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What the fuck was Hypergryph thinking? why is the whole meta of the game determined by this bitch now? dps higher than trashter the holungday and more versatile...
>be me, work at HG
>need new whale bait
>make a unit with higher dps than surtr and deployaple 4 times as much
>players somehow fine with this
>cool day
Are arknights players just retarded? is that it?
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I should really work on Saria's S3 masteries but I keep putting it off so I can spend my mats on newer and shinier ops instead.
Right? Still a solid m9 choice but I always sleep on taking her farther than s1m3. Meanwhile I budget and craft materials on CN's schedule so Virtuosa and Typhon were both m6 within a couple days of coming out, and during dead time I just waste sanity and materials getting e2/m3/stage3 on 4* operators so I can use them if I ever stop forgetting to go back and do old main theme challenge modes.
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>Brooooo let's make a boss who is literally invulnerable except for a 5 second window when you hit the device that takes nearly half a minute to charge also let's make him teleport around the map like a spastic high on cocaine to throw off the device timing also we should make it so he turns all the tiles into even worse versions of the ursus brap clouds haha and what if we made it so he just explodes and kills you after 10 minutes haha lmao
I finally beat him today but I find the whole invulnerability gimmick extremely unfun. Is there some kind of secret sauce operator that I should be using to make fighting him less miserable in the future?
True damage is very helpful.
how does racebaiting works in terra? what slur i should learn to each race?

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Did you enjoy the ending?
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I started playing this game earlier this month since it's ending. Got a decent team to endgame levels. Got bored. Haven't played it in a week. It deserves to die.
I remember yrs ago being so ridiculously hyped for this shit. I wanted to like it, but I'm a fucking degen and just wanted the female characters, and the pacing was a little too slow when traversing levels. It seemed kinda greedy/not much to look forward to, at the start at least. I should look up the ost, maybe? It'd be nice to have the 3D models in a gallery somewhere alongside their illustrations

I played Nier Reincarnation when it first came out. It was kind of glitches and the game even crashed once or more than once. Also, because I didn't link the game to an e-mail or social media account, I lost all my progress in one of the crashes and had to start anew. I eventually stopped playing and went back to shooter games. I might go back to try and finish the story. But Warzone mobile came out recently and I also went back to Fortnite and now I am playing 4 shooter games
So I just finished Part 1 and that was insanely good. I've heard Sun and the Moon has 2 paths, is there a preferred path? I don't think I have time to do both if given the option
you can't, servers shut down recently

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With Warzone being live and Activision no longer needing CodM to continue, does that leave New State to become the next big BR game? Made by the same makers of PubG and CodM, but updated graphics, was New State created to pick up where Warzone failed and where users will go when CodM shuts down? Or what other br games are out there with high user count?
With marketing money everything is possible

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Are there any good PVP mobile games? I know that most are low skilled pay to win trash but there has to be a FEW out there. All I can think of is a few card games and that one 40k turn based game when they have events that remove all upgrades from your characters.

As someone that like's pvp games I find it pretty sad that there's no good mobile ones.
there are only a few games that aren't pay to win like iirc the shitty mobile version of league of legends
but if you want >GOOD games then you're out of luck.
Skullgirls mobile has good PvP but it's either basic, no upgrades variants of characters (the competitive mode) or requires gachaslop grinding for 100h to have characters that don't die in two slaps each (the so-called casual mode)
the competitive mode was the only enjoyable part of the game for me but if you can tolerate gachashit grind then you might like the rest of the game too

You guys know any mobile game archives especially with ios games like infinity blade? Not archive.org. A specialized mobile game archive

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Does /v/ plays mobile games?
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that looks like a crypto miner or at least very shitty thing with how it doesn't have a pixelated font with the large numbers and the others.
Well, I do. And you do, so theres at least two of us that exist.
>This post
The fucking state of this board man. Fucking grim. Get back to your anime titty gatcha faggot.
what game
What's the game? it looks fun.

I mostly play puzzles and point and clicks
Life in Adventure

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What are your idea on game monetization schemes that won't kill the game prematurely?
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Just sell skins. Valve got it right.
Honestly a bad thread (if you were actually making a good game, a combination of using your head and apeing other devs would get you along for the first couple of months easily with no optimization or extra thought on the matter,) but I will take the opportunity to point out a game called It's Full Of Sparks, which had the fairest approach to video ad monetization I'd ever seen.
It's apparently changed hands since I last played, and the game now doesn't have the ads at all, but the essence is that you got limited gos at the challenge, after which you got a cooldown. You could partially refill by watching a video, and this would never be forced upon you and interrupt your flow.
You could also pay outright, which is a good option for... altruistic... "psuedowhales?" who will happily drop <$5 to remove ads on games they finished simply because they enjoyed it and the dev didn't bother with the typical long-term gamblesqueezing, borderline psychological manipulation, and overall "how little effort into original story/gameplay/design/experience can we put in and get away with" approach to mobile game creation.
I think Dan The Man also did a different implementation of optional ads, that one I actually played forever ago though.
relationship stories released as often as possible, it doesn't have to be anything groundbreaking, just spending time with your waifu
blue archive releases 4-5 relationship stories for each alt
whales will spark every single alt to get to continue their waifu's story
This solution is highly dependent on the quantity and quality of ads. I've used apps with normal ads of normal products that unlock extra features for the whole day, and I've seen a game with cancerous fake ads that have fake 'X' buttons that don't actually close them.
It's nice to have an option to remove the ads, or better yet putting the game on Play Pass in the first place.
Nude mod black market. You horni fucks want your waifu in her birthday suit? maybe a couple lewd poses or idles? how about a few lines about how she really, really wants your cum deep in her womb? and it's all legal and server side active, no one is gonna ban your account for breaking ToS.

All you have to do, is go to this online website where you can buy "commemorative" coins, to celebrate our time together with the game, coins that could, if you know how, be exchanged on another, completely different website for individual account "perks" that only work in your account. No one else can see them when you're online multiplayer, and if screenshots pop up somewhere here or there, your account is banned and you've never had an account with us, what do you mean?

This is on top of the usual gatcha shenanigans of course, we're innocent purveyors of waifus and skins after all, no strategic sales of animated porn and ASMR voices for strategic masturbatory purposes here, no siree.

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It may be hard to hear, but it's the truth.
Its truth, but Brawl Starts is better than CoC or BB
>no walls that waste all resources

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These threads keep getting deleted for some reason

Upcoming Events:

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>From Friday, January 12, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. until Thursday, January 18, 2024, at midnight.

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So what Ice weapons are you guys using?

I built a Legi SnS before I found out how awful it was trying to chase around or just plain hit B.Diablos. Regular Diablos is actually fine because it usually sits around long enough for you to break its horns almost back-to-back.

So then I swapped to Legi Bow, but then found out that's also not actually super great for a lot of the current Ice-weak monsters either.
Diablos/B.Diablos - Your only weakpoints are really the wings and you have to be moderately close to get your full damage with Rapid shots.
A.Rath - Does pretty decent as you can shoot its head and wings pretty freely.
Radobaan - Mistake. Its armor is basically impenetrable unless I focus the entire fight on a single piece, and even then it's not great.
Zinogre - Still a bit rough most of the time. Its head is the main weakpoint, but it's really small and moves around a lot.
Tzitzi - Easy headshots and super avoidable attacks.
Odogaron - Still get tripped up by its delayed and quick attacks, but is generally doable.
Lance is working out well for me thanks to the counter stab and gyro makes aiming really easy, but I probably would've preferred CB if I had the option back then.
>I built a Legi SnS before I found out how awful it was trying to chase around or just plain hit B.Diablos. Regular Diablos is actually fine because it usually sits around long enough for you to break its horns almost back-to-back.
Tell me about it. The only way I can kill 8* B Diablos with my SnS is by starting the fight with a full combo including shield bashes, and then perfect rushing when he does the step back. If he then starts digging instead of charging, it's already a ruined fight and I leave

SnS in general is fucking awful, really underpowered compared to the rest. If I were you I'd not fall for your own sunk cost and start investing in a hammer, cb, or greatsword. DB sucks too because you're reliant on perfect dodges and very long commitment to all your attacks, LS is boring and for trannies, lance is ok I guess you could do that too but it's not very exciting and it can be hard to reposition if you want to go for specific parts. Bowgun is giga busted but boring

I'm still investing in my water CB but once I get that to 10.1 I'm going to start working on a Legi GS. It seems ideal for all the ice monsters

>weak diablos tail you could insta cut with special TCS whenever they do a charge at you, same with azure rath
>good KO value on tackle lets you put tzitzi, radobaan, and rath out of commission quickly for easy headbreaks
>can actually reach Zinogre's head
>can actually reach Zinogre's tail because somehow SnS is so shit it can barely reach that
Only one it seems like it might be a bit shitty against is Odogaron but I'll still have an SnS in reserve for that
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Lance fucking owns. Diablos and Black Diablos is a fucking joke with Lance. Guaranteed tailcuts every time and I can always get a horn in too.
I use to have so much trouble with Diablos while using hammer. I felt like I had to absolutely perfect dodge everything so that I could get the chance to be aggresive. With Lance, I'm the aggressor.
Fresh bread

You are playing Square Enix's masterpiece pantsu simulator right?
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Kisara deserved so much better.
So is this the end of this thread
when is the global release?
Happy birthday Kanna
After BR Sun Global

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Do you ever open the calculator on your phone and press the buttons? I like to press 8, 8 is curvy.
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I do, but only when I'm doing the count and dividing up the aisles
Dial 8.
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Last week of the Half-Anniversary
>Both Easter Banners still up until April 21st.
>Barret Banner up until the 28th.
>Highwind is here!
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I like HP
Someone bake the new bread.
Big if true


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Finished a set of UniChØrd and working on hags so finally getting Haya-Coco growth lines
>Hayate is preparing to go out to meet Kokoa for a date
>Kokoa is doing makeup before going out and finishes with Hayate's perfume
Cute Yuri
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>got one 45+25 for my Esorin, others got 65%
>alright, let's see how much I get with HTL for now
What's the maximum possible with all 55k, 45+25? 2.5M?
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I am one of the 10,000...
Honestly I hate games that do random giveaways like this. People who don't get it will feel cucked

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Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience.
Previous >>1421104
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I'm so happy they're using Sooley more in promotional material.
Are Blade/Rei/Yakumo esports? I got Blade and Rei pretty early and I was wondering if I should just roll a bit more to complete the set
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Wuwa's first limited char
Blade and Rei yes, Yakumo no.
Funnily enough there are plenty of beruto in Boruto.

Dan Heng and Jing Yuan love child.

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