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/vr/ - Retro Games

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ITT: systems with so many games that nobody will ever play them all.
I'll start:
the Commodore 64 : estimated 10,000 games and thats retail releases, the homebrew and amateur amount is impossible to say.
what systems can beat this amount /vr/?
who will play all games on a console anyway? get a life lol
x86/x64 PC and snapdragon.
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>posting on a Friday night
life you say?
playing every single game on a console is achievable because they arent programmable by users obviously, except for maybe the SNES or the PSX
WIndows. For consoles, PS2 has over 4000 games.
This. Mobygames has over 22,000 PC games listed between '81 and '07.

But also this >>10939792
Depends on the console. Anyone interested enough could fully explore the Virtual Boy's entire library in a few weeks. N64 only has 250 or so games, so you could easily try them all out and give them a fair shake in a month or so.
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>I will never own every game for my favorite console

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You can
maybe in your shithole
I'm no expert but I imagine the PS2 has more games than any one person can play
That's because nobody can be assed to suffer a thousand mahjong games and 500 horse watching simulators
Mahjong but as an RPG
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>piratin is ownin
>piratin is ownin
that's right.
How can there possibly be 10k songs
Never owned one, never really had an interest in it but I've been getting a ton of recommendation for channels basically dedicated to this.

Should I bother putting one together with the DIY kits? I think playing through the first 3 ultima games and Elite on this would be neat.
The dendy and the polystation have 1000000 in 1 games, cant beat that bucko
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Nigger, the C64 is not a console
>copies game on PC 1000001 times
PC wins again.
It's possible to play every game on cartridge based consoles, the PS1/PS2 libraries are just too big. You could play every Saturn, DC, Gamecube etc game as there aren't so many of them.
yes the C64 is full of soul, its audio is its legendary for a reason.
Are there any C64 games worth playing?
I know I'm gonna get hate for this, but not really. Most of the quality games have versions for other pcs at the time or superior dos re-releases.
Thanks. I've been wanting a C64, but other than fuck around with it and have it as a "cool retro computer" piece I have no idea what I would actually use it for. I mainly focus on 90s era DOS and Windows 98 computers where there are tons of great games to play.
It has ports of most classic games of the era but there are usually better versions that were made for other systems. In 2024 when you can easily emulate anything there's not much reason to play C64 games unless you want to experience the original Bard's Tale, Last Ninja, etc.
If you want hardware for retro gaming purposes you'd be better off with an Amiga. Smaller library but higher quality overall.
Also ignore these guys.
I built a DIY kit for fun, but I have no nostalgia for the C64. It's a neat system and I love 80s pcs but it has no value outside of nostalgia in terms of game quality. The software is a net time-capsule but besides nostalgia there really is no reason to get one.
you know, you're not required to play bad Euro games like Potty Pigeon and Flimbo's Quest, right? most of the actually worthwhile C64 games were NTSC ones.
Think of c64 games like 1/3 of an nes game, the game were often made to be sold on a budget or for compilations but there were still good ones like Bionic commando. Many of the budget games were only designed to be fun for 1 or 2 weeks and only have 4 levels.
>Think of c64 games like 1/3 of an nes game the game were often made to be sold on a budget or for compilations but there

You paid around $50 for Pool of Radiance or Pirates! That was only a little cheaper than NES games, although you could just as easily pirate them. And also the NES ports of those games (and Might & Magic and Bard's Tale) had significant compromises.
I think you're confusing NTSC and PAL games. It seemed Americans were better at doing stuff C64 had an advantage at while Euros were fixated on trying to recreate NES games.
Red Storm Rising. The PC version is alright too, but it lacks the humming background noise the C64 version has. I know it's a small detail but it matters for the atmosphere. C64 version is the original version too. The only other sub game that comes close to what RSR does is Cold Waters (not retro).
A c64 with some mods like Jiffydos or Dolphindos is a great way to experience most RPGs and text adventures of the era. AppleII is also a nice platform for these sorts of games, however I think the c64 library has more coverage of British games.
I'm not a fan of any of the platformers or arcadey games. Absolutely worth it to play shit like Ultima or Bard's Tale on original hardware.
Also text games like Zork, Claymorgue Castle, Scott Adams.
>Bard's tale
>original hardware
That'd be the Apple II. Playing them on the C64 is no different than playing a DOS or Windows version.
By original hardware I mean not emulated.
the Apple versions are ugly and don't have any music
>I want to play these games on ORIGINAL hardware
There are trillions of ports and reverse engineerings and remasters and remakes and what not. They are no less "original hardware" than the C64 version.
Also the C64 versions of CRPGs were built off the same code base as the Apple ones so they play the same way anyway.

There is active dev on new games. Some of them are fuckin amazing
You have autism.

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