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Thread for MonmusuTD as well as other Kumasan games.
>Twinkle Star Knight
>Girls Creation
>Flower Knight Girl
>Mist Train Girls
Also other DMM tower defense games.
>Millennium War Aigis
>Oshiro Project: RE ~CASTLE DEFENSE~

Next chapter in Monmusu is coming along with the shop girl who is in fact Mammon.
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>>silva alt
>>brown megabooba mommy
>Gem saving mode is officially engaged.
Quite literally me, specially because idc about the new units' bedrooms, much less meta influence
The Silva is a youkai that will likely appear with the Nue youkai. The question is whether they'll jew her up making her paid only
Does Kuromi's MR shred apply to bosses? I'm guessing no, but I will test it later.
I love my sideboob wife Seren
I was hoping for a new OP since the current version is quite shit.
Debuffs always work unless explicitly made immune. Pushkinia is like the only thing with debuff immunity I think.

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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>implying they need consent
They're rapist.
>big titted bioroid jumps on your dick
Consent is self-evident in that situation.
That’s the thing, we just don’t know. The sidestory plays it as comedic with her believing that but we have seen bioroid ghosts in the end of Wristcut’s chapter.
Um anon that was a hallucination. No one else saw the ghosts.

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So why aren't you playing this game. You don't need translations. It's autochess with priconne leveling.
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>those eyebrows
its like a separate being lives on the forehead
i thought anons liked uggos
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>licking bamboo launchers
shes pretty cute might r00L
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New character

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Who is the best demiurge? and why is it Stella? Did you collect your event Stella skin bros?
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I vote for this "nun". Either her, or the chocolate bunny. Or the new bride girl.
bros /e7g/ is making fun of us....
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definitely dianne, she has the lewdest default outfit

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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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nah, it's additional then crit only
and dodge equipment if you need dodge for some reason
Alreadly did the discounted pulls and don't wanna spend even if I can get stones easily due to returning bonuses and such. Though if I do coin a second copy, what branch is ideal to unlock first?
Shartly doesnt even make the team. Has a f2p tier hp stat and needs too much babying.
always bottom right > top left > top right > bottom left

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Why do you play gacha games?
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Only started AFKJ because it was day1 and if I ignore the whales I can progress at a decent pace until they inevitably introduce powercreep heroes that make anything prior obsolete.
Same as other gachas, as soon as I hit a wall for which I need an exclusive unit, I quit.
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I like low effort games. I also like beating the odds. I also like seeing hot anime girls in revealing clothing and (if it's a 3d game), will attempt to upskirt the ones with wide hips.
this but unironically
Day 2
Is #compass just alive in Japan but has 0 reach outside of it? It seemed like it was super dead from the searches, but the guides are near instant on JP sites, they just got another Collab and new char and the queues are near instant in JP timezones.

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Is Reverse 1999 any good or is it an asset flip of Star Rail?
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>Asset flipping from 3d game to 2d game
Anon are you retarded?
bros were getting labedled as pedos... https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1bxhfxv/pedophilia_is_rampant_on_this_hellsite_and_im/
Did OP give it a try?
Has the translation (both in the text and the voiced lines) improved at all since launch? I dropped pretty much immediately because it was unbearable.

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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
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Slowly making some progress, got Frigg 10-3 today. Had to spend a decent amount of resources to quickly build young jess (4*) but it was a pretty smooth fight. It may be time to start looking what ragnarok stages I can cheese with Frigg, even though he's not maxed yet.
Young Jessica ends up surprisingly useful in a lot of gimmick challenge stages that lets her use her personal buff on other people, so it was definitely worth the investment.
Really? More than just that fight? I'll keep that in mind, might as well build her all the way in the future.
There has definitely been stuff in the past like that, but I'm having a hard time remembering if it's just older events or permanent stuff. She might be fine for stuff like that at her current level, since it's hard to say that she'd be more useful in PvE in most situations than some of the other long range mages. But if you have time to build an extra character up, go for it.
3/5 challenges done, not so bad, was able to steal some controllers. I'll give challenge 4 a shot but my Odin is quite weak so I don't expect to go with shisuka strat. Challenge 5, fuck that!

Speaking of the event, there is no hidden missions or anything like that like the last one, right?

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Nussy is a japanese solo dev who makes roguelikes with high replayability and interesting progression mechanics
Buriedbornes 2 released recently and is available on Android, iOS, and Steam
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So... items that you unlock as rewards for example leveling up a faction are ONE time only?

you only lose inventory items if you die or abandon the run
you should take a crow skull if you want to be sure you won't lose something rare or that would cripple your build if you lost it
Stay safe out there and switch app windows every now and then, these games are so good I got the UI burned-in the screen
Where do I see the list of TMs availables? Also, do TMs only appear f it's a move someone on the party can learn?
>load up Buriedbornes 2
>see this
first Stellar Blade and now this?

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Another year with spider mech daughters!
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Excuse me, energy.
It took me around 4 hours, but I've cleared this week's rewards from Distant Trial. This boss had 70% deflect on atk while debuffed + bonus turn riposte + every attack was aoe healblock+spd/atk down on one target. This boss took a lot of time and without CR Suriel, I would not have made it.

Excuse me while I fall unconscious
Today was not a very busy day, but there was a lot of planning involved. With the downtime at hand (and my massive supply of 4* skillup keys), I recognized that I should raise a bunch of useful 4* AG's. Thus, today I brought Maika and Corax to level 50 (6 stars + tech level 5, all chip stages are open on sunday) using the event currency - for EXP cat orbs and starup fodders respectively.

Maika is a Tank, who is oriented on giving all allies action bar boosts. When she gets hit, her allies get sped up, and when her ally gets hit, that ally gets sped up. To be honest, raising her seems pretty overkill with Morris and Nepgear, but I'm sure the game will throw a lot of tanky, desperate looking fights my way. Her information can be found here - https://www.prydwen.gg/artery-gear/characters/maika

Meanwhile, Corax is a DPS unit, who seems to focus on speed. She can grant herself speed buffs and Stealth, in addition being able to 100% stun targets with her S3. One thing to add though, is that all bosses are stun immune, so it doesn't look that helpful. Her information can be found here - https://www.prydwen.gg/artery-gear/characters/corax

I've also decided to completely invest in CR Suriel that was rolled earlier. The reasoning behind that is that I need a solid red DPS unit, which I can farm SPD/ATK/crit gear for and that has utility. My second pick for that was raising Rosemary - she technically does a lot more damage, but an ability to grant partywide debuff immunity and no-sell death once every so often is just too fancy to not take. After maxing Quinn's S2/S3 and CR Suriel's S1/S3, my 5* skill chips count rests at 0. The rest of the chips go into Sirius development fund and towards Unique Armament leveling. Sirius and Angelica are due to be raised next, former because meta (I bet she facerolls even without skill chips) and latter because I want a green SPD/atk/statusacc set user that's not Roko. Used up almost all of my purple chips!

And this is mostly it for now.
I think I'll skip Purple Heart. If she lands all her lightning stacks, S2->S3 looks mean, but I should start saving rolls for the pavo
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Today! Today I rethought my farming priorities. After staring at the screen for minutes on end (as each Centaur 8 farming run takes approximately 3 minutes, with a chance of failure), I came up with a master plan to raise Verbena and replace Nepgear with her - after all, all her skills inflict DEF down (-70% somehow), including S1. Thus, she is now level 50/60 tech 5. I'll think on how to use her and what to do with her tomorrow.

I've also almost finished my second SPD/ATK/crit%/critdmg% set. I plan to use it on pure damage-dealer type characters like Black Heart, Sirius, Corax and CR Suriel. Right now I have 4 pieces done - they're not COMPLETELY okay, as some of them have +HP% and +DEF% where there should be flat ATK or crit dmg, and only one of them has a gold SPD stat. But all of them ARE from Centaur 8 or 9, which means it's time to farm Harpist 7. Here's my auto - it doesn't use the SPD set pieces yet. I wonder if this is good enough.

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I’m p,ayolaying flash party on my rog ally and it is a nice experience.
I like Sophia, she is really cute.
Are there any other mobile games that have pc ports? Any games you recommend?
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I wouldn't reccomend x dive to anyone
Just buy one of the collections
X dive is for the crazy fans that want fanservice
Mutant Mudds
Rebuild 2, Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadville, World Box
thanks, hitman go might be fum
this game has a really neat art style and polished visuals
wish there were more developers who made games with polished visuals for phones

Revived Witch shut down 7th May 2023. This thread is made in it's memory. What were your favourite parts? Who were your favourite characters? What do you think of the fan projects aiming to bring the game back
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I really miss the witch. Losing the game last year was very painful as it was one of the few things I still enjoyed at that time. Didn't even manage to clear the available story, got stuck after Snegurochka on a wyvern boss. But still listen to the main menu theme on a weekly basis.
One year since the Witch died.
Merry witchdeathversary
I never appreciated the witch when she was here but I miss how cute the game was
Revive the witch.
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i miss the witch

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Today marks its 3000th day
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>Do 30 co-op stages with bloated HP mobs
Kusopl despite new Airis is enough.
>got 750 gems from doing dailies
>wasted them and still no new character
Hoping this guaranteed 5* is worth the grind
Tfw collab again already
Tfw it's another Kimetshit Collab in 2024
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I wish the free character is someone else but it won't make sense with the weapon type

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what did you want instead
>The same cast in a different outfit
This is based, though?
maybe if those other outfits were more revealing
swimsuits last year was in late july iirc, probably youre best chance since they seem to have skipped the bunnys
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New Shadow and more characters like them.
I was happy with SFs being the ultimate version of a character, maybe you could buff them later with new gear, but I'm not rolling a second or a third SF Alpha, Beta, etc.

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Dragalia Lost is back on the table boys! I included a copy of the base apk and modified apk. Install the modified apk to play the game. If you don't trust me then install the base APK and patch it yourself. The rest is up to you to figure out. As of now, Dawnshard is the only one that supports co-op.

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cant believe all the love this game has, im so sorry for what nintendo did to you all
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how does currency work? do you have to play like a f2p or is there better options now? i never got very far in og dragalia
There's no premiun currency anymore, the game is dead and we still play it through private servers, in there you can ask the admins to give you everything or modify your savefile yourself.
Hey again /drag/
It's been a while since I last checked in, so here's a quick update for those of you who don't use Discord:

How we are handling the APK situation going forward changed. The APKs and the IPA are stored on the CDN now, and you can find links to them as well as general instructions for installing them here https://orchis.cherrymint.live/page/setup.html

I'll pop in again later if anyone has any questions (or you can ask through the guild chat in-game if you want). Have fun
im not fan of naoki saito art

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