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96 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
Raping or making the next person incredibly uncomfortable that speaks to me
What the fuck
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You're done
*points behind you* Look it's Dogposter!
*runs away*
That artist idiot is dead, and so will you

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*wins the Unova League*
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They are pokemon not dogs, delusional retard
And they can do shit ghat animals can't. Keep seething
If they are based and look like dogs they are dogs retard. You are just coping because you cannot accept the fact that you want to fuck fictional dogs thus making you a zoophile
not for long
Dinner is served
Concession accepted
You look like a monkey and act like a monkey so you are a monkey

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>Only non-dragon pseudo legendary
>Easily the best designed pseudo legendary
How does he do it?
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the reason metagross sucks now is because it's a psychic type and psychic is actually a strong contender for worst type in the modern era.
give that nigga shift gear. niggas love shift gear.
It will be fine in gen 10 when mega return and all the paradox shitter get permacut to dlc hell
Literally the first post anon. OP claimed Metagross to be the ONLY non-dragon pseudo without taking into account T-tar. A Johtomon, that some people despise.
Nobody even replied to him

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Just a reminder that Pokemon is P2W. Several top Pokemon are locked behind a paywall that someone at some point had to pay money for, and is much easier to obtain by paying money yourself.
So long as any game company (namely GameFreak here) keeps this P2W model, it's perfectly acceptable to cheat yourself.
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just because it has been a thing for a long time does not mean it is a good thing
>Enamorus and Ursaluna
>competitively important
The delusion of plafags
Good, Bad, Im The Guy With The PKHeX
It sold as part of the appeal. Link with friends, trade with the other version, complete your dex together. What you see as a bad thing is seen as a good thing by the majority.
>complete your dex together
when's the last time we got the "gotta catch 'em all" logo?

maybe, just maybe, this whole "trade with other versions" is a scam to sell the same game twice, crazy theory i know

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Pretty sure there was some decent TM for Charizard along the way
Either way as a kid I simply had fun spamming seismic toss because I liked the animation
That's because Blue uses the Eeveelution at level 25 in Yellow.
Play the game.
This is fine actually. They did that so Blue's Flareon would know ember when you fight it for the first time since in rby a trainer pokemon's moveset is determined by the last 4 level up moves it would learn with a few exceptions.

Either they code an unique encounter or change something that affects nothing o get the same result in a fraction of the time.
>GF at its finest.
The Eeveelution movepool.

Yet everyone goes after Flareon for what others like Glaceon are equally guilty of. What is that 130 Special Attack going to do when Glaceon has a dickshit movepool of STAB + filler that is mostly physical?
Why don't you niggas play the game? Blue still uses an Eevee at Pokemon Tower, first time using a Flareon is at Silph Co, at Lv 40, it would be using Ember either way

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You did not ask for a better product. You asked people to identify what product is done by a billion dollar industry. You fucked up making your point with a piss poor example. Bow out, learn from your mistakes and try again later.
SMTV was my first game after seeing nothing but praises about the series and how it mogs pokémon in every single way
The battle system is even more braindead than Pokémon, it might as well not exists or have autobattle
I tried the hardest difficulty thinking it'd be more strategic, I switched to normal thinking maybe the game was tailored for normal all along
Nope, all you ever do is build the team that hits the boss for supereffective, that's fucking it

I would have rather had a walking simulator at this point since the overworld is actually pretty to navigate, I liked that bit
Are the other games like this?
I thot amerisharts supported le capitalismerina and shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet?
That was the case originally, but SMT is only really still alive for the diehard fans. Persona has completely overtaken SMT and ATLUS would rather keep shoveling Persona 4 and 5 down our throats forever.
I am not the OP, retarded autismo

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I am a geezer standing in the dusk, mesmerized by the gulls.
Gazing fixedly into the blue sea, I bemoan with shed tears,
as I yearn for the lovely gulls soaring above the blue harbor.

last thread >55622292
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This has gotta be my favorite genre of fanart. Pokemon and their trainers just living their lives together. Not battling or training, just being friends. Nothing makes me yearn to be isekai'd more than this.
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Posting some of my friend's stuff because they absolutely nail this vibe
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>Only non-dragon pseudo legendary
>Easily the worst designed pseudo legendary and the weakest
How does he do it?
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What's the point if you're just going to try and pull some shit "gotcha" like the buck you are?
who has a photo of tyranitar in black socks? mmm!
>thats a Ho-

I feel like it should be a customizable option. Just add a button to make your character remove their shoes. PoGo has it. At the very least make it an option when on beaches, inside houses or in water.
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>he thinks he owns an Aryan princess like Lillie
Lol. Lmao even.
I'll lick both of them then
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Lillie's feet? Only for Chicken!

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WIDE Edition

The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

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For any madlad with cash to burn.
>Also, fun fact, the May version of this plush lines goes for half that price new, and 20$ used.
I'm interested.
Everyone in /dg/ is AO
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Hey DawnAInon. This is the Anon who made the Alice requests last night.

Checking in to see how you are, as you mentioned you weren't feeling too hot yesterday. Hope you're doing better today.

Looking forward to seeing the second scenario and possibly lewds of the first when you're feeling up to trying them.
Get a room to do your gay erp there.

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Ciguatera Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

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i'd show you my rare pogo cards but y'all are no fun here
i know
>too ashamed to share shitty collection on /tcc/
>too ashamed to share shity deck on /tcg/
>too ashamed to share shity deck on /tcg/
aint nothing going on here anyway, may as well post fun shitty decks

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Are we ever going to see Ultra Necrozma in a game again?
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Only when we get a game where Z-Moves return, in other words a game that takes place in Alola.
-"wIlL We EvEr aEe [final boss] oF ThIs GaMe AgiN?? OhW My GaH!!!!111"

Why are pokémon players like this? They have the understanding level of a downie. they never played a videogame outside mainline pokemon. they are casualism itself incarnated, plus pokemon spoiling them so much for so much time made them like this
Nice pasta, bro. Should've let it cook a bit longer though.
Fucking retard.
looking good necrobro
youre italian? lol

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Do it for him!

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread Question: What's your OC's "postgame" (as in, what will they do or plan to do when their main storyline finishes)?

>Thread Task: Draw your OC interacting with a canon character.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

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He lives
One dumb idea I had was Dragapult learning Iron Head. The idea behind it was that the horns gain the Steel Energy and then protrude upwards like thin long rectangular spikes, and since it has a flat head, landing a hit should be easier and hit hard. I'm not sure how exactly it would do such a thing, however, because it can't learn Steel moves at all. The first thing that came to my mind was exposure to Archaludon since they're often used in tandem to cover each other's weaknesses. I don't think I'm going forward with it but Dragapult using its triangle head as a battering ram is entertaining to think about, especially as a nasty surprise against an uppity Fairy.

This also brings up another point, however. What exactly goes into determining which Pokemon get what moves? Why the fuck can Hydreigon learn Earthquake? Sometimes it's obvious that a Pokemon isn't given a move for balance reasons, but other times the decision appears completely random. This is why I'm generally in favor of people bending the rules a bit with learnsets, as long as it's not something ridiculous like Mawile learning Dragon Pulse.
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I'm totalled
I'm wasted
I'm tired
I'm pooped
I'm burned out
I'm out of gas
At least I have this old pic

Tweny's post-game is to pray that Charlotte would have a good life

Would be nice to have a large family tree

draw Tweny's random descendant!!!! Hahaha
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In the very early days I was contemplating whether or not to give Alex a Hydreigon. I decided against it because of Ghetsis and also because it would take too much effort to raise for Alex. I did have the idea of him having a Deino in Act 1 before giving it away due to it being too rambunctious. That Deino is supposed to become Ghetsis's Hydreigon.

I'm actually going to push back on myself on this one. Hydreigon is said to be "very intelligent, but it only thinks of destruction". EQ, obviously, is a very destructive and spammable attack. I don't agree with the sentiment that EQ requires some kind of action like stomping on the ground to trigger it.

When you are using a Physical attack, you are literally using your mind to imbue the power of the Type into your body and using it as a conductor to deliver the energy into your opponent's face. You are PHYSICALLY hitting the target with the energy. This is also why attacks like Rock Wrecker and Icicle Crash are still Physical despite being ranged, you are using your mind to imbue the Type into an object that you summon (also using your mind). EQ is literally using the power in your mind to imbue Ground energy into the ground and hit your opponent. And since Hydreigon is an inherently violent and powerful species, it should probably be capable of using its mind for EQ. This is opposed to Special attacks which are a direct manifestation of the Type's energy. When you are using a Dark Pulse you are channeling the Dark type in its raw form and firing it at your opponent, no conductor necessary. This is also probably why Hydreigon can learn Focus Blast, it has a very intelligent mind and can use it to Focus its energy and fire it out through its two other hand-mouth-head-things, even though traditionally the move is only used by Pokemon like Machamp. This does raise the question of how Hydreigon got access to Flash Cannon and Steel Wing, however. Perhaps an evolutionary adaptation against Fairy
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>Tweny's post-game is to pray that Charlotte would have a good life
Sir, I've seen the drinking habits that run in the family. Maybe that's more of a New Game+ goal.

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I traded a Porygon egg to my new Platinum save file to use it as my starter. Porygon is really cool and Platinum even gives you one at a reasonable time, but now I get to look at the little thing from the jump. So many moves it can learn, and having Trace for the whole game will be handy.

Also shoutout to Platinum for probably being the quickest (old) game to allow you to trade eggs around and shit.
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Jamming to that techno-beat
It was time travel shenanigans, but I remember be the game came out someone imagined a husui porygon made out of origami. That would've been neat
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The shiny makes itself

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Fire Week Edition

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?

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I don't find the candy boost to be all that important. Sure, you can dump the equivalent of up to 700 candies into a pokemon with it (provided you have 350 candies in the first place), but the game is so slow that I'd rather have something I'd actually be happy to level up rather than immediately boost the first half-decent thing I found. Especially for a new pokemon, jumping the wagon means you're spending a lot of your pokemon candies that are even more limited than normal. You only really want to boost a pokemon up to level 30, and that might take 3-4 days of your boosted candy allotment, so there's no harm in waiting until at least midway through the event.
I appreciate this response, those are definitely some good points. I guess it really is more about maximizing the long term benefits over a payout of potentially months.
I partially wrote that comment to try and rationalize investing and evolving my BFS yet neutral nature growlithe but what's done is done lol. I'll try out waiting a little longer for an S tier vulpix this time.
I've got 31 open slots, everybody's welcome!
The candy boost events are spread out enough that you're likely to have gotten Pokémon that justify the boost.
Like you say they're best used on Pokémon that have yet to hit 30 due to the sharp rise in dream shard costs, but I'd argue you can justify it in the late game if you're rank 55, and all your research EXP is being converted to dream shards.

The justification is species of Pokémon which have more challenging evolution requirements like Larvitar and Dratini, and making your limited candy go further.

I used 100 boosted candies to get my Pupitar up to level 40, the rest of my time at Taupe Hollow this week will get it to level 41, then I can finally evolve it using 100 candy from my handy candy stash.
As doing so changes it to a Snowdrop Tundra specialist, I'll wait until I'm done at Taupe Hollow and have a use 250+ candies mission.

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