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I refuse to play wargames or TTRPGs with people who unironically like and enjoy the Horus Heresy novel series. I have personally found they are invariably derivative, autistic fags who don't understand the appeal of /ourguys/ are are mainly interested in wargames/TTRPGs because of some OCD desire to collect information.

Am I wrong?
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By the way, context for >>92820525, he's the same guy here >>92835997 >>92832815, complaining that Mechanicum units are not in 40k. Yes, xeno players are so deranged that they will feel offended on other players' behalf. Everyone point and laugh.

>Verification not required.
>everyone who dislikes HH is just one guy trying to psyop the board!
Are you the same guy as that "our own worst troll" guy who freaks the fuck out any time someone says something bad about DnD?
>100+ book series makes difficult to retcon
lmao GW doesn't give a shit about any of that. If they feel like they'll hit you point blank with a "it always was this way!" any day of the week.
... No. They're far too cowardly to do it on a whim.
nigger this is all entertainment holy shit

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What are the best post-apocalypse games and what makes them great?

>Gamma World
>Mutant Crawl Classics
>Mutant Year Zero
>Twilight 2000
>After the Bomb
>Atomic Highway
>Fallout, I guess?

Post your faves and also post-apoc pics.
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Everyone knows that He-Man is the best post-apocalyptic setting.
Of all the stupid things in that picture, the spikes on the gun are what really get me.
It's so he can't be disarmed. Nobody's grabbing that cactus-gun!
Don’t forget their zombie one, Dead Reign
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Si vous recherchez de bons jeux de rôle post-apocalyptiques, Bitume est très amusant !
Évitez simplement les éditions les plus récentes, car elles sont vraiment merdiques.

>Becoming a lich requires a mass sacrifice of souls
>But there's tons of evil races around like Orcs and Goblins
>So I just sacrifice them instead and become a Lawful Good Lich
Explain why this couldn't work.
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I think thats just apostles.
There's a reason they fear the mothman
Lawful Good souls taste better. Chaotic evil souls are nasty.
Yeah, but that's just to please Orcus and get him to do it to you. The recipe above gets you lichdom without dealing with him.
Given the formula involves drinking a three different kinds of poison, I'm not so sure it isn't Orcus' idea of a prank.

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What’s wrong with CADslop GW digital artists?

It’s soooo tiresome, bros.
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>making conversion harder for no reason

It's not for no reason, it's for a very specific reason. Most conversions involve purchasing products from other companies (gree stuff, third party bits, etc.) and GW doesn't want you doing that. Making their models harder to convert is a direct attack on their potential competitors in the industry.
That looks like vampire counts armor. Did he loot that after a better army fought them or something?
>shit ton of unnecesary detail
You mean 3d printer deturrants.

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Any good games/systems to run picrel? Most urban fantasy games I've seen are either too weak in superhuman ability or assume magic that's way too zany/prevalent.
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>Literally WoD with serial numbers filled off
>wHaT sYsTeM?
Let me guess - you were born somewhere between the first and second movie and think they are some sort of holy grail as a result.
>Underworld based on The Night Watch
Nice cope, Ruskie.
Do you just want to play Vampires?

Having read that lawsuit it was a huge stretch. They probably settled out of court just to save on court fees because I'm fairly certain Underworld would have won that case. There are only a few things specific to WoD it "copied" and a lot of things WW misrepresented in order to have a stronger case. The only reason they're as close as they are is because they're both pastiches of the same things.
Thankfully, WW has since been closed and everyone fired.
Good riddance, if you ask me.

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Onion Earth Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc

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>Pangea 4th Panthalassa 5th
i like this a lot.
>Layer Shifts would be a huge kick in the teeth to geologists everywhere.
kick in the teeth to everything. i think it would stall, or at least not much effect the pace of, normal science while all the great minds become occupied with all the flashy new stuff: trying to make it fit with what they already believe while also trying to use it to knock out rivals, and of course nail those juicy government contracts.
i doubt it would be called Sub Pangea in an era where Pangea Pangea is niche even among the educated. the reason for a prefix like that would be to prevent confusion, and there would be no confusion.
>St. Helena is just a spot in the 9th tho.
yes, but Colonials would only really know about the 9th through rumors surrounding Napoleon, so it makes sense they would call it Sub Helena.
>>Pangea 4th Panthalassa 5th
It works for me. The same way Panthalassa denotes the Layer being one large Ocean, Pangea denotes the Layer being one large landmass, and that works indeed a lot better with the 4th than the 3rd.
I like Mnemosynia for the 3rd.
For this week's game, is tomorrow or tuesday evening better? I can do both.
so 1st is Hyperborea, 2nd is The Surface/Epigea, everything under 2nd is Agartha, 3rd is Mnemosynia, 4th is Pangea, 5th is Panthalassa, 6th is Agenya, right?
what times work? also, what do you think about mine playing the same list you played last time?
>so 1st is...
Yeah I like that.
>what times work?
9pm? Is Tuesday good?
>also, what do you think about mine playing the same list you played last time?
You mean you playing French with the Troupe de la Marine? Sure.

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After trying many TCGs and even making my own, I keep coming back to Yugioh, but then I get bored because even though I don't hate the modern game, I just like the initial idea way more, or at least what I thought was the initial idea when younger.

Anyway, I intend to redesign Yugioh from the ground up and following the booster pack sequence, more or less.

This also means an EDOPro expansion/server and Dueling Book custom cards, and because of this, I don't intend to go apeshit with effects and mechanics.

Think of it as an alternative Yugioh Rush, but made by a fan of the old game. So, these are the core ideas right now, but also would like /tg/'s input and perhaps suggestions:
> effects will most likely never be activated from anywhere but the field
> rebuilt extra deck summoning mechanics, in a way of all them have around the same level of disadvantages/advantages
> rebuilt non-ed summoning mechanics (normal, gemini, union, etc...)
> less attributes, and they will matter for effects and battle
> less types
> level, type and attribute changes
> simpler effects with defined structure
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Rose Dragon
Red dragon archfiend
Noble knights
Listed predaplants twice.
> less attributes,
why, can you not count to 6? How would you even cut one?
The early game is characterized with things like Kuriboh, Electromagnetic Turtle, Sangan, and Witch of the Black Forest. The goal behind re-trying the game should never be to outright remove things that even the slowest iterations of the game have, but to figure out where and how those things managed to go wrong down the line to prevent them from happening. It is the fundamental difference between Sangan being sent to the GY, and Poplar being sent to the GY.

If you want to make something that doesn't feel like complete ass to play, you should learn where things went right and wrong, then establish rules on what is and isn't okay to print. Limit cards to 2 effects and summoning conditions at most, and make sure that you don't have swiss army knife cards that do everything a deck needs to do. It's that simple.

>Name 10 decks you've played.
Not counting the playground non-decks from my childhood,
>Ice Barrier
>Code Talker
>Giant Park Insect
>Branded Predaplant (+ Predaplant(Pure))

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>Limit cards to 2 effects and summoning conditions at most, and make sure that you don't have swiss army knife cards that do everything a deck needs to do. It's that simple.
I think a card can have more than 2 effects and still be balanced. Make it really hard to summon. Like a version of Baronne that actually takes effort to bring out and rewards all that effort with a strong boss monster.

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Return to TESTERON edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92743849

>Thread Question: What makes a man?
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So, they're the minion version of the Amoeba Boys?
I thought I wanted to pivot my current favorite solo game to mercenary band management but I'm not into it anymore
I think I ruined it
do I just retcon everything and go back in time to when I was still having fun
Somebody else seizes control of the mercenary band, slandering you in the process. You're kicked out, the company stolen from you. Do you seek revenge or move somewhere far enough away that their lies won't follow and you can start over?
Reflect on what you thought you wanted and why what you tried didn't match that so you can make more informed decisions about how to play in future. Then pivot the game to reduce or remove the parts you don't like, either in the narrative (leave the band) or in the mechanics (hero hires someone to do the spreadsheet shit he hates so it just werks).

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> Bellum Maga

I looked this up expecting it to be some kind of “Fighting Donald Trump and Alt-Right Chuds” thing and while it does have fighting those types as a major part of it, it is so much more bizarre than I thought it was going to be.
Not sure about the sauce itself but it's Wakfu futa porn.
Does it let me play as a hung femboy raping monster girls?
If not, I dun care.
Bellum Maga is a fucking incredible rabbit hole, the author's combination of anger and kinks on display in a way that is intimately telling.
Cash grab. It'll work too, everyone wants in on the ragewage.

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What system to run this in?
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Your projections and fantasies about what has been said doesn't change any of the actual words that have been said. It only makes us laugh at you, schizofag.
That sounds promi-
In the trash it goes.
What're the differences between 1e and 2e?
Okay, bud, then explain to me why Delta Green is a good fit for an x-com game. People always just go "oh, yes, Delta green," and don't elaborate.
Is this real or an edit? Because if that's real, that's hilarious.

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What should they carry?
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It still would be even if you wanted the effects, because it lies about what it is. Some versions pretend to be a belt of giant's strength and appear to be one to all inspections. Then you put it on expecting to become very strong and instead it gives you Ken doll anatomy and poofs itself out of existence. If you go on a quest for one, you'll be blindly trying on every belt you come across, hoping they're actually cursed, but not the wrong curse (there are other cursed belts that may also be deceptive) and that it's not the wrong version of the right curse.
Also the aggressive permanence of its effects. A voluntary sex change could be reversed with similarly powerful magic, repeating the original effect, but this thing resists even the all powerful Wish spell. Given that, it's reasonable to rule that it would even resist a second belt of femininity/masculinity if you ever found one.
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>Is this actually a cursed item in current year?
The curse is in the fact that it tricks you into thinking it's something that it's not and that it can't be reversed by simply taking it off. But that being said, it's always been one of those "cursed" items that has obvious potential to be beneficial.
i have real cursed items I have to sit on elevated locations where they seem happy and clean them once a year
>a doll
>a mannequin in the closet
>several others
>one was related to the death of 4 owners before me

Okay so we've all seen that PC that's basically the brooding, angsty mutt that is constantly challenged by their heritage, whether it's because they are literally demonic in nature or because they are trapped between two worlds of immortal perfection and grounded mortality as half elves. But I notice that most people don't seem to be as attracted to this idea when it comes to half-orcs. Most people actually just seem to see half-orcs as a sort of "diet orc", rather then being it's own thing. They also don't seem nearly as popular as the other mutt races, maybe aasimar excluded. I personally don't see why not? What is it about having an angry green monster in your characters heritage that makes people less prone to play them as opposed to having an angry red monster with horns? Seriously every game I've played had like half the party be skittle colored tieflings but not one half orc, what gives?
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Oh, right, right. Sorry man. I misread and acted like a faggot, there. You are correct while I suck cocks by choice.
This plus the half orc bonusrs are geared for fighters and barbs and people who play those are at least quiet at the table instead of obnoxious
Thanks for the cool pics!

You know, if this >>92843161 >>92843234 samefag could go get a room with >>92842709
this guy, it could be a beginning of a great EarthDawn campaign.
But anon, I am >>92843234 and >>92842709

>>92842211 and >>92843161 are a different guy.
D&D orcs aren't green.

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I'm looking to broaden my horizons, but many companies out there are just as expensive as GW, and the few promising ones often only show pictures of 3D renders, as opposed to actual models. I don't know which ones are trustworthy, so tell me about your experiences with alternative purveyors of wargaming models.

I just found a company called Rakovendetta, pic related, and I like their style. Has anyone ever purchased any of their models? How do they look in real life?
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nice nice, they do have some sort of guardsmen looking guys.
congrats on the sharks, I hope they're fun to paint.

As for favorites? Reaper has always been my company, though they've gotten expensive, greedy and milquetoast recently.
Ramshackles art style tickles me and I love that the sculptor just does whatever the hell he wants.
the old grenedier having companies get my love because the models are really expressive, and em4 has a lot of cheap project fuel. Turnkey holds a place in my heart because the models used to be owned by a company called Mega Miniatures that were dirt cheap at ~1.25 a figure and had a HUGE range. much of it is sadly lost now, including some of the monsters and the really well sculpted guthrie personalities. still, really oldschool stuff - the photos don't do them justice.

tired so I'm sure there's more but that's just off the top of my head. thanks for asking anon.
no sharknado mini. I'm not impressed.
I'm a big fan of Mierce miniatures. They used to be really expensive and a lot of their stuff still is, but they've been slowly switching over everything from metal and cast resin to 3d prints, which comes with a big price decrease.
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Recently found Cadwallon who are making a lot of the old Rackham Confrontation models in metal. Got a bunch and am pretty happy with them. Might be white lead though.
I don't know if they're GOOD but by sheer coincidence I saw some Samurai and Ashigaru boxes by Fireforge in my local model shop this weekend - just to put another name out there for you (unless you've already tried them).

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So, I looked into this when it was newer and it didn't appeal to me (when it just looked like Roll20), but someone showed me 3d Canvas and the 'Landing Pages' people are making these days, and it finally got me to pull the trigger on buying Foundry, since I don't have to do the top-down 2d battle maps thing.

> What are some of the better built-in features I should try?
> What's modules / extensions are good for it, that I should check out?
> How do you guys handle multi-level buildings in Foundry 3d Canvas?

t. Foundry Newbie.
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Not bad. The iframe bit I expect to pull a lot of weight. I combined it with the "simple world builder" system, and the character sheet tabs seem to just be HTML documents.

Anyways. I shoved in an iframe to a google sheet that does calculations and though the sheet isn't finished it seems to be working well so far.

That seems to be a good shortcut for a missing system far less time consuming than building sheets an whatnot in foundry, and I can do some basic data validation as well, plus the sheets are editable outside foundry.
You've definitely got more computer savvy friends than me. There's a couple people in my usual group who I think would struggle with needing to tab over to handle their sheet.
Oh. I *think* they can edit it from inside foundry if I set the doc to public. But I can lock down what they can edit so they can't break formulae. And I should be able to have level up be a thing they can do on their own between sessions.
Yeah if it's all running off an external file, they can just edit the file between sessions. I wasn't 100% sure if I could actually edit the file when I tested it, but if you can that's huge.

With the same concept, or the PDF modules, you can also just use an editable character sheet PDF. I wonder if the ones that auto-calculate would work...
I'll check tomorrow to see if I can make it editable inside foundry and let you know. But I think it should work.

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OSR is supposed to be "gritty" and "immersive". Somehow they expect me to take it seriously when there are complex mechanical traps that work after hundreds of years without having been maintained. They're always this ridiculous pressure-plate or similarly activated device that seems almost magically malevolent. Complex traps (i.e. more intricate than pitfalls, punji sticks, logs/weapons hung over doors) are just ridiculous 90% of the time. It makes the game feel like Scooby-Doo for grown-ass men. This goes for all games, not just OSR.

The GM should roll for every trap in the dungeon, to 1) see if it still works and 2) see if it's already been triggered/disarmed by other tomb robbers.
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Obviously you're only interacting with the traps that function. Why would the DM waste time rolling dice for a trap that doesn't work?
Traps are gay. Literally and figuratively.
You're not a fun person to be around huh?
And what's with all these 10-foot corridors, am I right folks? More like 10-foot BORE-idors. I mean give me a break!
Traps are automatically scooby doo
Who would put traps in their home?

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