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Anyone here play?
yeah when I was like 8 years old
Impressed that this is still going, hope you have fun OP
I remeber I did my first erp when I was like 14 in gaia....good times...

I can’t find the game, it was in the play store but now it’s not there. Perhaps the reason for this is updating my smartphone. The game was in the battle royale genre. First-person view.You could play with or without the Internet.I would be grateful if you write the name of the game or send me a link. The logo is something like this.
(Google translator)

Apple has allowed emulators on the App Store now so you don’t have to do a bunch of jailbreak nonsense to play retro games now, you can just download the program and play easy peasy. Surprised no one is talking about this on here. Just wish ps1 and ps2 games were available to
Not like you cannot do it before
Theres also not much to discuss about emulation, its there for you to enjoy, but it wont go away nor have anything new
>Just wish ps1 and ps2 games were available too
heard that provenance may come soon
Really good emulator, not optimized for iPad, wont fill the full screen. Its good but honestly cant wait for newer emulators, PS2 emulation would be amazing, the iPad pro's can easily handle it.

Good morning sir.

How the fuck is NOBODY on this board talking about slice and dice?
>Demo with One IAP to unlock full game, can even buy on itch.io and get a windows copy and android in one purchase
>Absolute fuckloads of content with plenty of characters, enemies, items and modes
>Tight game and good design despite RNG
Maybe its just early days for me but this is the first game I have played since Slay the Spire or Dream Quest that has captured the "magic" of those games, and if anyone on this gacha ridden board knows what im talking about, that alone should make you go play the demo of this game NOW.
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>Poet now has a mana cantrip and a spell that boost 1 the whole party
>New red T1 - Gardener, has a side that grows ALL it's faces, spell poison for 1 for 2 mana and is single use
>Forgot to add that enchanter now has a spell that flip the dice face to the other one
>You now pick your party at the beginning with the classic party being one and having 2 other different choices, this is the only way to access greens
>Crones aren't in the game anymore
>Z0mbie is not in the game anymore sadly
>Mimics now are less evil and only summon 2 HP slimes rather than bones
>New monster, Militia, hits hard but automatically fleeds if you shield their target for 5
>New monster, shade, become invincible for the turn after being hit once, hits really hard, really fucks you up if you have
>New boss, coffin, like a giant mimic that drops a T5 item if defeated
>New boss wendigo, turns one of your party members into a traitor who you have to use against your party
>New boss inevitable, becomes invincible for the turn every 5 HP dealt, becomes stronger for every turn that passes

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If I skip my last T2 hero and leave him at T1, will he get T3 eventually or am I forced to upgrade him to T2 next time a level up happens?

Forced, you can't get T3 heroes if your whole party ain't T2, that's one of the downsides of playing with coffin and one of the upsides of playing with housecat
It seems like there's more chatter between characters. A small detail but cool.
Sucks ass

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A while ago when I was barely 6 years old I remember playing a mobile game that was about a sleeping child where in his dreams he fought against different types of nightmares or something like that, every time you finished a level you pressed an alarm clock to finish the level, depending Depending on how you did it you will have 3 stars, however you lost the name of the game; If anyone of you can know the name of the game I will be grateful

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Anyone here play pocket camp? Do you think we can make this a regular thing?
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cand also dress up cute kitties
Name of this game pls?
it's not released yet
i too miss the days animal crossing was a hardcore life simulation
animal crossing is a dead franchise
bitches who spend shitloads on sims 4 dlcs ruined it when they infiltrated during the covid and got overly defensive over the valid criticisms of acnh from long time fans

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Actual good fun one that could get me hooked for several hours at least, completely focused, for when im travelling in train or waiting at the station.
I tried several gachas (Dokkan, FFBE, Last Cloudia, FFEC mainly) and i find myself just collecting the daily rewards but have no motivation to actually play the game.
I already finished Vampire Survivors on PC
I just don't like Stardew Vallew

I'm on iOS btw and Apple assholes wont let me emulate. I could but i either have to jailbreak my phone or install some shady apps and literally give them my Apple ID, and have to renew every week.

Preferably portrait mode.
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Literally for fuck's sake, in Desmume I can use Action Rapelay codes (on desktop) but in Retroarch/Desmume I can't why
In most ROM sites you just type [Game title] EU/NA/JP(Europe,North America and Japan respectively) in the search bar to get the version you're looking for.I guess if you've already downloaded them you'll have to look up the version yourself in the file repository
I downloaded my ROM from TPB, it didn't say much other than US version. I tried all the US .cht files from RetroArch and none of them do anything - and why are there so many of them?
They all have the same cheat options.
Try asking on /emugen/ in /vg/
So how do you play platformers or other action based games on mobile?

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Thread for discussing Omniheroes idle game

And the waifus
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All of them looking great, I think Leandra is the coolest, most aesthetic hero they've made so far
The two purple-y void girls don't do much for me. I dunno, the designs aren't bad or anything, but for some reason they just give me a cheap WoW or LoL reject vibe.
I like Audery. Audrey? Blindfolded big booba girls are sex. I hope she's barefoot.
I'm guessing Halysa will be the mostly free character this season, since she's the only non-Royal. I honestly think she's the hottest one so I'm okay with that. More choco booba is welcome.
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Leandra is amazing, she's a titty monster. Narissa is fine too. Can't wait for Halysa and Audrey. The models are accurate to their sprite
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Blindfold waifus are great too
Damn, not barefoot. Either way those designs are pure fucking sex. I guess I am a little biased since I have a fetish for girls having their eyes covered ever since the Desert Sorceress in Dark Souls 2.
I'm both glad and surprised that this game has managed to redeem itself after nearly dropping the ball with the censored S0 characters and then the meh S1 ones. It's still the most comfy and visually appealing idle gacha that I know of.

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I was thinking of recording a gameplay walktrhough no comment in my cellphone, but i can find for sake a recorder who onlys record intern audio, where do i find one?
did you try putting in earbuds into your phone? thats how i only record internal

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Season 2 starts 28th 4AM CET/27th 10PM EST

New classes, new gameplay mechanics and maps are being introduced.

S2 Classes Trailer:

Soul Knight Prequel is a pixel-art action role-playing game with loot farming. Kill monsters to improve your strength, or team up with others to collect treasures. There many many different classes you can choose from like Warliege, Shinobi, Mage, Bastion etc...

Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chillyroom.soulknightprequel&hl=de_CH&gl=US
Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/soul-knight-prequel/id6469258709
Official Discord: https://discord.gg/soulknightprequel

If liked Soul Knight you will definitely like Soul Knight Prequel.
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I waited to play it since the initial announcement, buy they didn't wanna bother making it downloadable from the playstore for my 8 year old phone, and any attempts at installing the API ended up in it just... not installing. So I gave up on it.
Well, the game released early 2024 so it's probably not trying to cater to mobile phones from 2016. I play on a Samsung 10e which only costs about 185 Euros. There are probably cheaper chinese phones with which you can play games at 30 fps for 100 bucks. You must be from India or trolling.
My phone works flawlessly for everything I need it for, INCLUDING this game, as I have actually participated in the beta and faced no perfomance issues. Being a consumerist tranny like you who needs to have new thing every year lest his tranny friends will make fun of him for not being hip and trendy is not something I consider worthy of bragging, personally.
>consumerist tranny like you who needs to have new thing every year...

Samsung 10e came out in 2019 you fucking retard.

>instantly thinks of trannies

>Samsung 10e came out in 2019 you fucking retard.
Taking everything literally is a sign of low IQ. Either way, not sure why you'd even deem it fitting to sperg out at me over a phone merely 3 years older than yours.
>muh obssessed
Do you also screech about homophobia any time someone calls OP a faggot? Dumb nigger.

I only got Gacha or otherwise online only games, need something better when going off the road without wasting much data or need to be offline.
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I like tomb of the mask when my internet is out.
you can download Joiplay and then play any Pokemon Essentials based fan game and more
Unciv. It's literally the only good civ 5 clone. It's has no ads, No microtramsaction shit, no gachashit and a tons of mod ton create such comparable experience like you playing civ 5 (the best Civilization series all time
Any games with character creation?
Candies and Curses

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Why the fuck is it so heavy? 30gbs? I haven't played it for like 3 years and it quadrupled in size! I can't fit it in my iPad anymore. What the hell happened? Im so frustrated because I can't play both GI and HSR on my iPad...
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jewish size for a jewish game which is why i only stick with png collectors 10 times less the size
The music I guess
they have been adding new areas every 2 updates, or 80 days. thats about 13 new areas since the 3 years you havent played the game.
did you really think the game was gonna stay at the same size?
also i doubt theres a phone out there with only 64/128 gbs of space that can run genshin properly. the game is more demanding nowdays.
get geforce now and join the queue.
Thanks for saving me the hassle of finding my controller.
>jewish game for jewish game
Nah. That's china sizes for a China game. Since Chinese is the jews of east asia

Kind of curious since the game's been going for a bit over a year now, anyone else play this? It's taken a good chunk of mechanics from Uma Musume at the start but I think it's established itself as its own thing now.

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Genre: runner game, action game, not an open world game

Estimated year of release: between 2010-2015, couldn't be later than 2015

Graphics/art style: 3d polygon graphic, more of an anime style, cyberpunk, cityscape, not dark or gritty

Notable characters: The character you play as is a human girl with long black hair, light skin, and she wears a tight dark suit (cyberpunk-like style). There are multiple skins for her, one is a red outfit, and another is a dinosaur/dragon outfit (there are more but I can only remember those two). She carries a sword or some sort of weapon. There is no other playable character.

the enemies are red robots. they are shaped like geometric shape (similar to the image below), (I think the normal enemy is more accurate to those from the game than the boss/advanced enemy). They fly in from far away and from left/right into the player's range of attack.

Notable gameplay mechanics: Third person, top-down view (to camera position is similar to subway surfers).

During the gameplay, the main character automatically runs on top of pipes, building, in a city/factory-like landscape. she carries a sword to attack robots coming into her. There are normal mode and hard mode (which the player can gain more point/score to buy skins/outfits). There might have some other "lanes" for the player to switch to (I'm not too sure about this one). I can't remember if the player can control her attack or not. There might have stages/levels, but I'm really not sure.

Other details: I played this game in around 2010-2015 on a HTC phone which was bought around 2008-2010.

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What the fuck was Hypergryph thinking? why is the whole meta of the game determined by this bitch now? dps higher than trashter the holungday and more versatile...
>be me, work at HG
>need new whale bait
>make a unit with higher dps than surtr and deployaple 4 times as much
>players somehow fine with this
>cool day
Are arknights players just retarded? is that it?
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I should really work on Saria's S3 masteries but I keep putting it off so I can spend my mats on newer and shinier ops instead.
Right? Still a solid m9 choice but I always sleep on taking her farther than s1m3. Meanwhile I budget and craft materials on CN's schedule so Virtuosa and Typhon were both m6 within a couple days of coming out, and during dead time I just waste sanity and materials getting e2/m3/stage3 on 4* operators so I can use them if I ever stop forgetting to go back and do old main theme challenge modes.
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>Brooooo let's make a boss who is literally invulnerable except for a 5 second window when you hit the device that takes nearly half a minute to charge also let's make him teleport around the map like a spastic high on cocaine to throw off the device timing also we should make it so he turns all the tiles into even worse versions of the ursus brap clouds haha and what if we made it so he just explodes and kills you after 10 minutes haha lmao
I finally beat him today but I find the whole invulnerability gimmick extremely unfun. Is there some kind of secret sauce operator that I should be using to make fighting him less miserable in the future?
True damage is very helpful.
how does racebaiting works in terra? what slur i should learn to each race?

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