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I'm fascinated by this
Some examples:
>Age of Empires 1 in Vietnam
>Heroes of Might and Magic III in Russia
>Starcraft in South Korea (obviously)
>The King of Fighters '97 in China
>The King of Fighters '02 in Mexico
>Battle City in multiple third world countries, Famiclones in general
Post more of these from other countries
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Smash 64 is popular in South America, namely Peru, which has some of the strongest players in the world and stacked tournaments such as Inka Fest.
16 and 32 bit Dragon Ball Z games are very popular in various 3rd world countries.
KoF is popular in the DRC. I think Tekken is popular in Kenya. IIRC a high-level player came from there.
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Mortal Kombat is annoyingly huge in Argentina.
South America gave birth to Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 4, a modded version of BT3 with a very dedicated online competitive scene

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reverse kids
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They should partner with Gaijinworks
TIL Japan was making unlicensed SNES games in the 90s. I thought only the Chinese were doing it.
>reverse kids
Benjamin Button?
Uooohhhh ToT

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Instead of Sega throwing it all away on the Dreamcast and various arcade boards which were outperformed by generic PC hardware of the time?
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Saturn was just a worse playstation. Genesis and snes atleast were on par with each other and the argument was just about which library was better like console wars should be.
As somebody that took a 10 year vacation from 4chan only to come back about two years ago, this may be the most glaring culture change. In oldfag etiquette, saging a post was considered polite, as it meant acknowledging your post was not important enough to make everybody else see it. /b/ would use sage as an insult, but this was looked down upon by the other boards that were more familiar with the tradition inherited from 2ch and futaba, and because /b/ was the retard containment board in general.
>They sold nearly 11 million Game Gears and the software library is 300ish titles; that's not a failure by any stretch.
It is a failure because that wasn't Sega's goal. Especially since they spent way more money than Nintendo into their product. Sega agreed it was a failure and then dissolved the hand held division. Sending the employees to go work on Sega Saturn and the console division.
That's old culture anon. These days most anons don't even know what sage means
The best part is how you're unknowingly labeling your disapproval as lesser and providing nothing to threads you enjoy, extreme newfag behavior

Sega Saturn... Only those who know know
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I did post the Sonic Jam one, not the Adventure one though
Dumb marketing campaign
i too use twitter
She reminds me of that weird head in some sega game avgn reviewed.
>where did you learn to fly?
Panzer Dragoon..... Nights..... The list goes on.

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Would have been cool if there was a ground assault sequence after one of the invaders touched down on the surface.
>my retro games need more cutscenes!!
Use your imagination.
Why is the first thing you think of a cutscene?
They did not have enough RAM

What an odd game, it's very Atari-like and already dated for something that came out at the end of 1986. Feels like it belongs in the '70s. Anyway, a rather annoying first person perspective space combat game by ASCII and the first NES game Akklaim published. The US version is a bit easier than the Famicom original where it's damn near impossible to win battles against enemy ships and I don't think this game is remembered well or very fondly in Japan. Doesn't really seem like the kind of game Japanese would go for anyway. Namco's very similar Star Luster was arguably a better space combat game but we never got that one in the land of the free.
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Make your own blog or twitter already
see >>10903518
See >>10903779
the sharp 68000 version of star luster is really cool
If you like blogs so much, why don't you do it? In that blog you can just post about how shakingly angry it makes you that people talk about, and some even play, videogames. That way you don't have to be on /vr/ where everyone "blogposts" about videogames.

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality. Just avoid the RG Nano
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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Irrelevant. Part of being a grown up is facing you fears. Install linux and become one of us.
Lexar micro SDs are fine
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A Lexar 64GB was my first to ever die.

Phantasy Star IV and Shining Force II want a word with you

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>turn based games are best games
Post retro turn based games.
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Man of War 2 was better, but that one's real-time not turn-based.
more naval combat
Posting one final, though not a pure WeGo game (you move at the same time as the enemy, but only one unit at a time. Really unusual system).

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Can this be considered a mogging?
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nta but huh that's a pretty neat detail
pls eli5 is there any significance to the clouds?
holy shit is that mario
There is an unlicensed version that is actually better than the official licensed one, based on the SNES version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbyVYFlgqi0
>fat guy with mustache
>collects mushrooms
>turns into a raccoon
Why is OG better than DX?

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It's the most underrated Zelda II style game
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I like the thief class
My single favorite thing in this game is the thief test music. David Wise at his most daring
I don't believe you

wanted to give it a chance, but just got bored...
Play Ironsword instead.

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Post your Saturn top 3. Wrong answers will be accepted.
>Battle Garegga
>Layer Section
>Panzer Dragoon Zwei (honorable mention to the music from PD1)
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True, that was segas 1out of 3 strength
It's all memorizing the patterns. Otherwise ya I can see why people don't like these. I play em anyway for their creative look compared to others. Genesis has a few of these that were ridiculous for that era
>It's all memorizing the patterns
That applies to many other shooters but Garegga is much less about memorizing patterns and more about having a good plan for your run.
Every Saturn thread is like "yeah dude Saturn has heaps of games" and then you just post the same 4 or 5 shmups over and over

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>nephew is checking out my game collection because I'm the super cool gamer uncle with a bunch of tendie games
>he sees Sonic Mega Collection for the PCROM and asks me about it
>I explain that it's for the PC but PC's can't read CDs nowadays
I guess I should get rid of this but I doubt anyone is gonna buy it. What did you do with your physical PC games?
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>I have plenty of pepes and apus myself
post 'em

Also I have this very same Sonic Collection for the PS2, I like it and this is an on topic post relevant to this thread.
I'd buy it from you anon. My computer still has a physical disc drive.
I've been here longer than you. Which is probably why I don't try too hard to fit in and spaz out if someone is honest about this hobby being a bit pathetic.
>No Tails' Adventure
Why would I want to play this?
>>I explain that it's for the PC but PC's can't read CDs nowadays
1. thats a dvd
2. yes they can retard
3. if the lack of a drive is an issue you can buy one for dirt cheap at best buy

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Why isn't there an English patch for the Sega Saturn version yet?
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holykek mio pulling a gun is amazing
>and no one beats off to them
That's, like, your opinion, man.
>Even the fucking Vita got the English patch for the PC-98 port
This is sad.
I know you guys will call me a fag but I hate ero scenes, it's the main reason I stay away from h-games, even though there's a ton that I want to play like this game strictly for their stories (lol lmao etc). Is there a censored and English translated version of this game available?
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this one >>10904973 has censored sex scenes with nudity removed, but they're still in there.

What are the best retro visual novels or dating sims?
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I never play Cuckyuusei series but I love Doukyuusei series. If he was angry because one of the girls is not a virgin, there are non virgins in Doukyuusei series too. I never heard anyone was angry like that.
>Paying $80 USD or so for a sequel to 8 year old wish-fulfillment romance game to be reunited with your waifu only to have the developers troll you with their cuck fetish
No matter how angry I would be if that happened to me, I can't not laugh at it happening to someone else.
Nocturnal illusions will never be beaten. Seasons of Sakura is overall the goat
He's not angry because she's not a virgin he's angry because in order to get her route you have to stalk her and her boyfriend and see them date each other while you watch like a cuck. I think he even fingers her on a bench and you just watch. She brakes up with her boyfriend and picks you in the end I think but that kind of simp shit is mega lame. But I also respect the devs for trolling the boring normies who pick the main girl over the side girls. Normies get what they deserve.
Holy shit! This is the first time I heard about it. I only heard that Tamaki screams her ex bf's name when she has sex with the main character.

you are now hearing "FOLLOW ME MEN!" and remembering how amazed you were at digitized speech coming from your Commodore 64.

Beach Head II being a brilliant 2 player game also helped.
Raid Over Moscow was another mature action game involving real world situations during the height of the cold war too.
Good times. The knife fight might have been my favorite.
Good old US Gold, they never put a foot wrong.
kek. their only good games were the ones they never made, so all the US imports.

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