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What the fuck is up with this console family? There are so many revisions, iterations, add-ons, I don't know what the fuck is the optimal way to play these games.

Does SuprGrafx + Super CD Rom2 cover everything? What the fuck is the benefit of owning a Super CD Rom2 over an un-super CD Rom1, whatever the fuck that is?

tl;dr: how do i play grafxgaem
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No they don't. You need the Arcade Card Duo chip.
PC Engine + CD Rom2 (briefcase)= Arcade Card Pro
PC Engine + Super CD Rom2 (big attachment from the back) = Arcade Card Duo
TurboDuo/PC Engine Duo =Arcade card Duo
Basement hoarder shows up once again to show off his anti-girlfriend collection, but completely forgets how to spell the word "chassis".
Is there a specific TurboDuo version of the card? I can only find PC Engine versions. Or is the card region free?
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Sapphire as someone else mentioned. The marketing spinecard says "really cute but really hard" which sums up the game.

Nice, there are other methods too. Like the PSP release of the PCE game.

Good catch. I am human after all. I'll try to remake the image with the correct spelling, maybe add in the DuoRX next time.
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I just modded my PC engine white console with the Zaxour Turbnonanza mod and got an Everdrive, boom you're done. Most aesthetic and lowest footprint combo IMO.

>Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Gokuraku CD-ROM for Sega Saturn
>a multimedia disc containing anime clips and production art
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Reminds me of this.
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I remember when Gantz was doing 3D CG backgrounds and was considered "gamebreaking" at the time. Sad to see the tech abused now

You have ALL these other ones?
I think there's a lot of truth to that. If you were born in the 80s you landed at the exact right time to start out with the Disney Renaissance and a lot of pretty revolutionary TV cartoons like Batman which set a pretty high bar but juuuust as you were aging out of children's cartoons limited by TV broadcast standards and hitting your early teens, ready for something a bit more edgy, *bam* anime started getting a lot of traction. And because of the logistics, it wasn't TV anime that was getting imported but animated movies and OVAs which were free from even Japanese broadcast standards. Plus the fact that it was a new subculture made it feel even more special. Pepper in the fact that Millennials were the first generation to grow up with the Internet and thus discovered Rule 34 around the same time, and you have the perfect storm.

I feel pretty honored having been about 13 and 14 years old at the exact moment a lot of these things were happening. Anime sections popping up in video stores, early Internet, the dawn of emulation, etc. Because really just a few years prior the world was still very similar to one Boomers grew up in, with one telephone tethered to the wall and no computer in the house. At one point, probably around fifth or sixth grade I started to become really aware of how archaic a lot of the things my teachers were asking of us. Because they were boomers themselves you HAD to use a #2 pencil and read physical books for your research because the magic gray box was scary and unreliable. There was a serious technophobia in the 90s because all your teachers had been on the job since the 70s and were set in their ways. My own parents were so computer illiterate that if something went wrong it was because "you downloaded a virus."
>looking at you Dragon Ball, or Plastic Little which I think only has a lowly DVD release.
I don't think they can do this for Dragon Ball because Toei was a cheap piece of shit that didn't archive anything. It's why the Japanese audio has such shitty fidelity.
>Honestly it feels like it's only more recently that people like anime for the sake of it being anime rather than it being something that's part of what they already like.
Something being anime was used as a marketing tactic for sure even back then. Hence Sci-Fi's Saturday Anime block and eventually CN's Toonami. But that was certainly a form of preaching to the choir. It was a good way to market something that was either really niche even by anime standards or just plain not that good. If you played your cards right you could sell it to anime fans just because it was a new anime. And that worked back then because the subculture was smaller and there were slim pickings. Every video store's anime section was mostly just one or two racks wide. It's how I ran across obscure shit like Kimura and Vampire Wars.

It also didn't hurt that there was a strong video game to anime pipeline. Every fighting game had an animated movie (often with bare tits, too) and then Final Fantasy Legend of the Crystals got a release to cash in on FFVII fever.

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skies of arcadia
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The internet in general, not just 4chan.
Hell, a lot of YouTube comment sections are basically /pol/2.0.
Huge bummer but whatever, laissez-faire et vivre et laisser vivre.
YouTube is far too moderated to be anything approaching /pol/. If you think it's rough over there you're in for a wild ride here.
Was just using an example, but yeah, 4chan in general has become really bad for contrarian, shitposting opinions.
Not too difficult to filter while rolling me eyes, just annoying. Oh well.
>plot is pretty similar to Final Fantasy VII
The plot is literally Laputa but with a threesome ending
It's worse BUT at least the GC version doesn't throw a random battle at you literally every 5 seconds.

For me, it's Move Me.
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i like this one!
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I like all the songs on the OST, except the Pac-Man one >>10938745 posted which I tend to skip. I wasn't much for jazz until this OST proved otherwise. Maybe it is the vibes of the games in combination that made me more receptive of the genre of music, but even outside the cool visuals, menu interface, and gameplay the music stand out enough to still be played on my long drives.
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for me, it's "Your Vibe"
>>Racing team literally called People's Republic of China
>what did NAMCO mean by this?
It's over...
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Quiet Curves.

Best behind the scenes stories.

I can't quite remember the name of the game, but a Sega composer wanted rapping on his game's soundtrack. So, he asked an intern to stand outside the building and bring the first black guy to walk past into the studio. I'm sure someone here knows which game this is.
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>The next Leisure Suit Larry game was assigned to someone else who produced a mediocre game.
All the Leisure Suit Larry games are mediocre.

Did you miss the part where I said "this OP" replying to a direct comment??????

You might just be retarded........
You don't know what OP stands for mate
My uncle, who worked for nintendo, told me about the 'blue pikachu' that gamefreak had, and my 2nd grader brain immediately called in pikablu and a playground rumor got started that it was a pokegod that you could catch in gen 1.
whatever year this anime is from is the year anime art went to shit

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Previous thread: >>10886708
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Haven't really noticed any problems with my set but I finally got 240p TS to see what's going on. I guess tell me how bad this is. I can run other patterns too if that would help.
That looks fine, the grid pattern is made to exaggerate any potential geometry issues and to display safe and unsafe areas that most older games expect to be cropped off.

A perfect display would make every line perfectly straight and every square perfectly square, your CRT is more than good enough.
once the white squares are square you're good and that's look ok to me. don't worry about the corners being a bit off, it's gonna happen to most sets and unless you are good with working on hardware and motherboards it's not worth trying to adjust. the pursuit of image perfection on a crt will only lead to headaches
Sonys are probably better, but it is the contrast ratio that’s ok, because there is no backlight.
Better reason to get one is viewing angles,low resolution handling, and no lag.
Thanks, I'm not going to tinker with the TV, I've been happy with it so far and don't even have the time to go full autism on it.

I could probably recap it if I watched a video on it, I've done a bunch of hardware mods in the past, but the TV is pretty low hours and I don't feel it's necessary. Probably wouldn't do a yolk adjustment ever, it just seems like a bad idea to me.

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What are your favorites?
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I liked Kyrandia 2
kyrandia's don't get enough love here, they're right there at the very top.
don't listen to this shitposter, the only thing that's really horrible about it is a couple of gimmicky active time sequences.
Never heard of this one in my life. Is it good though?

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How does this game hold up? Because it looks pretty impressive graphically and the card-based gameplay is intriguing but the story and characters seem pretty generic for JRPGs of the era, or am I wrong?
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So going by this thread it's just as I feared, I even checked out some gameplay footage and the battles indeed look slow as fuck. I'll probably still check it out at some point but it's been moved way down the bucket list.
Notable for me as being the first game where I liked the game itself but was so turned off by the English voice acting I had to let it go. Also iirc they all sound like they're talking through a can+string

Some beautiful places
Well that's a great question, thank you young man, and the answer is very simple: Concrete and steel rebar. We have the best builders in the world on the project, believe me. Thank you.
I really liked all the cd based audio dialog and music. The characters are all very good, especially Xelha and Mizuti

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Everybody talks about how great this game's gameplay, story, or even graphics are, but nobody ever talks about how great it's sound design is.

The howling wind you hear in the New York's streets is appropriately "cold" sounding. The distant dog barks, police sirens, faint car horns, all work to create the moody atmosphere of the game.

The game is almost never silent, actually. In Max's house, there's ominous hums and wind that you can hear, the hotel has many muffled voices, noises, buzzing of lights. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

What's surprising to me is how this game 20 years later blows not just modern games out of the water with it's sound design, but also many modern films. I think this game's sound design is one of the understated elements that helped the game age well.
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sadly filtered me as an 11 year old. Took spooky and grim and I thought the game would get impossibly hard so I just replayed everything up until the nightmare. little did I know the game gets so easy once you get the colt lol fucking hell
you're killing me

rip James McCaffrey
The adaptive difficulty is indeed broken, idk if his quicksave loading thing does anything, but I remember my last play through, where after enough time playing the game I would literally have almost half of my health removed in 1 shot from a Beretta, I used a mod to entirely remove the adaptive difficulty then the game became way too easy to be enjoyable, a single pain killer not only healed your entire health, but it also did almost instantly, I think the mod just used the lowest possible values (you can change these values on PC manually since they're in a .txt file
When I replayed MP1 a few months back I tried out New York Minute mode after beating the game normally. The difference was night and day. Pretty sure there's no adaptive difficulty in that mode, so unless you have a good difficulty fix mod, that seems to be the way to go.
I think NYM might even be harder than DOA in MP1 or they are pretty even. You can save whenever you want in NYM too I think but it does require you to have some drive and strategy because you will just die if you wait too or can't decide.

Too bad in MP2 they changed NYM to be just about keeping track of your best time.

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Vimm's Lair is dead. Thanks Nintendo.
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>sus russian link
Why let some random person decide what the best games are? Play them for yourself and make your own decision.
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i did calculation of the whole server size and this is what i got
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A reminder to download full ROM sets for all of the cartridge based consoles you care about, it won't take too much memory, also make sure to back it up somewhere, like an external HDD too.

If only CD based systems weren't such a pain to backup in full due to those ridiculous file sizes...
Thanks Shitman !

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how is this considered one of the hardest games ever? I beat it as a dumbass kid. even revenge of shinobi is harder
same with ecco the dolphin.hard game my ass. that's not even near the hardest games even just on sega mega drive
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nta but kids were kinda just expected to read the manual, usually on the drive home from the store.
No, this game really does have a reputation for being hard. As in a lot of people who go on about how it's one of the hardest side-scrollers on the Sega Genesis, (or SNES, the games have the same difficulty) how they couldn't beat it as a kid, etc. You just seem to be demonstrating unfamiliarity with this reputation. I'm not saying people are right to have it by the way, I actually agree with OP that its difficulty is exaggerated. But that's different from acting like this reputation isn't there.
The game could have been great, as it stands it was just rushed. Because of the flaws you pointed out and the general lack of polish due to being rushed, it's merely decent, but certainly not a bad game. It's actually above-average for the standards of movie-based games in general. As a matter of fact, the games based on Disney media from this era tended to be good, given that most of them were either developed by Capcom or Virgin. Virgin was surprisingly good at making games. Both the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis versions of Aladdin are good side-scrollers for their time by any metric.
Redditors are notoriously retarded.
go back

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This game is fucking great. What are some other good Game Gear games?
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The Game Gear started getting its own games around 1994 once Sega dropped the Master System for good.
the 8-bit Sonic games are worth checking out, they are closer to more traditional platformers compared to their Genesis counterpart, which I personally prefer.
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Love this JP cover art
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I get that, though maybe I'm alone in feeling this way, but when I really like a video game, a part of me tends to feel curious about its "inferior" ports from the time and, more often than not, I like the simplicity of said ports better, which is why stuff like the Master System and Game Gear libraries, to me at least, are gold. Also, as (>>10938182) said you'll see more exclusives in 1995 and 1996.

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Previous Thread: >>10899463

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Version 1.0 is complete.
What's this?
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From the readme:
Despite scorn in recent years, Final Fantasy VII's English translation is excellent. It's difficult to imagine how millions of English speakers would consider it among the greatest stories ever written if the very English version they played truly were the indecipherable mess it's sometimes made out to be.

It did however deserve a proofreading. Not from another Japanese speaker, but another English speaker.

This hack is thus a very conservative update to the game's field text; by editing the script concurrently with playing the game in-full, I've fixed awkward grammarisms, removed instances of "the Shinra", incorporated the best of the PC version's text changes, and tried to make sense of what little truly made no sense.

As I wanted to play to the strengths of the beloved and unique English version, I have only very sparingly referenced the Japanese script, and in 99% of such cases it was simply to make sense of any nonsense I could not intuit from the English script alone. This means Aeris still calls Zack her first boyfriend, Tifa still calls Barret a retard, and Cait Sith is still in the game.

This is the Final Fantasy VII you remember.
I know it was you, Fredo.
(New) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0KTfn78IDo
(Port) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL5lb9_U2KQ

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Captain Commando.
Cap. Com.
Shit, it's been 30 years and I'm getting it just now.

What's your slow realizations
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Miles Prower because miles per hour.
Cream the Rabbit because everyone wants to cream the rabbit
Is English your native language?
The ps1 version is pretty cool. You gotta play it on a real ps1 or use the beatlehw emulator. Awesome game beat it a year or two ago
>their best beat em up
it's probably their worst post Final Fight

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I simply do not understand what people see in the classic 2D Sonic games. I've tried playing Sonic, Sonic 2, and Sonic Mania on many seperate occasions and find myself dropping each by the Second Stage.

It's not like I dislike platformers, far from it, I love sidescrolling Platformers new and old. Mario, DKC, Rayman Origins, etc. But Sonic just doesn't do it for me.

For a game touted as being "fast" all 2D Sonic games feel slow and methodical. Getting to top speed is a chore with Sonic requiring significant time and space to reach full speed. What's worse is losing that momentum is so immediate that it dampens any desire to try and gain it back.

Doesn't help that the level design isn't conducive to this gameplay as a numerous amount of assets require speed to traverse or lack any areas to give yourself room to speed up without having to invest time in spin dashing.

Mario and Rayman can reach full speed almost instantaneously and still maintain this sense of momentum while Sonic just feels like an awful slog.
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you're a faggot, that's why. you OBVIOUSLY have not played Sonic 3 and Knuckles btw. you like men and you like drinking their cum. fuck you and kill yourself.
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>this thing is not my thing
k. keep us posted
>tfw you hate the hedgehog but you don't realize the hedgehog also hates you until it's too late
you got hedgehoged boi
>Truth is there are many different kinds of Sonic games, sometimes you just have to find the one for you

It's a simple solution, but also a pointless one since 90% of the time someone posts this sort of thread, and we see it every week at this point, it's not someone who wants to enjoy Sonic, but can't, it's really someone's who's made up their mind and wants to piss people off, that's all to it.

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