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What are the best retro visual novels or dating sims?
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He's not angry because she's not a virgin he's angry because in order to get her route you have to stalk her and her boyfriend and see them date each other while you watch like a cuck. I think he even fingers her on a bench and you just watch. She brakes up with her boyfriend and picks you in the end I think but that kind of simp shit is mega lame. But I also respect the devs for trolling the boring normies who pick the main girl over the side girls. Normies get what they deserve.
Holy shit! This is the first time I heard about it. I only heard that Tamaki screams her ex bf's name when she has sex with the main character.
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Sayonara wo Oshiete deserves to be mentioned imo, I loved it
Moon. by Tactics (proto Key, Jun Maeda's team) is ok, too
I really like some titles that have already been recommended itt
>Yu No
>Bible Black
Also, if Muv Luv is considered retro, it's an obvious classic that's not to be missed
For ren'ai games/dating sim stuff, True Love is nice and playable on asenheim project. Pretty close to the original tokimeko in terms of stat management, but with less bullshit to deal with.
I still have to try To Heart 2, it's available in English and considered a good, influential game. The Dungeon Travelers spinoffs are amazing, so I'm confident it'll at least be a nice read
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you can find some info in a thread on vndb: https://vndb.org/t5928
i say it's very japanese to send such a polite letter with a broken disc with it.
I hate that comic so much.

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I'm not particularly good at this game but I like it anyway. Let's talk about classic arcade games
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why doesnt the "safe spot" trick work on the nes version of pac-man? ya know, the two spots on the maze where if you enter them from the correct direction and stick on the wall the ghosts just cant get to you. or does the trick work and I'm just retarded? definitely a possible variable in this equation
the laundromat me and my ma went to in the mid 90s had a galaga cab and a shinobi cab. loved them both. sucked at them both. I guess that makes those the first videogames I ever played. Didnt have a home console till I got an n64 in like 98. the first person bonus stage in shinobi was tits
I played Moon Patrol and I liked it. I probably wouldn't like it today though
Idk but sounds like cheating to me.
This might sound really dumb, but I love the stats when you get a game over. The hit to miss ratio gives a little bit more replay value on top of the awesome visuals and sounds and relentless enemies.

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Zoomers of /vr/, give it to me straight: Is TTYD's remake soulful?
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I'm not sure what quinoa is and I'm not in the mood to try random ethnic foods.
Understandable, saging again for your pleasure.
There would you rather me sage every post?
Yes. I don't want to enter a thread just to see that it was bumped by some whiny, entitled queer using it as an excuse for a therapy session.
>Dialog about Vivian has also been altered.
I really don't care as long as there's no gay shit about being transgender.

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Previous Thread: >>10861021

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

Active Communities:

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I think the lack of original soundtrack like the first one hurt it most. Considering the year and a half dev cycle it turned out excellently overall.
>lack of original soundtrack
That's true. I remember being at the dramatic climax and suddenly I'm in the Deku Tree. I guess if Subversion wasn't a thing it'd probably be my favorite SM hack
Super Junkoid, and Junkoid, were both great. They managed to feel unique despite the changes just being cosmetic. While other hacks implement new mechanics, and I think they're better for it, the Junkoids deserve heaps of respect.
SS-Tier: Subversion, Acent, Super Duper Metroid
S-Tier: Hyper Metroid, Super Metroid Zero Mission, Super Junkoid, Vitality, Verticality (from a technical stand point alone)
A-Tier: Redesign (original version), Z-Faster

Iam sure I missed a bunch and everything is obviously subjective but these are the ones that I fondly remember.
What did Axeil screw up about Redesign?

Literally irrefutable
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Goldeneye 007
Hexen 2
Halo 2
Call of Duty 3
This criticism always confuses me. Doom and Quake are basically babies for fps as well but people never stop jerking them off
descent I & II are s-tier
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>blames zoomers for all ills
>blames boomers for all ills
Half Life is mid? Go to v you're a disgrace.

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only good thing about SOR3 was you got to play as Roo and Shiva if you could unlock them under certain conditions.

Bad thing was that in addition to the super charged difficulty levels, Electra and Soozie were made to be covered up with more formal clothing.

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about to play this for the first time and yes, the translated snes version because I am too much of a poor fag to buy this on DS and missed the opportunity to get that version back when it came out in 2009 since I was young and didn't know anything about the dragon quest games. any tips would be welcome and you are free to discuss who is better waifu between the 2 in the snes version. got the game booted up on a little hamdheld emulator and can't wait to have a comfy time with it.
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You might just be retarded then. Or have such limited experience with games that even these seem the same. Either way lol
It's probably the best. There's no baggage from any other game, and it has some of the most creative things to explore of the series. It's probably the least criticized game in the franchise.
No need to deny it. Nothing is original.
>You don't go sage for magic you do it for healing, everyone having multi-heal makes things so much easier.
I get that that makes things easier, but my sense of honor would never allow me to do that. Only one multihealer. The superstar gets hustle dance, so you can compensate with that.

>My problem is just that I feel like the job system in 6 doesn't add much except extra tedium, there were times I was grinding just to level up jobs, if I didn't I wouldn't have gotten everyone in their final classes by endgame
I never did that. I just fought battles as they came. They didn't master their advanced classes until the final dungeon. It's not fun to play the game overleveled in my opinion.
Lol so you are retarded

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for me, it's kuja's theme
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Who's aesthetically gayer?
Kuja or Seymour?
but nothing beats part-time simp ass Sephiroth.
depends who fujos gooshes more to
Obviously, Seymour.
It had no right to be as good as it is, that's for sure

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>Redesign for western sensibilities utterly mogs the original
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>Wild West cowboy revolver
That's what Japs think all real guns look like in America!
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These things go both ways.
The bizarre Zapper design is probably because of the original gun design, which uses a similar 2 stage-esque mechanism to pull back the hammer, except here the hammer is actually exposed AND functional. You can manually cock back the hammer to essentially pre-travel the spring for a lighter trigger pull.
I want to fire the Nintendo Glock.

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It really is.
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>decades of analysis
>countless retranslation projects
>not a single one has corrected one of the very first outright mistranslated lines in the game
Mother fans are some of the worst "fans" of all fucking time, god DAMN.
Better sprite art in that gif than the actual game. I love the series but EBZ is ugly as sin
Why would you use anything other than the official release? Re-translation projects are a waste of time, fan translators are always amateurs, their work is only to be used if there is no alternative. There's maybe three exceptions to that rule that have emerged in the entire history of fan translations. Official translations are shit sure, but if there's a situation like trannylation in a modern game it's just not worth playing.
always used to play the nes version but after playing the gba version it sounds a little dry relatively speaking, both are good though. you also get the ability to warp to the final dungeon after a certain point in it although i never found that too useful.
>edgy jewish video maker is my best friend, he could never have made this up to sell me his video patreon

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How does one go about achieving one of these? It just seems too difficult and overwhelming for any mere human
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I always enjoy getting as far as I can on one credit, its a lot of fun. If it turns in to a 1cc in the process, then thats just icing on the cake for me.
With MOST arcade games I try to 1cc I can cruise through with relative ease for 90% of the game time. It's the choke points that cost me lives. So what I do is make a save state before the choke point, then play it until I have solved for how to pass it. Then I do the same for the next, and the next. Until I can do all the choke points 9/10 times without dying. Then it's just a matter of stringing them all together.

It's also very important for some games to understand the scoring system and how to milk the score. Accruing extra lives lets you brute force certain elements of the game that are more RNG-based.

Sitting there doing a completely fresh run one after another is the worst possible way to seek a 1cc. You've got to put more brains into it than that. At least record your gameplay and watch it back. Or watch someone else's 1cc on youtube to simulate watching over a good player's shoulder at the arcade.
You're probably thinking of someone trying to 1cc a beat'em up like Cadillacs n' Dinosaurs in a typical "50 cents to play / 25 cents to continue" mid-90s arcade.
Those are sucker/n00b arcades that were mostly for through-traffic of a department store, pizza place, bowling alley, or other places like that.
At a more dedicated arcade you could get your price per credit down to less than 25 cents per credit by buying tokens in bulk. You could buy a "bucket" of tokens (something like a 20 ounce drink cup) for $25.
Start with lower difficulties, credit feed at first, practice regularly instead of once in a week.
Make sure to play games that you actually like.
You can also use third party tools like save states and look up info and strategy guides but I think that takes away a big part of the fun and satisfaction.
>How does one go about achieving one of these? It just seems too difficult and overwhelming for any mere human

It's not something you strive for as a top goal. 1cc is something you achieve while playing a game you love repeatedly to the point that it becomes muscle memory. 1cc is a bonus not a goal.

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Trying to tally up a list of fan translations currently in progress, anybody care to add to it?

Off the top of my head - not a complete list. In progress as of May 2024:

Tales of Rebirth
Tales of Destiny 2 (1)
Kowloon's Gate, PSX
Summon Night Swordcraft Story 3 (2)
Medarot 3, GBC
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner, PSP (technically retro)
Segagaga (2)
Shadows of the Tusk, Saturn
Tokimeki Memorial 2
Sakura Wars 2, Saturn
Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II (2)

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So we know what to look forward to? There is no comprehensive list anywhere.
That's not a headscratcher at all. Casuals fucking murdered the turn-based JRPG genre and we started getting fuckall when the PS3 came out.

Nintendo wouldn't even fucking give us Xenoblade Chronicles, despite the success of Xenogears on PS1 and Xenosaga on the PS2. Same with Last Story and Pandora's Tower. It took an entire internet campaign called Operation Rainfall to get them localized.

It's THAT bad now, so of course translators are going to go for the JRPGs. It's what we are starving for.
Blessed thread
Any news about Tokimeki Memorial? Finally getting to play the first one was amazing desu
Oh and Princess Maker 4, I'd play that
We need Der Langrisser FX, III and V translated

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>Saturn was a success in Japan
>a ton of good games get released for the system
>SoA lets those games stay Japan exclusive
>even when the system struggled to sell in the west
Why didn't SoA bother with localizing JP games?
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>Deep Fear wasn't released in the US
never knew that, even EU got that one
yeah and like all the best motor sports games I ever played were japanese
>Saturn was a success in Japan
Where does this meme come from?
Playstation WON in Japan.

Saturn sold the same as N64. Both sold 5 Million units.

Nintendo viewed 5 million unit sales in Japan as a big failure. So how can Sega view it as a "success"?
N64 has definitely been a net positive in Japan in the long run. Every Japanese millennial and zoomer knows Mario and Zelda. They were released on the DS and other systems. N64 games have very high prestige among fans and developers, that's the truth. Saying that the N64 and Saturn are equal is very archaic and backwards.
From a collector and fan standpoint, then yeah sure. They have nostalgia for it and it has some fun games.

But from a business standpoint Nintendo perceived N64 as a failure in Japan. They went from selling 20 million SNES units to barely 5 million N64 units in Japan.

North America and Europe carried the N64 in sales. Probably saved Nintendo.

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How does /vr/ feel about Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex?
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This is one of the few OG Xbox games that you can purchase from the Xbox 360 marketplace but NOT the Xbone/Series marketplace! The more you know! Get it before the 360 store closes down this July! https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Crash-Bandicoot-Wrath-of-Cortex/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802565507f2
One of my earliest experiences with "soulless". It was Crash 3 except just not fun.
It's alright, not as good as the OG trilogy but it's fine.
This and Twinsanity are the last two good Crash games.
the uncharted series is the only good thing naughty dog has done
>the uncharted series is the worst thing naughty dog has done

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This could have been really good if it wasn't for that abysmal framerate. A bit short but the replay value could come from the randomized layouts.

I never did find the place that lets you trade items though
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Tried this game a few years ago because I wanted to see if it lived up to the infamous reputation. Wound up having fun with it instead the framerate is terrible but the game was super far ahead of its time.
even in AVGN's review of it, he played through the game 1 and a half times because it was actually pretty fun despite looking like shit with a choppy framerate.
>super far ahead of its time
in the wrong direction though with ugly digitized sprites and FMVs featuring real actors.
Yeah I believe that's the one. I played it on the medium difficulty that automaps and directs you where to go.
Sort of, I think they must have modified it heavily because Pebble Beach shows less frames (since you're hitting a ball over a large area instead of running across the field).
the princess is qt so shut up

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