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Three Gods, One True Morrowind 22th anniversary thread.
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Is openmw on Android any good? Thingken of buying one of them telescoping android controllers to play it on my old S20 Ultra.
Has the whole project been discontinued or only the Android version? Also your screenshot seems to have a lot of missing assets, is that a problem on Android?
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Controls surprisingly well, and it'll run on anything, even a shitty GE8320 GPU

The ""official"" port was discontinued 3 years ago but this branch still seems to be updating, haven't tried it though https://gitlab.com/cavebros/openmw-android-docker/-/releases
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Thanks. Here's your deleted post because I have autism.

>Has the whole project been discontinued or only the Android version?

Only the Android version (or specifically, the port that was available on the play store) but I'm 95% sure the 0.48 apk should still work.

> Also your screenshot seems to have a lot of missing assets, is that a problem on Android?

I was fucking around with the upcoming Narsis expansion for TR, which still has missing assets, it's not a bug with OpenMW.

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In the closing days of the SNES came Spriggan Powered, a very average mecha shmup published by Naxat Soft and developed by...oh fuck, Micronics. Thankfully it doesn't run at 15 fps or have 5 second pauses between screen switches like their NES titles but it's still an incredibly middling game that was probably an ok way to pass a lazy Saturday afternoon when you had nothing else to do. Good points: No language dependency in here.
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The graphics are far better than a '91 game would have but yeah the gameplay is relatively primitive for such a late release.
Threetimes-kun! How is that SNES living in your head? Rent absolutely free, right?
is a shmup and not a bad one with several powerups and is one of the first that had a shield that consumed energy.
Those graphics do look good! A shame it's a boring ship shooter game.
Auster died not too long ago. It was in the papers and everything.

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Winners don't use drugs
>blue pizza box
i heard this post in my head.

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I've been playing this all week and I'm kinda petering out.
It's an interesting hybrid of crpg/arpg which I guess was first made to compete with baldur's gate but also took some cues from diablo in that the gameplay is much quicker and streamlined compared to classic crpgs. At first I was pretty engaged with learning the game's systems and then figuring out how to manage increasing amounts of party members but now I'm like, just granularly upgrading equipment and swapping my casters between heal and damage. Lots of mana management as well to keep them doing stuff the whole time in combat.
I get the feeling that a BALLS2THEWALL 8 melee party comp just chugging health potions would roll through the game as effectively or more so than my 4 melee 1 ranged 2 earth mage 1 combat mage.
Has anyone played this? Is the expansion or sequel pretty cool?
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Play in hard mode than you have to use buffs and debuffs and shit which requires you to switch spells constantly.
Poor man's FF12. Plays itself, but doesn't have the Gambit system to make you feel smart.
I played through this game in co-op with a friend via LAN back in the day. Literally mindless stuff, we spent the whole time just chatting and listening to music as we clicked our way through and it was great. I can't imagine it being any fun to play alone.
DS2 adds more character customization which makes it a bit more interesting. You can also mod DS2 to play all DS1 campaigns in it. It's called the Legendary Mod.
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The gameplay is simplistic and not very rewarding. Playing on hard doesn't feel good as it just involves more potion chugging, buffs are basically irrelevant. You either micro a combat mage solo or have a lot of melee tanks to soak in the frontline.

Nobody likes the game because the combat is good. It's because the music is fantastic and entering dungeons feels like an exploratory event. There are hidden pathways revealed by disguised switches, and simple puzzles in each dungeon that give you more than diablow murderhobo loot vacuum simulator could ever hand you.

Unfortunately its best aspect is also one that doesn't offer much incentive for frequent replays, once you know where everything is then the exploration is mostly gone.

If you thought 1 was fine you will enjoy 2. As it's basically 1 but with some abilities you can occasionally use. It still retains a great soundtrack and interesting world filled with secrets to explore.

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The Lion King is one of the best games of all time but most people quit on the second level because of the "difficulty" of double jumping
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I didn't realise the Swedish Chef had opinions on video games
It's by westwood - american. But you're basically correct, all non-japanese platformers during that era were terrible and felt like amiga games.
That really shouldn't matter when you can simply try a new input rather than doing the same thing over and over, screen size is irrelevant to that. I agree the megadrive version plays better but the differences are negligible in practice
no idea. it only takes like 3 tries at most to figure out how to do the jump right. even if you fuck up, the first level is incredibly easy and short, and the real tedium is figuring out which monkeys to roar at. but once you do, its an absolute breeze. i've never understood why people thought it was SOOOOO hard.
Well Rob Povey, the programmer of the Genesis version, is a Brit. The SNES and Genesis versions were developed in tandem, though, so I'm not sure which is technically the "master" version

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If I'm understanding this correctly, the PC Engine's CD games can only save onto the console itself... but the console doesn't use a battery save like the Sega Saturn, but instead has some memory chips that use capacitors that can go out, and if they do, you have to replace them if you want to save again. Do I have that right?
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The AA battery one actually goes in the controller port. The card-sized one uses a glued-in watch battery.
There's a couple of games that can save directly to that one
Keking at how complicated and the amount of bullshit you need to make saves on a PCE.
It’s no different from the following generation, except flash memory wasn’t cost-effective yet.
On SNES games once the battery dies your saves are fucked.
Their Nintendo PlayStation crossed with 32x-like system ironic is PC-FX

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Why does nobody ever talk about this thing? Just found out it exists, and that has been around for over a year. Yet it's cheaper, open source, and has more features than an N64 Everdrive.

When it comes to N64 flashcarts however I only ever hear people talk about the Everdrive, it even fixes the reset to save/only writing the save to SD on next boot nonsense that all N64 Everdrives do.
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sc64 and everdrive x7 have it
I'm not sure. Where would I find that?
> reset to save/only writing the save to SD on next boot nonsense
i thought the x7 didn't have that issue? is that true?
That’s what the X7 does, it just stores it until your next boot as opposed to needing to do it before you turn off the console
GBA flash carts also do this
Ah i see, so, are there any adverse affects to this? Is it in any way noticeable or annoying as an end user?

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What made Tekken 3 the best fighting game on the fifth generation of consoles?
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It needs all the data it can get
because they are, but not to gather data, it's just because 4chan doesn't have the traffic it used to so they make up bullshit traffic so the site doesn't die.
Because no console could run VF3. T3 was the next best thing

-Plenty of chracters
-everybody in Europe buying its psx in 1998
-building up from tekken, tekken 2 and soulblade
-its OST
-jin kazama (you had to be there)

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>2D background
>no load time

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You could go into pretty much any big box store in the US and still find a brand new copy on sale as late as 2013 and probably a little later in some areas.
What was it specifically about Diablo 2 that even when D3 was out it still was selling well while not a single other Diablo clone even came close.
Even the popular ones like Dungeon Siege and Titan Quest didn't have that staying power.
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It was one of the two good games americans have ever made.
I didn't like how they gave you the paladin class but then you couldn't change your race. It was the beginning of that sort of thing.
Why hasn't there been a palette swap mod for this yet
Same reason it hasn’t been done for D1’a sorcerer: The few who care don’t care enough to do the work.
I believe the D1 sorc is more involved since the full character is one sprite rather than split into components like the paladin, and due to the more limited palette some of the colors of his face are the same as his hair.
This also begs the question, lore wise:
Would Mephisto, as the Lord of Hatred, use the N word against the paladin?

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Whoever said this game is better than Ocarina is insane.
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>no argument just like MM has no story
>an 11 year old whose parents let him buy manga at Barnes and Noble in 2003
Bro, I remember being exactly that age and buying dragon ball, yugioh, .hack, one piece, and detective conan. Those were good fucking times, manga kicks ass.
>detective redditan
>Even OoT is darker than MM because it's about the reality of growing up and realizing how shit the world is and trying to fix the mistakes you made during puberty
pfft, that is a massive stretch. Link doesn't "grow up" at all, he's just magically put into an older body 7 years in the future.

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This game fucking sucks.
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Yes, but it led to the creation of Basedsplitters 2 so it earns its spot.
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If you had 3 friends to play splitscreen multiplayer with cheats, slappers only it was hella fun

This is one of the worst games I’ve ever played.
>walking speed
>travel in general
>loading speed
>level progression
>plot advancement
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Serious question.
Are you high?
Just about every statement is flat-out wrong.
Flyyyin'... flyyin' in the skyyyy.... cliff racer flys so high.... flyinnn.
>Morrowind had a lot of potential it would really benefit from a remake
Even better bait than OP.
I think this was the first game I modded. There's only like 5 music tracks in the game or something. I put in like 5 more or maybe I just replaced them
Only thing that makes the game feel slow to me, just unavoidable and reminds me of random encounters in old jrpgs where you need to stop and fight the same enemy over and over. I usually just push through til I have a few following me and take them all out at once.

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>is supposedly part of the geforce 4 family
>its just a beefed up geforce 2 with at the time newish features
how did they get away with this?
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Crysis came out just at a time when CPU speeds could not be bumped higher and they started focusing on multiple cores instead. It was written with the expectation that we'd be using 10GHz cpus two years after release, and instead we were still stuck at 3GHz but had 4-8 cores instead. Since it wasn't taking advantage of the extra codes, and IPC increases did not happen, it simply could not run any faster no matter the gear. It may or may not have also missed out on using GPGPUs for extra data crunching, which also started becoming a big thing about that time with CUDA dating back to I think the 8800GT and DX10, I forgot.

You know, with recent cpus like the Ryzen 7000 X3Ds we actually got significantly faster IPC than the pentium 4s and core 2s that Crysis was designed for. I wonder how those would fare with it.

Crysis Remastered - which as noted earlier... gets about an 80% performance incresae from optimizations and shit... So it should get 55% of that.

Obviously - you'd really want to play the Remastered if you want to play Crysis 1, unless there are significant changes. But as far as whether it'll play the original Crysis 1... that's already been sort of posted. Though the question is often skirted improperly with the remastered version in benchmarks now just so people can say "yes you can!" Even though they're technically two different things.
They fucking do this every gen and it took you some vintage example to notice it.
The funniest thing about Crysis is that due to the exact timing of its release there's a sponsored "Intel Core2" logo every single time you boot up the game, so they knew by the time the game released but it was just too late to make such significant changes to the engine and take real advantage of multi-core CPUs
It's funny that Crysis Remastered exists because of the overhaul they had to make to CryEngine to support consoles. All the crying about consoles holding back the industry and it was their shallow and wide architectures that forced CryTek's hand to modernise their pipeline. And PC users got to benefit from that after years of dealing with the old and busted engine.
But they'd come back to fuck over PC users again with Crysis 3, taking the nvidia-bucks to create the most inefficient tesselation system it was possible to implement which at the time was merely okay on nvidia cards and abusive on AMD. And like everything CryTek did, it aged poorly onto better hardware.
I think we just have to admit that Crysis was always a terrible game, CryEngine was never good and CryTek need to stop Crying and learn their trade properly.

What are some of the most abstract boss fights in vidya?
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it's literally a hellish glory hole
I would just walk past it on god mode lmao

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Does anyone find picrel to be really boring? The gameplay loop feels overly simple and basic and it truly feels like a game made for babies. The atmosphere feels really uninspired, like they went
>overly vapid scary battle ship thingy
and they put that in the game for their enemies. No real art direction at all.
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Sonic hasn't had a true jump to 3D yet. Like there hasn't been a 3D game that follows the formula of the OG 2D games. Every game has had some gimmick whether it be other character's, game modes, play styles, etc. that you're forced to play as. The closest thing would be Sonic Colors but that game is mostly 2D and is boost formula, not momentum based.

I used to love SA2B as a kid, especially the chao garden, and every now and then I go back to play it but am disappointed by how fucking boring it is. I'm still waiting for that true jump to 3D.
Yeah. It just doesn't have the soul of SA1, which intrigues you with the story that you put together piece by piece. It was hard to care for a single second of SA2 and the controls just feel off.
Recently went back and replayed this. Also plays SA1 for the first time to compare them. It hurts to say it since I grew up on SA2B but SA1 is the superior game. The Tails levels in SA2B really drag down the entire game in hindsight and are simply too long for how boring they are. Sticking Tails in a mech was a massive fumble, especially considering we dont get many Sonic levels. The Knuckles levels are great and music slaps but are too big and also time consuming. Id be willing to overlook the issues with the Knuckles levels but putting Tails in a mech and giving us barely any Sonic levels is just too much of a fumble. SA1 is superior
nah, I grew up with adventure 1 and always held on a pedestal, and didn't like adventure 2's edgyness and how it changed the franchise
recently I started to play adventure 1... and got bored, I moved quickly to adventure 2, and man, it IS superior. advebture 1 is just too damm easy, tails can break the levels, knuckles' are short and offer little challenge, amy are super short and has few levels, and so I dropped it just there. i wanted to play big levels again but fuck it, wasn't going to waste more time, (played it for the nostalgia but I'm a busy adult now) I wanted to play adventure 2 since it is more challenging and fun
If you didn’t get all A ranks, and all emblems, you didn’t beat the game

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