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/vr/ - Retro Games

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Post pretty environments from retro games and by doing so convince others to play them.
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kino video game
There's something about indoor screens with a static camera that I love in particular.
fuck off
It has the best atmosphere
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>I want to look at the same exact pre-rendered images dithered down and compressed to hell, FOREVER
>No, I don't want to explore the world shown in the images, why would I want to do that?
Keep on coping. realMyst has the best atmosphere, gameplay, and visuals of any version of Myst.
Neo Geo games have some of the most beautiful backgrounds
>(There's no place to put the medal.)
sorry I forgot im on /vr/ where retro sucks and remakes are better
ANY place from Legend of Dragoon
Even if you can't enjoy 3D, Masterpiece Edition is the same game as Myst, except with higher resolution videos. You're defending postage-stamp sized videos to try and fit in.
Not really. Even I can find an interesting visual atmosphere to the original renders, even in small resolutions. They're all separate recreations from the original, each one lending an appropriately different but similar experience.
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I've been coming back to this game more and more just for the atmosphere.
>Even if you can't enjoy 3D, Masterpiece Edition is the same game as Myst
It's not.
Masterpiece Edition doesn't even have the full music in the fore-chamber.
>Legend of Dragoon
Is this really PS1? It looks way too smooth
I was gonna post this. The Last Blade 2 has the most beautiful backgrounds of any fighter i've ever played.
>¡El Pollo Diablo!
looking pixelated
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Soul, the likes of which we will never see again
Pixels = soul
Pixeless = soulless
>playing on a CRT is soulless
>playing on a HD panel is soul
Vice City annihilates this game
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love me curse
simple as
The environment is fantastic but the cartoonish character designs are an eyesore.
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>character designs are an eyesore.
what??? i don't think there could have been a better adaptation from the pixelated versions.
I recognized the exact location before clicking the thread, the prerendered backgrounds were really homey
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And too bad that they are "hidden" into some difficult, and short gameplay.
It would have been wonderful to rip them and use them in a 2D rpg romhack, or something like that
I keep hearing how this game sucks for 10 years. Is it true though?
How can you say that? The character design is peak in Curse.
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Goemon just has a pleasant look to it.
I keep hearing the opposite - that it's one of the best games ever, and also really hard to find
Half and half. Much of the complaining was because the years of delays meant Sony released a FF7 tier game in a post FF8 world. It looked "old fashioned" in other words with its gouraud shaded stylised character models and '95 era CG backgrounds. But gameplay-wise it's a solid RPG with some rough edges.
Also I just realized that's referring to Panzer Dragoon Saga, not Legend of Dragoon. Is Panzer good at least?
What the everloving FUCK is this?
a game?
Well, that’s cleared that up! Thanks for coming, mate !
It's a SCREENSHOT of a game.
kek, it is Shadow Hearts for PS2
Thanks anon(s), this game hasn't interested me before because I heard it's mediocre, but this inspired me to download it. I do like the backgrounds, the translation is pretty lolworthy though and the timing based battles are surprisingly hard to pull off (either I suck, or there's input lag caused either by emulation or the hardware I'm using).

I've heard it's like 50 hours long though so I'll probably put this on the backburner until I clear out some of the longer games from my backlog. Thanks again anon.
Nah, not buying it, not on 4chan. Proof or GTFO

I googled the text but thanks anyway
Just finishes this and still havs no clue what is going on

They're very pretty games but not retro
First game that came to mind when I saw this thread.
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I wouldn't mind retiring in such a place.
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Not him, but I think it might be Black Mirror? It used to give me nightmares as a kid
I want that car.
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Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 is the comfiest game I’ve ever played. More BGs here: https://imgur.com/a/boku-no-natsuyasumi-2-backgrounds-ps2-day-2cqSj
Peak game art.
Aren't these just photos through some kind of filter?
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Those are hand painted backgrounds using the same techniques anime would use at the time
I keep wanting to play Xenosaga but people keep saying it's not worth it
>The best PS2 RPG
>Not worth it
I want to eat that
>using the same techniques anime would use at the time
So... tracings of photos...
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is this shadow hearts?
yeah the second one, covenant.
very comfy city levels
Get rid of the sideways letterboxing before you post screenshots, squirrels-for-brains.

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