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new freya sexo skin is out
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His poke is very satisfying to land, turning the tide of a fight with his ult feels so good also the way he CCs during his ult is just fun, although without his ult his 1 and 2 seem basic they're well done
>enemy team picks Dyrroth
My team basically lines up to feed him kills constantly

>I pick Dyrroth
Teammates ks and abandon me at the slightest inconvenience

>someone on my team picks Dyrroth
He chases supports under their tower and dies to secure the kill, dies immediately after to their carry
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>Just hit Mythic
>"egirl" account adds me as a friend to play games together
>several weeks later after a few messages person asks me to exchange charisma
>i send 70k worth pf charisma
>this motherfucker just send edited messages so it seems like I got something
>check my account
>nothing chnaged
And then i got blocked, anons i got baited.
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Thread for the best gaycha out there. Now in English!
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Is it me or are Fanza games, outside of some bad cases, long-lived in general?
That aside, we are dealing with games that are (production-wise) relatively low-stakes. Doing 3D graphics makes costs balloon, and action gameplay can easily turn into chaos for the server, which tends to be the single biggest cost for online games. Seen from that point, its easy to micromanage the gaycha budget.
I've been seeing lots of japanese posts shitting on the game lately
What happened?
Where do you even find random posts like that?
The only thing I can imagine is because they're pushing for more and more limiteds, but that's what happens in every gaycha, so I dunno how big of an issue it is.
>I was s
touken ranbu designs are garbage now every sword now looks like a fucking tranny they stopped making designs like doudanouki and yamabushi crap game
tonbokiri is better doko

Lissandra is here!
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wait they are killing the game?
Technically no, realistically yes.
They haven't been able to successfully monetize so they're trying a new approach and are moving their focus to PvE (Path of Champions) rather than PvP because it has more players and people who play for longer. But I doubt that's going to work, people aren't going to pay for that either and there's even less reason to buy skins/other shit.
To be clear, most cards and champions will be released for PvP but they won't be created with PvP in mind so some may not be (for obvious reasons), assuming they actually do create new cards/champs (they've said they plan to but you never know).
I like to think of power levels being relavent while playing potc. It gets silly when a 20/24 Mister Thrift takes down Baalkux but I blame Bard.
>event quest for a card back i already finished pops back up this morning
Yeah I had that happen to an emote quest earlier. I'm assuming it's just a bug.

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DBBDM General
I got into this kinda recently and enjoy it. SoloQ survivor sucks, though

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Discuss the DALSP, the ongoing remake of the game, and how Kurumi is the cutest

Remember to do your dailies!
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Chinks are getting a nostalgia server no clue if it will open for JP as well or even others. But it would be the pre-rework game but you'd never get updates.
So how is the JP version?
Is anyone of you playing it?
based boludos liking best girl
Are the chinese servers worth playing on?
No, ignoring the fact you need a Chinese ID or need to send them a copy of your passport to even get in, they won't be getting any updates regardless.

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What's your favorite character?
I like the priestess, combo damage and self heal
Basic as hell opinion, Rogue. Fight me. Just kidding. Don't... I beg you.

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>no Clash thread
I am confuse. Is this really only a gachashit board?
How are you lot doing? I made it into TH10 and now infernos are bodying me.
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You posted a brown anime girl. Royal Champion is black.
I don't know what do with my hero equipment once I get the spiky ball. Right now I have the 'stache and the gauntlet on my bk and I'm already running out of ores.
Interested in seeing what other anons have equipped
Gauntlet + Rage Vial still the best for BK.
Once your 'stache is at a higher level your BK never dies
Freedom at last

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Which game has a better story?

This is by far the best mobile game. It doesn't matter how "pay 2 win" or whatever the fuck end game pvp is. The pve alone gives you countless amount of content for free and it has Blizzard level quality polish that other games don't have.

Hell, even playing the pve on PC is fun.
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>not mentioning undecember
nigga only POE and undecember are free, the games that you shitposted about are paid dog shit
grim dawn is on GOG and has given me hundreds of hours of fun
if it was in mobile Diablo wouldn't matter
>if pc games were on mobile, mobile games wouldn't matter
Took you a while to think of that?
Genshin Impact is the best mobile game. Diablo Immortal is the second.
It's fun and I enjoyed pissing away time on the campaign. but past that there is no point to continue unless you're willing to drop thousands of dosh to be even remotely relevant in pvp/clan shit.

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Some new coomer gacha just dropped. Any of you lads try it out?
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who is this and how can I get her
I'm too retarded to figure out how to interpret this doc. Even translated it makes no sense, the thing I thought was the tier list can't actually be it
It's the sheet with the PvP and PvE columns and the letter gradings
>A cups
>still huge
Why do these devs hate flatties so much? Anyways this game is doing pretty well for a r18 game.
Yeah every character being a cow has started to get old.

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Limbus will have its first major update today, as well as its first banner with new units.
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It was KINO
Holy shit this thread is old, how fucking dead is /vmg/?
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Fairies are friends.
100k online players resulting in a server crash despite the cries of doom from bad faith politically driven idiots, you love to see it, just hope PM turned a profit over the LoR port/long break between wn events
Damn this side of the board for PM is dead.

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End of Service Notice for EN version. Fun while it lasted.
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Thank fuck.
Could be worse. At least they got an EN version unlike the S*nr*n K****a one.
Garbage IP that should have been killed off long ago
Credit card companies are currently going total death on jap porn, DLsite is in the same basket. No point in running a gacha where people can't even buy your currency.
I doubt it's that, otherwise they would have cut every single one in a fell swoop (Nutaku and Johren, not to mention Steam, do in fact still have Visa access). They also would have closed it much earlier than the three month expiration date they gave. The fact Kamihime is still going makes me believe it did in fact just flop.
all for the PayPal monopoly

Somebody put down a general description of what kind of mobile game they want to play and people answer games they think would be a good fit.
First example I would like them Three Kingdoms Mobile game with collecting officers well you don't need to play 24/7 and people can attack your resources when you aren't there. Then people try and find them a game that fits that description.
I am looking for a mobile game that is similar to final fantasy tactics ogre, or "Valiant Force 2".
Something turned based with pvp.

The best turned based "relaxing" mobile pvp games that I've liked so far are BraveNine guild war pvp, and Valiant Force 2 pvp.

Travian Kingdom type game for mobile would also be interesting, if the pay 2 win wasn't so bad.
I want to play a game that involves Soviet Russia in any way. It's my current autistic interest and I need something to satisfy it

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New trailer just dropped: https://youtu.be/4TmccWDP1V4?si=7ZuIfCy8XXU3glkm

Cherno sure has a lot of character development. You rolling?
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If it's just an item that you get, then no. I've never even thought to need it before. This is literally the only time I've ever encountered the situation of Katya getting cucked by the ice phase of the chinese new year boss. I also chose multiple buffs that eat your own HP to deal more damage, so it was ultra fucked. This has never been an issue for me previously, but I will no longer bring 5* Mauxir and I will instead bring 5* Cherno or 5* Haru
I learned my lesson when soloing with Frit and they added Fiend to normal PL. The elemental resistance is pretty awful unless she rolls Spark. In Katya's case, the Yin-Yang buff might do the trick?
Still, not the greatest idea to count on orange buffs showing up to carry the run instead of having backup plans built into the team itself to cover whatever the mode can throw at you.
What pillars? :)
What are your secrets?
Skill Spark (extra stacks of damage for skill hits)
Fritia II (get 4Frit support for using any skill and +300%)
Aptitude Break Defense (-50% ballistic but +400% for aptitude effects)
Cost Order/Strike/Ahead/Random on 4Frit (she won't be needing the hp off-field anyway unless you call her in at the wrong time)
Anything else that contributes to skill damage like Shooting Imbalance/Vulnerability, Cost Cycle, or counts towards the atk incentive

4Frit's support turns any gun into a skill+aptitude spitter. Spark makes skill hits hurt like hell. Aptitude Break Defense makes aptitude hits hurt like hell. 4Frit's unique buff gives it easy uptime and also makes it hurt like hell. You might not always get all the parts of the trifecta, but it'll spiral your damage out of control once you're aware of what to use rerolls for.

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Anyone playing this game? I started this game recently and been having fun with it but have no one to talk about it with
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Really nice game
Wish it was more popular
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can someone explain what the rice is for? I thought it was like stamina, but when I put them on auto combat in the dungeon, they kept fighting despite having no rice.
Rice is basically your stamina yes
Used for Slime/Goblin and Hunting grounds

They can still fight with no rice but you're not getting rewards
The combat seems good like it's simple enough to not be a chore but complex enough to be entertaining

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