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Why does 30k Admech look so much cooler than 40k Admech?
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Thanks 30k for the cool Custodes Bikes and tanks, I’m so glad Custodes don’t have to use the horrible ultramarines bikes or worst yet…..the fucking outrider
It's an Ornithopter like in Dune.
If it had Rotors it wouldn't be an Ornithopter; it would be a Helicopter
hi guys I think 40k is pretty cool :)
Think the issue with the legs is they’re inside the cloak which just looks retarded and is functionally retarded

Cut it a bit higher or just have the legs be longer

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores
• Stay on topic

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Requesting this rat girl at karaoke night.
/r/ing a character for my Ravnica game, Rancyd the Mindbreaker! He's a cocky upstart attempting to climb up the ranks in House Dimir!
I am not sure, senpai. Most of my PCs are either demihumams or beastfolks. You okay?
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Lemme run this thru an ai-prompt
If at first you don't succeed

>ITT: You post IC as a vampire, what setting? VtM. What clan? Doesn't matter. Need more info? see /WoDg/

>Be cursed to be hideously ugly
>Be incredibly good at getting secrets from mortals because no one notices you with your powers
>Be bitch-boys to the local Camarilla for few thousand years
>Finally cry for freedom and go to the Anarchs
>Nothing changes because your IQ matches your body temperature
>Get bossed around and used as mutts for secrets and bodyguards still
>Be Nosferatu, pic unrelated
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Kill Baali, behead Baali, Roundhouse Kick a Baali in the balls, Crucify filthy infernalists, deep fry their ghouls in oil, report Baali to the IRS, Destroy banes, turn a fomor into a marketable plushy and send it deep into the inner earth and let the inner sun bake it, decapitate a redcap, embrace black spiral dancer kinfolk and then kill them, smash a Setite elder’s pottery collection and sell the shards to creepy mortals, report Tremere elders to the IRS, Send telepathic messages to Rat and Cockrach shifters to attack your enemies (especially the Baali), look at the aura of every bee, there is a good chance a Baali might have ghouled it, incinerate Baali beehives, force a staked Baali to watch a televangelist on TV until the sun takes him to eternal damnation to meet his masters
>report Baali to the IRS
this is going a bit far, but rest seems fine
It’s so that the pattern weaver might calcify their rot.
but it could cause a masquarade violation so again i think it's too far as while the rest is just good natured infernalism hate involving mortals puts other kindred at risk
The hunters of “reality deviants” realize the importance of the masquerade as well as we do. If the mask slips, their paradigm would die along with it.

Assuming you didn't have to share the table with any activist or dudebro and the DM wanted to do roleplay that's not virtue circle jerking or ERPG.
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>Would you play a gay campaign?
if this is just a funny fantasy adventure: gimme source
if it is actually gay: dont
It is both. Sorry.
Eûge anon though I'd say that the framing device could be the sole survivor lamenting their lost love and battle brothers. The flashback's success would reveal a tale told to a receptive city in awe of their sacrifice, failure to a mocking torturer as they await execution by the enemy and in-between as they weep into their sour wine. Bereft and abandoned like so many soldiers once their service is done.

Since the setting >>92835871 is in revolves around long-term cultural degeneration (which the PCs nudge to personal benefit) the Theban band could well be survived a single heartbroken war god a few centuries down the line. Dunno if you've read Second Apocalypse but the Nonmen there strike a cord. With their womenfolk long dead the menfolk turned to each other for solace and as mortal minds in immortal bodies became addicted to the trauma of lost love (PTSD is the only durable stuff in their sea of dementia). Another thing to toss in the pot for me. Thanks for the inspiration!
sigh fine

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Remembrance Edition


Previous thread: >>92805642

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: Tell us about your favourite campaign/character
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Is it really that bad? +1 AC seems kinda nice and the other bonuses are neat. The only issue I’d have with recommending Flurry is like he’s also wanting the animal companion so that’d also eat up his actions right or nah?
A thrown hatchet sounds like something he’d probably like since he likes the thought of having a sword. Wouldn’t thrown weapons have a weird action economy until he can get like a returning rune or something? We’ll be starting at level 1 so that’s out of the question for now.
>action economy
Yeah a little. But if we assume turn 1 is hunt prey, command an animal to stride and strike, and strike, turn two can just replace hunt prey with interact to draw a weapon.
So it's less of an issue than you'd think, and the returning rune should be available pretty early on.
Hunt prey should let you switch to another target as a free action when the original is killed by you or an ally within sight. You dont see the Barb having to toggle his rage whenever he kills someone.
Outwit would be alot better if the AC bonus was +2 because then that makes you a pretty decent tank while also being a mid RK specialist.
You got the right idea, only nogames mock using the largest source of gaming communities to try to actually play the fucking game. Under the discover button, search "Pathfinder RPG". Just don't treat it like /b/.
Problem with Outwit ranger is that the cool thing it can do - letting your whole party gain the benefit from Hunt Prey - is locked behind a string of class feats that doesn't actually turn on until level 10+ while the other two just do what they're good at from the word go. That alone makes it kind of a ball buster because it definitely feels like Outwit is balanced with those feats in mind.

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"Even-keeled" Edition
Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92830728
>Thread Question: What are some of your hobbies?
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How the fuck does Independent work? I don't trust any of these creatures and people.
>Immortality options.
>Being able to trade companions for powers (I already know they'll be shit, academy based cyoas have never had good companions and that's not about to change)
>Quests where my actions are not forced upon me by the narrative. I want my own adventure.
>Fuckbuddy option, focused on teachers.
>Clear paths on what you can do after the academy.
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Opinion discarded.
These are all good, but they need to be executed correctly.
This sounds very familiar. Being able to use magic without repercussions would be a start, any magic settings where the whole point is to use magic but it has side effects like corruption or opening the world to demons is really dumb. If the whole point is to use magic you should not discourage people from engaging with the whole point of the cyoa. Limited cross faction perks would be cool, being able to take some perks from other factions. Also the possibility to be independent, like a "no house" option, with either more power because you don't have to bother with the politics or simply variety at the cost of less specialization. Also proficiency instead of spells, it was already said but it's really good.

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happy edition

- Sharjah Masters | May 13th - 23rd
- Norway Chess | May 26th - June 7th
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy | August 10th - 18th
- Grand Chess Tour: Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz | August 11th - 16th
- Grand Chess Tour: Sinquefield Cup | August 18th - 29th
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd

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Watch videos where things are explained clearly and do a lot of puzzles.
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I am quite terrible, but was the solution to this puzzle supposed to be obvious? Like eventually after failing it I figured out they want me to pin/skewer the queen into the king after it takes the rook... but the queen could just not take the rook?
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What's the most dog- and weather-resistant chessboard on the market? Last time I tried to play in the park a dog toppled my king and scrambled my pieces right as the midgame started. I have some ideas for overkill /diy/ options but I don't have a ton of time for extra projects right now.
>the queen could just not take the rook?
Yes, but that pawn was protecting the knight; now you can take it and even threatening a devastating discovered check on the king when you'll move the rook again. Rook to e8 is a checkmate if your bishop is on d5 (because is a double check).
Regular tournament sized vinyl chess boards with triple weighted pieces. They are cheap, so you can buy more sets to have spare pieces, or to make a tournament with friends, or to play Bughouse.

Games Workshop needs to be actively defenestrated at this point.

They have poisoned the well of miniature wargaming. Made the vast majority of consumers into automatons who can't even comprehend buying a rulebook from one company and miniatures from others, who can't comprehend anything more than tables that look like *this* whilst safely nuzzled into the quarterly pitter patter of a FOMO box army release and a "MetaWatch" dubiously balanced from a couple of handfuls of tournament games, ad infinitum.

Like, imagine one of your core animating drivers in the hobby not being to create, to enjoy, and to pass that on to others, but "hype" for next product from the faceless monolith. It does such damage to our community, all these golems.
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GW is a separate hobby like Findom
They're not going to be magicked out of existence and if they did the people that are responsible for the ugliness of the modern game of 40k are an element of the community and the rest of the community are responsible for willingly going along with their ideas. Unless they too magically disappear then a containment scene is a good thing.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
>They have poisoned the well of miniature wargaming
They ARE the well of miniature wargaming. It's a niche hobby, and without GW it would be a tiny, insignificant niche hobby. Other companies wouldn't be better off without GW, they would collapse with no one else in the industry able to bring in nearly as many new players.
Are their modern games shit? Probably, but I've hardly looked at any for about 20 years. Are their modern minis shit? Most of the ones I see posted here look horribly overdone, yes. Are they overpriced? They link price to in game points so some of the cheap troops aren't too bad, but mostly yes, absurdly so.
None of that really bothers me because I just don't buy or play their new games.
>They ARE the well of miniature wargaming. It's a niche hobby, and without GW it would be a tiny, insignificant niche hobby. Other companies wouldn't be better off without GW, they would collapse with no one else in the industry able to bring in nearly as many new players.

desu 2000s GW was probably a friendly big fish to the other companies in Nottingham

nuGW is a multimedia behemoth and is toxic, they've really weaponised how they work since then
>Stand on the circles
>cuddle behind buildings
>vehicles don't have fire arcs or the need to even face the enemy

Legit cant believe people enjoy this shite.

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It's because the line of sight and terrain rules for modern editions are specifically written so that any terrain that doesn't completely block line of sight to an entire unit is useless.
This is the future League of Legends players chose
The reality is Kill Team is a shit game and he's still a manlet who can't raise his kids right.
>Dumbing down the game system must be tolerated
>If you are not okay with the game system fading away from what you enjoy your the problem
Fuck off
Lol, terrain getting nerfed like that was one of the reasons DoW3 was so shit.

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Fuck dwarves and elves? Where are the hafling players at?
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in my campaign, the only halfling is a very rude paladin
And I thought Dungeon meshi fags couldn't start threads with worse pictures than the ugly elf making stupid faces or the hobo gay dwarf
nearly every character that gets introduced is an insufferable asshole beyond like 3 people or so. It mostly devolves into interpersonal drama where all sides are assholes. And the sex scenes aren't really all that good either
I thought we all agreed that hobbits were reserved for children and younger relatives and have unspoken plot armor on at all times?
weirdly this is what makes it a good choice for a TV series adaptation
not much of the sex is that great and most of the characters are pricks
you can see HBO getting wet breaches over this

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So, are you just being a prissy little bitch in the hopes of killing the thread?
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Also, to keep the thread alive, anyone wants to cooperate in doing a thing?

How about picking >>92804456 or >>92821666, a random number, and everybody contributes a hero, villain or team in that mini setting until we have that many NPCs for it?

If anyone wants to participate, first we vote:
>1. Setting where all supers have powers relating to one element between, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light or Darkness. One or two powers per super, preferably subtle or symbolic powers.
>2. Two factions, Order and Chaos, both have villains and heroes.

If anyone else has an idea or area you need to fill with NPCs we can add to the next round.
>>2. Two factions, Order and Chaos, both have villains and heroes.
Honestly a much better idea overall, because you have more themes to work with than "fire users are impulsive" and other elemental stereotypes.
Won't work. They're Catholic.

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Chilling out in Cyberspace edition

Previous >>92805397

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

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I don't really get being salty on a free sim with nothing at stake.
>protagonist shit

3 base sets in a row that are trash, amazing
Fuck off, contrarian. Your literal-who favorite Digimon doesn't matter.
he's probably some heretical appmon fan
I'd be OK with them if they varied up the playstyles instead of just powercreeping.

With the new edition of AoS now previewed, just how many boxes of Dominion do you think will go to landfill?
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Clearance isn't the same as lowering the actual price, it's also only done when you're trying to get rid of your last stock of an item that is selling very poorly in order to clear shelf space. That kind of thing happens on the individual store level and not a corporate one
They change the boxes for 40k every edition anon, do you think they throw out their entire inventory every time?
More like if someone obnoxious knows you're obnoxious; then you know you need to get the rope
Stuff like this doesn't count as false advertising because it's a vague and subjective claim. Saying that there are 30 miniatures in a box when there are only 25 would.
>I hope someone finds a lawyer that can sue for false advertising over this or something.
You have to have some really strange notions about reality if you think this how things work. Then again, it does explain these threads at least.

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Zombie edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

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73 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
I'd agree that in terms of flavor, exiling your graveyard feels a bit more Golgari. And discarding cards similarly works better with Golgari's mechanics, compared to Orzhov which typically wants the creatures on the board for Haunt/Extort/Afterlife.

If anything, Bitterblossom's cost would fit well there. Though then it'd basically be the same card aside from making spirits instead and having a more strict cost
Say, i have a custom set on mse
and i want to print it
i can download images and proceed like that
but how do i go about easiest way to print and cut all of those in say 3x3 grid to minimize working in paint? Is there a program for that?
Try photojoiner up in the OP. Then just get some decent cardstock/cardboard/whatever and make sure your printer can double print, I guess?
You guys are probably right, I should have gone with a kaya theme for the flavor to work.
You'd think this (or attacking a player) would be in the base definition already. Maybe doing a certain large amount of combat damage (5-10 or something) would count.

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One of the D&D devs has cancer, but the board thinks the gofundme is spam.
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isn't this guy incredibly woke and supports leftist policies? think I'll hold onto my money
It's tiresome AF
>1000 people donating isn't enough to fund the health bill for one person
Do Americans really?
this fucking site and empathy as a whole is just fucked isn't it
Yes, I can't really deal with people anymore.

My left leaning friends became deranged in 2016, my right leaning ones in 2020. I just want to get off this planet. Critical thinking, decency, riaisng the frequency have all been killed by self satisfied lizard brains.

I havem't got a dime to help this guy but he will be in my prayers.

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