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Best behind the scenes stories.

I can't quite remember the name of the game, but a Sega composer wanted rapping on his game's soundtrack. So, he asked an intern to stand outside the building and bring the first black guy to walk past into the studio. I'm sure someone here knows which game this is.
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"Lurk moar newfag" doesn't even begin to cut it here, even outside of 4chan people know what the fuck OP stands for. You are simply retarded
Whoa I remember pikablu
its true i was there i was the uncle
I'm too old for Pokemon playground rumours, but there were alot of wild rumours about Mortal Kombat 1 and 2 at my elementary school.

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How did they get away with these "2 Player" games?
How is this really different than a 1 player game and passing the controller?
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If you’re a kid at home with a console and your sibling, and you want to play something together, a game with the illusion of multiplayer is better than a game with no sense of multiplayer at all.
So many threads on this board seem to be criticizing companies for making decisions 35 years ago that ate totally inexplicable to the modern streamer-watching shitposter, to the point that the poster feels actively offended.
Unfortunately anon even adults can't understand this
i dont know whats more embarrassing, clutching your pearls over "false advertising" or thinking that mario would work with 2 simultaneous players. either way you are wrong and not old enough to be on /vr/
Nobody said it's Nintendies fault. It's your generation not having a backbone and standing up against this shit.

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Post pretty environments from retro games and by doing so convince others to play them.
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Well, that’s cleared that up! Thanks for coming, mate !
It's a SCREENSHOT of a game.
kek, it is Shadow Hearts for PS2
Thanks anon(s), this game hasn't interested me before because I heard it's mediocre, but this inspired me to download it. I do like the backgrounds, the translation is pretty lolworthy though and the timing based battles are surprisingly hard to pull off (either I suck, or there's input lag caused either by emulation or the hardware I'm using).

I've heard it's like 50 hours long though so I'll probably put this on the backburner until I clear out some of the longer games from my backlog. Thanks again anon.
Nah, not buying it, not on 4chan. Proof or GTFO

I googled the text but thanks anyway

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Literally impossible.
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My mom never played video games but for some reason got addicted to Adventures of Lolo, to the point where one night she wouldn't stop playing and make dinner so I walked over to the NES and turned it off and she started yelling at me. I remember reading about the sequel in Nintendo Power and thinking to myself "she can never know about this" and throwing away the issue in case she looked at it.
You're a terrible son.
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10th floor, I guess it's the last set of stages. This isn't even a difficult puzzle but avoiding those green motherfuckers who follow me and sleep blocking the way are annoying me so much.

Come on guys, it wasn't THAT bad
It's the worst game ever made.
It's worse than Superman 64. Don't (you) me

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>one analog stick
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Kill yourself.
True. I do appreciate the simplicity of the controller for jettisoning all of the bullshit and sticking to what was needed at the time. I mean normal Saturn games sure as fuck don't use all six buttons. But regardless yeah any of those things really would have helped make the controller a lot better
Sega tends to release custom sticks with games. Look at Virtua On with its twin sticks. I would imagine if DC lasted another 2 to 3 years then we would have gotten a new controller for fps games.
A Dreamcast controller S would have been sweet. Could have moved the cable out of the bottom too. Or at least make the cable longer to compensate. I mean we got to the moon in 69, I'm sure they could have figured out how to get the cable pointing up

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I just played the Game Gear version of Streets of Rage 2, and found that they added in what's clearly The Predator as a boss fight in the third level. The game is otherwise faithful outside of shit that had to be removed for the game to fit onto a GG cart.
What are some other oddities snuck into ports of games, /vr/?
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Genma Onimusha had a lot of changes and new stuff but the strangest has to be the addition of the haunted doll Ayame, a Nemesis like enemy who will follow you throughout the game
Fight Night 2 Little Mac coming straight out of a nightmare.
Wait a minute? I never knew Mario was added to all these GameCube releases of games. That’s wild. How many is he in for EA during this period?
They did similar with Shinobi. I think it was Spider-Man and Batman in the game.
For some reason they did the early semi jump force look on him and it didn't work out (neither did jump force)

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>this had millenials howling and nearly passing out with laughter
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Millennials never watched Hannibal or Kill Bill, only zoomers did. Zoomers were also the ones listening to Linkin Park and Eminem. You hear it here first guys, everything from 2000 onwards is zoomer territory now.
>n64 flopped nobody actually had one
>saturn only did slightly worse than the playstation
what will /vr/ think of next
which console has the most emulators and decompilation projects?
>inb4 it's because its shit

I mean, you kill a giant singing piece of crap by throwing rolls of toilet paper in it's mouth. And it's a sentient piece of shit too, living in a mountain of poo. It's at least slightly funny.
because the N64 is an autist (and transsexual) factory. Is it better than the SNES based on that factor alone? you decide.

This is easily the best GBA game.
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>worse version of SMK with screen crunch and midi music
The cursed part is that the remake eventually came out
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>the superior wargame-lite
That’s 10 more than me speccy
>Mario Kart
>Not so fast
Your intention is...to lose?

Is there something wrong with the emulator I'm using to play this or the ISO? It takes 30 or 40 seconds for the MP meter to refill every time I throw a fireball.
That's normal.
Magic is OP.
The meter isn't MP its your magic stamina , it depends on the type of spell you use
Not when running for 2 seconds makes you have to wait ages for your bar to refill
I loaded my lategame save from a couple of years ago and it charges super fast, I dunno if it's based on fire skill or something I can't remember the mechanics at all

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Which one do you prefer?
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The last revelation because the pc version came with a level editor.
TR3 has always had a special place in my heart
It's a fucking mess, and shite compared to TR1+2, but it's not trash like TR3.
I fucking love TR3 but I only felt that way after a second playthrough, which was 10 years later but it game me a sixth sense to all the bullshit. I really liked TLR when I last played it but I'll need to replay it before I can say for sure.
TLR felt like a genuine sequel to TR1.

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Is this the ultimate reto console?

>amazing 240p support
>plays everything before 2000
>tons of controller options
>cheap component cables with both 16:9 ad 4:3 support
>native gamecube support
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>and GBA is *not* perfect don’t know how you think so

stop using VBAgx, mGBA exists mate.
>he cant run mame on wii
>oh no, hes retarded
>will this bubble fucking burst already?
Are you aware of "Internet" and "mail?" Hundreds of millions of people now have very easy-to-access marketplaces and convenient sales portals.
Can you play PS1/Saturn light gun games? Been playing HotD 2+3 on my wii but I want more classics.
Ps1 yes, Saturn NOPE

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ITT: misspelled/mistranslated/generally fucky video game text.
Picrel is from Lufia: The Legend Returns
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Fuck off, frogposting retard. No one cares about your retarded greentext wall.
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>romanization errors
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stupid hackjob localizer
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Not only the same game, but the same character too

ITT: Demakes that are better than the original game
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the ps1 version is genuine fucking garbage
It is a surprisingly faithful recreation of Gex 2's 3D levels in 2D.
The 8 bits versions of Asterix and Asterix: the great rescue, are better than the 16 bits versions.
Are you mentally stupid as fuck?
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Somehow I completely missed this

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What game is your holy grail -- the one you want more than any other game? Perhaps it eludes you because of price or scarcity.

Mine is probably picrel w/ manual (don't care about the box). It's the main thing stopping me from having a complete Virtual Boy collection. Another one is Panzer Dragoon Saga, but I'll probably pic that up before the end of the year.
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Dude, get your hands on those. Not just because they're really frigging cool (and you'd need the server software to even use them as originally intended), but they're worth a ton on the secondary market because of how few of those machines were ever made. When I got to play Red Planet in the 90s, there were only about 30 pods in the entire US. There are still less than 100 that were ever made.
Good luck any fucker trying to get this.
Phantasy Star for Master System.
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When I clear my backlog I'm buying a copy of Earthbound then I'm done buying forever.

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