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Thread 416: Mayoiuta Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- D-TB04 Touken Ranbu ONLINE 2023: 5/24 (L E L)

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Don't forget that the WeissGODS are pulling the strings in this general.
Is that why it's so dead?
Yes. We discuss Weiss on a superior platform and cull any discussion of lesser games that happens here. You saw what the WeissGODS did to Buddyfight. Don't get lippy with me if you don't want Vanguard to die, too.
Is it possible for a unit to boost the vanguard before the vanguard is considered to have attacked?
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Work in Progress, "Friday Night Repairs" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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That is a fat ass
Also thanks for the fingerprints, expect to be accused of some nasty shit pretty soon.
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Painting miniatures for tabletop games.
Anon, thanks. I mean that, thanks. You've given me more information about the brand than I've seen in one place. So give a good, proper shake, keep the caps clean, and if it's a trouble colour, which I'd expect a 90s range to have a few of, let it sit for a little bit. Gotcha.

I have read that P3 also got their Formula line from Black Hat (something about Mike McVey being involved?). BI've always wanted some, but being from Bongland that's always been a touch difficult. Ta again, anon.
That indeed is a painted miniature for tabletop games.
Claws look great. Skull turned out gud.

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Good morning Anon, welcome to Townsville!
How can we make your stay a good one today?
I'm trying to knit together a functional setting out of the spaghetti soup I output during Dungeon23 - though mine was Midwestern Town23, with unrelated idea interludes.
Anyone want to help by asking questions about the town, inhabitants, or surroundings?
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There's also a gurdwara, but that has nothing to do with mythology or monsters.
Sikhs are just safe as houses and all the Sikhs I know are nice, so they go in.
Sounds like a meaningless distinction to me, but that's okay.
I assume this is Mr Sundowns complaining that people can tell the difference between individual cases and generalised rules?
For clarity: As far as "response to black crime", I've found a handful of newspaper clippings that would suggest that a handful of towns became Sundown towns after a crime, though even the reporting of negroes terrorising people usually includes something that amounts to provocation, or occasionally victimisation of literally retarded men.
On the other hand, I've found a couple of peer-reviewed journal articles that suggest it was more of a white social craze to make it so, including one journal citing a specific town that ran off black citizens because they were putting white people out of work, being better at picking cotton.
I'm sure that's all Marxist-Leninist academic fabrication though, right sport?
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The town doesn't have a Walmart, the council having looked into their tax habits before granting a plot.
Unfortunately the alternative megastore, really more of a mediumstore, shuts doors at 17:00 sharp Tuesday through Thursday, which no-one is actually happy about.
Except the kids - the King of the Kids uses the roofed loading dock as his Rainy Day Court, and from their orders sorties into the store itself via the Red Door, which is never locked. The only rule is that you don't steal while you're in the store after hours.
The first King to make his court here did so by pulling some strings - he sincerely apologised to his Ma, general manager for her husband his Da, who owned the shop. It kept them out of the house and off the streets, and as long as they didn't cause fuss or muss, no harm done.
The Store family aren't sinister in any way, just old-fashioned hard working folk that want to see the town prosper and harbour a classic post-Cold War resentment of Soviet and soft-West ideas intruding on there little slice of real America.
They are also explicitly not racist, subscribing to the melting pot idea of America, if any one was 'just wondering' about that.
Having the Old Good Guys Family as an antagonist of the Evil Russian Coprorations is an easy straightforward gimmick for
>You are all hired by Mr Johnson to go find something incriminating or embarrassing about the Soviets

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Hey lads. My players bought me a license for Foundry VTT because they enjoy my DMing. I'm pretty motivated to learn and give them a better experience. Do you guys have any recommendations to modules worth using or resources like battlemaps and monster topdown tokens and stuff I can use to fancy up the game?
Anything by theripper93. He has a mix of nice UI stuff, quality of life, and a bunch of modules that let you add full 3D environments to the game (from Z-levels all the way up to a 3D render mode of the game map).
Start by learning the vanilla UI first, seriously. Adding 100 modules on your first day is just going to be a recipe for troubleshooting hell the moment any conflict/update arrives.

Otherwise, really no. Pick modules that solve specific problems you have, or offer specific features you want. Don't add modules 'just because' they look cool; every module increases load-time and creates a potential problem.

My only 'universal' recommendations are:
- Dice So Nice (display 3D dice animations)
- Module Management+ (provides a cleaner module UI and allows you to 'lock' settings for players)

Also, join the Foundry Discord server (or the specific one for your favoured system - pf2e's is very vibrant in its own right for instance). Ignore the spergs on here who think Discord is the antichrist of the year; it's where most people congregate, talk, and share. Asking questions there will give you twice the number of responses as here, and they'll be twice as sincere. Just mute all the channels you don't care about to avoid being spammed.

More TTRPGs should use the GIFT attribute.

It represents Appearance, Charisma, Spirit and Luck. While in most games these are separate dump stat attributes and/or advantages you can separately buy, in games with GIFT they all come in a nice package that makes the attribute useful and not just something you can mindlessly put leave at a minimum.

Possible uses: reaction rolls, social rolls, animal and wild rolls, magic rolls (casting spells, using some martial techniques, using some itens and objects, getting that sword out of that rock, etc), bonus experience on character creation, being the default roll for whenever you don't know what to roll, etc.

With GIFT, your character is built different ;^)
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>Autism or actual retardation?
nogames making up rules on the spot for the game he fantasizes about writing and playing, thinking that this is some sort of "own"

I run Shadowrun were three of those things are stats. Edge is Luck, Charisma is Charisma, and Spirit is somewhat is Willpower but not one to one. Willpower factors into healing and not going to down to stun damage. Its part of magic but also is also its own stat. Basically is not getting mind fucked or hurting yourself when casting magic.

In Shadowrun I have seen people take max Edge and Charisma, with some very focused builds taking max Willpower.

GIFT attribute is a fix to D&D not a fix to TTRPGs stats. I now that this is in danger of being a meme but have tried paying things other then D&D?
>In what systems is INT op?
GURPS, Rifts, Mage, Call of Cthulhu, D+D B/x-4e
>More TTRPGs should use the GIFT attribute.
>It represents Appearance, Charisma, Spirit and Luck.
nigga thats what charisma fucking is you goof.

And GIFT is a retardedly undescriptive word. If you wanted a better one say GRACE since it actually contains all the above connotations.
This nigga gets it. Also SIl is a great game. Sil-q praticularly.

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Rat Slayer edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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I will never forgive them for what they keep doing (and fail to do) to my admech. It's pay to lose in the most egregious way.
ive never been one to hate ETB stuff other than limiting options, but like, doomwheel could use it so much (though at that point i think the doomwheel model could just be redesigned, maybe something closer to the old doomwheel)


i reckon it looks awesome anon
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Overall I like them. Lack of helmets or masks sucks.
Why cant they be like >>92840257

Cavalry is good, Leader is great, the Beast is awesome.
Some of the troops are great too, but some really have idiotic running poses, so even with weapon/head swaps you can not change the overall shape of the miniature

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Ananasi Femme Fatale Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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>Gears won't turn
If basic physical processes like gears being moved by force don't function, you think pants legs will properly crease and bend? Shoes will grip?
yes because the gift only works on things made out of plastic or metal so the best you do with a difficulty roll of 10 is that he can't open his pants zippers for a time

> any devices shaped from fabricated materials like metal or plastic

it helps you read your powers
>Be Baron of a small region of the world
>Wears the polyester pair of pants ONCE on a business trip
>Suddenly find you can't move
>Blame it on the Tremere anyway
Most clothing is made of Polyester, which is plastic.
it would be easier for the tremere to do same effect (difficulty 7 without any talisman or other help) using movement of the mind so that assumption makes total sense

Dengerous encounters edition.

Welcome to /usgen/
It is dedicated to discussing universal TTRPG system that are to small to have its own general.
We discuss Basic Role-Playing, Fudge, Genesys, Open D6 and Savage Worlds, but other systems are also welcome.

/usgen/ rules:
1. We discuss only universal systems and related settings, which didn't have its own general. (So no D&D and no GURPS)
2. If you talk about specific system write its name down to avoid confusion.
3. Player-made settings for existing systems are encouraged.
4. We only discuss universal systems that were published. So ask about your "WIP system".
5. Try to limit off-topic discussions to minimum.

Player resources (so far):
Fudge - https://pastebin.com/R4gk2t95

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Hey buddy you need to learn to take a week off. What do you think I'm gonna get done in a week? Get into a new system, brew some shit for it, compile it to a pdf? Come on now.
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Maybe I make a short break after this threat (1-2 weeks).
Gengen suffered by constantly being in the catalog. Don't be like gengen. I would say if traffic is low we make this a weekly thread. Pick a day and post the new thread then no matter what. Gives time for everyone to think of new ideas and be able to keep a conversation going
Looking thou the Internet I find Star Frontiers conversion for Savage Worlds.

I will post it here if somebody is interested.
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This shit is apparently sold out but it seems like literally vaporware as it doesn't have a release date.

It will suck, won't it.
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Warrior, Dragoon, White Mage, and Black Mage, for the starter set. We have pretty much no information for the core rulebooks.
It's Final Fagstasy. Of course it'll be shit.
I needs know more
I can't understand the video, but the icons on the bottom right next to the player face icons show the symbols for Paladin, Bard, Summoner, Scholar, Dark Knight, and Monk.

Full release for the starter isn't until the 25th. You can get a basic gist of the rules here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5xolnJvK0R/?img_index=1
Starter includes 4 pre-gens, and sheets for them at different levels (as opposed to you modifying stats/adding abilities to one sheet) for when you progress through the included adventure.

Only thing I noticed that was odd from official material and a leaked shot of a character sheet was the Dragoon's Jump ability. Tutorial comic implies you can use it out of combat to help catch up to somebody, and then it also has an effect where it bounces you back to where you used it from after the Jump is completed. On the pre-gen character sheet Jump just says you target somebody within 5 spaces and gives info for the check to make and the damage you do on direct hit. Don't know if you get more functionality from it at a higher level, if they just stripped the ability down for the starter set, or that functionality is part of the class and applies to multiple abilities (couldn't get a full view of the character sheet).
Translated character sheets

Previously: >>92822191

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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When you build your stack interaction around spells that dont counter Lier gives you a monopoly over the stack since control decks cant use counters and youll bury any other decks stack interaction in value because you can cast all your interaction twice. I still run some counters for when lier isnt in play like the cream of the crop counters like FoW or modal counters like confounding conundrum or muddle the mixture
If you're taking up yours and everyone else's turns using abilities to search your entire deck, ponder the remaining 70 or so cards, shuffle, play one and then doing it again and again, taking 5 minutes on everyone else's turn and 15 on your own,

I want to fucking neck you.
If your infinite is quick and you can succintly explain what is going on, cool, respectable even maybe.
But if everyone else on the table is on the phone, taking a shit, making pancakes or whatever else, take the fucking hint.
The easiest way for me to remember is on the stack your literally "stacking" effects so the last effect is on top and you work down from there. So like everyone said Barts effect goes first the the rat dies and puts it's effect on top
I think he’s at 21 right now so you’re safe
Ngl im pretty surprised by some of these

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5E scumbag here. I'm trying to learn this system but I don't understand the combat.
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play this instead
>"I don't understand the combat"
>Skim over the SRD
>Player declares movement and/or action
>Game Mas... I mean "The Warden" tells you if you're rolling and for what
>Initiative is determined by a Dex roll, but instead referred to as a "Dex save" for some bizarre reason
>Roll weapon damage die with bonuses, subtract target armour, and subtract the result from target's HP
>Some other trivial bullshit that barely constitutes a paragraph
Anon, are you retarded? Is this a bait thread?
>Anon, are you retarded?
Yes I am
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Hey anon, I've played Cairn before and would love to help, but we need a little more specificity from your questions before we can help. This d00d >>92837340 correctly answered your last one, but let us know if you need anything else. Also never feel bad about trying to learn; you're only "retarded" if you're being a jerk about it while asking for help (which you aren't). Finally, congratulations trying something other than 5e.
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Thank you. I'm just kind of lost as in I'm not certain how a combat scenario should play out in this in comparison to D&D. I should watch a playthrough of Cairn and see how people play it. I appreciate the help!

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nigga said Dark Sun
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dark said Nigga Sun
Ya'll niggas got summa dat Dark Sun?
Sun said Dark nigga
>that nigga is DARK Son.
>like under the bed
Sheeeet nigga templars owe us reparations for slavery and sheeeet


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Queen's Blade is a famous fanservice anime series, but before that, it was a gamebook system designed for fantasy combat. And those gamebooks are still pretty easy to find online, making it totally possible for us to play a round of it right here on /tg/

I'm going to explain the rules of the game, and then open things up for /tg/ to pick the attacks for our two heroines - add a d20 to your post and I'll take the first legal answers that roll at least a 10.
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>Lost Worlds
It's a game.
Oh, I don't think they were official in that way, no. Its been decades and I don't have them now. You find images of them online though.
There's unironically a fair few if you filter to non-h & misc on e-hentai.
Oh. Oops. Here’s hoping they’ll let it happen! Although it’s already looking good.
Anyone got a mega of all the books mentioned here? PDF thread maybe? Has anyone collected these, or is this all going the lost media route

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Do normal women nowadays like /tg/ stuff?
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Yeah lol the only ones into the math and shit that I've met have been engineers and doctors
Anon I'm sorry but you were the tard here
Your players roleplayed so hard it spilled over into real life and you were just thinking about getting your dick wet
Yes, but if all (or most) of the women in your group are there due to being gfs/wives of other players/DM, don't be surprises that they don't give a damn about the game.
The general population was never well informed or had a firm grasp on these subjects before then though…
What you’re really noticing is the curtain being pulled back (proliferation), the bar raising (seeking educated workers), and not many people being able to make the cut.
It’s tragic but like you said a lot of men can’t make it either. Every institution noted this almost immediately. Schools, military. What you’re seeing now is a weird charade of saying “well the points are made up and don’t matter anyway (ie math is racists and sexist)” since do nothing jobs are reaching more and more of the population (where the degree doesn’t matter, you just have to have it, so of course it doesn’t matter if you can actually carry out what it is you’re supposedly qualified to). This debases the education system even at its higher end, as worthless fields via those who have bought in and enjoy the power it gives them, gain more sway over those that do matter.
We are speed running our way to a competency crisis and total break down of systems: idiocracy edition.
“Normies” ie women and simps, are ok as padding, but death to anything that isn’t suitably defanged and middle of the road. Modern normies are cancer.
I have not met a single person I could describe as male that played mtg, I would describe them as subnormal. It’s like a cult for amorphous nerds.
The only “normie” male games are sport based ones, COD, and historicals.

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MechaniCUM edition

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8 (embed)
https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS (embed)
https://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed)
>Fluff(visions and BL)

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Off yourself, competitivenigger.
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No he won becuase he was the best, In 40k Sang entire is defined as The Martyr because he alone died to protect Terra and Emps From the Machinations of Horus. This is clearly seen by the creation of the Ollinous Pious myth of the Imperial guard. The man clearly didn't exist but was crafted to show that even a random ass guardsman can be important.
>It's different
it isn't modern day 30k pulls the same shit with Ferrus, the man was an uncompromising Cunt that everyone misses because he's dead. So all the shit he pulled while he was alive is forgotten because it's not nice to speak ill of those who passed.
yes. i want them (and you) to stop pretending that xenos weren't active or just didn't exist during the heresy. the war against them did not stop in that time.
Of course you're getting new IW praetors; one in MK VI and one in Tartaros :^)

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