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I am a geezer standing in the dusk, mesmerized by the gulls.
Gazing fixedly into the blue sea, I bemoan with shed tears,
as I yearn for the lovely gulls soaring above the blue harbor.

last thread >55622292
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messed up the last thread link
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Might make this one my new wallpaper
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Usually I wouldn't even think of getting into an old, rusty car like that but something about the pokemon makes it feel real comfy and safe.
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What a comfy spot! The flowing river, coupled with the sounds of the forest and surrounding Pokemon would be incredibly relaxing.
Is that a Slowpoke with a...
... well, that's different.
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I'm not the best at drawing things, but I do like to take photos.
I like to imagine that, if the pokemon world was real, I'd spend my time taking photos of pokemon, instead of trying to do battle and stuff.
I see your pictures on here sometimes. It looks like a fun hobby, keep it up man. Thank you for sharing them too.

There's a photographer character in Kalos I think, also of course Todd Snap. I expected a Johto Snap after the first game, but it never happened. They could totally make a new one with each new region, alas!
it really is fun! makes me imagine I'm in the pokemon world, and that always is nice.

wish I had a full party of pokemon to assist me with it, but I am fully capable of doing it on my own -w-
<3 Farfetch'd
Are the Pokemon Snap games your favorite Pokemon games? I'd prefer taking photos over making Pokemon battle, too.
You take great photos, btw. I really like the angle you capture your shots at, and how you set the scene for each of them.
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Big rock snake is a big softie
What a cozy room!
>this is chansey mceggs tuning in
>breaking news
>everyone died

>do you see this shit delibird
Modern Pokemon cards are doing an amazing job of showcasing the slice-of-life theme. Most are just a couple dollars or less, so I would definitely recommend anons check out some cards and buy them for the great artwork.

Check out:
>Trainer Gallery and Galarian Gallery in the final few SwSh sets
>Illustration Rares and Special Illustration Rares in SV sets
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funnily, enough, my favourite pokemon games are Shield, Moon (Acerola my Beloved), and Legends Arceus. I do have New Pokemon Snap, though!

2 days ago, I went for a walk with my dad. he got to fly his drone and observe the surroundings, I got to have a nice nature walk and take some really pretty photos. The one attached being one I took.
Although, the pond I took my Poliwag photo in has gotten muddy currently, but it'll be walkable in the summer! what will disappear, however, is the sort of "swampy" areas..

..need to order a yanma figure and return there before it dries, or another pokemon that'd fit. any suggestions?
What the fuck? No wonder people were joining up with Team Rocket, look at that spread.
Saved. These pics are sick. Do you upload anywhere?

>any suggestions?
Quagsire or Clodsire. Practically any of the Gen 4 Safari Zone mons too.
if you inspect any of my photos close enough, there will be a watermark of my socials in them! I make them visible enough for people to see them if they're looking for it, but invisible enough for it to go unnoticed if someone wants to steal the image.
What a relaxing-looking spot
I thought you were fucking with me at first but I see it lol
Another great shot. It's just where you'd expect to see a Venomoth hanging out in the Pokemon world! It must be exciting thinking about future spots to take photos, huh?
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forgot to reply to the second bit of text. Quagsire would be a neat idea! As for the great marsh pokemon? honestly? not many outside of Barboach, Yanma, and Croagunk make sense, really..

yea! as said before, REALLY hard to find. Helps that I never really put them in corners, and I change the colour of it every time so it blends in. I don't like art where the watermark is so violently loud that it's the only thing you can pay attention to, y'know?

it really is! I had this photo in mind for ages, and I finally got both the figure and the pokemon for it!
This is the best thread on the board
I can almost see that Grookey banging on that log with its stick! Such wonderful creativity, anon. :)
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Where do you guys find all these artwork?
Nowhere in particular, just the popular art sites
I want to live in a home full of Pokemon! I would want each of them to have the most comfortable life possible.
Bump, because OP lives in India
Sometimes I just use Google Image Search to search for art that I like. Other times I'm browsing Pixiv, Pinterest, Danbooru, Buhitter, DeviantArt, and the like. There's a lot of art out there, it's just really spread out.
I'm with Delibird
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Often imageboards throughout the years so hueg collection, but Pixiv is the true treasure trove. Literally endless art for every tag. Make an account there and soon you'll be sick of saving hundreds or thousands of images. Boorus usually are just filtered Pixiv results. DeviantArt is the third wheel for me, but some extraordinary western artists only use DA.
why does oak looks like a groomer?
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i wanna live in fox town and snuggle all the foxes
Saving a good thread from Shaun's rampage
sorry for the late response! got nuked because apparently reporting cropped porn for being nsfw is a false flag. thank you, though!
based anon
That's messed up. But anyway, you're welcome! Hope you get a chance to take some new photos soon!
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thanks, anon! I hope one day to go to a camping trip for a few days to take new photos -w-
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Love this artist
Wouldn't Alakazam just push the wheelbarrow with his mind?
Gotta use those muscles once in a while otherwise he'll be nothing but a lump
so exactly the issue with his mega form?
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This would be perfect if onion jesus was dead.
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Onion jesus?
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With his emo eyeliner.
>Alakazam doing manual labor
>One of the smartest pokemon that's a genius and prefers telekenesis to walking at all doing labor
This irritates me, maybe I'm closer to being autistic lile this board is than I thought.
Can we really assume that all Pokemon act and think the same? Maybe this particular Alakazam enjoys walking and using its muscles. Or its mental capabilities could be... uh, "lacking" compared to others within its species.
I invite you to expand your perception of the Pokemon world, which surely allows more diversity than you might at first think. It probably has a nickname, and lives a life with it's trainer. Perhaps this Alakazam's Special AT/DF IV and EVs are low because it was one of the dozens of Abra bred for a competitive trainer, but lost the lottery there so it was leftovers - but has high AT/DF IVs; not only that, but the local biodiversity of a remote area is small, so on the rare chance that it needs to battle (unlikely), then it probably only has a few species it would ever encounter, hence low EVs. Perhaps this one only just now turned "Level 16", and it already used all of it's "Power Points" today while levitating it's owners across the water to arrive at the only local piece of arable land. Maybe they only use it's special power for especially impossible tasks, but most of the time this Alakazam just lives a normal life.

Not every Ponyta is a racehorse just like your Japanese animes, nor every Jigglypuff a primadonna, etc. Not every Alakazam measures to the height of precisely Four Feet Three Inches, naturally some are shorter or taller. Some probably have smaller or larger ears, or darker or lighter features, or different colours entirely (aka Shiny, which we only see one variant of). Pokemon are not one-dimensional carbon copies of every member of the species, instead they are all different just like people are. The representations we see are just the average. AJ in the anime showed that not all Pokemon need to faint immediately when confronted with the Type they are weak to - you can train for that. Similarly, an in-game house is not a few sprite shoulder-widths wide, it's bigger on the inside. Every trainer would not begin in Pallet Town to follow a linear predefined gym route. Everything in-game is a distorted representation of how it would actually be.
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I like this picture
A porygon AI helper would be nice honestly.
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This. A very reasonable and realistic take anon, nice
I feel bad for shiny Miltank. Its isolated from its friends
I missed that guy ;_;
Saving this thread from the bottom of page 10
Is this a location in any particular game?
I wondered the same, but I think looking at their other art, they just wanted to create an interesting landscape for the monsters to occupy. I find it more appealing than a boring white background.
y'know, if pokemon were real, I bet I'd have a small, but loyal team of pokemon that'd help me with life stuff. My go-to picks are Drampa, Grookey, Crabominable, Mr Mime, and Piloswine. 6th slot would be left open pokemon ranger style methinks.
Piloswine and Crabominable would be good, hard workers and friends.
Whoah, somebody expanded this piece of art. Awesome!
This has gotta be my favorite genre of fanart. Pokemon and their trainers just living their lives together. Not battling or training, just being friends. Nothing makes me yearn to be isekai'd more than this.
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Posting some of my friend's stuff because they absolutely nail this vibe
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Your friend is really talented, anon. How long have they been drawing?
Forever, basically. You can look her up, SenpaiTuba.
Cool, I will, thanks. :)
>PP: 10
don't waste the move on such a petty task
It would be Kinesis.
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This room is fuckhuge
I’d be scared of climbing up that staircase
i have nothing to contribute but i love this thread gahbless
christ. artist?
茉莉 / matsuri / matsuike
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thank you very much
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I'm back!
I got a small handful of photos, but these two are some of my favourites! (1/2)
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this one was a pain to get, but I am so happy I got it. the plastic base that holds it up is surprisingly invisible when plopped in water, so that worked really well.
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I would live here.
Of topic but was Gold and Whitney supposed to be gen 2 version of Red and Misty? It seems like Sugimori enjoyed drawing them together.
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Welcome back! What a nice variety of shots in the forest! Water scenes have to be particularly tricky to pull off, but gosh the result is a very cool one. :) As always, you do a great job placing the figurines in spots where actual Pokemon would reside if they lived in our world.
Why does playing a DS Light offend them so?
Crystal is incapable of being played on it
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I really like May's Ralts flip phone. It's the nifty kind of Pokemon merch that I wish actually existed.
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Looks amazing and beautiful anon. Especially the second one.
this thread is peak
Most illustrations with a character floating on plain background suck. Anybody can do that. To put the characters within an environment is peak fanart to me. More than other criteria, that's what "slice of life" means to me. If it's relaxing and nostalgic, all the better. The only time it bothers me is when the artist fills every inch of the canvas with dozens of different Pokemon - that always comes off as desperate and doesn't feel natural; but it works sometimes.
Is there a full scan or digital version of the DP art book somewhere? I keep seeing them in different places, but never all at once.
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I got a couple images similar to this myself, albeit not as good in execution.

Still, I find them quite nice for test photos I took for testing my then new phone's camera.
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And as a bonus, a flareon in some factorum somewhere.
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whys rural japan so much nicer
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very nice, very cool
This is my fav of the ones you posted. The little head tilt is cute, as is the way Vaporeon is smiling at the camera. :)
Photography Anon here! I kinda got stuck in a loop of life and now I came back.

Thank you! and they ARE tricky. the figurines often floated down the rivers that I took the photos in. They were the most fun ones to take, though. I really do try to find the best spots while not disturbing nature.

thank you!! :D

All I wanna say is that you're fucking killing it, man! these are really fun :o
they're not the same style as what I do, but they still capture the same essence, just in a different way.
>the figurines often floated down the rivers that I took the photos in.
Oh no! I take it some have been lost over the years? :(
Not.. in the way you'd think.
I'm usually quick on my hands with it and find it easy to tell when they're about to float away.

..but I vividly remember meeting a skuntank figurine over my neighbor's fence and never saw it again when I was like, 5.
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This makes 100%
>..but I vividly remember meeting a skuntank figurine over my neighbor's fence and never saw it again when I was like, 5.
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Had a basketball and a shovel, had an imaginative mind, catapulted a skuntank figure over my neighbor's Bush fence .w.

Never saw it again.
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This is funny, but it sucked at the time. RIP skuntank, now it's a skulltank.
Not something I expected to read today, or any day for that matter.
Why do sooo many people draw pokemon shit exactly like this? Or is it all the same fag still shitting these out?

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