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Why can’t they just have umbreon and espeon be evolved from the sun and moon stones? They pretty much did that one time and they even moved on from leafeon and glaceon being evolved from touching a specific rock on the map to just getting a leaf or ice stone. Hell, make Sylveon evolve from a shiny stone too or something while you’re at it.
remakes when?
Gale of Darkness had to do that as a work-around because there's no day/night cycle.

Friendship is piss easy to raise, especially now that it's been merged with affection

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I just finished another semester of college :D can we get some mudkipz in here to celebrate.
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Congrats, OP! Hope your semester ended on a high note! :)

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this game will be amazing..

Lysandre and AZ relative will be powerful
the megaevolutions will be shocking
the lore will be cool
the music will be supreme
the gameplay will be the most fun so far in the main series
Megas are what got me back into playing Pokemon and the fact that we will be getting new megas has me beyond excited.

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Which game had the best meteor falls?
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Emerald for gameplay, ORAS for aesthetics.
I always liked the OG Meteor Falls. Being golden made it look like if I stepped into outer space. This feeling increased when I saw the Solrocks and Lunatones.
The twinkie colored one is the best.
ORAS but i dont remember the composition of the originals. the music is great in oras tho

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It takes place a few years AFTER XY.

Not before. Let alone like a hundred years before.

Get over it.
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Reminder that "everything is a pattern" is a more intelligent than "nothing is a pattern"
why don't you post some proof then, you dumb FAGGOT?
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Alternatively, have you considered that Legends ZA is about making a new legend that will be told for countless generations to come, rather than fully telling an old one?
Legends Arceus was ultimately there to expand upon the lore of Sinnoh's mythos, which mostly dabbled in the nature of the relationship between Man and Pokemon as well as Arceus and the gods who shaped the world.
But you can't really go back to depict Kalos' history because its history is primarily focused on an extremely grisly war founded on countless bloody deaths, Pokemon being treated as expendable weapons and the suffering of many, and the absolutely miserable state everyone would've been in after the Ultimate Weapon's firing and culmination of that sheer degree of death marked the end of the war.
you being obsessed with your wrong theory and spamming it isn't going to stop you from being wrong
yeah I'm sure you like to tell yourself that as you repeatedly get BTFO.

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Squirtle is going to be the very easy mode of Legends ZA isn't it?

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I finally got all the gold symbols bros. How did Gamefreak expect 12 year olds to beat this back in the day?
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Congrats anon, enjoy that starf berry
Same here, got a silver print in Platinum’s Factory as a kid
The whole weekend? It would take me a whole weekend to breed and train one Pokemon with good stats in a weekend, how did you do it so fast? It took me 3 1/2 years of mostly playing on the weekends to beat it.
I played on an emulator with the fast forward to speed things up. While I did EV train and make sure the mons had good stats, I didn't bother breeding for good IVs since that was gonna take for ever.
You must have been playing at like x20 or did save states, jesus christ dude
No save states since I consider that cheating. Just the speed up feature with the emulator.

Welcome to /wfg/!
This is the thread for all your Trading, Battling, Raiding and Camping needs!
Wanna try the team your building? Maybe need a Pokemon or two to fill your Pokedex? Wanna do a Giveaway? Need a carry for a difficult Raid? Say no more.
Please try to not trade modified Pokemon, or at least try to let the other anons in advance.

Have fun Anon, and be excellent to each other!

> Waking Wake & Iron Leaves will be available once more until May 6
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Ain't no bumpin once the bump limit is hit. Now I need to know something Should I make the new thread or should the general rest once more until we get enough news to spark interest?
I'm of the opinion that a trading/raiding hub should be up no matter what, before /wfg/ centralized everything in /vp/ there were giveaway threads, or battle threads, or multiple trading ones for a reason, there's always someone who needs something in-game
If you want you can let it rest until 7 stars Primarina raid
>I'm of the opinion that a trading/raiding hub should be up no matter what, before /wfg/ centralized everything in /vp/ there were giveaway threads, or battle threads, or multiple trading ones for a reason, there's always someone who needs something in-game
I actually agree but the problem comes from how many people actually need any of that stuff now? As soon as the weekday hit and everyone is busy with important things, No one is around to bump the thread or participate in it which leads me to wonder if this should be a weekend thread like /shg/ used to be until it got enough members to become a general.

>If you want you can let it rest until 7 stars Primarina raid
I was honestly thinking this but I didn't think it would be fair to just let the general die without explaining why.
I agree too, having this thread up is convenient as fuck, but since the USUM days this board's old in-game related threads have slowly been replaced with imagedump threads.
since I've been making many of the recent threads and reworded the OP I guess I can assume full responsibility to keep the general alive, at least until we get enough playerbase to keep it alive naturally.
besides I was going to do a small giveaway today anyways

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Cynthia in the 80's
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>Loli Cynthia is the best cunny in the series
Loli Cynthia should groom lolier Dawn
fake Shun
Move to the USA and get rangebanned there so a lot of innocent /vp/edos get rangebanned too
i want to go back in time and sniff her shoes

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Get a Togedemaru, grab Flamigo by the legs, and start playing some croquet.
surprisingly good for a regular playthrough. hits pretty hard and has good coverage, wish it had an evo that further changed the basic design
why is this thing has 115 base attack.
because Game Freak wanted it to succeed so that people would like it instead of hating if for being a shitmon

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What happened? /vp/ used to actively shit on objectmons, and now you shill for them and even actively encourage them. I remember Klefki being leaked and it was a huge outroar.
Now they have a literal fucking bridge with eyeballs and the board jacks off to it.

I want to go back to hating objectmons :(
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Objectmons are fucking kino and everyone who says otherwise is either retarded or trolling. Simple as.
Plenty of people shit on this thing, I don’t know what you’re talking about
what the fuck BASED??
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>but it's not LITERALLY a magnet.
Fucking retard.
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Trying something new edition!

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: Has your OC ever done any volunteer work? Working at a Pokemon Day Care, cleaning up a local park or route? Was it their choice or were they dragged along by someone else? Did the experience do anything to shape the Trainer they are today?

>Thread task: Draw a new outfit for another OC!

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

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I just realized something. Is it actually known who the OC and artist in the OP image is? I don't recognize that character or artstyle from anyone else.
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Yesterday and today didn't actually bring much new content to the table since bibi and axel caught whatever horrific throat mutation killed koanon. We have proof that roukanon, tweny and the gremlin are alive and the archivist is a fucking mess and that's about it, so the thread only actually has three days worth of OC to it.
Some recent drawfag who participated in the last few threads. Cozy artwork.
Don't forget me, the non burger who watches the thread while you guys sleep.
Good night btw.
Thank you, boo

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too right i'm not a yawnfag scholar, i mimimize the amount i have to interact with or think about that dipshit at every possible opportunity
>No it isn't.
Yes it is.
>Because the game was already executing everything it needed to
>The whole theme of Gen 5 is coming together with different ideas
with the notion that we should work towards a better future that's not necessarily easy to achieve, yes. This goes hand in hand with not looking back to the pst for the answers.
>understanding =/= accepting
Even still, you can accept the legitimacy or someone's position without agreeing with them. The point of Gen 5 was never to agree with everyone, but to understand their reasoning for their beliefs. It was never to accept everyone's opinion.
>Yes it is.
No it isn’t.

>It didn’t execute everything it needed to because it was rushed

>This goes hand in hand with not looking back to the pst
Kyurem not being shitty and incomplete has nothing to do with looking back to the past.

>The point of Gen 5 was never to agree with everyone, but to understand their reasoning for their beliefs
Understanding != Accepting.
Technically Kyreum wasn't part of the original dragon, it is the zombified husk of it.

Come one, come all this here be CRINGEKINO

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
This game is Pokemon Odyssey, a self described fusion of Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey, and Made in Abyss. It features a new story and region heavily inspired by the stratums of the Etrian Odyssey games, complete with FOEs and plenty of remixes of Etrian music.
After that horrible last fucking game we did, this one looks really good. Let's see if it lives up to expectations...

>Download Link


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator (might be buggy if using dark mode or certain extensions)
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his 6th pokemon is your boy sneedoking
i'm probably going to find everything except ice beam or an electric move for the skarmory

>Breloom gets Spore from the Relearner
The battle house ids actually pretty good now that Sneedoking has Poison Jab
image limit, i'll bake

looks like freeze got turned into frostbite from PLA

If they don't eat Pokémon, then what is she fishing for?
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That's a guide for companies that are using Pokemon to make their own products. GF and TPC often don't follow a lot of the guidelines set in that guide.
This. It's just a style guide for merchandisers.
If they themselves don't follow these guidelines, then why do they want other companies to follow them?
Just as an example, imagine if they let other people make merchandise or other stuff featuring humans eating Pokemon. It'd be way to much work individually making sure retards don't go overboard than it is to just tell them not to depict it.
fish. animals. they also eat pokemon though.

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