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A thread for those using their phones for retro-gaming, from emulation to ports of retro-games.
I have a Poco M4 Pro and I use Retroarch with a Bluetooth controller (one of those cheap ipega controllers) and it works fine outside of N64 emulation giving me stuttering, heard I'm better off using mupen64fz instead.
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Should be out in about negative 13 years.
They should bring these back.
You can play something dry and turnbased without being too embarrassing
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Why not keep using your old one? You don't need 4G, do you?
Because the hardware in those phones are ancient. You have no access to modern apps and opening a webpage will crash 90% of the time due to bloated websites maxing out the pitiful RAM in those archaic slabs.

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if no one can hear you and you are in a larpy weeb mood, this is pretty awesome
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Duck Ofama
more like Okama lmao
gay ass shit
It is interesting but the game just sucks
thanks Odama
>thinks mortal kombat and killer instinct along baldurs gay are manly.

Discovered this game a few days ago and been playing it with no continues. After experimenting a while with all classes, realized that ninja is far and away the best one. Just made it to the 4th area with him.

Wtf is the mystic lamp for?
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I never used them
>Mage requires prescience, uncanny knowledge of future events, and foreknowledge of secrets and monster lore
Seems like Cadash simulates being a mage better than most games.
I can't beat the TG16 version, no continues is brutal
Dude, just farm the stone golems.
I tried playing as mage and holy hell he sucks bad. I thought I could spam lightining in the latter half of the game but zombies, skeletons and fucking drakes are immune to magic. And manticores move too fast and hit me before I can cast. Overall it was a pretty embarassing run. After 5 credits and still dying in the castle made me give up.

Not really interested in winning with fighter and priestess so I guess I'm done here

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In the tradition of the best Euro mazejank, it's Tom & Jerry.
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The 16-bit consoles had so many low effort licensed platformers that feel like a student's programming project.
I've beaten it and it's a good game once you get used to the mechanics. Protip: farm lives by scoring points against the undestructible crabs in lvl2.

And if you think that's mazey you haven't played it and/or many games. It's basically just like Megadrive Aladdin and you only need to get to the exit but sometimes there are multipaths.

There is a horrible DOS port. I think it even keeps the NES in the background.
I like that at the end of the game, the MGM intro starts to play.
It's the first game I remember playing. My parents rented it. All I could do was run until I fell off the edge. Dad got to level two and I demanded to play. They said I was just gonna run off the edge, but I whined until I got my way then proceeded to run off the edge.
Wasn't there a Japanese one in development? I remember seeing it in gaming magazines and the media were ridiculously high on it because the dev team had figured out to make a massive Tom sprite using Mode 7 that looked incredibly impressive in motion.

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Any other retro games with fan made multiplayer mode?
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I am going to try it.

I wonder if it's still so shitty like back then.
Probably still full of Russians and BRs like the old days.
The original Mafia game had a very janky multiplayer mode mod, but I never got it to work on my computer and the main Mafia fansite died a long time ago along with 99% of the mods
Gothic 2 online

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Name a better pinball game
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>I never knew there was a pinball spin-off
It's basically Pokemon Pinball 2, and that's not an exaggeration.
What's this game's name?
Waifu pantsu sore gaiden.
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Neat 3D cutscenes and instructions were very clear.

The AI is actually kinda hard in this game. Wtf, I actually have to learn how to play now instead of mashing.
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It removes Dragon Rush and replaces it with mini-games.
The huge ass rock paper scissors qte cutscenes are gone.
Only to be replaced with different ones.
I'd disagree with this. The roster is a bit worse and some of the mini-games are janky, but that's more than made up for by better movement and combos, the cast being a lot more diverse, and the story mode being a lot more developed (cutting down on flying around the world for Dragon Balls helps a lot).
This game came out much later than I thought, considering Budokai 3 came out in 2004.

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so apparently this game exists solely because a schizo executive at Sunsoft USA decided it should be made
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>bringing up /pol/ out of nowhere
>going on a rant about /pol/tards getting banned out of nowhere
>calling it the N word instead of just saying nigger
wew, that anon really did call out a redditor
The hell's in those things?
and sometimes there was a Famicom licensed game that got reskinned into some generic shit for the Western market like Chubby Cherub or Dragon Power
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Way to out yourself as a retarded tourist predditor, >>>/lgbt/ is that way my good xir.

I give up. I really enjoyed the first KF but this has just been painful all the way. The game lags constantly even when there is nothing going on, the map goes in every direction and all the different textures and motifs are used and re-used randomly which doesn't help get your bearings, the maps they provide barely help. The level design really feels like it was someone's first Doom map from 1994 except x20 in size. I am now lvl 26, have about 4 key items I have no idea what to do with, and I feel like I've been everywhere except for ONE place I remember that ***might*** be where to use some of those key items but I can't even find it anymore. There is no way I can continue unless I cling to a guide.

My question is, are KF3 and Shadow Tower like this too? Lag and messy level design ? KF1 was fine, idk what happened here.
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It's so hilarious to me that post Dark Souls these games that were always known to be janky trash are dug up as "hidden gems" and waves of kids try to force themselves to enjoy it and end up in tears
What's hilarious is how broken you are. I've never played dark souls and I haven't even seen more than 30 seconds of footage of it, I've been on this board since the very day it was created and I've beaten more 80s and early 90s RPG than you will in your entire life.

Echo Night is one of my favourite PSX games so I thought I'd check these out, but now it's impossible to talk about these games without faggots like you posting stupid comments to tell yourself you're "more hardcore" and "less zoomie" than the other posters
You're in /vr/, were all actually old here
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Is there a non-pozzed alternative to ebay and facebook marketplace for buying old computers and game consoles? Literally everyone is trying to scam you with prices that are 3-5x what the item is worth on these websites.
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>bought Silent Hill 1, 2 & 3 for $100 total years ago
>sold them all for $550 total
not my problem, OP...
I'm not selling shit lower than everyone else when I can actually verify my stuff is playable and CIB.
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Cortana sez 99 petabytes.
sadly, since eBay happened, it's hit or miss.
flea markets and auctions are your friends.
i just nabbed a commodore 128 but only bc my grandmother is beginning to purge her stuff. i had to toss a really old PC from her bc it couldn't be salvaged.
Thrift shops or just buy a regular beige chassis and keyboard and run a VM or something on it... Perhaps /g/ can help
> Is there a non-pozzed alternative to ebay and facebook marketplace for buying old computers and game consoles?
Craigslist obv. Haven't seen it mentioned. Do the zoomers not know?

Why is she so sassy?
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It's both. It's jank, but pure soul. The sequel is mechanically better, but loses the soul.
if soul means generic cartoon from the 90s then it's extremely soulful
1 is a 3D experiment for Capcom with a central connected world. If you like exploration and an npc lived in world, you will like it more.

2 is more linear, but it comes off feeling like a more proper "MegaMan, but now its in 3D" feel, especially with its dungeon design. You also are traveling all across the world cause of it. While i appreciate the first, the 2nd game i prefer since it offered me more of the kinda game experience i was hoping for with a jump to 3D for the series.
He was such a good voice actor too. Oh well burn in hell I guess.
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I see that on the handheld general nobody gives a fuck about this little gem. Just hoarders of devices that rot in dusty drawers. That's reddit-tier shit.
Who has a SF2000 and actually uses it? I have one, and I like to carry it around when I go to work, or I have a day off and stay in my garage to fix something. When I need a break I barely wash my hands and play some good ol' arcade games. I didn't buy the additional controllers and that was a mistake.
Has anybody used multicore for Pico-8 and other cool stuff?
(image from google - I'm lazy)
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I have one
>the reason nobody cares about it is because it's a cheap piece of shit that sucks, do yourself a favor and stop being a poorfag and get yourself something nice for once
At its price-point, €15, it is a masterpiece.
It is also a piece of shit.
I already have an RG35XX-H, and my hands hurt after a while (it's not peak chinkheld ergonomics)
I made this thread because the other one was a reddit-moment
>"I have device 1, 2, 2a, 2b, 3 and 3b. When will device 4 come out? I literally and unironically want it!!!"
Guess I should have made another thread like "FinalFantasy 8 is gay. Prove me wrong"
>makes meaningless new thread to distance from supposed device hoarders
>buys entry-level anbernig chinkheld likely influenced by said hoarders
>decides to buy an even shittier sf2000 after for seemingly no reason, probably because of its price point, aka meaningless reddit consooming
>realizes they bought a piece of shit and needs to find validation by making this thread
>proceeds to ask reddit-tier "has anyone used herpaderpa cope on it" question rather than actually just try things out themselves because op ultimately wishes to engage in the same kind of discourse going on in /hhg/ but is intimidated due to subconscious awareness that they're incapable of contributing meaningful discussion there
buy an ad
Wow, you are tough real hardcore gamer, not like those normies!!!!

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Is Spider-Man (2000) and it's sequel good games? Do they hold up or no?
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I only liked the first one.
The sequel feels rushed and many misions are annoying.
I always feel like I missed out on the corny cutscenes and the what-if mode since I only had the N64 version which cut both of those (the cutscenes were made in a comic book reading style to compensate). The game was fun as a kid, but I remember always wondering why I never got what-if mode despite following what the internet said. And when I first saw anons posting about the cutscenes on here, I wondered what the fuck they were on about.
the first one definitely does. 10/10 90s comicbook aesthetic, might be the best we've ever gotten from a western licensed game, it's not gonna blow your doors off with its gameplay but it's a very respectable variety action adventure platformer. the second game starts to wear out it's welcome a bit though, the charm isn't there and it's more reliant on the basic gameplay that is nothing special.
I'm already at full health!
Seeing how well this game nailed the Marvel universe just makes Insomniac dropping the ball that much worse.
That Carnage+Doctor Octopus level was intense

What's your favorite box art /vr/?
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she had no luck
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I like that one fancomic that actually tried to build some sort of in-game story for the cover.
I never liked this cover. It looks like it's going to be some europe only janky fighting game.

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Time to talk about the fun machine.
Dunno how many played Lode Runner 3D but I have been playing it and its fun even if hard as shit, would recommend if anyone wants to play a lesser known N64 game.
Also been using Neon64 to play some NES games.
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So what’s the agreed upon solution for controller pak management? Forever pak? Deleting saves? Are there worthwhile games that take up an obscene amount of memory?

Somehow, I never had a pak as a kid despite owning games like Rayman 2. Looking to get one for use with my everdrive.
i have the performance pak, i get 4 controller paks in one, i think they still sell them but their battery must be dead so better replace them.
afaik Hexen, Snowboard Kids and Mario Kart 64 can use entire controller paks.
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It does nothing but Nintendo worked in a permanent psychosis in their fans that it does. Everyone who will retort this will either:
>cope and say that some games required it despite that requirement simply being a built in jumper check to make sure you simply had it installed.
>That having it installed somehow makes the performance better despite it being a physical impossibility due to the fact that it's never going to make the RAMBUS transfer data more efficiently without bottlenecking and actually making the performance worse due to more data having to be shared by a baby cache/insufficient bus lanes.
>That it totally wasn't a cope to buy play time before crashing due to memory leak Rare couldn't fix which is why these paks were shipped with the game they made.
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They aren't lying, their families are just that terrible.

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