape instead of having defined-but-customizable stat blocks for the feature was a retarded choice, but easily fixed.
Thinking of my new charater backstory, give thoughts.

Was a recruited to the cult of the eternal flames. During one of her missions, she was tasked with finding a powerful artifact.

Mask of the heavens, when put on her face burning her, and making it unable to be removed.

This also led to forming a pack with Empyrean, who the mask is shaped modeled after. During this time the new goal for Opal was turn the current cult of eternal flames into a positives organization for the world. Also to install the Empyrean as the new main religious leader.
Also trying to do a celestia warlock, want good spells for it other them blast, and heals.
Easy solution to that problem, only allow long rests when the party is both safe and comfortable. They need proper beds, food, and essentially no risk of being attacked to qualify for a long rest. Spell slots should be much harder to regain than they are.
Never accept food cooked by your DM.
If they're a male, it obviously has his cum.
If they're a female, it might be fine during some days of the month, but it will have menstrual blood during those days.
100% guaranteed if the DM is all about being overly friendly to you.
You just play it and overhaul as you go.
That way you also adapt it to what your group and you specifically enjoy.
It's good.
Can't say much more without a personality or other aspects of the background, but what you already posted seems good.
>be in high level campaign in a grim dark world besieged by devils
>DM explains anything goes so we can go wild or as dark as we want
>party starts at level 17
>play eldritch knight who is preety much a mass murdering infamous mercenary
>only full caster is eloquence bard who plays his character as a mysterious wanderer said to have commited foul acts
>first task is the local lords of the city beg us legendary mercs to clean up a fortress full of elite soldier defectors lead by there skilled captain paladin and capture him
>we mop the floor with the fort
>make it to the paladins room as the party just laughs ragdolling him
>we camp in bards magnificent mansion because he convinced us to even though he can teleport us
>he gets alone time with the paladin for "interrogation"
>True polymorphs him into a commoner woman
>oh boy
>DM allows him to rape the paladin in a fade to black scene
>next day we deliver the humiliated paladin like it was nothing while still turned into a woman
>local lords is stunned why we brought a naked mind broken woman to them
>bard dispels it for dramatic effect and bows like a cheeky cunt
Is this what all bard players aspire to be?
>Is this what all bard players aspire to be?
No, the whole point of horny bard memes is that they don't need to rape since everyone has sex with them willingly.
Your post is just nogames cringe
This never happened.
And the problem in these scenarios is...?
It did. I was there, and so was you're mom. (She was on her knees, blowing me.)
you just wanted to post about your genderbend rape fetish
>no muh dnd games are all family friendly
Its ok anon, I understand you play at the kiddie table
I lol'd
How do you guys handle the dead time in a wilderness exploration day? And by that I mean what do you tell players their characters do or can do for all the time that isnt spent doing something else?

You can travel 8h before risking exhaustion
A long rest takes 8h
Maybe they'll have the 2 short rests during the day, that's another 2h

I feel like my players are just gonna ask "wtf are we doing for 6 hours" on days with no dungeons or random encounters or anything.
> I have no reading comprehension whatsoever.
Lots of other classes make more obvious choices for a rapist character. Especially something like an enchantment wizard
walking anon what the fuck else are they gonna be doing
presumably, they're going somewhere
are you familiar with the concept of a hexcrawl? you should stock your map with interesting things for them to come across
The idea is to add this char to give my players some new options in Tomb of Annihilation. the bard is going to be a female since she impersonates waukeen.
- She's going to distribute free Tej, an amber-colored, fermented drink made from honey, she will call if liquid gold, and the poor need gold, increasing the amount of drunkards in the city.
- She will try to mess with the flaming fists, if the players find the giants she'll find a way to make them think the ring of winter is inside the flaming fist's fort, and try to find a way to recover some of the stolen gold and treasure to the people of Chult.
- Point the location of the Alchemy jug if the players help her.
bro can you fucking read
you can travel 8h before risking exhaustion, which most parties will avoid
that leaves 8-6h in the day
Not every hex needs to have a mega dungeon.
>8-6h in the day
yes, with which they should be walking and exploring and finding things
>Not every hex needs to have a mega dungeon.
no shit moron where the fuck did i say that
if you put nothing in the wilderness then they're going to walk around for 6 hours and find fucking nothing that's common sense, so if you want something to happen then you need to put POIs and landmarks and whatnot that offer some kind of interaction
i'm really amazed i have to tell you this
>be sorcerer
>fighting some devil for his mcguffin
>hes losing the fight
>decides to drag me to hell in his escape
>ok I just banish myself lmao
>DM has a brain lag
Did I break the plot? We just kinda ended the session there
I think you might have brain damage
not every hex has something that takes 8h to cover
some have things that are like small landmarks and encounters or something that takes less than 1h to fully explore.
Again: You can travel for only 8h a day
8h are taken by a long rest
the final 8h cannot be used for walking/exploring like you said unless you risk exhaustion
My DM would give some options of things to do. Like the ranger might go hunting, the bard teaches the wizard how to play the lyre, cleric goes to pick mushrooms, etc
>T. DM who cooks for the players
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>not every hex has something that takes 8h to cover
so they go to the next hex
what's the problem here, do you think they're gonna bitch that it takes time to go to places and that not every minute of the day is packed with something to do???
you keep repeating that they have an 8 hour day of exploring as if it makes your point any fucking clearer
>anon, we're not interacting with landmarks or POI, we're not in a dungeon, we're not fighting, so what are we doing?
Presumably, They Should Be Walking To The Next Thing To Do
Lmao what a retard

I feel sad for you trying to explain shit to that idiot
what part of "you can only travel for 8h per day before exhaustion" is so difficult for you to comprehend?
they travel 8h
they have 8h left in their day they cannot use to travel because if they do they will risk exhaustion
am i getting trolled?
buckle his pants up after fag
>am i getting trolled?
I hope.
Anyway, maybe you could homebrew something like
> either they do some other activity
> They keep travelling at a slower pace, only 1 point of exhaustion instead of the rolling one con save per hour as the book says
> Long rest should restore that exhaustion anyway, but if something happens before they rest they might be a bit fucked
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oh i'm actually mentally stunted
my bad i just finished a night shift and didn't read your post right 3 times in a fucking row
You may now commence the bullying
You're the one fucking around
Have them teach each other languages or tool proficiencies. Maybe they could even learn a proficiency on their own. Or, with enough time, get one of the weaker yet flavorful feats. Or craft stuff.
Setting up a camp could take about an hour or two depending on conditions so you can subtract that as well
You would be able to attack 3 times, but bladesingers can't use shields.
Something like this if I had to. https://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/46116/roleplaying-games/5e-hexcrawl-part-3-watch-actions personally I prefer to keep it simple and forgo actions like this as it feels like it slows everything down too much
Relatively new DM here. The last couple campaigns I ran ended early due to flaky groups but we're starting a new one with a girl who is completely new to D&D, she wants to play an Autumn Eladrin battlemaster - what's a good introductory sequence that isn't "you all meet in a tavern?"

I'm writing the campaign in a large city-state that has a lot of political unrest (the current governor is wildly believed to have poisoned his brother, the previous one) with the Heralds of the Comet as a cult fanning the flames.
>what's a good introductory sequence that isn't "you all meet in a tavern?"
What's wrong with that?
>what's a good introductory sequence that isn't "you all meet in a tavern?"
You all meet in the queue for the sex offenders' registry
Alternatively, you're all meeting with the local bailiff, explain why are you there (victim? criminal? bailiff's son?)
if geographically possible, starting them with a shipwreck is good as it instantly gives them a reason to work together
or the easiest way is just to tell the party to assume they know each other and have chosen to work together beforehand and get right into the actual contents of the session without worrying about first introductions
The party and a mutually friendly NPC of theirs are ambushed and the party bonds in the fire and crucible of combat
My current DM had all of our characters hired for the same job.
the pcs are all bodyguards for different factions during a secret meeting that was set up by the leader or the cult and the pcs have to fight their way out
If they don't suck yeah. As long as the DM(s) are cool.

Why do you have one?
That's a cool idea, especially if all their bosses get wiped out, freeing them of their initial obligation
Rust monster
I'm trying to settle on a campaign idea for a game I'm running soon. Would you like this premise as a player, or should I go back to the drawing board?

> forced party TPK at the end of first session as level 1
>Players witness a conversation between gods where they learn they are the chosen of one in a competition to decide if the current cycle of the world continues or is destroyed and starts anew
>They get 20 tries to kill the chosen of the competing god
>Each time they die they level up and basically groundhog day. They have 90 days per attempt.
>The evil god's chosen are level 5, 10,15, and 20 encounters

The majority of the campaign would be figuring out who the evil god's chosen are and killing them, and using information from past loops. New loot from each chosen they kill every time to stay fresh.

Obviously this is just a bare bones gist. I'm just nervous about the forced TPK at the beginning and if dying every ~4 sessions would actually be fun, even if each attempt is completely different by the players.
I would say to just start with them already sitting in purgatory listening to the god argument, potentially with some exposition about how they were killed, just in terms of getting to the actual premise as soon as possible.

That aside, I'm not sure if 5e is a deadly enough game for this premise to even work well. Or rather, work well while being fun, since if the encounters are all cranked up past deadly in order to actually make sure the players ever need to use any of those 20 lives, then that just means they'll be banging their head against a wall until they die enough times to succeed no matter what.
this sounds absolutely fucking intolerable. there is not a single step of your plan where the players are not being railroaded. scrap the idea completely
your job is to create a game setting that allows for some player agency and decision making
Thought so, thanks. Back to the drawing board it is!
You've been playing too much Hades 2
>half the time on her phone
>30min break randomly
What's something fun I can play from about 1 to 10 in a depressing hellhole where the sun never shines?
Light cleric
>looks at phone
>takes a long break without the rest of the group
Yep, that's a bad player right there
What's so wrong with a party pushing it and risking some exhaustions? They will lose it on a long rest anyway.
Why don't DMs not understand that players want to play a game where they start off in a tavern where they get a quest to kill a couple of goblins and then the entire campaign goes off depending how players act, what npcs they interact with etc etc.
Maybe it's just me but i LOATHE "the world is in your hands" plots.
>I rolled actually higher stats but the DM decided to lower a couple because it was too much

next time bargain with your DM

>hey man, can I trade this high stat with another player who rolled really poorly?
risk reward vs facing potential random encounter overnight
the hard part is making it so players actually have an incentive to hurry up and a sense of the risk of doing so
no? It kills the atmosphere. how is this even a question?
'Intellect devourers are intelligent monsters in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition that consume the intelligence of sentient creatures, including their memories and emotions'

So if I have an NPC that's controlled by an intellect devourer are they like a perfect copy, also acting like them or is it like a slug in a suit that also knows what they knew?

How do you signal this to players?
>The intellect devourer initiates an Intelligence contest with an incapacitated humanoid within 5 feet of it that isn't protected by protection from evil and good. If it wins the contest, the intellect devourer magically consumes the target's brain, teleports into the target's skull, and takes control of the target's body. While inside a creature, the intellect devourer has total cover against attacks and other effects originating outside its host. The intellect devourer retains its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as its understanding of Deep Speech, its telepathy, and its traits. It otherwise adopts the target's statistics. It knows everything the creature knew, including spells and languages.

You don't signal it. Its basically whoever got replaced + everything the intellect devourer ever knew. If the Intellect Devourer wishes to be an agent or a spy, you just don't shit to do with it man, you'll catch it or you won't.
1 point of exhaustion won't even make a fight harder if it happens, it will make it more difficult to explore though.
Also that rule is kind of stupid, what kind of person couldn't walk for more than 8 hours before being exhausted?
What character archetype do I play for the Gigachad aesthetic and feel?
Whichever one your zoomer heart wants it to be
a real bard. a guy who will be a full background support of a party, no a face, not a perv.
Male human fighter, of course.
>Also that rule is kind of stupid, what kind of person couldn't walk for more than 8 hours before being exhausted?
i dont make 5e's stupid rules I just try to live with them
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Wasn't it leaked like a day or two ago?
>3 items
>all new monsters have absolute trash art
good lord I dont even wanna try reading the adventures
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>quick look through all human NPCs
>all are black women except for Tasha
>all are good aligned
I'll be honest, I wouldn't buy this slop
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wtf is this shit
>spending money on WotC books after Strixhaven and Spelljammer
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A spyder-fiend, anon. They're TSR originals.
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I think the art in the book looks good?
>Multiattack. Alustriel makes three Staff of Silverymoon attacks or two Reproving Ray attacks.
>"Staff of Silverymoon. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 38 (7d10) radiant damage."
>"Reproving Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +14 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 65 (9d12 + 7) force damage, and if the target is a creature, it must make a DC 22 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target has the incapacitated condition until the start of Alustriel's next turn. On a successful save, the target's speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of Alustriel's next turn."

Whew- she hits hard. Don't piss her off.
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same energy
>have a classic character going back to Greyhawk that is famous for being consort of demons and having multiple children by Grazz't including fucking Iuz
>make her an androgynous fey thing
I honestly thought this was a man
>Death Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, Strahd can forgo dealing slashing damage; the target then has the grappled condition (escape DC 18) instead. Strahd can grapple only one creature at a time.

Why did they give Strahd a sword in the art but no sword option in his stats? Unless the flavor here is that he's stabbing you with the sword and grappling you on some Sephiroth energy? Its likely he's just grappling you with his hands/claws.
She turned into an archfey during The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, anon.
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Yeah and my point is it's retarded. She was the foremost demonologist in D&D. She's been fucking demons since my parents were children. She's mother to the most notorious warlord of Greyhawk and notorious cambion in D&D Iuz.
Plus she used to be sexy and now she looks like a man
Vecna and Kas were gay lovers in the new adventure.
Makes sense, Vecna was always fucking gay.
Is a +1 Sword too early to give at level 1 or 2?
Only if they earned it.
according to raw rules for rarity/level, yes
it's not gonna break anything mechanically however
but it will break progression a bit, because your players are gonna be expecting an upgrade by level 6 or something
it will also "break" any resistant to non-magic weapons enemies, and in particular the "oh shit" moment when you tell players this creature seems to resist their blows. But that's really only fun for new players who don't know about all the game mechanics
I'll think of some other loot then
Depends on the sword and the campaign, some weapons are much stronger than others thanks to feats and class features. A +1 Longsword isn't that big a deal, however a +1 Greatsword can be.
Regardless, level 1 or 2 PCs probably could do with a Common tier magical weapon instead of a +1 weapon.

Moon-Touched Sword for example is great for level 1 PCs.
there was probably just no communication between different people working on different parts of it.
we did some retro campaigns as a group alongside our 5e games - and we played Vecna Reborn for 2e. honestly they seemed kinda gay even then too.
thanks, I'll pay more attention to item rarity
Probably, but it bothers me a little none the less!
Do that, but also pay even more attention to the items effects. 5e D&D is notorious for having Item Rarity values not being a perfect indicator for power. Some uncommon tier items (Examples: Winged Boots, Staff of the Python, Broom of Flying, and Gauntlets of Ogre Power) are VERY strong for their rarity value and should be given with a great deal of consideration about how they can affect your game.
Those are available at level 1 and 2 anyway. Complete non-issue.
Alas Kas' homolust was no match for his lust for power.
She was also originally based off of a little girl who wrote Gygax letters in crayon, so her being so sexual in nature has always been a little uncomfortable.
You're a faggot
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only the name Tasha and the association with laughter
the character was based on a witch from the Kalevala
Is the DM bad/boring? Or is this chick just ADHD.
Letting someone stare at their for 30 minutes during a game is a DM and group skill issue.
nah, unless they have huge tits, they can take a hike.
Don't really care. If they ask for cliff notes, i'll give em the bare bones and then move on.
>unless they have huge tits
Very basic taste.
Can't stare at a girl's ass if they're sitting down across a table from you.
It's one of 4 things women have to offer anon, don't minimilize them.
Then it'd only be two anon.
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You underestimate my strategic placement of mirrored surfaces, anon.
>want to make a cryomancer
>need 6 levels in draconicf or Cha to frost spells
>need 2 levels in scribe wizard so i'm not hemoraging sorcery points to transmute meta magic
>need 5 levels in warlock for flair and spells.

Really wish transmute meta magic just lasted a minute and swapped all draconic element spells to a type of your choice. Might just be easier to just look at transmute meta magic as a "+5 damage for one sorcery point"
no, (you) are gay
I repeat: Then it'd only be two anon.
>scribe wizard
>When you cast a wizard spell with a spell slot
>wizard spell
>spell slot, not pact

imho unless your DM is a fag, just ask him to let you learn cold damage versions of the spells so you don't need to transmute the type
My player is about to reach lichdom soon and I mostly plan on giving him, undead creature type, no need for food&drink or breathing, 1d10 regenerate at phylactery if he dies. Is there anything else I should add? Hes recently become a level 14 necromancer
I don't know about recommendations, but it's really cool you're letting a pc go lich
Welp, that convinced met stick to a Sorlock

>ice knife
>h̶u̶n̶g̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶a̶r̶ Sphere of Long Winter and rime's binding ice
>fireball (cold)
>hellish rebuke (cold)
>armor of agathys
>tomb of levistus
>Genie's Wrath (mariad) + sleet storm

should be enough cold theming
Sounds like the big ones, could give him the paralyzing touch if you really wanted I guess, but probably not needed.
How often will he need to consume souls to live?

1st level spell : conjure minion
>you conjure a zombie or skeleton that attacks the closest living creature.
>you can dominate this creatue by casting animate dead.
>you cannot choose this spell with spell mastery
We have been playing for 3 months now and we are nearing the end so I might aswell buff up the party for the finale. Conquest paladin is planning to become a king soon and is getting a sword that allows him to turn his smites into the disintegrate spell, mastermind rogue has an entire spy network and is given a boon that allows him cast dominate person at will and total immunity to charm, order cleric is preety much happy his god is sending him a supply of devils via his artifact that are planar binded in which he can refresh for no cost.
Thats my problem, I dont want it to be a chore for him to eat souls everyday so what would be a good timespan
Maybe once a year on the eve of achieving lichdom or something if you don't want to worry about it all that much.
Can a level 10 party handle this? 1 solar 2 devas? This is assuming they fuck up on there choices. We got 1 wildfire druid, 2 battlemasters and hexblade.
They're probably fucked.
>two PCs likely to have ~104-114 HP on average, up to 134 with Tough and CON not neglected
>two PCs likely to have at best ~73-83 and a 55 HP pet
>versus a creature with average DPS of 98-147 assuming the flying sword, OR a sword attack and a slaying longbow shot capable of killing basically any PC instantly after it hits on a bad save
>PLUS ~42 damage from legendary actions assuming two close-enough targets OR potentially unremovable blindness assuming the druid didn't choose one specific spell
>PLUS two guys dishing 50 damage a round
>and fly speeds to stay completely out of necessary range of everything save for EB and the wildfire spirit
>PLUS a combined health pool of 519 and expected healing potential of 280 between them and ability to erase almost any negative condition inflicted
My guy if it comes to a fight, the solar expects the devas to succeed and flies away. The devas alone are a very strong threat to a party HP pool of ~409, 100 damage a round means four solid rounds will kill them and their statblocks enforce them to stay melee unless they Change Shape into something with a ranged option.
Large isn't inherently attractive or the only attractive size.

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