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How do I present touchier subjects in-game without my players pulling their X-card?
play with like-minded people
>muh edge
Either >>92838470 or pic related. Preferably both.
But really, the solution is to grow the fuck up.
How do I get the players to be more mature and entertain touchier subjects?
Talk to them like a normal human being.
>Hey guys I want to run a horror game are there any topics wouldn't play with?
>Yeah I don't want to deal with [THING] but other than that I am fine
>Ok, I can deal with that.
>Well shit, I need to change stuff
If you are using X cards and similar bullshit you are trying prevent things from going sideways later on.
It's actually less mature to prioritize violating other people's boundaries. That's literally toddler behavior.
thank goodness I don't know anybody that would use an X-card
We're not doing this again, culturewar dipshit. Caring about what other people do at their tables is loser behavior, end of conversation.
wah wah wah, you can't have mufugging deep story because of someone's feelings!!!! wahhhh wah wahhh. I'll buy you a pacifier
Whatever edgefest you've cooked up - it's juvenile at best, moronic on average.

>t. still needs to grow the fuck up
X-Cards are useful when you're playing a pick-up game with strangers or people you don't know very well, eg at a games convention or LGS.
With a friend group of people you do know, then X-cards are not needed.
>Convention games?
>Open table?
>What are those?
Other than that - what >>92839041 said
It's patently immature to have to undercook setting depth, and to keep everything all whimsical and starry eyed youth for supposedly grown adults.
Yeah, I remember when I was 14 myself.
>How do I get the players to be more mature
If you have to ask you should probably start by growing up.
What is the touchier topic?
Wouldn't it be easier to just say "this game may include the following topics, if you are offended in any way please join another table"?
Yes. People also do that.
If someone pulls an X card, kick them out. Not because they object to certain subjects, but because they're unable to just talk to you like an adult.
By discussing it in open polite forum, being mutually considerate and open to each other's thoughts and opinions.

It's real easy, too. Doesn't even need to happen in session, it can happen in a group chat.
X-card equals ban. You should communicate like a human being instead of using a meme by some talentless hack as if we are running a BDSM session instead of just playing pretend with imaginary dolls.
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Suck-start a shotgun.
>make a one-page preface for campaign
>say right at the top it's a savage swords-and-sorcery world heavily inspired by the likes of conan. while they aren't the focus of the campaign you can expect references to slavery, sex, drugs, human sacrifice, etc
>start characters off as chattel-slaves to the cult of a snake god that are part of a convoy to be sacrificed in a sorcerous ritual
>obviously the intent is for both of those things to be stopped by the actions of the players in an escape
>female friend-of-a-friend player who joined the game BECAUSE she "loves the conan-verse" and was a "big fan of conan exiles" and her character is a standard Sexy Dancer Girl makes a stink about being uncomfortable with the setup and "immediately hostile GMing"
>ok then leave
>she does so
>aside from some token attempts at ruining the game from the shadows, not a word since
you can't, OP. some people are just immune to reason. the only solution is their removal
also- simply not having an x card and using words because you're human beings (technically)
I have to avoid spiders, I have to not say where the race of Orcs all male come from, I have to leave kidnapped towns people unharmed, when people die they can't be maimed or bloody, nobody in the setting has ever been crippled I guess, monsters avoid children for some reason, taverns are safe spaces where nothing ever goes wrong, need I go on?
children like this>>92839244>>92839263
ruin everything deeper than a puddle, and turn everything into rainbow sunshine.
assuming this was true (it probably is not) I would have stopped running the game for those people immediately upon any of these things being made evident
arachnophobes are the biggest fucking joke of the 2020s though holy shit I hate those people
Sounds like you're just repeating the same buzzwords you heard in a text to speech reddit dnd video but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Dissolve the game, salvage the few good players you have (if any) and make a new one. That's the only advice you need.
You're a very bad liar.
If they pull an X-card, why are they part of the group to begin with? You should talk about the general feel and themes before starting, if they still choose to be part of the group after that, they should deal with it.

If you know they might want to pull an X-card, why do you want to touch the subject anyway?
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Don't go "And then the orc rams his disgusting unwashed monstercock up your mage's virginal pussy, tearing it up all bloody and mangled and he cums and now you're super raped and deflowered!!!". Like yeah there's an area where people are sensitive crybabies but I was literally in a game with libtards and a troon and there was a scene where we came across an entire village whose inhabitants were burned to death. Nobody went "waah waah x card x card", we were shocked yes but not offended because it was established prior that we were dealing with a doomcult. Later on, we went to a racist city that hated non-human, non-elf races but subtly and not a "lynch and rape" sorta way. You can have these dark and edgy scenarios but make them make sense and MATTER to the setting.
Did your DM describe the grisly reality of the scene your characters were witnessing? or he had to gloss over it didn't he.
Don't play with eternally online mentally ill stunted people. Normal people understand it's a gamez and unless you are a psychopath they won't have a problem
>I have to avoid spiders
As someone with actual arachnophobia, fear of heights, sea and really small places I unironically don't mind people talking about it, reading books, figures or cgi but I just can't deal with documentaries/actual images, I literally start sweating bullets and have to look away, the real thing near me makes my head and heart pound like crazy and even can make me faint. It just sounds weird that people say no to spiders on a ttrpg, you must be a helluva GM to describe the situation so realistically
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Abhartung, gradual exposure, hardening, don't jump from zero to holocaust, don't try to shock them, try to "corrupt" them, start easy and slowly worsen it.
I guess I have to add fear of heights, sea and really small places to my list
There is nothing more uninteresting than elf racism that is literally nothing but "Hey knife ears" from a random tavern drunk. Fuck off you nogame faggot.
That's not up to you. That's entirely dependent on how your players feel.

A lot of it depends on your writing skill and presenting it in a way that makes sense, not for cheap shock. Or else you end up like Cthulhutech where you can't think of any way to make antagonists bad besides making them rapists.
>>Convention games?
>>Open table?
>>What are those?
shit for fags
Yes, charred corpses, bloody scratch marks on the door where people tried to escape, bodies huddled and some who died suffocating under the masses.
It was non-elf racism. As in there were slums of second class dragonborn who were slaves in all but name and the church didn't let them worship their sun god freely

What I've started doing is saying 'This session will include spicy content, namely child murder, cannibalism, animal cruelty. If you really don't want any of this, let me know now, we can dial it down or skip it.' And then if they say 'phew, I thought you meant rape', I say 'nope, that would be distasteful'.

It's not exactly essential to describe the villains flaying a villager. Sometimes it can add some edgy flavour to the scenario.
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Have you tried talking to them, or do you consider that gay?
Talking to people on its own never solved anything.
no games faggot
Say at the very beginning:
>"Hey guys, there's going to be adult content. Game of Thrones-level stuff. If you can't deal with that, you should drop out of the campaign now (you fucking queers)."
I genuinely don't understand X-cards or being uncomfortable with narration during roleplay, it's not like there's a stronger aspect to it such as imagery, it's all in your mind.
"You see a ruined village, all peasants were slain and the ones who weren't cut down got all hanged from a tree, women and children alike." Yeah that's awful and all but it's not like i'm there seeing it, even if it's descriptive i'm still removed from that situation, i'm at a table playing pretend.
strip away the raping from the rapist and suddenly they're pretty good guys. but kill them away they're villains for no reason now.
when you're roleplaying you're given agency in that worldspace, and then you're having to deal with some unsavory stuff. it removes the safety people feel in society.
Some people are that soft
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You are more stupid than a carrot if you honestly believe this. Every opinion and concept you ever formed was because someone talked to you about it.
If you said that without specifics I'd assume we about to embark on a trip into your weird magical realm and leave
the Migou don't rape
>I have to avoid spiders, I have to not say where the race of Orcs all male come from, I have to leave kidnapped towns people unharmed, when people die they can't be maimed or bloody, nobody in the setting has ever been crippled I guess, monsters avoid children for some reason, taverns are safe spaces where nothing ever goes wrong, need I go on?
I don't have to avoid any of those things. I'm afraid you're doing something very wrong, OP. Please describe your group and GMing style in more detail so we can help you figure out exactly what the problem is.
I assume he doesn't play at all, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt, which is why I'd like to hear more about his supposed group. As for playing with women, is this kind of thing more of a problem with them? I've played with mostly the same bunch of guys as long as I've played, and I've only ever had one female player, but that one was fine, not particularly picky or sensitive or anything like that.
Women are into horror.
So I'd say these fags are nogames
You aren't going to like the answer.
It's session 0.
Good luck coming to terms with that.
Ignore their X-card
OP here, I cancelled our meet ups for the foreseeable future. I am now a no games sadly.
Talk to them about the touchy subjects beforehand. At earliest opportunity.
Don't give anything away, but hint that something will or may be present in the game.

Most players will react fine, both then, and then when it comes up, with a little pre-warning.
If a player says "mmm well, no I'm not comfortable with that", you either,
>Alter the game to fit. Sometimes this is fair, and do you really need that bit of setting/game lore anyway? If it's not significant, unlikely to crop up, or not relevant, you can dump eet.
>Kick them. You want to run a game with sensitive subjects, and one of your prospective says they don't want to play that game. Do it politely, explain why, and listen to anything they have to say.

>X cards.
They're actually a sensible idea, so long as they're not abused. I've been in plenty of games that really needed a "DM STFU" card.
Women love terrible circumstances happening around them that they can't partake in, so long as you don't botch the delivery.
Maybe discuss the type of game you want beforehand.
Ie I'm ok with a game featuring some sex, but I don't want it to be a blatant dive into DM's magical realm
>I genuinely don't understand X-cards or being uncomfortable with narration during roleplay
>textbook sociopathy that didn't learn to understand people from a logical stance
Seek help.
I would assume autism, but you should see a licensed clinician to make sure.
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Haha get fucked then.
You don't give them a choice, you fucking homo.
Don't play with children. Simple as.
So you still need to learn that you won't have playmates if you try to force t ugh empathy to play in ways they don't want to. You were even told you could find playmates that do want to play that way in this thread and you type "wah wah". This is basic socialization that even needs are expected to develop.
I run games at an LGS, usually for randies who want to move from 5E or PBTA stuff into more hardcore stuff. I play with a lot of what you would call snowflakes, and I have never had a single person worth inviting back ask about X Cards or the checklist. You should, as >>92838470 noted, better curate your gaming group.
I simply don't give anyone x cards.

If they bring their own I pretend like I can't see it.

If they try to actually interrupt me I talk louder.

If they try to explain what an x card is I act super ignorant & force them to explain while intersecting a lot of "huh?"s

Once it's over with I look them in the eye & keep asking them in minute detail if the trigger was x y or z, etc. to laser in on their insecurity. i.e. "Was it being taken captive? Was it being manacled? Was it being manacled to the wall? Was it because a monster manacled you to the wall? Was it because a male manacled you to the wall? Was it because he leered?"

Once I've gotten them to either leave, or be reduced to tears, or to have an honest adult discussion with me like an adult I thank them for their bravery & tell them to leave.
I somehow doubt that it's ever actually happened.
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Your shit isn't deep, it's gratuitous. Play with other 14 year olds or grimdarkfaggots
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I feel like this is more about your system and setting expectations before you run the game.

By simply telling the players ahead of time your game is going to feature some darker, violent tones they're more likely to be okay with it and even RP into it.

Also, if you're planning on running a high fantasy system and then just throw in some grim dark shit out of nowhere, you might catch some people off guard. If you're running a game like VTM or CoC, obviously you can get away with a lot more shit without the players feeling like it's too much or out of place.
I've done it three times but never got all the way to the bottom. Usually they just leave
incorrect, you're dense as a stump
The fundamental flaw of these threads is none of you ever play games, you just play fight imaginary enemies in your head.
>They're actually a sensible idea, so long as they're not abused.

By their very existence they are made to be abused. An X-card may as well say "I'm a touchy snowflake who is not in like mind of this group but instead of finding a group or game that is for me or talking to people about things I will swerve the game to fit my and my alone level of tolerance." Because where does it end?
it always starts at rape and ends in child murder
Some people are autistic.
Others just act like they're autistic and give actually autistic people a bad rep.
The latter are the wussies who use X cards.
If you're not nonverbally autistic... Use your damn words and talk like an adult.
Make it clear up-front what the themes are and that if they cannot respect the fact that the game's themes are present, then they cannot play. If someone insists, say "Did you join this game to play, or did you join to start a fight?"
And then everyone clapped. I refuse to believe this is an issue for anyone with actual friends that they play with. You're just making shit up to get mad at
>I have to avoid spiders
That's dumb ass them anyway just don't spend 10 minutes describing them in detail and how they move
>I have to not say where the race of Orcs all male come from
You honestly don't as you can simply kill them and just say townsfolk have gone missing
>I have to leave kidnapped towns people unharmed, when people die they can't be maimed or bloody, nobody in the setting has ever been crippled I guess
This is also dumb but you can skirt around it by saying people have died but also make it in time to be the hero at the end. Include maimed people just don't have be past injuries
>monsters avoid children for some reason
There is never a reason to go out of your way to mention dead children when you can just say the entire town is dead or something
>taverns are safe spaces where nothing ever goes wrong
You don't need to have rapes, leachers and drunken sex in taverns.
Simply just have drunk dicks and tavern brawls
I can only understand being uncomfortable with content when it's the sort of shit where it stops being the things fictional characters are doing and starts being the choices of a hack GM, usually coinciding with other GM sins like railroading and not being clear with the players.
it's not a coincidence that the vast majority of this kind of thing is topics of rape, pissing, and shitting.
I miss when you could just call your DM a faggot and to quit being such a cunt.
>don't jump from zero to holocaust,
Worst advice in the thread.
>I miss when you could just call your DM a faggot and to quit being such a cunt.
You can still do so. It is not a problem unless you play with the worst kind of people, which is also a choice.
>I've been in plenty of games that really needed a "DM STFU" card.

No, you've simply been in wrong games. Games literally revolve around the DM. They are the DM's art. If you aren't okay with the DM's content, you do not get to veto it, you only get to leave and never come back.

Also like the other guy said, X-cards are designed to be abused because they "reward" people more the more they take offense at things. That is the exact opposite of the attitude you should foster, people should be deeply ashamed of making a fuss.
Nah, pretty sure it's the perpetually pretend-triggered wannabe petty tyrants advocating for X-cards who need the psychiatric help. Trying to pull that shit is the direct equivalent of interrupting an orchestra conductor in the middle of a concert and going "NO YOU CAN'T USE D MINOR I DON'T LIKE THOSE NOTES, CONDUCT IT SOME OTHER WAY". It would be not only ludicrous, but also rude beyond comprehension and if you tried to do it in any other context you'd likely get your ass kicked (and deserve it).

The whole idea is simply wanting permission to be disruptive, ruin other peoples' fun, stop a social activity and make it all about you and your nonexistent traumas that you pretend to have. You have nothing of the sort, you just want to be a bitch.
Your character dies no matter when you say that.
X-Cards are basically not a thing in the first place. People exclusively use them for conventions or paid campaigns, which sorta makes sense since in the former you're playing a oneshot with randos and in the latter you're providing/buying a customizable service.
Lmao why is that picture so fucking funny?
Something about certain shitty shonen style drawings + gore makes it hilarious.
In a "pssh nothing personnel" way
Breaking boundaries is how you strengthen and deepen bonds. It's like growing muscles.
Where do you find these orc rape games?
You are still a cunt and a faggot
Nogames detected
it might be more similar to someone reciting a song made by a rapper, and everyone stops you when you try to repeat the original lyrics "nigga" because you can't say that actually.

I'm reminded of some RPG companies culling some of their old lore for stuff in their books at the mention of touchier subject matters, these days.
replace their X card with a XXX card
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X-cards are completely worthless. If you're with people they would be useful with, just talking to them is easier. The sort of people who loudly push for them are overwhelmingly the sort of people too shy to use them anyways(see that one stream that got the Dungeon World guy cancelled). generally at my table if you pull out and start tapping an X-card, the DM's probably going to give you a funny look and sarcastically tap on the table back at you and then go on with what he was doing.
It feels like the kind of thing nobody even asked for even cares about except for the handful of "game devs" who think they're fixing some problem that didn't exist. Sort of like how nobody was asking for the combat wheelchair.
Switch to Street Lights instead of X Card.
X Card is a hammer and nail problem, it's also only meant for con games.
Not nobody, just nobody you knew. It was a very small number of people, who were in the same circles as a couple of these devs, who influenced other people tangential to their circle. You can explain most bizarre social fads this way, by the way. Handy tool for your life.
2+2 = 2^2
Why did this trigger you?
Pull the X-Card on the use of X-Cards at the start of the game. Checkmate.
You don't retard. That's the point of the X card or any other stupid gamified content control system. That's literally what its designed to stop.

Play with people who want to play with touchier subjects and are less sensitive.
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Well, the force between any two charges is equal to the absolute value of the multiple of the charges divided by four pi times the vacuum permittivity times the distance squared between the two charges.
Any time anyone pulls an X-card you immediately kick them from the group, the remainder will get the message eventually.
>I literally start sweating bullets
FPBP, know your group (your friends) and run your games accordingly.
This anon cannot see the apple
so players can requests more sexual and pornographic content?
>"So, the evil wizard has just cast "charm" on your PC..."
>P2: "XXX card! This should be sexier!"
>GM: "The wizard cackles, and orders you to remove your clothes, etc. etc. You know what, everything goes dark and..."
>P1: "XXX card! I like where this is heading, keep going GM."
>GM: "Ooohkay... <Is he coming on to me?!> the wizard does the nasty with your PC."
>P2: "XXX card! Keep describing, man!"
>GM: "No. Hand in your XXX cards, it was a silly idea.
>P1 & P2: "Awww..."
32yo woman hands typed this

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