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Do we know who developed this game?
Mobygames only lists an american programmer but that's for the Atari 2600 port, not the Coleco original.
It was a Coleco 1st party game but as far as I could see, its actual developer remains a mystery.
2 years after this, in 1984, Konami released Cabbage Patch Kids, which is very similar to Smurf. Any chance Smurf was actually developed by Konami for Coleco?
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>Konami also put a Cabbage Patch Kids platformer on the console.
Yes and it's very similar to Smurf. Konami was also already familiar with developing for the MSX and the hardware of Coleco is very similar to that of the MSX, that's why I suspect that the real developer behind Smurf might be Konami, but sadly might never get to know the truth.
>>10928983 says some guys are knowledgeable in Coleco history and devs there but I never used discord, anyone here could try asking them, please?
That game itself was just a reskin of the MSX Athletic land to begin with, only for the reskin to then get ported back and resold on MSX as well. Konami were a bit extra special back in the day.
been playing this game out of curiosity.
The jump does feel like Castlevania.
Funny that the game also is about raiding a Castle.

If they balanced out the tech tree a little bit more this would have been a classic.
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I agree to that, the "balancing patches" ruins games, especially MoM and MoO2. Those games are designed to reach a tipping point where one player has clearly won. Otherwise the game drags on forever.

What would actually be needed: premade building queues for planets, which adapt to new buildings being unlocked. In the late game, MoO2 is 90% making the same building queues in conquered or colonized worlds.

I was also hoping to find a monster-heavy map for MoO2, where every livable world is guarded by monsters.

Finally, a mod that just makes the AI smarter but cheat less would be great.

For me, the killer race is repulsive + mind control + unification + creative + slow growth. Absolute destroyer in a mineral rich galaxy on hard or impossible. All you need is a powerful race (on impossible they have crazy bonuses) in your neighborhood, which you take over with mind control. Bullseye if you can capture Meklar or Silicoid. Once you can build the core waste dump, you have essentially won. Also, capturing Antaran ships, even the dreadnought in the final battle is possible. Without firing a single shot. Just dozens of titans with troop pods and tractor beams.

If anyone knows a good source for map packs or light mods (improved AI, no complete haulover) please post.
wait, if you mind control impossible AI citizens they retain the bonuses?
mind control really is OP
early game missiles give you the best bang for buck, and lasers are innaccurate and weak. late game that obviously changes. Given EMG is in the game, I can't imagine it would be easy to balance, since you'd tip from worthless lategame to everything else being worthless if missiles were viable.
Racial traits aren't stripped by conquest or telepathy. This even works for if they survive long enough to get evolutionary mutation, your citizens of their race get their chosen bonus in that regards.
Another feature of which racial traits are better is map size. on a small map a feudal/telepathic/warlord is going to beat a uni-tol prod race since they need a little room to grow.
>wait, if you mind control impossible AI citizens they retain the bonuses? mind control really is OP

Race bonuses apply to the specific race only, but also if conquered. Mind control also eliminates the need for ground combat and assimilation. And allows you control of captured ships in battle right away. Kind of overpowered desu.

The government and special bonuses, such as creative, unification and warlord apply to all citizens. That is why I start on a crappy race, capture a good one and work my way through the galaxy. Shit races like gnolams, bulrathi etc. get euthanized by sending them to full planets, and their planets populated with a good conquered race. I often only have my starting race on the home world.

I think the mutation in the late game again only affects the original race that the player starts with. When that far in the game, this setup has already won, so I just do nothing and get a 140% score increase in the end. Not that it matters, you can also get warlord on top of that.
>I think the mutation in the late game again only affects the original race that the player starts with.
It does, but if you gift them the tech or they research it themselves then all of their racial pops regardless of which empire they are in gain the benefit, provided its a racial bonus. And yes the game is long long over by that point.

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I hope I'm not the one that's really into Falcom's soundtracks and arrangements, let's discuss some of your favorite songs and discover even more of them.

Take Me To The Top - Arrangement from the Jungle Theme of Popful Mail

Boy on the Wing - Arrangement of Field from Wanderers from Ys

Star Trader - Arrangement of Star Trader from said game

These are just some of my favorites, performed and compossed by the 90's J.D.K Band and Sound Team, but there's a lot more of cool stuff to check out.

I'd also like to mention the entire Sorcerian soundtrack and Ys 1-2-3 osts.
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It's not the same as the original. I know they had to redo the melody because it was effectively lifted from another song, but the OG conveys a perfect mood.

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Given how well Ys 8 was received I wouldn't be shocked to see it adapted. There was even a novel version. I would have loved to see Brandish done. Though I'm not sure it's really the most adaptable with how generally story light it is.
Trust me, you don't want a new anime for any of these. The recent Cold Steel OVA was utter dogshit.
I like it when they stop caring and just go full Malmsteen

Also, this track is insane
Falcom are meme-tier in the sense they're even smaller than Inti Creates in staff numbers. And Inti is essentially a glorified Doujin circle, so I suppose for the Cold Steel OVA they had to settle with whoever said "I can do it".

This game is fast and sexy and fun and gets the arcade feeling really well for a room-by-room shooter. The feeling of dancing around bullets is really well done and the command attacks are cool.
And it looks great on Dolphin.
But it's kinda unforgiving in difficulty so that puts it out of the reach of most Gamecube fans.
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shake shake shake!
shake shake shake!
shake your booty!
shake your booty!
Game journalism used to be more of a wild west compared to today. Extremely pretentious writing alongside cringey juvenile writing, and some times both at once. It was pure soul.
it’s fun if you play it right and there’s nothing else quite like it
Also, a game made under tight time constraints imposed by management is not the same as an unfinished game
entertainment "journalism" has always been an arm of marketing

For me, it's Move Me.
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for me, it's "Your Vibe"
>>Racing team literally called People's Republic of China
>what did NAMCO mean by this?
It's over...
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Quiet Curves.
Namco really had obnoxiously good musicians when you think about it. Taiko games tend to emphasize that, too, I should try finding a way to get into them

Yeah I know it's the basic bitch answer, but I'll still have to agree

That's pretty cool
Silhouette Dance from 2:15 on.

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Can I beat Mechwarrior 3's campaign on Hard with the starting Bushwacker mech? I'm on Op4-1 and I can't get to the train in time.

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Japanese arcades have no artwork. Thats boring. Whats the point then?
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Why not play at home instead of suffering modern day mtx in old games
quite possibly the dumbest question with the dumbest premises I’ve read on this board
Nta but hes right its the worst of both worlds.
leave this board, /v/ tourist
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I've been trying out Journey to Silius on NSO with Picrel. I rebind R1 and L1 to A and B respectively. It's growing on me. Something about it is just so much more comfy for my wrists and thumbs. I've been back and forth between it, my Hori Commander fightpad, and my bitdo SFC30, but I keep coming back to it the most.
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Stick is just more fun to use
You are playing the games that benefit the most from a stick without a stick.
I use a stick for shmups, some people swear by dpad - specifically a Saturn controller dpad
have a RAP4. I kinda hate how short it is so my palm hangs off but otherwise it's a real solid choice and quite customizable.
I do have an issue where I put in an octagonal gate, shorter throw, and a stronger spring which I like for fighting games but want something a little different for shooters. But I'm too lazy to swap them out all the time not to mention don't want to buy another stick
Stick is used for legacy purposes. If you didn't grow up using sticks in arcades you probably don't need to get one nor will you see any big gains on playing unless you're playing consistently for weeks.

I do notice I get better scores on my stick than I do with my saturn controller. Could be that the saturn is wireless and has more lag, could be that I'm more fidgety with movement on pad compared to stick because that takes a bit more effort so I do want to move as much.
Dunno... ymmv

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SF 2 artwork or SF 2 CE artwork?
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who redid this protrait?
street fighter alpha is meant to take place in the 1980s, pretty advanced for the time
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>at that time
still is.
>Nowhere to be seen
you can hear Dhalsim's voice at the end of the video retard.
>stop posting anytime.
The real question should be Cammy or Chun-Li?

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ITT: systems with so many games that nobody will ever play them all.
I'll start:
the Commodore 64 : estimated 10,000 games and thats retail releases, the homebrew and amateur amount is impossible to say.
what systems can beat this amount /vr/?
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Mahjong but as an RPG
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>piratin is ownin
>piratin is ownin
that's right.
How can there possibly be 10k songs
Never owned one, never really had an interest in it but I've been getting a ton of recommendation for channels basically dedicated to this.

Should I bother putting one together with the DIY kits? I think playing through the first 3 ultima games and Elite on this would be neat.

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I love this game.
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Nintendo really understood the hardware and how to make it work.
Konami, on the other hand, had no idea what the fuck they were doing.
Mario land 1 sucks
Mario land 2 however is amazing
Someone explain to me the complains about the controls because I didn't have any over 20 years ago neither today.
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>no shitty skidding around
Literally all it took to fix SMB
I forgot what the exact trigger for it is but you'll often get locked into a straight vertical fall with the game ignoring in air direction, that was pretty annoying whenever it happened.

Still works
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The clock capacitor didn't fry the motherboard then?
I bought it second hand already hard modded without the cap
My clock asks me to set the time everytime I boot up, does that mean the capacitors fucked?

Look. His VIC-20 acted screwy until he ran it for a while. I guess the caps were groggy and needed to wake up. Sometimes that can happen when stuff isn't powered on for a long time.

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Gotta keep the dream alive. Anyways I'm gonna get a few rounds of Berzerk in to celebrate surviving severe weather. Will update with my scores.

Previous thread: >>10904873
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I'm surprised the 2600 is the last bastion of cheap retro games if you're a collectorfag. Of course they're not as cheap as they used to be, they didn't go up terribly much.
>Of course they're not as cheap as they used to be, they didn't go up terribly much.
I've got some copies of E.T. that I'd be willing to sell you. Cheep.
$1.00 for 200 cartridges. I'll pay you $2.00 to take 500 of these things.
problem with 2600 cartridges is that, often times, you're just buying plastic. a lot of them were not stored well, they're not in great condition, the consoles themselves are finally aging out... i go to a flea market where you can always find a few 2600 games per week but they're usually just commons or maybe the occasional uncommon.
I'll have to check that out.
Don't do it

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you didn't beat the game
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For me, it's Ultimate Hits
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>greatest hits
>still over $200 used

Reminds me of Christmas when my dad beat my mom and called my grandma and little sister "right cunts" when he had too much eggnog.
Did he beat her with a belt?

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Captain Commando.
Cap. Com.
Shit, it's been 30 years and I'm getting it just now.

What's your slow realizations
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Cream the Rabbit because everyone wants to cream the rabbit
Is English your native language?
The ps1 version is pretty cool. You gotta play it on a real ps1 or use the beatlehw emulator. Awesome game beat it a year or two ago
>their best beat em up
it's probably their worst post Final Fight
so fucking true anon. bunny cunny is truly where it's at

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